The Fight For Freedom| newt f...

By mynewttomytommy

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-SEQUEL TO THE PROMISE- An escape. A fight. A chase. They have had it all. Maybe they should have stayed in t... More

Before you start
~chapter 1: Two girls~
~Chapter 2: Freedom~
~Chapter 3: Freshen up with a side of Newt~
~Chapter 4: Leaving home~
~Chapter 5: pulled away~
~Chapter 6: Hallucinations~
~Chapter 7: Truth Unveiled~
~Chapter 8: How it all started~
~Chapter 9: It was all a lie~
~chapter 10: The fight for freedom~
~Chapter 11: Into the unknown~
~Chapter 12: The others~
~Chapter 13: Meet the Cranks~
~Chapter 14: The other maze~
~Chapter 15: Welcome to the Scorch~
~Chapter 16: The Three Boys~
~Chapter 17: Subject AB0~
~Chapter 18: The Start of a Change~
~Chapter 19: Secrets of the night~
~Chapter 20: Who she really was~
~Chapter 21: Together Again~
~Chapter 22: Family forever and always~
~Chapter 23 : Did we make it?~
~Chapter 24: Pt1 the older sister~
~Chapter 25: Pt2 the younger sister~
~Chapter 26: Valuable~
~Chapter 27: Hanging~
~Chapter 28: Death scare~
~Chapter 29: Runaways~
~Chapter 30: Cranks everywhere~
~Chapter 32: Torn Apart~
~Chapter 33: A party gone wrong~
~Chapter 34: The Gang is back together~
~Chapter 35: Missing pieces found~
~Chapter 36: The sources~
~Chapter 37: Future Plans~
~Chapter 38: No happy endings~
~Chapter 39: Parting of ways~
~Chapter 40: So Called Last Minutes~
~Chapter 41: End of the chase~
~Chapter 42: Is this the end?~
~Chapter 43: Man Down~
~Chapter 44: I'll see you again~
book three

~Chapter 31: The brightest star~

568 18 5
By mynewttomytommy

~The Brightest Star~

After their great ordeal, the three of them walked down the building in silence, recollecting their thoughts as they went down. The sudden fright of it caught up to Robyn and as she walked, her limbs shaking and pain shooting through her legs. Realisation came to her about her near death experience, away from everyone she loved. Her mind raced with thoughts about how much her death would impact them all, especially Newt. It would kill him, he'd fade away. She proved she could manage and survive without him, even if she hated the thought. But she didn't know how he was coping and that's what scared her. She just hoped he could do the same if Robyn ever did pass away or disappear. The girl wanted him to live a happy life without her but that was uncertain with Newt.

"Hey Robyn, you okay?" Thomas nudged her shoulder, his face full of worry.

Robyn jumped slightly, "W-what? What do you mean? I'm fine, why wouldn't i be?"

Thomas let out a long sigh, shaking his head, "You have tears in your eyes"

Robyn lifted her hand to her eyes, small droplets of water sticking to her finger as she wiped across them. She moved her finger down so she could look at the tears. It came as a surprise because she didn't even know she was crying, to be honest she didn't know why she was. She wasn't sad. More lost.

"Tommy" Robyn looked up to the brunette boy, "Is it bad if i say that i don't need Newt to live. I want him, but i don't need him in a way. Like..." She stuttered.

"Wait, hold on" Thomas grabbed her arm, before turning around to Brenda, who was slightly behind the pair as they walked through a rubbish filled alley, "Mind if we stop here?"

" all" Brenda slowly nodded her head as she made her way over to a curb, throwing her backpack onto the floor.

"Okay, come here Rob" Thomas whisked her away to the far end of the curb, gently placing her down so he could sit beside her, "Explain for me"

Robyn twiddled her thumbs in her lap, "Well, what just happened then made me realise something. It made me realise i'm a lot stronger than what i originally thought. I never would have thought that i would do what i had just done, i risked my own life for someone else's and i'm happy about it"

Thomas listened closely as the girl let the words slip out of her mouth. Her brown eyes stared directly infront of her to avoid contact with Thomas'.

"Winston made me do it. They all did. Every single one of my fallen friends have picked me up from the dark and made me a new person, a strong one. But then i feel guilty"

"Why do you feel guilty?" Thomas tried to make her look his way, but it didn't work.

