Supergirl's brother. A cat gr...

By unknown6741

56.7K 1.9K 121

Cat grant x male reader Supercorp Sanvers More

Just the beginning
New boss
First day
Dinner invitation
Sick day
Heroes don't break
Red K Kara
Fight with hope
Meet the family
New beginnings
Love sick
The Ex
A new problem
Secrets don't last 
Trouble in paradise
The return
A cold luthor and a stubborn Danvers.
Come back to me
The invitation
Fallen god
Heartbreak central
Three's a crowd.
Woman down
Disturbed dinner


1.1K 52 2
By unknown6741

"You wanted to see me?" You asked letting the glass door swing shut behind you as you take a beeline straight towards the empty chair in front of cats desk.
Ms Grant doesn't say anything and gives you an unreadable expression but she seems relaxed and at peace with her decision. "I'm sorry, I'm I in trouble or something? You called me in on a Saturday" but your words only make her expression morph into a look of saddness as she peels her gaze away from yours. "Oh rao its something bad."

She released a shaky breath before turning back towards you as she pulls herself together. Not for you but rather for herself. "I'm taking leave."

Your ears seem to perk up at her words much like a dog and you wish this was nothing but a dream but you explicitly remembered waking up this morning only to have a awkward and silent encounter with your sister. "What do you mean?" You asked, your heart seeming to sink into your stomach at the thought of cat leaving. This was her empire and she was leaving it all behind.

"I'm leaving CatCo" she explained, well not really much of explaining rather blunt you thought.

"What? No, you can't just leave." You shook your head standing up to pace the room. You had really came to enjoy the presence of the older woman and being at CatCo made you feel hollow. Even with the arguments and disagreements between you both, you had built a strong relationship with your boss.

Cat stands up keeping her palms face down on the table as she watches you drill holes into her carpet. "I've just done all there is that I can do here. I'm like a shark in a tank, and I'm swimming around in circles and I'm moving, but I'm not getting anywhere. And yes, yes. I've created a media empire and... I'd like to think that I spread some light in humanity out there in the world. And I launched Supergirl and CaptainSuper for God sake. But... I've just been swimming in the same pool for too long. There are new seas out there that I have to go conquer. Hmm. I need to dive or like someone told me." When she had finished explaining herself in more depth she had found herself close to you. You stopped suddenly noticing her clear her throat to speak again.
"A leap of faith." She repeated your words from the other night and you freeze.

You drew your eyes to the carpet unable to look at her, this couldn't be goodbye . "So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know yet, I'll leave that up to the journey. I just need to get out of this city." You shot your gaze back up to her in all seriousness. You could tell she put great thought into her escape but what you didn't know if it was all true, was she leaving because of you?

"This city? Oh Rao you're being serious, you're actually leaving?"

"I already have a buyer" she announced without revealing to much information.

Oh rao this was happening way to fast and you could ignore that feeling anymore. You hadn't had this for a long time and it all came tumbling down, not even a hero could fight such an desire. Cat Grant had an affect on you, despite your own desire to pretend it was all a phase. But you didn't know, you thought you would have more time to explore that feeling but her leaving the city wouldn't help you to communicate such a complicated thought with her. "Cat i-."

She lifts her hand up to cut you before you could speak. "Don't, I'll be back soon enough" she smiled somewhat having an idea of what you where thinking even when you had no idea what that even was.

Your voice seemed to crack but you still pushed her on your question. "Are you leaving because of me?"

Cat chuckled crossing her arms across her chest and moving back around her desk. "No, I'm doing this for me, the new Cat."

You step foward but the doors swing open and Alex barges in with her Deo uniform and wild eyes. "I'm sorry y/n we need you, Karas up against some manic, it looks like a huge surge of kryptonite just shot right up but the readings aren't something I recognise from the kryptonite we have on earth." She rambled not bothering to spare any detail even in the presence of your boss whos watching in concern.

You look at cat to say goodbye but she already back in her seat with a pad and pen in hand, glasses on the bridge of her nose as she buried herself into what you  assume is work. You sigh following Alex out to the elevator.

"What the hell, so this means a new one." You pressed the button to the bottom floor already ripping of your shirt to reveal your family crest. The buttons popping of at your force as you hurry to change before the lift came to a stop.

"And it's not very well made by the look at it." Alex explained looking down at her iPad and zooming into the compound of kryptonite that was definitely home made but its surface structure and radiation leak into the city wasn't looking like anything you had ever encountered before.

"Where's Kal-El?" You asked forgetting that she was planning to hang out with your cousin who wanted to stay around longer after your birthday although he wouldn't dare step foot into your apartment so he stayed a couple streets down in a hotel.

"He went home." Alex explained turning of the tablet and dropping it down to her side with her hands.

"You're fucking kidding? I knew he would just leave again" you snapped, your focus on the numbers descending on the lift aiming closer to the bottom floor.

"I said the same thing. Trust me." Alex explained watching your side profile with a sad smile.

You wanted to be angry at him but your worry for your sister was out weighing your rage and you frown. "I just hope she's okay."

