Lucky For You

By xwriteratheartxo

106K 3.3K 355

After losing a friend, Clover Fields finds comfort in the one person who understands her feelings-Jared, her... More

Lucky For You
1 | Lucky & Thoughtful
2 | Lucky & Shocked
3 | Lucky & Awkward
4 | Lucky & Pissed
5 | Lucky & Tipsy
6 | Lucky & Hungry
7 | Lucky & Homesick
8 | Lucky & Lustful
9 | Lucky & Starstruck
10 | Lucky & Jealous
11 | Lucky & Hot
12 | Lucky & Avoiding
13 | Lucky & Coming
14 | Lucky & Drunk
15 | Lucky & Bruised
16 | Lucky & Sobbing
17 | Lucky & Hiding
18 | Lucky & Beautiful
19 | Lucky & Naive
21 | Lucky & Broken
22 | Lucky & In Love
1 | Lucky and Alive

20 | Lucky & Drugged

3.3K 116 43
By xwriteratheartxo

Chapter 20: Lucky & Drugged

"you took my broken melody,
and now I hear a symphony,"
~ cody fry


   A pair I never thought would get along were, in fact, getting along. Almost to a point that a girl was getting worried.

   Tilly sat on the edge of her messy bed while Griffin leaned against it, sitting on the ground. His head was thrown back as they both laughed, while I continued to regard them with an ounce of fear.

   Griffin was a poster boy for being nice, responsible and just not... having a cocky personality. Tilly was a cussing, tattooed filled mess with hair shorter than his. Together, the image was shocking.

   I was sitting on my bed, my back pressed against the wall with my phone laying idly on my lap. They were talking about the things he's seen on the field—mostly failed kicks turned falls—which Tilly enjoyed.

   Griffin and I ended up riding in his car a few hours ago, and since we had completely different tastes in music, we settled for the radio during the two hour ride. It was the thirty-first now, and the sky was already dark. We needed to start getting ready any minute now.

   "What about my Coco over there? Got any embarrassing stories about her?" Tilly's smile widened into a devious grin before she hopped off her bed, sitting next to Griffin on the floor.

   He laughed and took a glimpse in my direction to see me viciously shaking my head. "Don't you dare," I mouthed.

   With a grin, he turned back to Tilly and tsked. "Yeah, I do. But I really don't wanna get on Clo's bad side. She gets scary."

   "My coco puffs? Her?" She gasped, pointing at me but keeping her eyes on him. "No. Really?"

   He couldn't stop his chuckle as he nodded. "You should have seen her senior year. We were at a party and this guy in our class grabbed her ass. Before I could even go off at him, she—"

    "No," my voice rose, but Tilly was already dancing in her spot, excited.

   "What? What did she do?"

   Instead of answering right away, Griffin relocated his gaze onto me. He was giving me the chance to finish the story, and I normally wouldn't have done it, if it wasn't for Tilly's obvious thrill.

   I sighed and leaned my head against the wall, but I couldn't stop my lip from quirking into a self-satisfied smirk. "I grabbed both of his nipples and twisted them. Hard."

   "He screamed so loud. Jesus." Griffin shook his head, eyes wide with shock before focusing on Tilly. "Someone turned down the music and everyone was just watching him. He ran out."

   "Everyone called him banshee for the rest of the year," I finished, sighing as I relieved the memory. "Good times. Asshole."

   "Now you." I nodded my head in Griffin's direction as I sat up, hanging my legs off the ledge of my bed. "Go outside. I need to change."

   "Aye Aye, Captain," he saluted before pressing his hands on the floor next to him. He was on his feet in seconds before strolling to the door.

   Tilly waited until the door closed behind him before settling her gaze on me, smirking widely. "I like aggressive Coco."

    "Clearly," I sang with amusement, standing up before giving her a hand. "Let's get dressed. Griff doesn't do well on his own."

   "I heard that!" He called out from the hall, making me chuckle under my breath.

