Home Is where you are

Bởi kookie_di_Angelo

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Will write later :) just read, swear you won't hate it Xem Thêm



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Bởi kookie_di_Angelo

Okay first of all

I happen to have a bounprem/winTeam fanart account where I make hand drawn and recently started making digital art for them too.

You can find it on insta by the same name kookie_di_Angelo.

I also have a Twitter account and ao3 account by the same name.

If you need details on my personal ig account, just hmu? We can chat over some imaginary coffee and fight over WinTeam drabbles hehe.

Also, I'm working for a manga website which will be released really soon and you all can find my art and stories there too as well as work from other really great artists. I'll mention all about it here and properly put links on my insta,so keep in touch if you wanna get updated on that. I would be reaaalllly grateful to all of you.


"he'll be staying in this apartment and working for you from now on and that's final" Win's mom said as he led him aside.

" Who even is this guy. I haven't even seen him before and letting strangers in? Is that even safe Mom?"

The stranger was cute, or so Win thought at first glance. But that does not mean he cannot be dangerous.

"It's your dad's wish Win. He's very fond of the boy. His name is Team" Win's mom whispered.

" Are you sure dad is the only reason? I know I had a break up, mom . You didn't need to get me a babysitter" Win scoffed, peeping back into the hallway to see if the new boy was eavesdropping.

"You shouldn't be speaking this way Luk-châai. I've seen loneliness do awful things to people."
his mom warned and he just shook his head in disbelief.

"So you're just hiring a guy to keep check that I don't die or something?" Win laughed, clutching his stomach. His mom was really something.

"I don't see what's funny here Win?! I wasn't the one who almost died of alcohol poisoning after their first break up"

"Mom" Win whined "please. It's embarrassing"

He was a grown ass man in his twenties, well capable of taking care of himself and an apartment on his own. But there seemed to be no convincing his parents. Well be couldn't blame all of it. He had given them reasons at some point and now those were here to bite at his back.

"Alright alright, If you're that worried I guess I'll have to-" Win relented and his mother smiled and patted his cheek .

"Team is a good boy. He is Kashi's son and we've seen him grow up. You can trust him just fine" Mrs Wanichakornjonkul explained again.

Win's eyes lit up a little at the mention of the familiar name. "You mean Aunt Kashi, the maid who used to work at the mansion back then?"

"Yes, yes! Her. Do you still remember her? She was diagnosed with stage II colon cancer few months back.
We were all so disheartened at the news. Team had to quit college and his part time job to take care of her" she said with a sad look on her face and Win felt bad to hear about the woman he had once known in his childhood.

He now also remembers seeing her little son once or twice when he came with his mom while she worked.

They never spoke much but he remembers seeing the little boy, cute as a dumpling sitting on the kitchen floor moulding a ball of dough into a weirdly shaped duck while his mother prepared the lunch for the family or sometimes just running around the backyard chasing stray cats. They never talked much since Win was always occupied with school and classes and swimming and tennis tournaments ever since he was a kid. Soon after, he left for London, on scholarship and completed middle school to university there, got a job, dated and spent pounds without worries, nearly married a girl, broke up and now he was back in Thailand , to join his dad's business.

"He works as a caretaker? He could easily get a good part-time job here" Win asked his mom.

They could now hear random things falling and the boy cursing under his breath from the other room.

"Team!" Mrs.Wanichakornjonkul called out,  "at this pace you're gonna bring down the house by tonight!"

Then focusing back his attention at her son , she said "Kashi has served our household for thirty years now. She didn't want Team to drift apart from the family that had sheltered her for years. So your dad thought we should give him a full time job at the mansion and in turn he gets paid well and free food to fill his stomach three times a day. Better than any other option he could have with their current financial condition. He doens't even have the resources to continue his formal education. Who would hire him? We're doing the boy a favour I'd say."

Win knew his parents probably meant well for him and his ailing mother but a life of servitude from such a tender age, when he should be in college, studying, making friends, exploring his life but instead this- he couldn't help but feel a little pity for the boy.

He couldn't argue more about this with her, there was never any convincing her.

It sounded like his dad actually cared about the guy. Win barely remembers having heard stories from his father how Kashi too had grown in the Wanichakornjonkul household while her father worked as a gardener there. They had been friends and hus dad had always been protective of her like any older brother would.

Barely twenty and she was left pregnant by some guy who refused to take responsibility.

Win's grandfather had arranged a place for her in the quarters to stay on her father's request, who felt utterly disgraced at the turn of events but Win's dad had accepted her with open arms and she had ever since worked at the mansion.

It was only natural for his dad to have brotherly feelings towards the woman he'd grown up with and affection for her boy.

His mom, as Win had known in the brief period he stayed there before he went abroad for highschool and college, had never liked the woman a lot, but had been kind enough with her words, atleast to her face, on her father's request.

Back in London , he had worked part time jobs too to support his tuition fees and have some pocket money for parties and going out with his friends.
His parents were always against it. The culture shock was immense and even though his parents were rich, he felt guilty about spending too much of their money as everything was already so expensive from what it was back home .


"Team, come here quick, I'm leaving" Mrs.Wanichakornjonkul called as she sipped at her tea. Win was just sitting next to her on the sofa while Team was busy unpacking some big boxes in the next room. He'd launched himself there since the moment he arrived half an hour ago on his mom's order and had been click-clacking things in and out ever since.

Team walked in and it was probably the first time Win got a good look at the boy. He could be no more than eighteen or nineteen, with messy black hair, frail arms and a sweet innocent little face. 

Win didn't miss the way his little eyes twinkled when he came and stood in front of them, his hands and shirt black with dust and grime. He quickly offered a wai to the woman, followed by Win who was looking at him, all amused.

