I Don't Care If You're Contag...

By dropdeadsebring

796 23 8

Can a regular girl really date a touring Guitar player Tony Perry or will their relationship fall apart? More

I Don't Care If You're Contagious,I Love You. (Pierce the Veil Fanfic)
Author's note.

New Beginnings

157 12 3
By dropdeadsebring

[Dani]~[These are these ______ P.O.V]

       While I was walking,i was contemplating my thoughts on why I haven't told Jorge I've applied to be their new merch girl. I guess I'm scared that he'll be mad that i'll leave.But come on he is my brother.He knows I need money to go back to school.I still remember when I got the call .

~Le Flashback~

        Jorge was inside paying for the gas,when my phone started to play 'Hold On Till May'.That meant it was call from an unknown number. Puzzled  i stare at the screen for a second then answer it.

"Hello?"I ask

 "Is this Miss Gutierrez?"The obvious manly and gruff voice on the other line inquired.

"Yes,maybe i ask who is speaking?"I answer back.

"Well this Earl Grievus,Pierce the Veil manager. I had read your resume when you had applied to be our new merch girl.I looked it over and i think you would be a great new contribution to the PTV familia." The man said with content within his voice. 

Oh my,I never thought I would actually get the job.Yes I did have excellent school grades with honor English and Math. But i thought they would get someone with more personality to their team.I sat there for a moment and spaced out. I was tossed out of my thoughts by Earl's voice.

"So what do you say?"He asked.

"Absoulety! This a great oppurtunity your giving me Mr.Grevius. When do I start I can be there as soon as possible. I was actually on the way to one of their shows right now.Were stopped at gas station right now but we could be there in less than 15 minutes." I rambled out with no breath at the end. 

"Sounds great ,you'll need your personal items ready by 10:30 by tomorrow morning. I'll leave you AAA pass at the gate with your name. Have a great day ,see you when I see you Danielle. Goodbye."He said and then the line went dead. 

I sat instantly shocked abput the conversation I had just had with their tour manager. Jorge came back and asked me what was wrong but I just sat there just shocked and in awe. I seemed that the rest of the way here was just a dream but actually a real reality.

~End of flashback~

I had finally made it to them. I stood there a second before I introduced my name to the band. I still had my pass Jorge got me ,but also the All Around Access pass that was left for at ticket will call.

"Hi, my name's Danielle but call my Dani. Im your guys new merch girl." I said with a excited voice.Their faces lit up with a look of excited before I was engulfed to a big sweaty hug with four grown men.

"Oh my god guys, she's adorable. I hope you can handle these four sexicans." Jaime stated with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

I laughed. "Well I know I can" I said with one of those sassy snaps.

"Ooo sassy" Vic said with a cheesy grin.

"Hia Mike and Tony" I said with a grin to the nontalkative boys.They waved back before walking off. "Well okay, did I do something wrong? They seem like they didn't like me? Tony had waved me over but he didnt even say a word to me?" I questioned Vic and Jaime.

"They're the quiet ones. Well do you have your stuff here or do you need to get it?"Vic said with a smile.

"I need to find my older brother Jorge. He has the keys to my hotel and I do need to get my stuff.Im so glad I packed enough."I answered Vic."But speak of the devil." My short older brother had sauntered over to me and the guys. 

"Heya people. What's going on?" He questioned puzzled by me talking to them with so much ease. "Dani, did you forget to tell me something,'cause i feel let out of the loop."

"Jorge,remember I had applied to the merch girl site like 3 months ago? Well I got a call back and Im officially PTV's new merch girl."I explained with a goofy grin on my face. I turned to Jaime and Vic and saw they had smiles too and nodded to my explantion. 

"Wow! Really? Damn I take a quick leak and you get a job. Great job Double Dee. Jaime and Vic laughed at Jorge's pet name that he'd give me when he found out my middle name is Diaz. Yep Danielle Diaz Gutierrez. Double Dee. Ha.Ha. Not funny.

"Don't call me that WHORE-HAY! " I snickered at his prouncation of his name. His face that was smirk-riddened was red with ebarassment.

"Fine,you dont have your stuff though. I need to drive you back to the hotel before you go. Okay?" His face ridden with worry. I nodded in agreement.

Jaime piped in. "Can I come,please? I wanna pick up some tacos for tonight's celebration!" His face with a great big grin and his dimples popping out.

"You guys better get going.It's getting late. I'll be on the bus."Vic said before he left. "Let's go!" Jaime yelped.

~After the hotel and taco stop~

"Bye big bear,I'll miss you" I said as i hugged my big brother.Not really big but you get what i mean."Bye take care of yourself. I love you,bye"With that he satarted the car and drove off leaving me in the parking lot alone. Jaime came running up to me. "Come on Dani,the tacos are getting cold! And if you dont come soon I'm going to eat yours"He threatened with a smile."You would'nt dare ."I said wiggling my eyebrows. "I dont kidd, let's go!" He said pulling me along to the bus.

I'm hoping this a new beginning to a better and happier life I've wanted.

~Yay! I wrote something. Well this a filler chapter ,  tomorrow I'll put one in with Tony in it and it will include a little romance. :3 hope you like this one! Even though there are'nt many chapters. Bye ! -MissTurtleCookie xox~

Tony&Mike to the side. cx --------->

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