"I feel bad because i'm becoming my own person. I love Newt with all my heart, every single inch. That boy is my world and he's saved me in so many ways. But i want to do the same, to more people. I want to be a hero, i want to be a good person. Tonight I proved I can survive without him, and as harsh as that sounds. I have my own life to live, not just ours. I have this awful feeling that he doesn't want me in harms way, but Thomas" She finally looked him in the eyes, "If harms way means I help people and I help my friends, I would do it in an instant"

Thomas just stared into her eyes, nodding with every word.

"I'm sick of being a girl that doesn't explore and live life to the fullest. I don't want to put myself first all the time. Do you understand me?"

Thomas smiled and nodded, "You amaze me, you know that right?"

Robyn smiled before wrapping him into a tight hug. Even if the world around her was fucked up, she had her friends. And they made everything better.

"I'll tell you something" Thomas whispered into her ear, "Everyone would have been so proud of you after what you have just done, especially Newt. I can see his cheesy smile already"

Robyn giggled, picturing the blonde boy in her mind from the good old times. His messy blonde hair, his cream t-shirt with brown pants from the glade. Oh and his awful shoes that she would always joke about. But that was her boy and she was determined to find him.

"How's your leg?" Thomas asked, pulling out of the embrace.

"It's not doing so good" Robyn looked down at the large blood stain across her pants.

"Can i look?" Thomas pointed to it. The girl nodded and Thomas began to crouch down, his fingers wrapping around the bottom of her pants.

The boy began to slowly lift it upwards, exposing her multiple scrapes and bruises across her pale skin. There was a little bit of discomfort as he began to lift it higher, but nothing compared to the pain she felt as he reached the wound. The fabric of her pants was sealed down to the cut from all the blood that oozed from it, making it difficult for Thomas to peal it away. Robyn winced harshly as he attempted to remove it, causing Thomas' face to scrunch up as he knew he had hurt her.

"Oh shit, i'm sorry Rob" Thomas held her pants loosely around her cut, making sure it didn't land back onto it.

"It's okay" Robyn inhaled deeply, "It's not your fault"

"I'm going to rip a piece of my shirt to wrap around it, but i need you to distract yourself"

"How do i do that?" Robyn sighed, looking down at the boy.

"Think about something. Was there anything you and Newt would do together that reminded you of one another?"

As the words left his mouth, Robyn could only think about one thing. Stars.

"Look at the brightest star and that will remind us of one another, no matter where we are, close or apart. That's what he told me" Robyn squinted as the sun hit her eyes, "But it's day, there's no stars when it's day"

"How could you miss the biggest star?" Thomas let out a short laugh, much to Robyn's confusion.

"What?" She narrowed her eyes.

"The sun. It's the biggest star"

Robyn didn't even think about that in the slightest, but it still wouldn't work, "And I cant just look directly at it"

"Well" Thomas turned his head to the side, still having a gentle and careful hold on Robyn's leg, "Look there"

The boy pointed over to a run down building beside them, more directly at a large window, that somehow was still in almost perfect condition. Through the reflection, Robyn could see the scorching sun, shining down on the town they were about to enter. She instantly found comfort in it, her eyes staring straight into it. Everything around her disappeared and Newt's calming voice played in her mind. His voice was the calm in the storm, almost like a healer with words.

"I'll be waiting for you my love"

She didn't know if the boy had really said that whilst she was gone or if it was her mind making it up to make her feel better about it all. But either way, it was him. Newt was waiting for her somewhere. He hadn't given up and he hadn't left her. She just had to find him now.

"All done" Thomas' voice suddenly rang in her ear, making her eyes revert back to him. The boy had just finished pulling her pants over the cut, concealing it away. 

"I didn't even feel anything" Robyn smiled, "How?"

"Power of love, eh" Thomas joked as he laughed to himself. The boy held his hand out for Robyn,helping her lift from the floor. With the small piece of fabric wrapped around her leg ,she somewhat felt supported and more comfortable. Maybe it was because the blood wasn't dripping down constantly.

"Shut up" Robyn laughed, shaking her head. Then she suddenly went serious, "Thank you Thomas, for everything"

"Don't thank me, thank yourself" He placed his hand on her shoulder, "Praise yourself for once"

Robyn had a large grin on her face and was just about to reply, until a groan of pain alerted her to the right.

"Hey Brenda, you alright?" Robyn slowly made her way over to the girl, who was collapsed on the floor, panting heavily. Her hands fiddled with some cloth, before she began to tear it apart into little strips.

Robyn crouched down in front of her, her face scrunching up with discomfort from her own troubles. She noticed how Brenda's face was pale and pulled into a harsh frown as she started to pull her pants up from the bottom. Her fingers shakily began to lift it up ,yet to reveal the real problem.

