Raven's Home: Kaylee, Levi's...

By hannahmei18

2.6K 44 18

Yo, let me tell you something, had my vision all worked out, but then life had other plans ( tell'em, Rae), i... More

Theme Song
Raven's Home Star Aimi Matsuzka Finish Sing Disney Channel Theme Songs + Q&A
Authors Note
New Cover! ( not an chapter )

[ episode 1] Baxter's back!

928 14 8
By hannahmei18

Kaylee Pov

~ her night gown, her down~

I was sleeping on the couch, Nia is sleeping with her twin brother, sudd I hear my alarm go off, I open my eyes and quickly raise to the bathroom before

Nia or Booker, once I made there, I see the other two running but Booker got there first

" yes!" Booker laughed an looking at us two girls " first! I finally beat you two to the bathroom, this must burn, Kaylee, Nia, this must burn bad"

" it's not a competition, Booker" Nia said, her arms crossed

" but, we're won the last 16 days in a row, but it's not a competition" Kaylee bragged a little and start being serious " now, can you please hurry?"

" oh, no, I'm first to the bathroom, I'm gonna savor this" Booker answer " take a nice, long shower, wash my hair, I might even shave"

Kaylee and Nia look at each other confuse and back at Booker

" shave what?" Nia asks him, I smile of that sentence, Booker just went in and we follow, when we went in, we see my brother, Levi, here

" hey guys" Levi greets us while he spray something on his body

" look at that, Levi's first" Nia said, as we turn to Booker

" this must burn, Booker, this must burn bad" I added and smirk

" that's my body spray, the burning let's you know you're fly" Levi explained

" it's all good, Levi can be here we're like brothers, I use the bathroom in front of him all the time" Booker said as he walk next to Levi to the right and put a hand on his shoulder

I look disgusted

" which I repeatedly told you, I'm not comfortable with" Levi reminds Booker again

" hey kids!" we hear my mother, Chelsea said to us, we turn to her " hey, listen, um, breakfast is gonna be a little late this morning, had small Incident with the toaster, on a related note... If I we're a fire extinguisher, where would I be?"

Right after she said that, the smoke alarm beeped

" okay! Yeah! I'm just gonna find it myself" Chelsea said and left the room, I look at the others bit confused

" shower time, I'm dropping robe" Booker said to us

" oh, god! No!" Nia shout and covering her eyes, but Booker is wearing his swim suit

" why are you wearing a bathing suit?" I asks him

" little trick I picked in sixth grade gym class" Booker answer " keeps everybody from seeing my bits and pieces"

" y'all better get out of here before my bits and pieces" we hear Raven said suddenly show up in the shower, we quickly scream as we run out of the bathroom, not wanting know what she ment

             *I'll put the theme song the next chapter*

      ~ Kaylee's day outfits and hairstyle☝️~

I got my binder in my hands and walk into the kitchen, seeing my mom and aunt Raven

" morning mom! Morning aunt Rae" I greeted them as I look at them

" well, hello, Kaylee" Raven greeted me

" hello, sweetheart, how'd you sleep? You still doing okay on the couch?" Chelsea asks me as we hug each other and break the hug

" of course" I answer " I wouldn't have offered aunt Rae my room. If I wasn't cool with it"

" that's my baby girl" Chelsea said and give me a kiss on the cheeck

" Kaylee, I never have to worry about you" Raven said to me

" besides, a little sarcrifice is good, you know, a lot of my sheroes are defined by their struggles, Rosa Parks, Oprah, Ruth Bader Ginsburg" I said to Raven, she gasp

" you know what all of those independent, spectacular woman have in common?" Raven asks me, I shake my head no " they made the bed!"

I look towards the couch and see her point

" point taken, I'm on it" I said and start to make the bed

" all right!" Raven said " you my shero!"

As I make my bed, I see my brother Levi walk in the room and towards mom, I look at them

"Hi, hon! Wow, that was some nightmare last night, huh?" Chelsea asks him

" yeah" Levi answer " did you get back to sleep okay?"

" yeah, eventually, you gotta stop reading me scary bedtime stories" Chelsea said, I'm now done with the bed and walk towards the counter and sit on a chair

" oh! There's my special little man, hey, what's that on your face? Oh, it's my face" Raven said and kiss all over Booker's cheeck, I chuckled of that

" mommy! Cut it out! You missed a spot" Booker said

" I know I did" Raven said and kiss that spot, than something on the couch suddenly break, we quickly turn around and see the bed spreads off the couch

I sigh and go fix it, I lift the thing that's holding the buttom of the couch, so where we sit, but it made of mettle and mettle is hard to hold or lift

" um, Rae, could you.. Could you give me a hand?" I asks her as I struggle to lift it

