I Can't Give Up On Him

By TeddyBear698404

3.8K 166 25

Rose Weasley was deeply in love with Scorpius Malfoy since the 4th year. But, how things will turn if he tell... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Final)

Chapter 3

247 12 0
By TeddyBear698404

"Rosie, are you fine?" asked Hermione who was looking very worried. Rose nodded. "Where is McGonagall?" asked Draco. "Dunno, dad" Scorpius replied. "Rose, why were you out of bed?" asked Ron. "Uhm... prefect duty. Head boy and girl wanted to meet all the prefects in the Head office" replied Rose. "But, the two were not in the Head office. We went there but, it was empty" added Scorpius. "I didn't ask you, pure blood" said Ron annoyed. "HE JUST TOLD, WHAT HAPPENED" said Draco in a loud tone.

"I didn't ask that either" said Ron trying not to attack. Hermione pressed her hand on Ron's shoulder and mouthed him not to start a fight here. Ron nodded and looked at Rose, who understood that his father hated Scorpius just like Draco Malfoy.

"I hope that all of you are fine. As Scorpius told that the Head Boy and Girl weren't in the office. I think we should call them here" told Harry and went outside with Ron. Rose could see  her mother performing some kind of healing curse on her. And, she saw as the wound on her arm healed. "Better?" asked Hermione. "Y-Yes" she replied and smiled. On the other hand, Scorpius was glaring at them. Hiding his emotions. He told himself that he still has his father. Perhaps Draco saw this. He headed towards his son and tried to comfort him.

"How are you feeling, Frank?" asked Hermione. "I am fine. Thanks for asking!" he replied. Hermione smiled. It turned out that the Head Boy and Girl tried to play a prank on the prefects. So, they were punished by McGonagall, who came out of nowhere.

It took about a week for the prefects to heal. At morning, they all went back to join everyone else. Quidditch trials were today. Rose didn't feel like taking them, but she had to. She walked down the stairs. "Weasley, Make sure to select my student. She will be a great Keeper, I know" said a voice from behind her. It was Scorpius. "And if she gets selected she will do better than the Slytherin Keeper" Rose replied laughing . "Rosie, she can't beat her teacher. After all, the teacher didn't teach her all the tricks" said Scorpius and winked.

Rose headed to the pitch. She found three girls and four boys there waiting for her. Yes, Lily was there. Rose looked at them and separated them on the basis of what job they wanted. There were four candidates for the Keeper's job and three for the Beater's. She tested each one of them. And selected, Emma Thomas as the new Beater. But, still she couldn't select the Keeper. Lily was really good and so was Luka Finnigan. It was really hard.

"Uhmm.... Finnigan and Potter, you two are equally good. I can't decide" she said looking confused. Then, she saw Lily's puppy eyes pleading her. But, it would be unfair. "We should do again then, i guess?" asked Luka. Rose nodded. After seeing them and a lot of thinking Rose realized that Luka was better than Lily. She sighed. Now, Lily would probably not talk to her for long. "Ok so, I have decided t-that, Luka is better" said Rose. Luka smiled whereas Lily was shocked. She looked at Rose and went away.

"Thanks Rose! Can I ask you for a favour?" asked Luka. Rose nodded as yes. He smiled and said," Can you teach my patronus charm? I can't do it properly?". "Sure. I have to go check on Lily for now, Can it be some other day or tomorrow? I am free tomorrow" told Rose and hurried back after Lily. But, she couldn't reach her. Rose sighed and thought to meet her in the common room at night.

"Hey Rose" someone pulled her from her thoughts. It was Albus. He was looking worried. "I heard from Lily. She doesn't want to meet you. But, don't worry her anger will last for only one or two days" he said. "Yeah, I know. I mean Lily is really good but, Luka was a bit better"she said. "Don't worry about that. I just hope that she doesn't do anything foolish" told Albus. "Hmmm.... What's on your time table?" asked Rose. "Potions with Gryffindors. Let's go" he replied.

Rose and Albus headed together to the potions classroom. Potions was Rose's favourite subject. Infact, every subject except Divination was her favourite. She hurried and sat next to Mavis. "Rosie, today we are going to do Love Potions. I am so excited. Whom do you think I will smell? Lorcan or someone else?" asked Mavis. "Make sure that you don't smell me" a cold voice came from behind. It was Frank Longbottom. "Between, Rose do you think that Luka was truly better than Lily?" asked Frank. Rose sighed and replied,"Yes, a bit better".

Professor Slughorn came in the class. To be honest, he was a bit old. But, still it didn't affected him to teach at Hogwarts. He looked at the excited faces of all the girls. "Welcome to the Potions call, Today we will learn about Love Potions" he said. "Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?" he added. Rose raised her hand and answered," Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence. It doesn't create pure love but, an obsession. It smells different to everyone, on basis of what attracts them". Slughorn nodded and said, "Very Good, Miss Weasley. Ten Points to Gryffindor".

Slughorn told them how to make Amortentia and everyone started to make it. It was first completed by Luka who chuckled when he smelled it. "Did you smell Professor McGonagall?" asked Albus irritatibly who was unable to make the potion. "No" replied Luka coldly. Albus sighed and tried to make his potion again. It was completed by Rose, who wasn't at all surprised about what she smelled. She looked at Scorpius and giggled. "So, you got Scorpius?" asked Mavis looking at where she was staring. "Yeah" Rose replied.

Finally, Albus completed it. But, to his horror he couldn't recognize what he smelled. And Scorpius finished making the potion too. He chuckled at what he smelled. Rose wondered if it was her.

Message from Writer: I had fun writing this part, hope you had fun reading it. Anyways, time for a bonus picture. This is how I imagine Albus in the story!

And again, credits to Pinterest for the picture! Bye!

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