Marked by Fate (Completed ✔️)

Por LaurenCampbell234513

7.3K 290 20

Warning: Violence, swearing, abuse, and other sensitive topics - Read at your own discretion ... Más

Chapter 1 - Everything's going downhill
Chapter 2 - The world comes crashing
Chapter 3 - Alone...I think
Chapter 4 - Meeting my doom
Chapter 5 - Just another day in paradise
Chapter 6 - The beginning...
Chapter 7 - ...Of the end
Chapter 8 - The woods
Chapter 9 - Escaping hell
Chapter 10 - Making mistakes
Chapter 11 - Coming to
Chapter 12 - Starting our journey
Chapter 13 - Meeting others
Chapter 14 - Magical Bonds
Chapter 15 - Hunted
Chapter 16 - The past coming back
Chapter 18 - Coming together
Chapter 19 - To close for comfort
Chapter 20 - Bonding
Chapter 21 - Home sweet home
Chapter 22 - A plan set in motion
Chapter 23 - Setting up camp
Chapter 24 - The bonfire
Chapter 25 - Mating
Chapter 26 - In the dark of night
Chapter 27 - Dreamscape
Chapter 28 - Escape
Chapter 29 - Coming home
Chapter 30 - Training begins
Chapter 31 - The first wave
Chapter 32 - The Vision
Chapter 33 - The Showdown
Chapter 34 - The aftermath

Chapter 17 - Out of the woods

193 7 2
Por LaurenCampbell234513


A shot rang out as I squeezed my eyes tighter holding my breath. After a moment I realized no pain followed and opened my eyes.

My jaw dropped at the scene in front of me. There were four hooded figures dressed in black and gold cloaks fighting the remaining council members.

I looked to my left and saw Rick being restrained by two figures while another one hog-tied him and the gun he just had was thrown to the side. I went to reach for it only to get tackled to the ground by Emma as a shot rang out above our heads

(Oh shit! Thanks em.) I quickly mind-linked her as I got to my feet pulling her along with me.

(No problem. Now, let's kick some ass) she said grinning before taking off and shifting, launching herself at a council member.

I growled loudly and planted my feet before running towards two council members that were overpowering one of the members from the group wearing the cloaks.

I leaped at one, shifting mid-jump as I tore into his throat, ripping it out. I jumped off him and faced the other council member growling and snapping at him.

As I went to lunge for him another shot rang out, distracting me long enough for him to draw a dagger before plunging it into my shoulder. I howled out in pain and dropped to the ground. He was about to stab me again when I heard a whipping sound followed by a thunk.

I shifted back lifting my head back up as I clutched my shoulder. I looked at him to see his headless body crumpling to the floor with one of the cloaked members standing over it.

They held out their hand to me and I looked at it skeptically before taking it and getting to my feet.

As I did one of the council members flew into me knocking me back a few steps before I shoved him off of me and to the ground.

As I did I saw Emma's wolf lunge through the air landing right on top of him before sinking her teeth into his neck and pulling off his head. She growled loudly with blood dripping from her teeth as she spun around ready to attack again.

Looking around I saw that every council member was either dead or unconscious all except for Rick who was still being restrained near a tree where he was struggling to get free.

I walked over to him putting my foot on his chest to stop his movements like he did to me.

"I see the big bad hybrid needs help to take us down. What? Too weak to do it on your own? " rick sneered at me mockingly making me press down harder on his chest causing him to wheeze.

"I could've taken you down just fine on my own and have before, but it's always nice to have help from people who aren't as single-minded as you." I snapped at him before throwing him to the ground for a moment.

I grabbed one of the other warriors that had just regained consciousness and brought him face to face with me.

"This is the last warning you're getting" I growled angrily at him. "If I catch any other council member again, they won't live to see another day. Do I make myself clear?" I asked defiantly as I dug my claws into his chest above his heart.

He looked away and remained quiet so I dug them in more drawing blood as I glared at him. "I said, am I understood?" I demanded putting some power behind it. He started to tremble and it looked like he was under great effort as he slowly nodded his head.

"Good. Make sure Andrew gets this message." I said before dropping him back to the ground against one of his friends, making sure he was facing me.

I grabbed Rick by his collar bringing him to face me. "You were already warned once not to cross my path again and yet you vehemently pursued me," I growled at him angrily. "On top of that, you are best friends with the man who rejected me, you've attacked me twice now, and your father is the man that took my parents away from me" I growled spitefully was I pulled him closer.

"This has been a long time coming" I whispered devilishly as his eyes widened in surprise before I dropped him to the ground. "I'm not going to have you or those goons terrorize me anymore, or have you take someone I love," I growled deeply before I shifted into my wolf form and let serenity take over.

She growled loudly shaking the trees around as before she lined at him ripping his chest apart before moving to his throat. We growled and thrashed him around before throwing him off to the side and letting me have control again.

She has been promising me that she would get rick ever since everything went down with Andrew so she is quite content with herself.

I rolled around in the snow cleaning my fur before I shifted back. I just sat there in the snow solemnly for a few moments letting everything sink in as I felt my knees slowly start to get wet.

