love war with my best friend...

By alysxa_

63.3K 1K 997

dream x fem reader you go to visit your best friend of almost two years and stay alone with him for three wee... More



3.4K 47 98
By alysxa_

okay so btw guys i actually have no idea what i'm writing until i write it. like i think of it along the way and type it, so if it's bad i'm sorry lol. i don't have a plan for the book really so i just go along with my thoughts. comment if i should add something or should improve in something:)

ALSO NOTE THIS IS A LONG CHAPTER. i didn't expect me to make it this long but it's 3000+ words. i got really into it and i'm super proud of it. enjoy:)


clay's pov

i got out of the car and walked over to the other side of the car to open the door for y/n. she got out of the car all jumpy and excited for what i had planned. i looked down at the ground, blushing because i didn't want her to see me blush over something so little. i saw my shoe was untied so i got down on my knee bending over so i could tie it.

"one sec, i gotta tie my shoe real quick. then i'll show you what i have planned." i said while tying it. when i finished tying the bow and pulling it tight i was about to stand back up but i felt something light weighted get on my back. i turned my head and saw y/n giggling as she adjusted herself on my back, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck gently. i just shook my head and laughed as i stood up, but i didn't walk, i just stood there smiling.

"well aren't you gonna move?" y/n whined kicking her legs back and forth and then nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck. i chuckled.

"what's the magic word?" i snickered. y/n paused for a second and then i felt her smile.

"i love you~" she whispered in my ear all flirty. i felt my face heat up and she started to giggle.

"whatever." i said and i started walking to my surprise for her.


y/n's surprise is right around the corner of this building, out of her view. i stopped walking.

"close your eyes." i said. i felt her nuzzle her face into my neck again, so she couldn't see.

i continued to walk and then grabbed onto
y/n's legs a little tighter so she wouldn't fall as i walk down a couple stairs. i continued walking and felt y/n start touching my chest as she was holding onto me. she was tracing little shapes on it..i blushed. cute.

i finally got to the point where i was ready to let her down.

"okay, you can open your eyes." i bent down a little to help y/n get down.

y/n slipped of my back carefully and then opened eyes. she smiled a cute, toothy smile. i took y/n to the beach. i knew she's always wanted to go to the beach and she's never gone before so i thought i should take her. it was a hot day, 87• (87 degrees), and there was a perfect breeze. y/n closed her eyes again, smiling, and lifted her arms up taking in the smell of the ocean. she opened her eyes again shortly after and hugged me tightly.

"thank you clay!! it's so..pretty! the view is so beautiful.." she said. she was still hugging me but was looking up into the clouds. but i wasn't looking at that. i was looking at the most beautiful girl i have ever seen in my life, right in front of me, in my arms.

"yeah...the view is really pretty." i smiled. (to those of you that don't understand this part, he's saying the view of y/n is pretty, he's not talking about the sky.)

we stayed like this for a minute until i broke the silence.

"do you want to go swimming?" i offer.

"i do but i didn't bring a swim suit.." she was disappointed, but i only smiled. i took the mini backpack y/n had on off her and grabbed a white bikini out of it and held it out to her.

"you packed a swim suit for me?! wow, you really think of everything don't cha, handsome?" she grabbed the swim suit from me. i blushed again.

"there should be a bathroom you can use to change in the shop where i told you to close your eyes." i smiled. "do you want me to come with you?" (he means to walk her to the shop, not in the bathroom you dirty minded people.)

"no, i'm okay. thank you though." she smiled and then walked off to the shop.

i took off my shirt and pulled down my shorts, i has my swim trucks underneath my clothes. i grabbed a community towel from the towel box by the stairs down the beach and placed it down on the sand for y/n and i to sit on. i grabbed things out of her bag and set them out for us. i started to apply spray-on sunscreen but i couldn't quite reach my middle back.

"want some help with that cutie?" i heard a girl say. i turned around and saw a girl around my age stand in front of me with a very showable bikini. she twirled her hair. i felt a little uncomfortable..

"um no i'm good, thanks though.."

"oh come on..let me help you." she reached out to touch my back but i stood up and backed up.

"i said no."

"ugh fine, whatever." she walked away, clearly trying to show off her ass. i just rolled my eyes and then looked back at the shop y/n was in. "she's not out yet?" i mumbled to myself. i should go check to make sure she's okay.

i made my way over to the shop and opened the door. a jingle of a bell went off as i entered. i looked around the store but didn't see her anywhere. i walked up to the cash register stand.

"excuse me, have you seen a pretty girl in here in the past 5 minutes? brown hair, brown eyes, yellow shirt..." i describe her to the woman behind the counter.

