Heart of the Assassin (A Hunt...

By Pandoras_Soul

280K 8.2K 5.7K

Kirahki Freecss is Gon's sister. Mito-san adopted her when she was just a baby. The only clue she has about h... More

{1} Rivals X for X Survival
{2} Hope X and X Ambition
{3} Hisoka X is X Sneaky
{4} A X Surprising X Challenge
{6} Decision X by X Majority
{7} Beware X of X Prisoners
{8} Time X to X Gamble
{9} The X Tiny X Room
{10} Test X of X Resolve
The X Remaining X Canidates
{11} Hunter X and X Prey
{12} An X Explosive X Situation
{13} Big X Time X Interview
{14} Refuse X to X Lose
{15} Light X and X Darkness
{16} Some X Brother X Trouble
{17} A X Dangerous X Watchdog
{18} The X Guard's X Duty
{19} Can't X See X Blind
{20} At X the X Arena
{21} Nen X and X Nen
{22} Awakening X and X Potenial
{23} Fierce X and X Fercoious

{5} Game X at X Midnight

16.2K 454 338
By Pandoras_Soul

After clearing the exam's Second Phase, Kirahki and her friends fly through the starry sky, toward the site for the Third Phase.

"Allow me to introduce myself to the 43 remaining applicants," the old guy who fell from the sky during the Second Phase tells us. "I am Netero, Chairman of this year's Hunter Exam Selection Committee. Originally, I'd planned to make my appearance during the exam's final phase, but as I'm already here... I'm loving this tension in the air!" *Killua yawns* "So I think I'm gonna stick around. We are scheduled to arrive at our destination at 8 a.m. tomorrow. You are welcome to get some rest and are free to do as you please until you are contacted."

"Okay, Gon! Let's explore the airship!" Killua declares excitedly.

"Yeah!" Gon agrees. "But she can come too right?" He points at me.

Killua shrugs, "I figured she'd come along anyway, if you did."

"Then let's go," my brother smiles, pulling me along.

"How can they have so much energy?" Leorio asks exhausted. "I'm hitting the sack."

"You can say that again," Kurapika nods.


We walk past a door that leads to the kitchen. "I'm starving. Let's get some food." Killua gestures to the door.

"Are you sure that's okay?" Gon seems uncertain.

"We'll be fine," Killua assures him.

"You guys go ahead," I tell them. I still have some of my chocolate stash.

"Okay but you're missing out," Killua waves to me as he's pushing my brother inside. I sit against the wall munching on my chocolate.

A couple minutes later I can hear someone yell at them. "Hey there kids! Stay out of the kitchen! Go eat in the dining hall!" They are thrown out on their butts.

I laugh at them, "So did you get anything good?"

"Yeah we- is that chocolate?" Killua's eyes widen. "You had that the whole time and you didn't say anything?!?!" He looks like he's ready to fight me for it.

"Well I...umm... did you want some?" I offer holding out my hand.

He snatches it from me and devours it. "Oh yeah... we got this for you too." He holds out a small cake with a strawberry on the top. "Gon said you would like it."

I smile accepting the little cake. "Mmmmm... thank you it's delicious." I lick my lips.

"Killua wasn't that yours?" Gon's holding another small cake in his hands. "I thought this one wa-"

Killua grabs it away from him and wolfs it down with one bite. "Nope."


We continue exploring the ship. "Wow, awesome! Look!" Killua points out the window.

"Hmm? What is it?" Gon asks as we look to see what he's talking about. "Whoa! It's like the ground is covered in jewels."

"It's so beautiful," I admire.

Killua smiles, "Yeah."

"Hey Killua," Gon asks him "I was just wondering... where are your mom and dad?"

The smile disappears from his face. "Hmm... they're alive. Probably."

"What do they do?"

"They're assassins." He replies like it's nothing.

"Huh? Both of them?" Gon and I ask simultaneously.

"That's your first reaction?" Killua laughs. "You two really are a riot! You're the first people to ever respond seriously."

He takes a seat and Gon and I sit on either side of him. <<<Gon, Killua, Me>>>

"Well you're telling the truth, right?" I ask him.

"What makes you think that?" he questions.

"It's just a hunch."