"My god boy-what have you been upto -?" Mr.Wanichakornjonkul exclaimed.

"I-I was unpacking the stuff you got for Sir, Ma'am" he said , desperately trying to rub off some of the grime from his arms, embarrassed, to look a little more presentable only to smear it even more.

"Hey, you can call me Win" Win interjected, only to receive a squeeze on his knee from his mother.

"Never mind. Take a shower when I'm gone. I'll send the money for your mother's medicines through Win from now on. Don't worry, just work hard, my son is a kind person and just so you know there are cameras around this place. I know you're a good boy. No complaints alright? " The woman said and Win's eyes went wide as he gave her knee a light squeeze under the table at the not so subtle hint to Team being untrustworthy.

"Mom!" He winced only to have his knuckles swatted at by her.

"It's always good to be careful, isn't it Team?"Mrs.Wanichakornjonkul said to the other with a smile and Team politely nodded in return.

"Yes ma'am. I won't give a chance for complaints" he whispered and Win's heart sank at the look on the boy's face .

Sure they'd met just two minutes ago but he didn't need to have superpowers to read the look of hurt on the boy's face.

Any decent human would know how to be careful with their words . It seems his mother, even after all these years , was still the same.

"oh and- did you get your clothes and all your belongings?" She asked again, unbothered by her previous scathing remark as she proceeded to get up and head towards the door. Win followed suit, visibly glad of her departure.

"Yes ma'am. I'm all good." Team murmured.

"Fine then. Win will show you to your room. I'll get going"

Team nodded and stood in the corner while he watched the older accompany him to the elevator. After a brief moment of chitter chatter, Win came back and found the boy still standing right there, picking on the stray strings of hus worn down shirt.

"Team. I'm so sorry about what she said earlier. Please don't mind her words"

"I won't sir. It's alright" Team smiled.

"Okay then let's get you settled" Win offered as he led Team inside.


"You can put your things in here for now. I'm so sorry it was all so sudden I didn't get any time to clear up this mess" Win said, as he laid down a new mattress and sheets in one corner of the room.

The room that Team got assigned to, used to serve as a storeroom for whatever family that lived there before Win moved in.

The paint on the walls were peeling and the floor although had been recently scrubbed, apparently for Win's arrival, still looked stained.

There was a cupboard in one corner and a good lot of free space. The room was spacious with big windows that had some old curtains hanging from them.

"I can do it on my own sir. You don't have to-" Team said as he tried to help Win with the mattress.

"Please don't call me that" Win chuckled "it sounds so weird"

"I'm afraid Mrs.Wanichakornjonkul wouldn't approve" Team said as he pinned the bed sheet to the sides and straightened the edges while Win cleared out the old cupboard of its contents and started dusting it.

"I'm sorry I had no prior arrangements done. Mom called up in the morning and sent men to clear this space out. We can get it painted sometime, you know" Win huffed as he dusted the cobwebs out if the drawers.

"Please sir- it's-its fine - you don't have to get the dirt on yourself. That's what I'm here for" Team darted at once towards him and pulled the duster out of his hands, startling him.

Win was taken aback and glared back in surprise to which Team stiffened at once and stepped back.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" he mewled at his own little outburst and Win stepped back.

"Aren't you something" Win huffed with a laugh and Team felt some of his tension ebb way.

"Can I sit here?" Win asked and plopped himself down on the floor mattress before the other could even answer.

"Yes, yes please. It could be better if I cleaned up a bit around here first..."his voice trailed off as he watched Win make himself comfortable on the makeshift bed and got back to shovelling off things from his suitcase into the drawers.

"Did you call View and Wan that too?" Win asked from the floor and Team looked back "huh?"

"Did you call View and Wan with these weird honorifics too? View is atleast two years younger than you, isn't he? "

Team thought for another few moments in silence as he placed the remaining of his clothes in the shelves , the socks and underwear in the bottom drawer and a little photo frame with the picture of a young boy and a woman on the bedside table.

"That's your mom, isn't it?" Win asked as he reached forward and examined the frame in his hands.


"You were just as adorable as a kid" Win commented and Team hid a shy smile as he shoved some more clothes into the cupboard. He hadn't been called anything nice before so it was definitely new.

"View calls me P'Team and I call him Nong View when no one's around. I try not to call him anything at all when there are people nearby because, the elders might not be happy about it and Nong View gets mad at me when I call him otherwise. As for your older brother, sir, the few times we've met, he insists I call him Hia Wan so I don't have much choice" Team explained.

Win's face lit up with some unexplained expression.

"Good. You're gonna call me Hia Win too from now on. How old are you again?"

" nineteen" Team whispered "I'll be nineteen next month "

"Gosh you're so young. I heard you were in college before umm...Aunt Kashi got ill "

"Yeah mom needed someone to take care of her and well, she couldn't work anymore, so I needed to help out. She raised me up with everything she had . I'm all she's got. I couldn't turn my back on her. I would've been in second year now, if things had been different" Team's voice was so small and sad, Win regretted having asked him that. Sure he had to leave college and start earning to finance her treatment. And he couldn't even stay with her and take care of her because he had to take care of this dumb apartment and babysit Win.

"I'm sure she'll be well soon, Team. Don't worry.  And you can always complete college once-"

"I- yeah I know- I'll just go and get the dinner ready" Team said as he rushed outside to the kitchen and Win was left wondering if he'd said something that offended him.

He was just trying to be nice and friends with the boy. He's always been like this. Even with strangers, Win had always been chirpy, it helped to break the ice and on rare occasions he got called out names for his upfront behaviour.

So if you are new to my account and stories, don't forget to say hi :)
I love having a lil chat always.
And if you like the story, make sure you leave a comment and hit the vote button to show it. It would mean a lot.

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