This was not going to go over well with the council or his father but I'm done being attacked for no reason. I huffed and slowly got to my feet, turning back around to see Emma limping over to me as well as the four others in the black cloaks.

As soon as she got close enough, I snatched Emma up into my arms and bear-hugged her. She hugged me back just as hard, crying into my shoulder. "I really thought I was going to lose you," she said shakily but was slightly muffled by my clothes.

I pulled back, looking her in the face to see tears still streaming. I wiped them away gently as I spoke. "Hey, you're never going to lose me. I'll always be watching over you in one way or another. Never forget that." I said lovingly as I took her hands in mine, squeezing them tightly. She nodded, hugging me once more before moving beside me to face everyone else.

They all still had their hoods up so we could only see a little bit of the very bottom of their face and hands.

"I want to thank you, guys. You had no clue who we were, and yet you still stepped up and helped us when we needed it the most. Anything we can do for you, you name it and if you're ever in need of help you can count on us to be there." I said genuinely as I stepped towards them with my hand held out ready to shake hands with them all.

"I wouldn't say that we didn't have any clue" one of them joked before looking around at the others. They all nodded lifting their hands to their hoods.

I felt time slow to a crawl as their hoods slowly fell. Emma and I both gasped out loud. "No. Fucking. Way." Emma whispered lowly

Standing in front of us grinning ear to ear was Avery, Ryan, Tyler, and Luke; four of the kids we first saved all those years ago.

As my eyes swept across the group, I was frozen in place as they went across the twins, Luke and Tyler.

As I looked at them it was like the world stopped spinning and felt as if we were the only ones there. A warm fuzzy sensation spread across my body as Serenity howled in my mind.

They were both a little over 6ft and had a muscular build. Tyler had sleek black hair and bright green eyes while Luke still had the same dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes.

"Mate!" I heard Emma growl loudly just as Serenity did in my mind. I was about to growl at her thinking she meant the twins but I looked over to see her locking eyes with Ryan.

We both just stared at them wide-eyed for a moment before getting over our shock.

In a heartbeat, Luke and Tyler were beside me with their arms wrapped around me lovingly making sparks shoot all over.  Tyler moved behind me nuzzling his nose into my neck, inhaling my scent while Luke did the same on the other side from the front. I purred in happiness causing me to freeze.

(Rin, you've never purred in your life, and twin mates? I can't believe it) I joked happily as I snuggled into Tyler's chest.

(I've never felt like this before, not even when we first met Andrew) she said lovingly as she purred and pranced back and forth. (but I know, I can't either! At least it's people we know and who know about us instead of a total stranger we'd have to explain everything to).

(True. I wonder what they were doing up here?) I asked rhetorically before noticing Luke was still in front of me looking at me quizzically. I snapped back to reality as he finished saying something to me.

"What? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you" I said apologetically shaking my head slightly

"It's alright, mate" he practically purred. "I was just saying that now we know why we felt such a strong pull coming here. Not only was it leading us to our mates but also here to you." He said lovingly as he gently caressed my face with his hand.

I leaned into it looking up at him to see him grinning from ear to ear. Tyler started to pepper my neck with soft kisses making me giggle and moan light as someone cleared their throat trying to get our attention.

We broke apart to see Avery, Emma, and Ryan standing there grinning and looking amused. I glanced over at Emma to see that Ryan had made his way over to her, meaning they were probably wanting to do the same thing we were.

I blushed diverted my eyes realizing that they had seen what we were doing as Avery burst out laughing.

"You guys...are so...cute," she said happily in between giggles.

I huffed playfully. "Hey! I am not cute. I am fierce. I am the night. Fear me!" I said mockingly as I held up my fingers in mock claws grinning at her.

That just made her laugh harder and everyone joined in. Tyler ruffled my hair before kissing me on my head. "Yes, you are mate. Look, I'm shaking" he joked as he shook his hands at me.

"Oh, you little brat" I joked back as I jumped at him making both of us fall to the ground with me on top of him. I heard Avery giggle "here we go again" before everyone else walked back towards the house.

He quickly flipped us over pinning my hands down. I gulped and looked up at him innocently before winking at him.

He grinned from ear to ear as he leaned down and whispered huskily "if anyone the brat here, it's you." He quickly jumped off of me, releasing my hands as he took off.

I went running after him only to be caught around the waist by Luke. He brought me to his chest so my back was against his front and leaned down whispering "Ah ah ah, you're mine now gorgeous" he said nuzzling his head into my neck once again.

I giggled biting my lip before spinning around, wrapping my arms around him as I kissed him passionately. "I'm completely fine with that," I said a little breathlessly as I pulled back.

Luke made my heart melt as he gave me a huge smile before kissing my forehead. He rested his forehead against mine and squeezed me tightly before relaxing. A thought occurred to me making me pull back suddenly so I could see him.

He looked at me quizzically just as Tyler jogged back over to us. "Perfect timing," I said nodding towards him "I have a couple of questions for everyone so why don't we all head inside where it's a little warmer"

They both nodded in agreement as Luke released me taking one of his hands in mine as Tyler took the other.

I laughed lightly at them, shaking my head as we began to make our way inside.

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