Pull My Heartstrings

By europia

9.8K 343 48

An Asian myth tells of red strings that connect people fated to fall in love, meet, or have an impact on each... More

Pull My Heartstrings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

701 41 6
By europia



"So," Andrei stirred the stew simmering on the stove. "Kari and I had a great time together today... You know, mate stuff."

"Mhm," I mumbled, stuffing my face with bread and ducking my head to avoid Andrei's stunningly unsubtle attempts to "help" me.

"We have such a good connection because we're mates. It's very emotionally satisfying." I practically felt Andrei's gaze through the curtain of curly brown hair attached to my head. "And the physical connection..."

"Andrei, stop," I growled. "I don't want to hear about it. I'm a loner, and I'll stay that way for the rest of my life."

"Rowan..." he dropped his guise, letting go of the wooden spoon. "Kari and I are worried about you. You're not alone, you have us at the very least."

"No, at the very most," I grumbled, throwing down my bread roll and storming to my room. I threw myself onto the bed and covered my face with my arm. I wanted so, so badly to just give up and be with Finn. But I knew that was just the mate pull.

Over the years, working with shifters desperate to find their mates has given me perspective. Sometimes, they would find their mates and end years of loneliness and longing. But other times... Other times they would walk in and I would see a severed red string drifting from their chest. Their mate was dead, gone. Just like my mother when she lost my father. I'd tell whoever the luckless man or woman was that they didn't have a mate anymore, and I would watch as they collapsed and their mouths opened in a silent scream.

They were destined to be alone. Shifters believe that Fate rules the outcomes our relationships with our mates. If our mates die, it was destined from their birth. I thought that I was one of those people -- the ones destined to be alone -- because I didn't have that cursed red string until Finn showed up and ruined everything. He ruined everything with gorgeous blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.

A knock sounded on my door and I didn't respond. Kari quietly opened the door and stepped in, sitting on the crisp white bedsheets next to me. She stared out my window, looking at the city skyline. "Hey, I know Andrei's an insensitive bastard," she laid a hand on my shoulder reassuringly. "But what he said is essentially true."

"I need to get out," I groaned, flipping myself upright. "Let's go to the--"

"The mall?" Kari clapped her hands together excitedly. "Oooo let's have a girl's day out at the mall!"

"I was thinking the gym," I stood up and grabbed a duffel bag from my closet, also stuffing it with my workout clothes. "I'd like to beat up a trainer."

Kari looked disappointed, cocking her hip and putting a hand on it. "No," she tugged the duffel bag away from me and tossed it back into the closet. "We're going to go for some retail therapy. Besides, you can beat up the stupid jerks that walk too slow."

I crossed my arms and lifted an eyebrow. Kari did the same. We stood in a silent standoff for a few moments before I gave up. If I went to the gym, Kari would trail along like a lost puppy, whining the whole way, until I gave up and took her to the mall.

"Fine," I dropped the duffel bag and pulled my hair into a low bun. "But I get to drive. And I decide when we leave."

"Deal! But we don't leave a store until I'm satisfied," Kari skipped out of the room. Seemed fair enough to me. I walked out the door as Kari kissed Andrei goodbye, not needing any further reminder that I could have that too. Nevertheless, I snuck one peak through the doorway, seeing my roommates in a lingering hug. I sighed. That was never meant for me, no matter how much I craved it.

Throughout the drive, I listened to Kari chatter on and on about school, the pack, and what she needed to buy at the mall. I was used to it, so I tuned her out.

"Rowan, Rowan!" Kari yelled, waving a hand in front of my face. "Are you listening to me at all!"

"Woah, Kari! Don't wave your hand in front of my face, I'm driving!" I exclaimed. "But no, I'm trying not to."

"Ugh, I swear you don't have a female bone in your body," Kari rolled her eyes. I rolled my eyes too. I'm perfectly happy the way I am. "I was just telling you that there's this sale at Macy's that I think we should check out because we need some new cups after you threw them at that guy last week and..."

I tuned her out again, remembering the incident fondly. I told one guy that his mate was on the other side of the world, and the stupid man -- no, adolescent boy, truthfully -- had the nerve to command me, all hoity-toity, to bring his mate to him. So I threw my cup of water at him. When he wouldn't leave, I threw some more from the cupboard. Some of the glasses left a dent in the wall that Kari made me repair (thank you Walls & Ceilings for Dummies), but it was worth hearing that sissy squeal.

