Exchange Student: A Daminette

By whyamIlikethis200

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Just another Daminette... Alright so most Daminette happens when Marinette wins a class field trip to Gotham... More

Chapter 1: The New Kid
Chapter 2: Friends
Chapter 3: Good Things
Chapter 5: Tying Loose Ends
Chapter 6: Bothers
Chapter 7: Weekend at the Manor
Chapter 8: Suspicions
Chapter 9: Week One
Chapter 10: Week Two
Chapter 11: Winter Gala

Chapter 4: Surprise

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By whyamIlikethis200

. . . Marinette POV . . .

      When I came to, I wasn't in my room. I bolted upright and looked around for any indication of where I was. My eyes quickly rest upon a shirtless Damian? It all comes back to me, As I slowly turn pink. Damian is staring back at me with a smug look in his eyes. I punched him in the shoulder as hard as I could, then got my stuff for a shower and left for the bathroom.

          When I came out Dick had breakfast out, it was a box of donuts with a fresh pot of coffee. I took a giant mug filled with liquid life. Dick just shook his head and mumbled to himself "Oh god, another coffee addict. That isn't even a coffee mug it is a bowl with a handle" Damian didn't spare my coffee problem a glance, knowing from seeing me in the morning with giant cups full. As we are all sitting at the island eating Dick brightly exclaims "You're both taking a mental health day and skipping school. Although I still have to go to work so don't do anything too stupid. Kay?" I respond with a tired nod still waiting for my coffee to kick in.

After staring at the counter in front of me for ten minutes as the caffeine kicks in. I finally start speaking "So what do you want to do today?" Damian's instant reply is "Training." I nodded in confirmation before getting up to change again. This time I put on workout clothes. Once I was back in the kitchen He went to go change into workout clothes as well. As he walks back out he starts talking, "This is a five-story apartment building. Meaning it's one of the taller ones. We can train on the roof without anyone seeing and it's relatively soundproof to our neighbors. We tested it already above our apartment." I let his words sink in as I mentally picture the blueprints of the building. We are on the 5th floor with three other residents. So he is right. I shrug my shoulders before putting my coffee mug in the sink and going to brush my teeth. He rolls his eyes at me as he patiently waits. Two minutes later I'm out and following him to the roof.

"So what do you know about fighting?" Damian asks. "Nothing, I'm completely self-taught." This is my quick response. "Alright, so we can breeze through the basics and go from there." He states calmly. I beam at him and nod my head. He quickly shows me the proper stances that aren't too different from my own. Then we move on to punches, jabs, and kicks. I had all of them down except my elbows could have been tucked in more and Damian quickly corrected me on this. Then we moved on to the choke holds and how to get out of them. This led to different holds like the arm bar. It was now almost three, so we decided to do a calmer exercise of learning the different pressure points. Then we went back to the apartment for a late lunch.Wanting to relax for a bit we started playing video games. I just finished kicking Damian's butt at UMS 3 for the sixth time. When Dick walks in with three more people by the looks of it, Damian's family. Damian turned off the TV and stood bringing me with him. Towards the three strangers. . .

"Hello Pixie Pop. My name is Jason Todd. Demon spawns handsomest brother" the one with a white streak in his black hair says with a wink. The one leaning against the kitchen counter, looking about to drop dead, spoke next "Timmothy Drake, nice to meet you, just call me Tim." The one with a stern expression like Damian's spoke next "Bruce Wayne, Damian's father. I think we have some things to discuss." We shook hands and I smiled hesitantly replying "Sure."

  We discussed many things, like getting justice for the things my class did which my response, was to surprise me. We talked about what I wanted to do in the future, and how I was going to get there. I didn't tell them I'm Nettie. We talked about our responsibilities as heroes. To who my legal guardian should be, he said he would find me some family friends for me to choose from unless someone I knew was willing to adopt me. We eventually got back to the Paris situation when Tim screamed "I got it Hawkmoth is Gabriel Agreste!"

            My shocked face quickly turned into an excited smile. I was jumping up and down saying "I knew it! Fuck you Chat! In your face!" I whirled around to look at Damian, while simultaneously whipping out Plagg and saying "Let's go kick his ass, I have had enough of this bitch!" Damian took the ring and then we transformed in sync. So at almost 10 p.m. We were off. The rest of his family didn't even try and stop us. Then again they probably believe in Damian's skills.

         We arrived at the Agreste mansion. Where we waited and watched. Gabriel hit the buttons on the painting and we waited till he came back. I had also brought Trixx with me in case we needed a distraction, and for help breaking in. We jumped in through a window Trixx opened for us. Then she flew to the painting and opened it, we got out the Grimoire and the Peacock miraculous. Before hitting the buttons that would bring us into Hawkmoth's lair. Once our eyes adjusted, I could see a miraculous box sitting on a table I went to it, and opened it, and inside was the Butterfly miraculous. Just then Gabriel came down through the elevator and said "Give me your miraculous." I looked at Damian who was still transformed, just forgot to give him a cat-themed name. Gabriel pulled out a pistol "Miraculous now, I'll give them back after I bring back my wife." He must think a gun will scare me, but before I could act. Damian did. He had him out cold in 2 seconds flat. I must say it was impressive. So, we just left, back to the apartment.