"That's weird... people only like me because they can't ever tell whether I'm serious or not." He looks out the window. "I'm from a family of assassins, so they're all assassins. My folks see me as an exceptional prospect... but I can't stand it. Who wants to have their whole life planned out for them? When I told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all snapped! My mother had tears streaming down her face, as she told me I have potential to be a top assassin." He looks back at us. "Horrible parents, right? It's natural their kid would go bad. We ended up fighting. So I stabbed my mother in the face, my brother in the side, and ran away from home." He's so calm about the whole thing, like everything he's saying is completely natural. "I'm sure they're out for blood now," he smiles. "But if they find me, I'll send them packing. When I become a Hunter, I'll start capturing my family. I'm sure they're worth some hefty bounties..."

I can feel someone watching us. Killua and Gon sense it too because we all turn to look at the same time, just as Chairman Netero is walking up behind us.

"Something wrong?" he questions us.

"Ah, Netero-san... did you see anyone coming from that side?" Gon asks him.

"No," he replies.

"You're pretty fast for an old man," Killua glares at him.

"That little trick? I barely moved," he says chuckling.

"What do you want? You don't have to do anything until the last phase right?" Killua's still glaring at him.

"No need to be so unkind. I got bored, and was looking for some companions. By the way, I meant to ask the three of you... any thoughts on your first attempt at the Hunter Examination?"

"Uh-huh! It's fun!" Gon replies eagerly. "And there haven't been any of the written exams I was dreading."

"Yeah! I'm having fun too. I can't wait to see what we do next," I answer excitedly.

"I'm disappointed..." Killua says. "I expected the exam to be more difficult. I assume the next phase will be more entertaining?"

"Well, now..." Netero-san replies innocently. "I wouldn't know anything about that."

"Let's go," Killua says turning to leave.

"Now wait just a moment." The chairman asks, "Would you care to play a game with me? If you're able to defeat me... I shall let you become Hunters!"


"Now I'll go over the rules of the game," Netero-san explains. "If you can take the ball from me, before the airship reaches its destination, you win. That gives you nine hours. You're free to attack me however you like. I won't touch you."

"Huh? That's too easy. You can't call that a game," Gon's disappointed.

"Why not give it a try first?" Netero-san suggests.

"We just have to take the ball? Then I'll go first." Killua slowly starts walking circles around Netero-san. A bunch of Killuas appear surrounding the chairman and it's hard to tell which one is the real one. He's trying to confuse him. Killua is definitely something.

"I see lots of Killuas!" Gon says amazed.

"How's he doing that? It's so cool!" I watch in wonder.

Killua makes his move and tries to grab the ball but the old man is too quick and is able to dodge him. Their speed improves immensely and Killua is chasing him around the room. I can tell he's getting frustrated. He comes up with an idea to get Netero-san to stop darting around and slides on the floor kicking the chairman right in the middle of his shin. Damn that has to hurt.

"Ouch... right on his pivot leg!" Gon says as if he was the one to get injured.

But it's not the chairman who's in pain it's Killua. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" He's jumping around holding his leg. "His legs are as hard as iron!"

"Killua! Tag! Tag! It's my turn," Gon says excitedly. Killua tags him in by high-fiving him and my brother runs straight for Netero-san. He jumps high in the air and...

He jumps too high and ends hitting his head on the ceiling. *I face palm* "Ow!" Gon curls up on the floor grasping his head in pain.

"Idiot!" Killua yells at him. "We know that you can jump really high! Control your strength! For a moment, the old man relaxed his guard!" *The old guy sweat drops*

"I messed up there," Gon says getting back up ready to try again.

I turn to Killua, "Hey what was that thing you did earlier when it looked like there was a whole bunch of you?"

"It's called rhythm echo." He shoves his hands in his pockets.

"It was really awesome," I say in admiration.

"That?" He scoffs. "It's nothing. I could do that since I was four."

"Could you show me how to-"

"No," he replies flatly.


"I said I wouldn't."

"Fine," I pout crossing my arms.

After a while of watching Gon try to get the ball, it's my turn. "Good luck sis." He tags me in.

I step forward. Okay now watch this old man. I head straight for him then side cut and bounce off the wall to propel myself forward. I try to reach for the ball but the old man is too quick. Damn him. I move around making my body go faster and faster with each step. Somehow he's able to be one step ahead of me and the ball is always just out of my reach.

"Whoa I can't keep up they're moving so fast!" Gon says shocked.

I make for the ball again but the chairman dodges and knocks me out of the way, sending me flying back at the boys.

"You guys aren't getting anywhere. Why not attack simultaneously?" The chairman hasn't even broken a sweat.

"Okay... I'll get you this time!" Gon and Killua yell. We all run at him but he moves out of the way and the three of us knock heads together.