" oh, in a second, Kaylee, I'm hiding the blueberries in Booker's cereal" Raven said, I bit my lips a bit frustrated

" love the taste, but I hate seeing them, it's like my bowl's full of doll eyes" Booker said to me, finally I got the bed back in place and hope it didn't break apart

" never mind, I got the bed back in" I said, walking towards Booker

" I'm sorry I didn't help you, Kaylee, I'm still a little sore from the thousand push ups I did" Booker said, making an excuse

I scoffed

" please, the only thing you've done a thousand times is tell that story" I said, patting his back

" mom! Kaylee said I'm not mad stredded!" Booker shout to Raven, I turn to her

" Kaylee! Don't tell Booker he's not mad stredded" Raven said to me, I playfully roll my eyes, I see Nia walk into the room

We both high fived

" doesn't watching those two make you wish you had a twin?" Chelsea asks Levi, my eyes got widen

" I like being an only child, there's never question who is the favorite is" Levi answer, mom laugh a little then stop

" it's me, right?" Chelsea asks him

" oh, sure, and this lonely ghost of a child will be here" I said sarcasticly to the two, they both look at me, mom give me a hug and a kiss on the cheeck to make me feel better, which it did

" alright, everybody! Come get your bags, your dad is donwstairs to take you to school" Raven said, I got my lunch box from mom and we all ready to head out

" bye, Rae" I waved by at her

" bye mom" Nia said

" my turn to pick the music" I said to Nia and Booker excited

" but you never pick anything in my vocal range" Booker said to me and look at Raven " mom!"

I turn to Rae

" Kaylee, pick something in Booker's vocal range" Raven said to me, I playfully rolled my eyes and waited for Levi

" Kaylee! Levi! Where's my kiss?" Chelsea asks us, we walk towards her and kiss her forhead and pull away

" make good choices" I said to her and with that, me and Levi leave the house and go to school



Right now we're at school, walking in the hallway

" I'm telling you, Levi, the day I mastered the slam dunk, was one of the best of my life" Booker said to him, I'm next to Nia to the left

" you can dunk?" Levi asks him

" he can" Nia answer

" yeah, he gets right under the rim, plants his feet" I startes to say

" and dad lifts him up, so he can drop the ball right through the hoop" Nia finished explaining, I chuckled of that

" aw, it's adorable" I said playfully to Booker, me and Nia high fived of that

" yo, what up kids? What up kid lite?" Tess greeted us as she walk towards us, Tess is a friend of ours

" hey Tess" Booker said to her as I waved high to her

" what's up?" Tess asks him

" why do you keep calling me"kid lite"? Levi asks her, I smile of that

" because you're a kid, and you're light, and I can't remember your name" Tess answer

" Tess, you've seen me dunk, right?" Booker asks her

" yeah, donuts" Tess answer, she high fived me and Nia and we both break ways from the boys

                          * later that day at school*

" Nia! I need to talk to you" we hear Booker shout to her as he almost trip when he try to stop when he see us but didn't, we look at him"something happened and I'm freaking out"

" what?! Are you okay?!" Nia asks him concern

" I saw the future, I think I'm psychic!" Booker answer, I look confused now, Nia hits him on the arm " ow!"

" Booker, you scared me! I thought something was actually wrong with you" Nia said and I nodded in agreement

" I'm serious, it really happened" Booker said

" Booker, that's impossible, psychics aren't real" I said to him, Nia nodded in agreement

" Kaylee, Nia... There's something I need to tell you both, I belive in psychics" Tess said to both of us as we look at her" continue"

I shake my head

" it's just another one of his stories" I said to Tess " like the push ups and the dunking"

" and that time you said Bruno Mars stole your dance move" Nia added as we look at Booker

" no, actually, I said Bruno Mars stole it from Timberlake, who stole it from me, but yeah, that's what it's like" Booker corrects her

" but none of those things happened" Nia said

" this did" Booker said, the bell rang, I sighed

" we gotta get to class" I said and we all headed to class

" for the record, JT did steal my dance move!" we hear Booker shout to us, but I try not to listen

.. .═════════╗
* at home*
╚═════════. ..

School's over, now we're in our apartment building, well me, Nia, Chels and Tess, mom give Tess a ride back home

" hey, thanks for the ride, my mom says she'll start picking us up again, when she gets her license back" Tess said to my mom " man, you hit three mailboxes"

" Tess, it's fine, no need for your mom to get behind the wheel before she's ready" mom said to her and quietly said to herself " or ever"

Which I heard, mom went inside

" you coming over to do homework?" Nia asks Tess, I look at them

" be there in a little bit" Tess answer, she open her apartment door " come on, ma! We eat off that table!"