"You're not listening. Again," Kari harrumphed delicately. I hummed in assent, making her shoot a glare in my direction. We arrived at the mall. Mom-jean clad women chased toddlers across the parking lot and teenaged girls tossed dyed hair as they strut out the door, shopping bags in hand.

I sighed. Let's get this over with. I didn't even resent shopping itself; I'm not one of those super tough tomboys that are scared of pink and frills. What I resent is shopping with Kari. It's torture. She drags me to stores that she likes, not ones that I like, doesn't let me make my own decisions, then pigs out at the food court and complains about her weight and her apparently flagging sex life with her mate. Let me tell you, it's all a big load of bull. Kari is super skinny -- she could model if she really wanted to. And, speaking as their roommate, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Kari and Andrei's love life. I think I need to invest in sound proofing my walls.

"Ooh, let's go to Victoria's Secret first, valentines day is coming up and I need a present for Andrei," Kari grabbed my hand and practically charged into the store.

"Ew, somebody's desperate," I laughed. "Are you secretly a floozy, Kari?"

"Puhlease, there's nothing secret about it," Kari winked, making us both laugh. She rummaged through drawers full of underwear and bras, holding them up for inspection.

"Hmmm maybe I can cut out the--" she started to say before I hurriedly cut her off.

"Kari! You're so loud," I shushed her.

"Pshaw, you're just a prude," Kari said flippantly.

Ugh. I rolled my eyes and turned around, skimming over the store. And then I saw him. Finn. My mate.

Fuck, I need to get out.


"Hey," Josh tapped my shoulder. He was looking for a gift for Claire, and being the insensitive pervert he is, he decided to drag me to Victoria's Secret. "Isn't that your mate?"

I whipped my head around just in time to see brown curls fly under a rack. Despite my irritation at being rejected, I wanted to laugh. She was the most unsubtle person I'd ever met. She was rude and harsh, but she had a soft interior... and a hard past. I needed answers. Was my uncle really like Rowan described? A cold, abusive kidnapper?

"Dude," Josh stage whispered. "Stop standing there and go to her."

"Right..." I mumbled before gathering myself and striding to the rack, where a blond girl cooed over a pair of pink sweatpants. She was probably Rowan's friend. "Hey, my name's Finn."

The girl's eyes widened to saucer-like proportions, and she quickly responded, "Hi, I'm Kari. And I'm taken, just so you know."

"Don't pretend you don't know me," I smirked as she cursed under her breath. I admit, Kari was pretty, but she couldn't compare to the dark beauty of my mate. "I saw you spying on us earlier."

"Alas, I admit it. I spied," she sighed, putting the pants back onto their hanger. "If you want to speak with Row-- Ow!"

I gave her an amused look. Rowan obviously didn't want to be found. "Are you okay?" I asked, faking concern as I played along. "Did you stub your toe or something?"

"Yeah..." Kari scratched the back of her head. "I stubbed my toe... or something. I was going to say that if you want to talk to Rowan you're gonna be disappointed because she isn't here."

"Really," I raised a skeptical eyebrow. "So she isn't beneath the rack right there?"

I heard a muffled curse before, "Go away Finn, I don't want to talk to you."

"That's a shame, because I really want to talk to you," I left no room for discussion in my tone. It was time to settle this. "Come on, we can talk over some drinks  in the food court."

"Nope! Kari, come on, we're leaving," my mate dashed out from her cover, Kari hot on her heels. Oh hell no. I sprinted after them, trying my best not to knock over any innocent humans. Well even if I did knock somebody over, it'd be my stubborn mate's fault for fleeing and getting my wolf geared up for the chase.

I quickly caught up to the pair in the parking lot, gently grabbing Rowan's wrist. "Please," I pleaded, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

She sighed and looked to the side, avoiding eye contact. While she did, however, Kari slipped the keys out of her hand.

"Hey--" my mate turned to retrieve her keys but Kari was already in the car. 

"Get a ride home with Finn!" she yelled as she sped away.

"Stupid roommate," Rowan stomped her foot. I chuckled, earning a death glare which effectively killed my amusement.

"Drive me home. Now," she demanded.

"No can do, I have to wait for Josh to buy everything he needs for his mate," I said. I knew Josh had a huge list of gifts for Claire on Valentine's Day, so I knew it would take a while.

Rowan rolled her eyes. "Seriously? Is he a guy or a girl?"