"Shit" Brenda muttered as she caught sight of it.

Robyn's eyes were drawn straight to the problem. There was no beating it around the bush, Brenda had been bitten. It wasn't just an ordinary bite, it was a crank bite.Yellow goo and blood stuck around the cut on her skin, creating a musty looking colour.

"Brenda..." Thomas spoke gently, his eyes fixated on the bite.

The looks and words of the pair washed over Brenda like it was nothing. She didn't care for sympathy. She knew what this meant for her, the girl knew her fate.

"Yeah, yeah, i know" She looked up at Robyn then to Thomas as she began to wrap the cloth tightly around her leg. Occasionally she would wince, which made Robyn scrunch her face at the sight. She hated the fact that she was just stood watching her in pain and therefore decided to take action.

"Here, let me do it" Robyn gently grabbed her hands, slipping the long cloth from her fingers. Brenda let out a thankful sigh and nod, allowing Robyn to take over. She tried to do it as carefully as possible, remembering tips that Clint and Jeff had once taught her. By the end of it, Brenda had hardly felt any pain and gave Robyn a small smile to show how much she had appreciated it.

"Now, let's go find Marcus" Brenda mumbled, standing up with the support of Rob, pulling her backpack over her shoulder. Robyn kept a close eye on her as she began to walk away, leaving the other two behind.

"This isn't good, is it?" Robyn whispered over her shoulder to Thomas.

The boy turned to her, "I don't think so"


The alley they walked down led to the central part of the town. Robyn couldn't deny how uneasy she felt as she climbed through the broken gate and into the street. Once again it was just run down buildings and apartments that once would have housed families and happy people. However this time, the streets weren't deserted - there were people, not many, but they were there. This was the first time Robyn and Thomas had ever seen ordinary people that were once concealed by wicked. The worlds truth was right in front of their eyes.

"Just try to blend in" Brenda suggested as she walked steadily ahead, gripping onto her backpack tightly.

The two other teenagers just nodded simply, most of their attention was focused on what was around them. For once in their life, they saw the devastating normality. People lived in squalor and filth, their faces aged with tiredness. Robyn tried her best not to make eye contact with the town's people, but it was almost impossible as she was drawn to them. She felt sorry for them in a way.

The further they walked, the worse it got. Smashed up and burned cars lay in the middle of the road, smoke still rising from the bonnets.As Robyn looked around, trying her best to keep her head low, she noticed how a small group of people were cooking rodents with a flame that was lit by a single piece of coal. Dirt stuck to their faces and clothes as they slumped over the flame, a few more people
joining to place their hands over it. But what devastated her the most was the child. The boy walked with a slouch as he walked hand in hand with his mother. It almost shattered Robyn's heart as she watched him. He was an innocent young boy. There was no bounce in his step or smile upon his face like a child his age should have. He was just blank. Expressionless.

"Rob, come on" Thomas tugged her arm, pulling her away. She hadn't even noticed she had stopped to stare, but now attention was being slightly drawn to them. The girl picked up her feet and began to walk away, trying her best to forget the kid she had just seen.

The further they explored the town, the busier it became.More people were spaced out across the paths and roads, dressed in bright, colourful clothes that came to a surprise for Robyn. They looked out of place as everything else around them was so dull and broken, yet they looked happy and alive.

The sound of music began to grow louder as they neared a large building. People were crowded around the front of it, drinks clasped tightly in their hands. This one building looked like it didn't belong here, just like the people.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Thomas quickened his pace so he could reach Brenda as they walked over to what looked like the entrance of the building. Robyn stayed slightly behind, her eyes wandering. A few people she believed to be 'drunk' swayed around her, their eyes glaring deep into hers. She knew they could tell she was different.

Without warning, Robyn was barged forward, her legs struggling to maintain balance. Fortunately, she managed to stay upright before she turned to see who the perpetrator was.

"Do you mind?!" Robyn spat as she caught the sight of a blonde woman, who strutted her way past towards Thomas and Brenda, "Watch where you're going next time!" Robyn sent her a death stare, but it didn't bother the woman in the slightest.

With her voluminous blonde hair, the woman just smirked at the teenage girl and continued to click her heels against the floor. Robyn scoffed at the sight, rolling her eyes as she made her way over.

"Are you guys here for the party?" The woman asked moving closer to Thomas and Brenda, her eyes fixated on the boy.

