Short Scary Stories

By JasmineBeebe7

33 3 0

This is a book about many scary Stories More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

5 0 0
By JasmineBeebe7

How many days has it been? I don't know. How many years have I been in this place called," the dark shadows "? I don't really know. I not even certain that I even exist anymore. My life was quite an interesting one, if I do say myself. It was like a movie, only not the kind of fantasy and lovely. But a disaster and horror. My life was like a show with many aspects of pain and suffering.

As you can tell, I'm not even sure if Im even a what you call a human anymore. I can't really explain on what exactly happened, although what I can explain is what it felt like an absolute lost cause of a person or not a person at all.

The feeling of being treated like a lost cause is like someone that isn't ment to be fixed or saved from anything or anyone. It felt like worse than anything like a shot to the head or a stab to the heart, at least is what it felt like in my opinion. 

The feeling of being in this dark place of nowhere from on there, I felt as if I was starting to lose my mind uncontrollably, before the breaking point happened.

But in truth, I can't really call what happened or how I got to the, " dark shadows " exactly though. But it will be fine at least I don't have to deal with people anymore. Although I do kind of miss my family and wish I could see them again, but I some how know that will be impossible to do.

Then as I'm contemplating on my life, I felt a struggle with my body as if someone or something else is ripping my skin apart, the tension of the nerves spiraling, and the smell of rotting flesh being burned at the same time. It hurts so much that I can't get out of. Someone please help me!! Before it's to late!!

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