Gon rushes back at him. "Your attacks are getting boring." The chairman spoke too soon. Gon kicks off his boot sending it flying hitting him right in the face. Killua hits him from behind and sends the ball soaring through the air.

"A chance!" Killua and I reach for it almost touching it.

"I think not," the chairman kicks it away from us and makes a grab at the ball. Gon kicks off his other boot hitting the ball away from Netero-san.

"You and your little tricks!" he says irritated.

"It's mine!" We all say reaching for the ball. Netero-san starts to glow and rushes for the ball, leaving behind a burn mark and knocking the three of us to the ground. Killua looks like he's going to kill the old man.

"I commend you on your efforts," Netero-san smiles at us.

"You're amazing Netero-san! Really amazing!" Gon says in admiration.

"Forget it... I lose!" Killua concedes. Something doesn't seem right with him...

"Huh? Why? We still have time. And just now, we came really close," Gon tries to convince him to stay.

"Jeez. You really have no clue, do you? The old man has barely used his right hand and his left leg." I realize what he's saying. It's true...

"What?" Gon doesn't seem to have noticed.

"But we're still powerless against him. We could chase him around for a year, and never take the ball form him."

"Oh, you figured it out? And here, I thought I'd fooled you," the chairman responds devilishly.

"So that's what he was doing." Gon comes to the realization.

"You really know how to piss me off, old man." Killua says leaving the room.

Gon looks at me, "Kira, I'm gonna play a little longer. I don't care about the ball. We've only used up half of the time limit. I'm gonna make Netero-san use his right hand before the time runs out."

I nod my head to him. "Good luck. I'm going to check on something... Oh and Gon, please use your head this time."

I turn to leave but, right when I open the door Gon asks the chairman a question. "Say Netero-san... How did Killua do that thing where he walked slowly and it looked like there was a bunch of Killuas?"

"That technique is for those engaged in underground work. You have no need to learn it. In fact, you should not learn it." So maybe that's why he didn't want to teach me.

I leave and go search for Killua. He didn't seem right when he left. I hear someone yelling around the corner, "You bump into us, and then ignore us? Bastard!"

I round the corner just in time to see Killua kill two men. He barely even moved.

"Killua!" I call to him.

He turns to look at me but his eyes, they are void of any emotion. They have clouded over with a darkness that seems to have taken control of him. Within the next second he pushes me up against the wall, holding me down with his forearm, and puts his other hand to my throat. His finger nails have grown longer and sharper. He's barely touched me yet, there's blood dripping from my neck.

"Don't follow me'" his voice is deep and emotionless. "I will kill you."

"Is that supposed to scare me?" I ask him without breaking eye contact.

He glares at me before letting me go. "Don't piss me off."

"If you really wanted to kill me, you would have already done it." My eyes dart in the direction of the men he just killed. "You didn't even hesitate with those guys."

"That doesn't mean I won't do the same to you." He turns away from me, puts his hands in his pockets and continues to walk down the hall. "If I hadn't stopped then, I'd have ended up killing that old man to get the ball."

Noticing that his demeanor has returned to normal, I grab his arm to stop him from walking away. "Killu-"

He pulls away from me and mumbles, "I'm going to get some sleep."

I sigh. "Good night Killua," I whisper to his back.

He pauses and hesitates before asking, "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why weren't you scared?" he turns his head to look at me.

I smile at him. "Don't be silly. Even if you are from a family of assassins, I'm not afraid of you Killua." There's something about you...

"You should be," he replies bitterly and continues walking. "Gon would probably be mad at me if I killed you," he says nonchalantly in a low voice. Always thinking of Gon. Good to know you care about him. I watch him walk away then head back to the room where Gon and Netero-san are.

When I walk in, Gon goes to head-but Netero-san in the stomach, so he's literally using his head, well that's not exactly what I meant but whatever works. The chairman dodges and uses his right hand to push him away. Way to go Gon! He flies right into a mat on the wall, leaving a dent, and falls to the floor.

"D-did you kill him?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I ask running to my brother.

He sits back up smiling, with a big red mark in the middle of his forehead. "You just used your right hand! I did it!" He throws his arms up in the air with victory and then just passes out, asleep.

I chuckle and pull his arm around my shoulder so I can carry him to bed. Netero-san is making a call to someone about delaying the airship's arrival. I'm feeling pretty wiped out myself. Good thing my brother's here. Now I don't have to worry about sleep walking...

The airship and its now 41 applicants approach the site of the exam's Third Phase.

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