"No we're not" Robyn clenched her teeth as she moved to Thomas' side, hoping the woman didn't come near her again.

Brenda looked at Robyn with a confused glance, wondering why the girl was being bitter, and Robyn simply shrugged a response. Brenda shook her head and chose to ignore it before turning back to the woman.

"We're looking for Marcus. This is his place right?" Brenda asked.

"This is my place!" A different voice came loud and clear from behind, making the three teenagers spin around, Thomas being moved by the help of the woman's wandering hands, which made Robyn gag secretly. This girl was desperate.

Ahead of them, stood a man dressed in a presentable suit, a small glass of alcohol rested in his finger tips. Jewellery decorated his neck and fingers as he beckoned them over.

The girl gently pushed Thomas, smiling at the boy with a flirtatious glance. The boy sent her an awkward smile back, before placing his hand on Robyn's back to move her over safely. The blonde woman didn't take that too well, sending daggers Robyn's way, to which she simply snorted at.

"Are you Marcus?" Thomas asked in almost a whisper, all of a sudden becoming a shy boy.

"Marcus doesn't live here anymore" The man shook his head continuously whilst also fiddling with the rings on his boney fingers.

"Do you know where we can find him?" Brenda questioned softly.

"Sure, sure" The man nodded his head, "He's over in zone B"

"What's zone B?" Thomas narrowed his eyes. His body twitched uncomfortably as the woman traced her finger down his back and across his shoulder, sending him suggestive looks.

"It's where they burn the bodies" The girl whispered in a flirtatious tone, her hand running off his back as she stepped away and towards the man in the suit.

"Just answer this" Robyn spoke much less softer than the other two, "Has anyone stopped by here? A couple of kids our age that had two girls with them, both with dark hair, similar to mine" Robyn held her hair up for reference.

"You know what" The man rubbed his eyes harshly. Once his hands were removed, the large bags under his eyes were revealed, each one an almost purple colour, "I think they might be inside. Yeah.."

Robyn focused directly onto the man as his hand rummaged around in his suit jacket. His hand reappeared bearing a small glass bottle, filled with a funky green liquid. His scrawny fingers swiftly removed the cap before he offered it Thomas' way.

"Drink this" He ordered, pushing the glass further.

"What is it?" Thomas asked warily.

"The price of admission" The man changed his tone, glaring deep into the boys eyes.

The three teenagers stared down at the bottle in his hands, hesitant on whether to drink it. For one, they didn't know this man. Two, they didn't know what the drink contained. Three, this place gave off bad vibes all together. Robyn watched as the man's grip got tighter around the bottle, causing the contents to splash against the sides. His teeth scraped together with frustration as he stepped another foot closer to the kids.

"Drink it!" He yelled and spat, causing Brenda and Thomas to step back slightly, but not for Robyn. The brunette snatched the glass from his hands, placing the top of it to her lips. Thomas tried to snatch it away, but she spun around to avoid his hands. As the green liquid entered her mouth and down her throat, it felt as if her insides were being burnt. Robyn took one big gulp of the drink, before exhaling heavily. She shoved the drink over to Brenda, keeping her eyes on the man the whole time. He had a sinister smirk on his face, which made Robyn wonder whether this was a good idea after all. It was already affecting her vision and making her feel light, but if this was the way to find the others, she knew she had to do it.

Brenda looked down at the glass, swirling the liquid around as she inspected it. The girl then slowly lifted it to her mouth and began pouring it down her throat. Once she had a sip, the girl coughed harshly, causing the man to laugh hysterically.

"Your turn" He switched to a straight face as he pointed at Thomas.

The boy slowly pulled it from Brenda's grasp before slowly but surely moving it towards his mouth. The bottle barely touched his lips before the blonde woman tilted the glass upwards to help him a little. Thomas took large amounts into his mouth, gulping hard and loud.

"See it wasn't so bad" Robyn spoke quietly to Thomas as everything around her had already started to go fuzzy. Her head felt as light as a feather and her feet felt as if they were floating in the air.

The man laughed once again, shaking his head with amusement. His rubbed his hands across his face whilst walking behind the three of them. Robyn felt his hand suddenly grip her shoulder and shake her body slightly.

"Alright!" He laughed, looking at all three of them, "You three enjoy the party"


I'm so sorry for the long wait, this week has been the busiest week for me ever. I had netball almost everyday and school work is a nightmare.

Thank you for being patient, hope you enjoyed!!

I also hope you liked the gif i made :)

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