Alex looks at you surprised as you bury that hatred and look softly at the slow opening doors That you nearly dent as you storm out of the metal box towards the front door. "Are you okay, what did Cat want? It looked tense." Alex asked, the doors sliding open as you both step into the chilly city air.

You spin around to Alex stopping you both suddenly, your eyes involuntarily trail back up to cats office where cat starts to collect some of her belongings. "She's leaving"

"Really." Alex gasped surprise that Cat would ever want to leave her empire behind but what was really happening it that Alex had saw the way you look at the older woman.

You shook your head you couldn't be talking about this you needed to help Kara. "Focus Alex."

But Alex doesn't buy it and looks at you with some unrecognised expression one that you weren't so sure of. Was it sadness? Pity? "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what, Alex? She's leaving that's it." You mumbled. Yes you weren't happy that she was leaving and a large part of you knew that she wouldn't come back but you didn't want to talk about something you couldn't change. Ms Grant had made her choice and their was nothing you could ever do to stop her from going.

"City hall" Alex states after a moment knowing she wouldn't receive any emotional ramble from you one she had been so used to from Kara.

"Thanks." You muttered before shooting off into the sky and aiming directly over to city hall and wasting no time. You see Kara cornered by what seems to be a human? But the glowing weird rock in her hand could clearly be a serious match for Kara.

"Oi you!" You yelled turning her attention to you as you crash down into the concrete and facing her, your cape sweeping back over your shoulders.

The woman wasn't all that old, maybe 30. Her Auburn hair was cascading down her shoulders. A large scar across her face, tugging at the sinister grin she was holding.

"Ah Captain super." She teases approaching you and letting Kara relax a little. Of course she wasn't all that pleased as she wanted to do it herself, she didn't want your help but over kryptonite she would take your help in a Instant.

"Cut to the chase, that kryptonite, what is it?" You asked standing still not bothering to move back with her approaching steps. You had to stay in control it seemed to be the only thing you could control anymore.

"Oh this old thing. I call it Silver Kryptonite." She chuckled, launching that small stone into the air and catching it again one handed.

Another step forward.


"Well if your so interested why don't you have a closer look." Suddenly she launched forward piercing your skin as the kryptonite latches into your skin tightly, the radiation bursting through your blood stream, until it's coursing right up to your brain and polluting it.

"Argh" you scream, crashing down onto your knees at the searing heat of its touch altering your perception of the real world.

"Y/n!" Kara yelled rushing forward and pinning the woman to the ground under her weight but the girl doesn't seemed bothered and lets out a laugh.

"Your brother is so much like you. Reckless, stupid. Barreling headfirst into danger to save his sister. I couldn't have set a better trap if I tried. See it was never you I was after supergirl." It's not long until your punching Kara away from her, anger bubbling through your skin as your eyes burn in rage towards supergirl.

"What have you done to him?" Kara gasps rubbing her aching arm from his punch.

"Good luck." The manic smirks victoriously out from y/ns radar as he faces his sister.

You launch from the ground, your fist tight and heading towards Kara who only misses the hit by a quick duck. "What are you doing?" She asks you, confused to why you were trying to harm her. You were on the same team right?

"Oh, he doesn't see you. He sees his worst enemy." She explained causing Kara to drop her jaw as you strike again. She was struggling to keep up with your attacks only mearly missing them.

"You should have stayed away, Mother!" You screamed seeing the very person who had destroyed your family in front of you teasing and torturing you. You never did face that rage against her but the kryptonite really did bring out your anger, or was it just you? You tried hitting her again only to miss the laughter of the woman watching you both fight in amusement.

"Ooh interesting." She wiggles her brows together.

"Your carcass will lie dead at my feet if that what it takes to save my planet, you were always such a disappointment to me, y/n." Your 'mother' spits as Kara leaps away missing your round house kick by a small inch.

"Fuck you!!"

"You ruined your sisters life. How will she feel when her brother gets sent away." She taunts standing where you sister is.

"You leave Kara alone" you growled pushing her away with force and pinning her down into the wall with such raw power and anger. No one hurts your sister.

Which was some ironic bull because you had been hurting her for a long time.

"Y/n , listen to me." Kara begs pleading under your your fist as you strike her down. She coughs up blood and pushes back but it's not enough as you both fight for power.

"You're his mortal enemy, Supergirl. The person he fears most. You will take everything from him, so, this time, he will not hesitate."

"I will save this planet from the likes of you, I will protect MY family and this time I'll stop you for good." You grunt pushing her straight through the glass window where you Hoover her coughing body. You inorge the glass dig under your skin as you step closer and closer with your eyes burning red with each step you approach her. Kara gulps pushing back with her arms as she struggles to stand up.

"I'm so sorry." Kara whispered watching you with sadness as she leaps up and tackles you.

"You will d-." Karas hand swings to your face knocking you unconscious. You legs buckling under you as you collapse to the ground.

"Kara, Kara are you alright?" Alex yells rushing through the shattered window in urgency.

Kara holds your head across her knee as she sits down checking over your body. "Yes. Y/n isn't. I need Lena" she explains not looking back at Alex as she swallowed down the hysterical cries and tears.

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