          I detransformed quietly and put all the miraculous back, except for Tikki because she is my closest friend. I walked back out and said, "Well I'm free to leave Paris, and I graduate mid-term so. . ." I trailed off. Damian put an arm around my shoulder and said "Let's go celebrate." I chirped out a "Yes!" and asked if the others were coming they all said no. I caught Damian whispering something to Dick. I was curious but not going to pry.

Damian and I left for the second time this night, except not through the patio this time. We laughed about how the family doesn't know that I'm Nettie. The shock Tim will get when I hand him the jacket he commissioned last week. Tim was rubbing it in Jason and Dick's faces that he got a commission first.

         We aimlessly wandered around the city of lights and love our only stops were beautiful parks and Andre's icecream. It was another beautiful night and we were walking by the Seine river.

I leaned against the wall content to just watch the stars.

. . . Damian  POV . . .

            I watched her walk towards the wall and lean against it. With a content sigh leaving her lips, she just stared at the stars. Not glancing at me, I studied her, her beautiful, blue eyes reflecting the night sky, her hair still in a now loose side braid, her cheeks dusted with freckles ever so pink in the night air, her plump, pink lips were upturned just the slightest in a natural smile.

Somehow, some way, I was now right in front of her. Instead of looking at the stars, she was looking at me. My heart was racing, and I couldn't take it anymore my body crushed hers into the wall. My arms on either side of her head I towered over her small frame, my lips brushed against her ear as I spoke my voice slightly rough "You know how much I want you, right?" she whispered back her voice just as equally laced with desire as mine was, "No, You will have to show me."

           That was my last straw. I had my lips against hers in an instant. Her body lifted and pinned against the wall, not even a moment after. I held her by her thighs to keep her at my level while both her hands were in my hair all too soon we needed oxygen, our bodies screaming for it till we had to break apart panting heavily. With our foreheads still together, I breathlessly asked "Will you be my girlfriend?" Just as breathless she said "Yes" our lips smashing together once more. However this kiss was shorter, due to the lack of oxygen, we hadn't recovered from our last kiss. This time I nuzzled deep into her neck, still trying to catch my breath.

      Her hands left my hair and traveled to my shoulders. After a few minutes, she whispered "We should probably head back, eh?" My face was still buried in her neck, but I let out a small groan upon hearing we would have to return to my idiotic brothers. I lifted my head out of her neck and kissed her again. This time gently, and set her down holding her hand, we walked back toward the apartment.

        When we returned home. She kissed my cheek and headed straight to my room to start working on her commissions. I turned to my family in the living room that went silent upon our entrance. I cleared my throat "So what did you get for a plan on exposing the liar." Jason stood up and said "Slow down there Demon spawn. Are you even dating yet?" I just turned a shade of red in response. My family went wild before getting back on track "Alright this is what we got so far. . ."Dick started.

. . . Marinette  POV . . .

         I turned on Jagged Stone and started to finish Tim's jacket. After that, I finished some other commissions and got them ready to ship out. My music stopped because my phone died, so I checked the time. I had been working for about 2 hours. Is sleep a thing for this family? I thought Damian would have been in here within the hour telling me to go to sleep.

           Whatever sleep is for LOSERS anyway. I grab Tim's jacket and exit the room. I see Damian standing in the corner, I ran to jump into his arms. He caught me and I exclaimed " Hey Damian! I finished all my commissions for this month!" He kisses my cheek and sets me down while saying "Good job Jamila." I twirled around to look for Tim. All their faces were confused as to what was in the box I was holding.

Beaming I handed Tim the box  "Here is your Nettie original!" He opened the box and let out a girlish scream at the same time that Dick did, and Jason leaped off the couch and yelled "Wait, you're Nettie? Like the Nettie?" By now I'm laying on the floor laughing. After I caught my breath I replied "No, Jagged Stone just happens to have another honorary nice." Damian chuckled at my sarcasm, but it was Jason's turn to let out a girlish scream.

Then Bruce spoke up "So if Jagged Stone is your honorary uncle why don't you call him to see if he would adopt you? That way it is someone you know." I let out a small hum of thought before loudly replying "Oh yeah, I would have but he is always on tour and that would mean putting his career on hold." Bruce countered my response with " He can still adopt you and then you can live with us. If you want? I'm also still waiting on a response from Kent and Diana Prince" I looked up at Damian as I was still sitting on the floor laughing so hard. He said "It is completely up to you Jamila" "It is decided then I'll call uncle Jagged tomorrow" Dick then exclaims " Sugar honey Iced Tea! It is 4 in the morning"


2200 words


My math guys:
10 o'clock was when they left to defeat Hawkmoth
They back said 11:30 talked to the fam 12 they wandered around Paris returned home bam it is 1:30
Nettie worked on commissions bam it is 3:30
Another 30 mins talking to the fam now it is 4 in the morning.

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