   Without saying anything, Tilly clasped her hand with mine before pushing herself onto her feet. She was wearing a crimson red sports bra, and with her now standing, I kept my eyes lingering on all the small tattoos located in random spots.

   Our hands separated, but she didn't move away. When my eyes lifted to hers, she gave a forced smile before dropping her gaze to the Kit Kat tattoo on her bicep.

   She reached out, her fingers tapping over the ink while avoiding my attention. "Tilly?" I faltered slightly, lowering my brows as I chewed on my lower lip. "Is everything okay?"

   For a moment, she didn't say anything until she cleared her throat. "Just thinkin' about my dad. Even when I cover up his shit, I still think of him."

   She was still inspecting her tattoos, and I felt my throat closing up. "Cover up... him? Your tattoos? What—"

   I stopped my question when her hazel eyes met mine, her lids halfway down as she watched me. "Gonna tell you somethin', Coco. Somethin' I don't tell people. But you better not hug me."

   "No promises," I nodded.

   She sighed before pursing her lips the longer she stared at her tattoos. "Got these after high school. They cover the burn marks from my dad's cigs. Wanted to stop seein' them every time."

   I couldn't stop the gasp from leaving me, my eyes suddenly roaming around her body with a new purpose. There must have been at least two dozen...

   "Tilly," I breathed out, my voice cracking. "I..."

   "Don't get all pitiful on me, Coco. It's chill," she shrugged, but that didn't stop me from throwing my arms around her. Being this close to her gave me the opportunity to smell lavender and cigarettes.

   She tensed up instantly. "Accept the hug," I mumbled next to her ear, saying the same words she used on me after learning about Adrianna.

   For a moment, she kept her arms hanging on her sides until slowly, she wrapped them around me. I felt sparks of happiness rising inside me before we pulled away, smiling sadly.

   "Do you want me to hurt him?" I offered with a sly smile. "I can make him cry."

   She laughed but shook her head before stepping away from me, toward her closet. "It's chill, Coco. I don't even know where the old man is anymore. Left when I was seventeen."

   "Damn," I sighed, walking to my own closet. "Vitaly—"

   "May be a little fuckin' shit, but he helped raise me. Got a job as a kid, put food on the table," she admitted, her hands stopping their assault on her clothes as she glanced down, smiling to herself. "I love the shit head. Sometimes."

   I continued to watch her in surprise—this was her first time talking about Vitaly and smiling. Miracles happen everyday.

   We spent the next few minutes getting dressed, her putting on a short tight black shirt and a cropped black cami top. There was about two inches of space between the skirt and top, and although she wasn't wearing a bra, the shirt was tight enough to give them shape.

   I was wearing gold, sequin bodycon dress that had spaghetti straps and a cowl neckline. It was also backless—a dress I would never be caught dead in, in front of mom.

   We were both standing in front of her long mirror, fixing our hair when a sudden bang made us jump. "Yo, Tils! Hurry the fuck up, I wanna drink!"

   Tilly rolled her eyes at her brother's voice before taking three long strides to the door. She threw it open but didn't spare him a glance as she returned to my side.

   I peered to my right and smiled when my eyes met Griffin's. Vitaly stood next to him, frowning while holding a bottle of vodka. "Who's this, kukla?"

   My eyes jumped between the two of them with amusement. They both had similar light brown hair colour, but besides that, they looked like complete opposites. Vitaly had two inches on him, and while he had hazel eyes and a stubble, Griffin's face remained bare with green eyes that always seemed to be smiling.

   Vitaly just always seemed horny. He should probably get that checked out.

   Griffin was first to step inside first, heading straight to my bed before sitting down. My eyes returned to Vitaly, who was frowning as he entered before closing the door behind him. "Tils, you still like pussy, right?"

   "You're such a fuckin' shithead."

   He shrugged. "Just checking!" His gaze rounded to mine, his brows scrunched together. "I gotta fight another guy for your attention, kukla?"

   "Vitaly," I sighed, pointing to my desk—where plastic shot glasses laid. "Just pour the shots."