"uh..oh yeah i have. she went to the changing rooms."

"okay thanks." i guess they don't have bathrooms in here..weird. i walked back to the changing rooms and saw y/n sitting down on a stool in the corner of the hallway before the changing rooms with a tall man hovering over her. touching her thighs.. y/n looked scared, uncomfortable.

"HEY! GET AWAY FROM HER!" i yelled as i walked up to the man, stepping in front of him to shield y/n from him.

"woah man, chill out."

"no i won't chill out, you were touching her thighs and she's clearly uncomfortable!" i said. i wasn't telling but i was raising my voice. i felt y/n's hands on my back. she was standing up and hiding behind me.

"oh please..she liked it." he winked at her.

"cmon y/n, let's go." i gently grabbed her hand and started to pull her to the door of the store but she slipped out of my grip. i turned around and the man had grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. he had his hand on her chin and was bringing her face up to kiss him and i could tell she was trying to get away from him but she couldn't. i ran at him and rammed him into the wall.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" i punched him in the face when he tried to charge back at me and he fell to the floor.

"okay fine win." he surrendered.

"i didn't win, she was always mine." i replied harshly.

y/n grabbed my hand and led me out of the store, the wind hit my face, cooling it down a bit. i was mad. we just stood there and didn't say anything..i took a deep breath.

"did he hurt you?" i was concerned. i reached my hand out and put them on her shoulders.

"no, i'm okay...thank you." she came in to hug me. she jumped a little and wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. i hugged her back and walked back to the towel area i set up for us on the beach with her in my arms.

y/n's pov

clay hugged me back as i was clung onto him like a koala. he held one hand on my waist and the other on the back of my head m, supporting me. that was scary..but now that i'm with clay i'm okay. i realized he was shirtless as i nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. i rubbed his back. i could literally feel his toned abs against my bare stomach..i giggled.

clay set me down on the towel he had laid down for us and smiled at me.

"your so pretty y/n." i blushed. the wind was flowing through our hair, blowing mine back and his forward at me because he was facing me.

"and your so handsome." i giggled, complementing him back. i leaned a little closer to him and he did the same, copying my actions. his hand went up to cup my cheek. our faces were so close. he looked down at my lips and then back up at my eyes with a questioning look. i nodded slightly, giving him consent to kiss me. he closed the gap. the kiss was warm and gentle. loving. i loved my hands to his face and he moved one of his to my waist and the other to my lower back. we kissed for about 20 more seconds and then i pulled away for air. we rested our foreheads against each other's and we both smiled. i laughed.

"did i ever tell you, you look hot in a bikini?" he laughed at his own comment. i giggled.

"did i tell you that you look hot without a shirt?" we both laughed.

"oh, can you help me put sun screen on my back? i tried earlier but i couldn't reach.." he laughed and turned his back to me.

"yeah, of course." i grabbed the sun screen from his hand and sprayed it on his back. i rubbed it in and noticed he didn't spray his sides. i grabbed the sunscreen again and sprayed his sides. he flinched a little at the cold sun screen on his skin.

"what are you doing?"

"you missed your sides so i'm getting them for you while i have the sun screen." i replied. i rubbed it in and he burst out laughing, falling backwards, onto my lap. i pulled my hands away, startled.

"what?" i laughed. he didn't answer, he just continued laughing. "ohhh...your ticklish!" i started tickling his sides again. he screamed in laughter, fidgeting side to side on my lap.

"st-STOPP! PL-eA-SEEE! PLEA-sEe!" he said between laughs. i stopped and rested my hands on his shoulders, laughing.

"oh, i'll get you back for that." he said. he was laying down on my lap, with his head right by my stomach, looking up at me and smirking.

"bet." i replied boldly. then i bent down to give him a peck on the lips.

clay stood up and reached his hand out for me to grab. i took it and we ran off into the ocean.


clay's pov

y/n splashed me and i tackled her. we were in like 4 feet deep water so we didn't hit our heads or anything. (this next part is gonna sound weird cause ocean water stings your eyes but just go with it lol) i felt y/n put her hands on my face and i opened my eyes. her eyes were already opened and her hair was all over, spread out in the water. i moved it all down and leaned in to kiss her but she put her pointer finger in between our lips before they connected and smiled. then she went back up to the surface. i came back up and whipped my hair out of my eyes while taking in a deep breath.