"Wow, didn't know you were so prejudiced," I cocked my hips and flipped imaginary hair. "Chauvinist pig!"

"Ugh, wrong use of the phrase, you feminist," she groaned. She was fooling me; I could see the laughter in her eyes. "Okay, I'll talk. But you're paying and I intend to get a full meal."

"That's fine with me," I grinned, putting my arm around her waist as we turned back towards the mall. She tried to shove me off, but there was no way I wasn't going to make the most of this.

We got to the food court and stopped by Panda Express for food. She got the three entree meal, probably trying to make me pay more. I smirked. I was an alpha, that makes me pretty wealthy. I handed the cashier my money and told him to keep the change, it was only about ten cents anyways.

"So what do you want to talk about," Rowan asked as we sat down. I wiped away a soda spill on the crumby table before answering her.

"What do you think? I want to ask you if you could ever disregard my uncle and be mates with me," I said,  fiddling with my fried rice nervously.

"Look Finn... You're hot and all, but I don't think I could ever forgive your family for what they did to mine," she sighed, inspecting the orange chicken on her fork. "I still haven't been able to find my mother... I don't know if your uncle actually banished her or if he just saved the trouble and killed her and that inner-city alpha."

"He banished Alpha Ramires?" my eyes widened. Ramires and my uncle used to be the best of friends, through thick and thin. Ramires was like a second uncle to me. But one day, when I was twelve, he disappeared. I asked my uncle where he went, and all I got in reply was, "He is dead to me now."

"Yeah, because he tried to defend my mother and I. He challenged your uncle," Rowan frowned at the table top, giving up the pretense of eating and dropping her fork. "He was the only one that was kind to me that day."

I didn't know what to say. I stood abruptly. My dad said I would have to wait until dinner with my uncle to get answers, but I needed them now. A werewolf's whole world is supposed to turn when they meet their mate, and boy, I was definitely getting the double whammy. I flipped open my cell phone and dialed my uncle's number.

"Hey, didn't you want to talk?" my mate scrunched her delicate brow and stood as well. "What are you doing?"

"We're leaving. I need answers from my family and you're coming with me," I growled as the cell phone rang. The number you dialled is not available right now-- Frustrated, I hung up. I would just make a stop by my uncle's house.

"Woah, woah, woah, I never agreed to this," my mate said nervously. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Your uncle and I aren't on the best terms, you know. Besides, you can't just go all caveman on me and drag me somewhere like an oaf!"

"Can I?" I grabbed her hand and walked to my car. Opening the door for her, I waited for her to get in. "Come on, get in."

"Seriously," she put her hand on her hip. "You can't just kidnap me like your uncle did."

"This is nothing like that," I glared at her, frustrated. "I know you want answers as much as I do. Maybe my uncle knows where your mother and Ramires are."

She deliberated for a moment, weighing her options. Without a word, she got into the car and buckled herself in, as regal as can be. I smiled. She would make a good Alpha female.

As we drove away, my phone rang in my back pocket. "Hello?" I answered.

"Finn, how are you? I missed your call, did you need something?" my uncle said. 

"Yeah, get to mom and dad's place now, please," I said tersely. "I need to ask you some questions."

"I'm coming over for dinner later, can it wait until then?" my uncle sounded like he was frowning. "I heard you found your mate, congratulations."

"That's what I need to talk to you about. It can't wait, just come as soon as you can," I said before hanging up, frustrated. Rowan laid a cool hand on my arm. I looked over, smiling slightly to reassure her that I was okay. The worried look in her eyes didn't go away though. As if she realized what she was doing, her hand dropped and she looked away.

"Finn, I think after this it's best that you leave me alone," she said.

"Rowan..." I trailed off. She turned quickly towards me, frowning.

"I never told you my name, how do you know it," she asked.

"I asked my dad about you after we met... He knew you right away," I mumbled. Nice slip up there, genius.

She scoffed. "Of course, figures," she growled.

We pulled up the driveway to my parent's modest house in the woods. I sat in the car for a bit with Rowan, neither of us particularly wanting to get out to face the music. I saw my uncle's car pull in a few minutes later. He walked past us to enter the house, but didn't look into my car.

"Let's go," I sighed, pulling my keys out of the ignition. Rowan sighed, a slight frown marring her features. We got out of the car and walked towards the house.

"Fuck," I thought I heard my mate curse quietly. Fuck, indeed, I thought to myself.


Sowwy this took so long :( show some love please! love you guys <3

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