   Luckily, he didn't argue and began to do as he was told. He continued to refill them while Tilly and I applied our makeup. By the time it was hitting closer to ten, we decided on leaving, definitely tipsy enough to enjoy ourselves.

   The alcohol warmed our skin, which was why we didn't have much problems walking ten minutes, wearing our jackets and running shoes—mostly because I refused to spend the entire night in heels, drunk.

   Vitaly and Griffin were a few steps ahead of us, talking about who knows what before we reached the building. I sighed in relief and stuffed my hands into my coat's pockets, checking to make sure my keys and phone were inside.

   We stepped into the elevator when I hopped in my spot. "Is Brendan gonna be there?" I questioned, glancing to Tilly next to me.

   I was taken back when I saw her biting her red coated lip with anxiousness. "What's wrong?"

   She cleared her throat and crossed her arms. "Nothin.' Yeah, he's gonna be there."

   "Okay," I drawled before glancing to Vitaly, who was standing next to the buttons. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust, but when I saw the fourth floor button lit up, my eyes widened and instantly jumped to Tilly.

   She winced, just as my gaze locked with hers. "Tiffany Smirnoff. Where is this party again?" I hissed, slipping my mouth closer to her ear.

   "Billie's. But also—" She stopped when the elevator chimed, parting seconds later for me to see at least a dozen people idling in the hall.

   My lips instantly parted, watching as they moved from Jared's apartment, to the one across from it. The same music was blaring from each residence, I noticed as we stepped onto the carpeted floor.

   She led me to Jared's condo first, and I stomped my feet. "Tilly, I will kill—"

   "Sunshine!" I heard someone call out, my eyes instantly snapping to my surroundings to see Alden striding toward us.

   His lips widened into a wide smirk when they met mine. "I've missed seeing you around. Maybe you can finally help light this place up."

   "Did you go home for the break?" I questioned, noticing him sipping on a beer.

   "You already know. Went to see my mama and sisters. Got two of them. Twins." He shook his head, baring his teeth in a hiss before chugging half of his drink. "They're going to high school soon. Already know I'm gonna have to hurt some guys."

   "Two sisters?" I confirmed with surprise. But that did explain Alden's natural friendliness—despite being an obvious smooth-talker.

   He nodded once. "Yeah. Already knew how to braid hair by the time I was ten." His eyes dropped to my dress again and began smirking. "Who you dressing for, sunshine? I'd hoped it would be for me, but..."

   "I dress for myself," I defended, noticing Armando standing behind Alden. His eyes met mine, and he smiled before treading toward me. "Who do you dress for, Alden?"

   "That sweet ginger other there," he grinned, pointing to Brendan. He stood on the opposite side of the peninsula, leaning against the counter while chatting with Tilly. "Actually, I undress for him."

   Armando was in hearing range right then, and his face contorted before slapping the back of Alden's head. "Dude. What the hell?"

   Alden grinned and slapped Armando's back. "Sup, my guy?" He nodded his head in my direction, wearing a subtle smirk. "Sunshine's back. Notify everyone."

   I rolled my eyes, but couldn't resist smiling before an out of breath Griffin slid next to me. "A girl shoved her tongue down my throat," he gasped out, wide eyed. "Does that happen often?"

   Someone bellowed a laugh—it wasn't hard to pinpoint that it was from Alden. "Yeah, my guy. Shit's crazy." He scrutinized him for a moment before cocking his head. "Jiff, right?"

   "Griffin," I emphasized, glaring at him while Armando just smiled amusingly. "Griff for short. God, you guys hang out with Jared too much."

   "They don't. I do," I heard an extra voice call out through the music, and I peered to the side, startled to see Matt striding toward us from the kitchen.

   He grinned before taking another step forward, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. "Nice to see you again, Fields." When he pulled away, still holding onto my shoulders, he winked. "Do I finally get to see a fun drunk?"

   "You're getting a fun tipsy so far," I pointed out with a smile before looking around. "How are you even here?"