Tess went in her apartment and me and Nia went in ours

" gonna go to my room" Nia said to me, I look at her

" okay" I said and she head to her room, I get out my papers in my backpack

" got a special little treat for the special little lady!" I hear Raven said and put two cupcakes that's stacked on a fancey way on a fancey tray

I look at them surprised

" wow! It's a lot of cupcakes for no reason" I smile at aunt Rae

" mom! The weirdest thing happened--" Booker started to say but...

" it's not always about you, Booker" Raven said and push him lightly to the ground, he quickly got back up

"It's Kaylee time!" Raven shout and confetti is suddenly around me

" why is this happening?" I asks her with a nervous smile

" I don't need a reason to celebrate my special little lady" Raven answer and sitting beside me of the couch

" I'm actually not you're-" I started to say but... Raven then gasp

" that's what I'm gonna call you from now on, my special little lady, you like it?" Raven asks

" it's making me a tiny bit uncomfortable" I answer, Rae then laughs for no reason

" she's hilarious! Just like me" Raven said

" mom, before when you yelled at me, you probably thought I was Nia, but it was me, Booker" Booker said to her, Raven walk towards her son, I look at the two

" shhh, no one's talking to you, sweetie" Raven said to his face and turn to me " Kaylee's talking, continue"

" no, I'm not" I declined

" yeah, you are, yes, you are, I'm all ears, tell me" Raven said

" uh, we had a sub in English today" I said, Rae gasp again

" a sub? In English? No! No! Chels, Kaylee had a sub... In English" Raven said to my mom and pointing at me

" okay" mom said a bit confused and I don't blame her

" ma, if you think a sub is crazy--" Booker started to say but...

" Booker, back off!" Raven pushed Booker to the ground again, so we hear a thud, my eyes got widen " it's Kaylee time, continue, go on"

As she sits next to me

                                    * later in the day*

Raven been bugging me all day for no reason of what's so ever, so I'm hiding in the kitchen, in one of the cabinets

" Kaylee! You wanna look through my photo library together? I found the most adorable picture of the cutest girl in the world--!" I hear Raven call out for me

" Kaylee?" I hear Nia call for me, I open the cabinet door to see Nia

" is she gone?" I asks her, not wanting to get out of the hiding spot

" you're good" Nia answer, she helps me out

" I don't know what's going on with you're mom, Nia, she says she wants to hangout, but... I feel like I'm being hunted" I explained

I hear Raven call my name again

" I'm going back in" I said but...

" no, you can't, you have to go talk to Booker, he had another vision" Nia said, I crossed my arms as I stand up

" Nia... You don't really belive that, do you?" I asks her

" yeah, now I do" Nia answer " this time the vision was about you"

" fine" I said and giving up " I think it's crazy, but... I'll go talk to him"

I was about to head out but I realized Rae still here in the house, I stop and turn to Nia

" but how am I gonna get past you're mom?" I asks

" mom!" Nia shout, I quickly hide behind the counter " Kaylee just went up to the roof deck!"

" oh, come on, Kaylee! I just want to hangout!" Raven shout and I hear the door close, I peeked if she's still here and she ain't

I sigh in relief, I stand up and look at Nia

" wow, now I really get you're family" I said, she just nodded and we both run where Booker is

We reached Booker's bedroom

" but a fake vision is perfect, then Kaylee will have to belive me" I hear Booker said to Tess and Levi as me and Nia stand by the door

" fake a vision?" I asks him, the three turn to us two " you were gonna lie to me?"

" I thought about knocking, then I thought, it'd be weird if I did because... It's you and Levi's room, but now I wish I knocked" Nia said and sit on the bed, beside Tess

" Kaylee, I can explain--" Booker started to say

" no!" I cut him off " I get it, you're so desperate of attention, you have to make up crazy stories, now you're pretending to be psychic?"

" I'm not pretending" Booker said

" did you ever think that maybe you're not that special? Maybe you're just plain old Booker?" I asks

" or maybe you're just jelous that I have this awesome power and you don't" Booker said

" how can I be jelous of something that's not even real?" I asks " you're such a liar"

I walk out of that room

" oh, I'm a liar? Well, maybe I'll just let my vision happen, then we'll see who's a liar" I hear Booker said to me

* the next morning at breakfast*

   ~ Kaylee's next day outfits and hairstyle~

It's the next day, I'm at the end of the table, the twins sitting next to each other, Levi the head of the table, me and Booker still didn't talk

" everything's always about Booker, Booker, Booker, Booker, I'm sick of it!" I said, having enough and leave the table

" alright everybody! Your dad's downstairs to take you to school, have a good Day, my favorite... Son, my favorite daughter, my favorite Kaylee, my favorite Levi, yes! Got everybody! I'm not making that mistake again" Raven said