"you little tease!" i playfully said to her. she giggled and gave me the innocent look. i rolled my eyes playfully and we got out of the water.


the sun was now setting and we were walking around the outdoor stands by the beach. i could still smell the ocean..

y/n gasped next to me and ran up to a jewelry stand, pulling me along with her because we were holding hands. she was looking at a really pretty gold rose ring with a white flower on the top of it. the guy behind the stand smiled.

"size?" he asked her.

"7 please." she smiled. she's so cute when she's all excited and jumpy..i couldn't help but smile and blush.

the guy handed her the ring and she tried it on her ring finger, her left hand to be exact. she looked at it on her and showed me.

"that looks great on you y/n." i smiled.

(that's the ring btw)

she smiled in response and took it off, handing it back to the guy behind the stand. "how much is it?" she was very polite.

"$69.99." he replied.

y/n's smile faded. that was a little much for the ring..there are way nicer rings for that price.

"oh..okay. thank you." she motioned for me to walk away with her but i got an idea.

"actually y/n, i.." i looked down at my phone and pretended it was buzzing. "i have a phone call i have to take. why don't you go get us smoothies at the smooth stand over there?" i pointed to a stand across the street a couple stands down.

"okay.." she said. i handed her a 10 (dollar bill) and she went over to the stand. i put my phone back in my pocket and spun around to meet the guy behind the stands face. he looked a little confused.

"i don't actually have a phone call." i tell him. "may i please buy the ring?" i motion to the one he gave her a few minutes earlier to try on. he smiled.

"sure. let me clean it for you real quick. would you like a bag for it?" he pointed to a small bag to the left of him.

"sure, thanks."

he turned around and took a wipe from a container he had on a table in the back of his stand and he started to clean it carefully. "so..girlfriend?" he asked.

"oh no, she's not my girlfriend..yet."

"yet?" he looked at me with the classic oohhh look. i chuckled.

"yeah, not yet. but with that ring i'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend." i pointed to the ring he was cleaning. he paused.

" good dude?" i asked him.

"yeah..if your going to ask her to be your you want this instead of a bag?" he held out a royal blue ring box (idk what it's called, it's the thing the ring goes in when people propose and stuff).

"actually?" i didn't know if he was joking or not.

"yeah! i got chu bro, on me." he put the ring in the box neatly and handed it to me. i handed him the money and he gave me my change. "go get her man." he smiled.

"thanks again.." i looked down at his name tag. "..austin." i smiled. i was about to walk away but austin stopped me.

"hey wait..i can do another thing if you'd like.."


y/n's pov

i was sitting down at a picnic table by the smoothie stand and waited for clay. i saw him coming up to me and i smiled. he looked a little nervous. he was fidgeting with his hands and then scratched the back of his neck. he sat down across from my and smiled.

"you okay? you look nervous.." i said.

"hm? oh yea i'm all good.." he continued to fidget with his hands. i reached my hand over and placed it on his hands gently and he looked up at me.

"clay what's wrong. why are you so nervous?" i asked. clay ignored me and took a long deep breath. he stood up and walked over to my side of the picnic table. i was confused. "clay..?" but he only ignored me again.

he got down on one knee and pulled out a royal blue ring box. i was confused but then realized what he did. my facial expression turned into a shocked yet happy expression. and then he opened the box for me to see the pretty ring i wanted .

"y/n..ever since i met you online i knew that i would fall for you. and i did. i mean, i fell harddd." he laughed. "and i fell so hard that i fell in love with you. love. and i really uh-.." he paused. it looked like he was thinking really hard.

clay's pov

cmon clay, now or never. i thought.

y/n's pov

"what i'm trying to ask you is..y/n..will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. his face was smiling and full of hope. i covered my mouth with one of my hands. was clay really asking me to be his girlfriend? he really fell in love with me? this is..amazing..

"yes, i will be your girlfriend clay." i smiled and got jumpy and excited. he laughed and took the ring out of the box. he set the box on the table and motioned for my to put my hand out. i put out my left hand for him to put the ring on me.

"which finger?" he asked.

"ring." i responded. he gave me a questioning and flirty look as he slipped the pretty ring on my finger. "perfect." i said.

"i guess i really am yours if we're already putting rings on the marriage finger." he joked and stood up. we were both blushing. he leaned down to me and cupped my cheek with his hand.

"can i kiss you y/n?" i could feel his breath on my face.

"you don't even have to ask anymore dream boy." i responded and closed the gap.


WOAHHH OKAY THIS WAS A LONNGGGGG CHAPTER. man i just spent the past like 3 hours writing this😂

i hoped you guys liked it! vote and share if you did:)

this is by far my favorite chapter i've written. i thought it was really cute and in super proud of myself hehe

finished april 21, 2021 - 9:51pm
(3085 words)

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