   "Came back with Jar. But he's being no fun," Matt pouted just as Alden chuckled. I furrowed my brows, ignoring how my heart sped up at the sound of his name.

   I cleared my throat. "Well, I'm surrounded by testosterone. I'm gonna find someone to dance with. Peace, gentlemen."

   Shoving past them, I made my way around the crowded peninsula before noticing Tilly's back. She was still talking to Brendan, but that didn't stop me from grabbing her hand and tugging her away.

   "Sorry, Brendan! Stealing her for a bit," I shouted over my shoulder while tugging her into the living room.

   I faintly heard her laughter, but she didn't fight me off until we were standing amongst the crowd, screaming the lyrics to The Box, by Roddy Ricch.

    We ended up dancing against each other for a sold twenty minutes before I began to feel out of breath. The alcohol was fading away, and I knew I needed to drink more.

   Straightening my back, my eyes glazed over the bodies of people. "I'll be back," I yelled close to Tilly's ear before shoving through people. I was in the kitchen not too long after, remembering what Jared told me the first night I slept over at his apartment.

   "We have parties her often, Lucky. I don't want you to drink the shit everyone else does. There's a cupboard next to the fridge. It's locked with a code, and it has a shit load of bottles. Take from that, okay?"

   My feet twisted in the direction of the cupboard. The fridge was at the end of the kitchen, opposite of the peninsula, with an awkward sized cupboard in the corner. That was the only one that had a lock on it.

   I was about to reach for it when suddenly, the sound of men whooping from behind me caught my attention.

   Close to the TV, a group of people surrounded two guys, who were both drinking a different bottle of alcohol. Probably a race of some sort, but I couldn't care less.

    Just as I was about to turn around, my eyes glanced to the hallway next to them, where I remembered Jared's room being. But the moment I did so, I watched as his bedroom door was thrown open.

   I held my breath just as Jared stepped out, his head snapping in all directions while Alden slipped out of his room from behind, wearing a smirk.

   When my gaze returned to Jared, my lips automatically parted as they met his wide ones. Neither of us moved, but I didn't miss how his eyes dropped to my dress, only to return to mine seconds later, darker than before.

   I gasped for air as desire began to root itself deep in my core before switching my gaze to the living room. I tried to find a blonde head of hair, but failed. Still, I saw Griffin leaning against the wall the couch was pressed against, talking to a guy I hadn't met yet.

   My feet took me to him, his eyes glancing over the guys shoulder before sending me a smile. "Hey," I breathed out, standing next to his company. "You see Tilly anywhere?"

   He frowned and gave the room a once over. "Last I saw her, she was dancing." He pushed himself off the wall. "Need help finding her?"

   I shooed that idea away. "No, no. It's okay. I'll be back." With that, I spun on my heel, making my way to the exit before striding to the other apartment the New Year's Eve party was being held.

   The environment was just like Jared's, with people dancing and drinking. The layout of the condo matched theirs as well, which shocked me slightly before beginning my search.

   But after ten minutes failing to find Tilly, I concluded that she must have found Michelle and proceeded to take her somewhere I really hoped I wouldn't see.

   With a sigh, I entered Jared's apartment again. But instead of returning to the kitchen, I shouldered passed a few people, so I could go back to my original spot close to the TV. I met a few girls while Tilly and I were dancing, and made friends with them.

   I gasped when a hand suddenly shot out from a crowd of people, grabbing my upper arm. The moment I realized, though, I was halfway across the room, entering the dark hallway.

   The music was suddenly muffled when I was pushed into a black room, my back against what I assumed was a door.

   I said nothing as hands grazed my waist, their thumbs curved just under my breast as they brought themselves closer to me.

   My lips parted when the body as they pressed their hands on either side of me before slowly, they rubbed against me. A small moan stumbled out when I caught a whiff of the musky scent.

   "Harder," I whispered, lifting my hands into his hair.