" bye mom" Nia said and kiss her cheeck

" bye auntiee Rae, bye mom" I said and kiss my mom's forhead

                          * at school in gym class*

It's now gym class in school, I got paird up with Booker, which ain't happy about, Nia not in our gym class today

" I can't belive I got paired up with my friend for double tennis, stupid alphabetical order" Booker said

" why do you even need a partner? Aren't you the best tennis player in Chicago? Or was that just another lie?" I asks him sarcasticly

" oh, very funny, Kaylee, by the way, when I said you were funny, that was a lie" Booker said, I rolled my eyes anyoned, the teacher blow the whistle

And we start to play

" just so you know, my vision happens here in gym class" Booker said, I look at him

" just so you know, I still don't belive you're psychic" I said and we continue to play

Suddenly out of know where, I see a heavy bag coming our way

" Booker, the heavy bag!" I shout to him and quickly move him away from it for him not get hurt

" how did you know about that?" Booker asks me " in my vision, the bag hit you"

" why would the bag hit me?" I asks, right when I asks that question, the heavy bag hits me, I scream

" Kaylee!" I hear Booker call out for me, the heavy bag got snatched out of it's place, so I landed infront of the gym door

" ow" I said to myself

" Kaylee! Are you okay?" Booker asks me and running towards me, help me up which I except

" that was crazy" I said to myself then look at Booker

" I know, I should have done something to stop it" Booker said

" no, I mean, you said the heavy bag was gonna hit me, and then it hit me, you really are psychic" I said " I'm sorry I didn't belive you"

" I get it, I tell a lot of crazy stories" Booker said, I smile at him

" but this one was true, and you're my friend, I should have known that" I apologies

" I'm glad you know I wasn't lying" Booker said " I don't show it all the time, but I care what you think"

" if you ever tell anyone I said this, I'll blame it on the heavy bag, but... I think you're pretty great" I said, we both hug it out

We turn around to see aunt Rae and the principal

" mom?!"

" Aunt Rae?!"

Raven turn towards us

" oh, snap!" Raven said to herself, right now we're at the principal office with aunt Rae

" principal Wentworth, we are so sorry for my mother's behavior" Booker apologized

" we can assure you that nothing like this will ever happen again" I added

" right mom?" Booker asks Raven as we look at her as she sits

" it wasn't my fault!" Raven said, looking at us

" mom!" Booker said, Raven stands up and clear her throat

" I apologize" Raven said, we turn to our principal

" Ms. Baxter, I've never had to do this to a parent before, but family drama has no place in gym class, you're suspended, please stay away from our school for three weeks" Principal Wentworth said to aunt Rae

" you're suspending me for being an involved parent?" Raven asks him

" no" Principal Wentworth answer " I'm suspending you for assaulting the gym teacher!" , we see the gym teacher next to him with an ice pack

" that's fair" Raven said, I nodded in agreement

* after school, the evening*

School's over now, we're having dinner on the roof deck, me and Raven went out of our apartement, Nia went with Booker and Levi

" hey, Kaylee, you know that Booker's not my favorite, right?" Raven asks me, I look at her

" I know, aunt Rae" I answer

" good, it's just that sometimes, I have to do more for him, juet so he won't, you know, like, uh..." Raven started to say, but I already know what's she's gonna say

" burn the house down?" I asks

" or flood it, you know, sometimes my baby boy can be a bit of a disaster" Raven said

" I know, and I like being independent, but I also like when I get your attention, the good kind, not the crazy kind" I said

" oh, you know I can't tell the difference" Raven said and we side hug and pull away " come on, let's go"

I giggled and head to the roof deck, I see Levi, Nia, Tess and Booker already there, Booker's standing while the three just sit on chairs

" I'm telling you it's true, he stole it, Bieber must have seen that video of me on the internet or something, because..." Booker said as I walk towards them

" you said it was Bruno Mars" Tess said to him

" you said it was Justin Timberlake" Levi said

" wait, you told me it was his choregrapher" Nia said

" Booker! You just lying, the only person who stole that move was you... From me!" Raven said, and dab " bam!"

We all laugh, I turn on some pop music, we start to dance to it, but we stop to hear mom yell, we turn towards the grill that's on fire

She got rid of it though

" I'm.. I'm just gonna, um, order a pizza" mom said

" way ahead of you, mom" Levi said and got the pizza from the pizza man, me and Tess walk towards him

" yo, kids meal, how'd you know this was gonna happen? You psychic too?" Tess asks him

I smile of that

" no, we do this everytime our mom grills" I answer and Levi nodded in agreement, we head to the table where everyone else is

We all cheered

Few! Finally finish the first episode and chapter of this book! I'm gonna fix the errors, comment down below if you like That's So Raven or Raven's home, piece! 😇✌️

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