Artemis Hale (Klaus Mikaelson...

By JamesPottersWife123

1.7K 39 8

Artemis is the twin sister of Rosalie Hale. When Bella has twins instead of one child she decides that she ca... More

My Oc's


363 8 0
By JamesPottersWife123

Bella, Alice, Rose, and I were sitting in the living room discussing baby names while everyone was out hunting.

After a few minutes Edward and Jacob walk in.

Bella- "Hey, are you okay?"

Jacob- "Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon."

Me- "This is pretty important, Bella. Why don't you tell Jacob what you decided?"

Jacob- "What....What now?"

Edward- "Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names."

Bella- "She hates them."

Jacob- "Well then I’m on your side no matter what you pick."

Bella- "They’re not that bad. If it’s a boy, E.J. Edward Jacob."

Rosalie- "Okay, fine. That one’s not awful. Why don’t you tell them the girl’s name?"

Bella- "I was playing around with our mom’s names, Renee and Esme. And I was thinking, Renesmee."

Jacob- "Renesmee."

Bella- "Too weird?"

Jacob- "Um…"

Edward- "No, that’s not too weird. It’s beautiful and it’s unique. It certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee."

Bella then turns to Rose.

Bella- "He likes it."

Bella goes to take her drink of blood but suddenly her back breaks and she falls to the floor. She then goes into labor.

Edward- "Rosalie, pass the morphine."

Alice is talking on the phone to Carlisle.

Alice- "Carlisle said the placenta must have detached!"

Edward gives Bella the morphine shot.

Alice- "He’s coming as fast as he can."

Rosalie- "We’ll have to do it."

Rose takes a scalpel to cut Bella’s stomach open but Edward stops her.

Edward- "No! Let the morphine spread."

Me- "There’s no time. He’s dying!"

Bella- "Get him out, now!"

Rosie cuts her stomach.

Jacob- "Look at me, Bella."

Bella screams in pain.

As Rosalie cuts Bella’s stomach the sight of the blood distracts her.

Edward- "Rosalie, don’t!"

Edward pushes Rosalie aside.

Edward- "Alice, get her out of here!"

Bella- "Rosalie!"

Bella screams in pain.

Jacob Black- "Save her! You gotta change her!"

Edward- "I can’t! Not whilst he’s still in there. I gotta get him out first."

Bella screaming in pain.

Jacob- "Stay focused. Keep your heart beating."

Bella- "Jake, he’s suffocating!"

Edwards rips the embryonic sac with his teeth and pulls the baby out

Edward- "It’s Renesmee."

Bella- "Beautiful."

Edward- "Bella. There's another child."

Bella- "I can't handle twins! We need to put it up for adoption."

She says in a lot of pain.

Me- "Edward. I'll adopt her. Even though I have the ability to have children I'm waiting until I find my mate and you can't put her in an orphanage or foster care because we don't know how fast she will grow."

He agrees and hands me the baby. Renesmee bit Bella and Rose came into the room and took Renesmee out of the room with me following.

Rose- "I heard about what happened. Have you decided her name yet?"

Me- "Yeah. I have. When we were talking to Bella about baby names I was thinking about how if I found my mate and had kids what I would want to name them. I came up with the name Gracelyn Rosalice Hale."

Rose started to dry sob when she heard the middle name.

Rose- "That's a beautiful name. Thank you for naming her after me and Alice. And I know you will find your mate."

Me- "Your welcome. But I keep telling myself that, everyday I told myself when we were human that I had a soulmate out there somewhere, that I would do whatever it took to find him and I told myself he would do whatever it took to find me. But I'm starting to lose hope, I mean what are the chances that he will show up on our doorstep claiming that he is my mate? But now I don't need him I have this little angel, I have an amazing twin sister, and an amazing family."

Rosalie hugged me and we sat in a comfortable silence playing with the babies in our arms.

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