   He dropped his head into my neck, groaning before picking up my thigh. I pressed my head back against the door and exhaled shakily when he held locked it around his hip, continuing his onslaught on my lower half.

   He continued his slow grind, and I moved my hands to his shoulder, gripping him tightly before sliding to the back of his neck. Despite the fabric between us, his erect length made due, because I suddenly felt him rubbing against my clit.

   "Jared," I whimpered, lifting my head off the door to capture his mouth with mine.

   His lips parted with no hesitation, plunging his tongue into my mouth before releasing a deep, throaty groan. "Fuck, Clover," he rasped against my mouth before grabbing my other thigh.

   In seconds, my legs were wrapped around him while I cupped his cheeks, kissing him hungrily. He spun us around, still in the dark, before I felt myself sitting on something—probably a counter.

   We were in the bathroom.

   Not a fuck was given though, because when he inclined his head to kiss me deeper, just as his hand shifted underneath my dress, all I wanted was him.

   Was I a self-diagnosed horny drunk? Maybe now I was.

okay kind of steamy.
read at your own discretion.

   His hand was between my thighs, my dress now risen up to my hips as he rubbed against me. A hand was in my hair, tugging me back gently so he could see on my neck. I felt my legs trembling as he sucked on the spot where my pulse was.

   "We should talk," he choked out, trying to pull away from me. But my grip on the hair by the nape of his neck tightened.

    "Later," I whispered before bring his lips to mine again. A mixed groan-growl erupted from his chest before his hand suddenly found my clit through my panties.

   Using two fingers, he pushed the material away and latched themselves on my bud, rubbing it at a torturous pace. "Jared," I whimpered, thrusting my hips forward.

   Without another word, he dropped to his knees and gripped my calves. I gasped at the movement, my butt now pressed against the ledge of the counter when he pulled my panties down my legs.

   My hands gripped the counter, feeling him breathing against my mound. I cried out when he suddenly claimed my throbbing bud between his lips, bringing one hand to his hair to keep him in place.

   He pulled away from my clit, but still gave it attention with his fingers. His mouth kept busy, and I sucked in my stomach when his tongue ran up my slit, teasing my entrance.

   My thighs clasped his head in place, and I felt him chuckling against me before his tongue slipped inside me, curling upward.

   It wasn't long before I came from his mouth. The stimulation stemming from my clit, and his tongue finding my g-spot should be the attention every woman craved.

   I covered my mouth with my hand as I came, crying against it before sagging. My eyes were still closed as the waves of pleasure slowly diminished.

   Between my legs, I felt Jared slowly standing, keeping his hands on my outer thighs as he waited for me to regulate my breathing.

   Suddenly, the bathroom lights were switched on, and I sucked in a breath when everything blurred. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, but when they did, I saw Jared in front me, eyes still dark from lust.

   "Hey, Lucky," his eyes dipped to my dress, and I felt his hands tightening on my thighs. "You look..."

   He didn't finish his sentence, but he didn't need to. "Thanks," I choked out, lowering my gaze for a moment before clearing my throat.

   I pushed myself off the counter and fished my underwear from the ground, quickly slipping it on before standing upright. After adjusting my dress, I exhaled and forced my eyes up, only to see Jared still in front of me.

   "You came with Jiff."

   His low tone made me shiver. I tucked my hair behind my ear to keep my hands busy as I tried to find the right words. "Yeah, w-we talked and I made peace—"

   "Are you trying to hurt me?" He stopped me, his voice cracking.

   My eyes snapped to his, my face contorting into a pained expression. "What? No. Jared—" I reached out for his shoulders. Despite his arms hesitantly circling my waist, when he lowered his head, his eyes were kept downward, avoiding me.

   "I would never purposely hurt you," I emphasized, my hands reaching for the hair on the nape of his neck. "I needed to do this. I'd hurt a lot of people, myself included, after Adrianna died. I had to fix it."

   His grip on my waist tightened. "Jared, I-I..." I stopped, closing my eyes to lean my forehead into his hard chest. I shivered, feeling his heart racing. "I care about you."

