Marked by Fate (Completed ✔️)

Af LaurenCampbell234513

7.3K 290 20

Warning: Violence, swearing, abuse, and other sensitive topics - Read at your own discretion ... Mere

Chapter 1 - Everything's going downhill
Chapter 2 - The world comes crashing
Chapter 3 - Alone...I think
Chapter 4 - Meeting my doom
Chapter 5 - Just another day in paradise
Chapter 6 - The beginning...
Chapter 7 - ...Of the end
Chapter 8 - The woods
Chapter 9 - Escaping hell
Chapter 10 - Making mistakes
Chapter 11 - Coming to
Chapter 12 - Starting our journey
Chapter 13 - Meeting others
Chapter 15 - Hunted
Chapter 16 - The past coming back
Chapter 17 - Out of the woods
Chapter 18 - Coming together
Chapter 19 - To close for comfort
Chapter 20 - Bonding
Chapter 21 - Home sweet home
Chapter 22 - A plan set in motion
Chapter 23 - Setting up camp
Chapter 24 - The bonfire
Chapter 25 - Mating
Chapter 26 - In the dark of night
Chapter 27 - Dreamscape
Chapter 28 - Escape
Chapter 29 - Coming home
Chapter 30 - Training begins
Chapter 31 - The first wave
Chapter 32 - The Vision
Chapter 33 - The Showdown
Chapter 34 - The aftermath

Chapter 14 - Magical Bonds

215 8 0
Af LaurenCampbell234513

Avery was overjoyed and went over to Emma, asking her how she did what she did during the fight, which made me chuckle. Lisa joined them and threw herself at Emma who thankfully caught her unlike me. Avery looked over smiling and waving at me as Emma spun Lisa In circles hugging her.

I laughed and shook my head as I smiled and waved back at her before walking over to Ryan.

"Does stuff like this happen a lot? And what even happened that we found all five of you guys on the ground?" I asked him as I glanced over at Emma and the girls.

"More than I'd like. And we were on our way to new haven pack when we had a tire blow. As soon as we all got out they jumped us before we even saw them coming." He said ashamed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "And hey if you don't mind me asking, ...what or who are you because I've never seen anything like what you are"

"aha, the million-dollar question," I said playfully as I laughed before staring at my hands awkwardly. "I wish I had an answer but honestly... I don't know. For now, I guess You can call me your friend in high places" I joked as I lightly pushed him.

He laughed lightly before shaking his head and smiling at me "no kidding" he joked as he motioned at where my wings would be. He glanced over toward the guys to see them fixing the tire on the SUVs in the front while Zayn pouted and supervised.

I looked back over at the girls and Emma to see them laughing and gossiping together. They are all way too young to have to deal with this kind of stuff so often. I wish I had a way to protect them.

I gasped and looked back towards Ryan. He jumped and looked at me quizzically "what?!" He asked anxiously as he glanced around.

"I have an idea" I replied giddily as I quickly called Emma over.

"What's up Izz?" She asked cautiously as she jogged over to me.

"These girls get attacked a good bit from what I understand from Ryan and I was just thinking, wishing I had a way to protect them when I had an idea," I said as I wiggled my eyebrows up and down.

Her mouth made an "o" symbol before a wide grin stretched across her face. She nodded her head enthusiastically " that's a great idea Izz. It would be a great way to start practicing it and to protect them as long as they agree to it"

"Agree to what?" Ryan asked quietly as I turned back towards him before noticing everyone looking at me quizzically.

I laughed nervously and motioned for them all to come over.

As they all came to stand in a group in front of us I noticed that even Zayn had come out of the car and made his way over and was standing at the back of the group.

I chuckled a little to myself before shaking my head and addressing all of them.

"You've all seen that I have wings and that I'm more than capable of handling myself. Well, that has to do with this age-old prophecy thing that I'm not going to get into but another part of it is this" I said as I stepped back and conjured the wolf blade, spinning it skillfully in my hand before shoving it into its holster in my boot.

I glanced up to see Emma looking smug while everyone else looked a little weary but surprised nonetheless.

I laughed. "Magic. And with my magic comes a way to protect people I care about that I come across. Emma and I already bear the mark of my protection through a blood bond" I began as both Emma and I pulled our shirts down slightly to reveal our marks. They gasped and started to murmur amongst themselves but I continued.

"There's another way to offer my protection though. I can use my magic as a way to create a bond between us that will allow us to mind link each other and I will be able to feel your emotions as well as pinpoint your location if you're in trouble. It can be severed at anytime that you no longer wish to be under protection but it would be a good way to prevent you guys from going through any more trouble on your way home" I said nervously as looked around the group meeting everyone's eyes.

"I would be honored," Ryan said gratefully as he came forward, much to my surprise.

"Same here," Lisa said confidently, stepping up beside him. Soon everyone started chiming in as they stepped forward, all except for Zayn.

He hung back and scuffed his feet against the ground glancing up at me every now and again.

"Zayn," I said as I called to him. He stopped and snapped his head towards me.