   I felt his shoulders sagging. "I care about you too, Lucky."

   There was a pause before I felt his hand flexing. "I'm sorry for taking you away from the party. I just, when I saw you..." He exhaled while I reeled my head back, so I could meet his heavy-lidded gaze. "Only you make me this way, Lucky."

   "Make you what? Annoying?" I quirked an amused brow.

   He released a breathless laugh before dropping his chin on the top of my head. "Just how I clearly make you frustrating."

   "Ha. Maybe I just do it purposely."

   He said nothing at first, inhaling my scent slowly. "You make me feel better. All the time."

   "Despite being frustrating?" I whispered, laying my head on his chest.

   He inhaled softly. "Despite being frustrating."

   We stood in silence for a few moments, but just as I slid my hands to his waist, I heard the door knocking behind me. "Is anyone in there? I gotta take a leak."

   I stepped back and cleared my throat before hesitantly meeting his gaze. "Bye," I whispered before spinning on my heel. Before he could stop me, I already opened the door, striding out the hall.

   I turned the first corner on the right, which led me to the mirrored closet door in the front of the room. Music was blasting, and my mind felt foggy, but I forced myself to step around the peninsula, so I could walk to the cupboard with the lock combination.

   Quickly, I slid the numbers in place before the door unlocked. At least half a dozen bottles faced me, but I grabbed the closest vodka before pulling out a plastic cup—which was also hidden inside.

   In seconds, I filled the red solo cup halfway up with the clear liquid. But as I was straightening, I paused and frowned. Was I seriously about to drink vodka in a cup?

   With another look, I nodded confidently. Yes, I was. Tilly seriously converted me.

   Once I assured the cupboard was locked again, I twisted in my spot, so my lower back was against the counter. Taking a big gulp of my vodka,  I viewed my surroundings.

   Only to come to a halt when I saw Griffin, right where I left him. But instead of his old talking partner standing across from him, I immediately recognized that head of frizzy, but long curly dark hair that ended at the end of her back.

   Why in the hell was Griffin talking to Liana? And smiling by the looks of it.

   Taking another three gulps of vodka, I strode toward them.

   Griffin was first to notice me, flashing a small smile before pushing himself off the wall. "Hey," he greeted as I stood next to him. He shuffled to the side, so I wouldn't press my back on the corner of the wall.

   "Hey," I breathed out before lifting my cup. His brows shot up when he caught a whiff of the smell before meeting my eyes. I wiggled my brows. "Vodka?"

    He chuckled and grabbed it from my hand before tossing a large amount down his throat. I sent him a prideful grin before twisting my head forward, where Liana was.

   She wasn't wearing her sunglasses surprisingly, showing off her round, nearly black eyes. With a flawless layer of makeup hiding the darkness under her eyes, she looked beautiful, and her outfit didn't cease to amaze me.

   It was a low cut, long sleeve silver dress, with a tie around her waist that accentuated her curves. With it ending above the middle of her thigh, the dress showed off her flawless, honey skin.

   Returning my focus to her, I didn't miss the glare she was sending me. But I was starting to feel the alcohol again, so my filter was long gone.

   "What were you guys talking about?" I questioned, leaning against the wall but keeping my eyes trained on her.

   Her lips pursed, but it wasn't her who answered. "Our performance assignment," Griffin laughed next to me, his light green eyes shining at the memory. "In eighth grade. Remember, Clo?"

   I cringed and nodded my head. "Yeah, hard to forget." In groups of three, we had to enact another profession our teacher could have been. I'd been the teacher, and pretended to be a ballerina while they were the obnoxious kids.

   My eyes glazed over to Liana. "Those were good times. Nice times." She continued to say nothing, so I rambled on. "I miss you, you know."

   Her chest rose as she sucked a breath. "I mean, I missed you. And loved you, Li. But every time I look at you, it hurts. Because you're not the one I was friends with."

   "I am—"

   "You aren't," I whispered softly in admission, my lip twitching. "You can say you were pretending or whatever, but you weren't. You were strong, and you didn't let yourself get stuck on your mom's words."

   Her eyes flashed with anger. "My mom has nothing to do with me."

   "You're right," I nodded sharply. "It's your mom and Maya," I deadpanned, using her older sister's name

   "I don't know what it's like to have people criticize you like they did. But I didn't know..." I shook my head softly before glancing to Griffin. He was watching our conversation silently, staring at Liana. "I thought our friendship was stronger than their words."

    Memories of when I came over as a kid resurfaced. Her mom was a skin care model, and Maya was modelling lingerie. Both of them were beautiful and well liked, but Liana had been overweight, an introvert and awkward. They didn't care if Griffin or I were over—they'd bully her right in front of us.

   She began to shake her head, but I didn't miss her eyes beginning to glisten with unshed tears. "Stop, Clo. S—"

   "I'm sorry, Li. And I know that we." My hand wobbled between us. "Won't work anymore. But I really do hope you get better. Maybe if you and Armando get together..."

   "We're friends," she stopped me, swallowing thickly before glancing to the side.

   I searched her expression that told me different. "Okay."

   For the next following moments, we stood in silence while music blared in the background. It wasn't until Griffin cleared his throat did we turn in his direction. He flashed us a wobbly smile before nodding his head to the hall where the bedrooms were.

   "I'll be back. I need the bathroom," he explained, stepping away from us without waiting for a reply.

   With a small wave, he spun on his heel and jogged passed people before entering the dark hallway. My eyes lingered in that direction until I heard Liana speak again.

   "You guys surprised me when you started dating," she admitted, staring at me with a small frown as she crossed her arms. "I mean, you friendzoned him a shit load of times when we were kids."

   "We both friendzoned him," I reminded her with a smirk before shaking my head. "I think our past brought us closer, but then..."

   "Adrianna," she finished, watching me. A few seconds passed of her just staring at me before she glanced down, clearing her throat. "I actually wanted to say, you-you were right."

   My brows furrowed as my lips pursed, confused. She noticed and continued on. "What you said, about me being damaged. You're right."

   "And I keep... I keep thinking about that day in the bathroom, and I know I went overboard. I don't wish that you... that you died." She lips curled in disgust, but not for me as she swung her head to the side. "That was a low thing to say, even for me."

   I nodded, feeling my heart twisting inside. "It was."

   When her gaze finally returned to mine, I was startled when I saw the remorse displayed on her expression. "I'm sorry, Clover."

   I didn't know what to say. "Thanks—whoa." I reached out for my head, suddenly feeling dizzy. I leaned myself against the wall and took slow breaths, but that didn't do anything.

   Her eyes were wide and panicked. "Clover?"

   "I-I don't feel so hot," I admitted, just as her arms wrapped around my shoulder.

   I heard her faintly cussing, but I didn't think much of it. The room was spinning. "Come on. I'll take you somewhere."

   My head was on her shoulder as she guided me. My eyes were fluttering until I heard a door open and close. I figured we were in a room, because the music was suddenly muffled.

   "Lie down," she whispered, laying me on what I assumed was a bed.

   For a moment, I wondered where I was, until I smelt a familiar musky scent. I was in Jared's room.

   I heard Liana pacing, but it was faint, because I could start hearing my heart pounding. Even with my eyes closed, I felt dizzy.

   She continued to mumble under her breath until moments later, the bedroom door opened. At that point, everything was subdued, but despite my head felt like it was being weighed down by a ton of bricks, I heard the third voice clear as day.

    "I can't wait to feel you. Maybe you'll be better than Adrianna," they sighed, and the urge to run was strong, if it wasn't for me losing all physical mobility.


   Everyone shouted "Happy New Year's" before everything faded together, and darkness welcomed me into its arms.



are we or are we not surprised?

it's currently midterm season
and I'm trying to give myself
some encouraging words for the
next week. pray for me :')

and I'll see you in the next one!

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