I slowly walked over to him " I know we may not have gotten off on the right foot but that offer was for you as well. I don't want to see anyone else hurt if I can't prevent it and I know you were just doing your on trying to protect the girls" I said genuinely as I held my hand out to him. "Let's let bygones be bygones"

He looked at me skeptically before shaking his head and extending his hand shaking mine. "Sounds good. I'm sorry about all that, I know I can be a hothead and a dick" he said apologetically as he scratched his head.

"We all can sometimes," I said laughing before placing my hand on his shoulder and nudging my head towards everyone else. "come on, come over to the group. I have to give you guys your marks"

I walked back over and stood beside Emma as Zayn joined the group.

"So To do this I'm going to need to place my hand directly on your chest over your heart and I do have to warn you that there may be a burning sensation. I haven't really done this before but that's what happened to me and Emma when we did ours" I stated as I looked at all of them encouragingly. "So who's first?"

"I'll go first so we know what to expect" Luke, one of the twins said as he came forward and stripped his shirt off.

I froze as he did that watching the way his muscles rippled at the movement, scanning my eyes up and down his body hungrily. He was taller than me and had mid-length dirty blonde hair, striking light blue eyes. As my eyes rose to his, I saw him grinning at me with a smug look on his face meaning that he saw what I was doing.

I blushed and looked away embarrassed,  briefly making eye contact with Emma who was just shaking her head and laughing quietly to herself.

I looked back towards Luke, composing myself as I stepped towards him. As I did I got a whiff of his scent which made my mouth water, it was a mix between citrus and Sandalwood.

I forced myself to calm down. I didn't need a guy in my life right now. Especially since my mate just rejected me less than two weeks ago.

I smiled awkwardly at him and placed my hand against his chest right above his heart. Focusing on my magic, I sent it towards my palm and saw the purple mist seep out of my hand and into his chest forming the same crest that Emma and has just not as big and it's a deep purple instead of black.

As I pulled my hand away I felt a power surge through my body. I looked at Luke who was running his fingers over the new mark. "No pain?" I asked questioningly

He shook his head smiling up at me "nope, just a slight tingling sensation". He said happily.

"That's crap!" Emma huffed making me laugh.  "right! We got burning they get tingles" I said exasperated as I shook my head as I heard Luke, Tyler, and Ryan all chuckled.

"Haha so funny," I said sarcastically as I narrowed my eyes at them. They all looked worried for a moment before a grin spread across my face...

"Just kidding. I'm glad that doesn't happen for this kind of bond, It would be a little off-putting to suggest. Hey, can I put my hand on your chest and burn you. I promise it's for your protection" I said jokingly as I laughed, everyone joined in the laughter agreeing.

As things calmed down, I looked back towards the group and made eye contact with Lisa. "Wanna go next?" I asked which made her nod enthusiastically and run towards me.

I chuckled at her reaction as she pulled her shirt down to just above her heart. I placed my hand there and did the same thing I did with Luke, after a moment I could see her mark appearing as well.

She ran her hands over it and jumped around giddily as she ran over to show Avery and Emma. I watched them warmly for a moment laughing before turning back towards everyone. "Alright, who wants to be next?"


After I was done marking everyone with the royal crest through the magic bond, we said our goodbyes and watched them get in the SUVs. We both watched as they drove away waving at us before we walked back towards the open field we had touched down in.

"That was eventful, to say the least," she said playfully as she pulled a weed from the group and started to pick off the leaves.

"Yeah, no kidding" I joked back before looking at her genuinely "at least we know they're safe now and hopefully should be in the future as well."

"True, that was still nice of you though. What happened to the 'we'll stay out of your way and you stay out of ours' thing we were going for?" She asked thoughtfully looking at me as her head tilted slightly.

"I know but I couldn't stand there and listen to those girls scream knowing I could stop it. No one ever helped when I screamed when they were abusing me at Blood Brood and I'll be damned if I'm going to stand by while it happens to someone else." I said truthfully while keeping my head down and my eyes on my shoes.

Emma stopping moving before shooting ahead out in front of me to stop me in my place with her hands up.

"What?" She asked shocked as her voice shook slightly.

I looked at her to see tear-filled eyes. "All of those were being abused and you didn't say anything to me? I could've helped you, we could've escaped sooner. I could've been there for you" she said heartbroken as a tear trailed down her cheek.

I put my hands on her shoulders and shook her lightly as she brought her head up to meet my eyes.  "Hey listen to me... it's okay. It was nothing I couldn't handle, and no you couldn't have helped. Not without putting yourself in harm's way, which is why I never said anything because I knew you would. I just had to bide my time until I could leave. You were there with me the moment my foot stepped over the line, so don't beat yourself up. You were and are there for me just like I am for you and I promise I'm okay." I said genuinely as I wrapped her in a tight hug. She sniffled and squeezed me back as tightly as she could.

After a few moments, we broke apart and she wiped her tears before wrapping her arm in mine as we continued to talk and make our way through the trees and into the clearing.

Once there Emma turned around and let me attach our harnesses before nodding her head, signaling she was ready. I threw my shoulders back releasing my wings,  bracing myself as I pushed off the ground and we took to the skies once more.

(Onward to sunshine and beaches!) Emma said excitedly through the mind link with a huge smile on her face as she gazed at the changing scenery around us.

I laughed lightly and shook my head before responding (Onward to sunshine and beaches.)

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