The Light's Savior Is A Shadow

By CoffeeCat16

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A light, once burning with brilliance. Is now nothing more than a fading ember. Struggling to stay alive. You... More

Summary :)
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

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By CoffeeCat16

The smell of eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, and pancakes filled the large and expensive kitchen. Which was filled with the latest appliances, and glistening marble counters. All to show the pack's wealth and power. Luciana whipped sweat from her brow, as she cooked away. Keeping an eye on everything so it wouldn't burn.

She flipped the remaining pancakes before placing them on a large plate. Moving onto the other foods as she finished cooking them. Placing them all on fancy silver serving plates. The she-wolf was already tired, but knew this day was far from over. She bit back her tongue and swallowed the growl of her stomach. Which was demanding food. She pushed away the deep pangs of hunger. It wouldn't matter. She was not to eat until Wednesday. The only day of the week she was allowed a small meal. Today was Sunday. So she would have to wait a while longer.

She carefully and expertly balanced the plates upon her hands and two by two brought them into the dining room. Where she gently set them upon the massive dining table that could fit nearly half the pack members. Another table just as large was set next to it. Several trips later, all the food was laid out. The silverware was already upon the table. Ready for food to be set upon it. She had done it late last night so she would have time to cook this morning.

Finally finished she sighed in relief. Time to wash her hands and take a short ten minute break. Luciana moved over to the sink and turned the water on cold. Unused to warmer temperatures, turning it warmer would hurt. She washed up and dried her hands on her pants. The young women made her way silently to the door of the dining room. Planning to take her break outside. Just as she reached it the door was shoved open harshly. Slamming into her and sending her weak body tumbling back. The back of her head slammed against the floor as new bruises began to form on her forehead as arms where the door hit.  Her head began to thump with the promise of a head ache, and ring with sharp pain.

She heard snickers and laughter. Looking up she saw Damien, Luca, Eliza, and Cleo. Four wolves around her age. All of corse higher ranking. She stilled in fear. They, like others had no qualms against harming her. She had to play her cards right to avoid a beating. Anxiety and nervousness corse through her veins. She hoped she could get out of this. They had clearly slammed the door into her on purpose. Having heard her about to leave. " Watch it mutt. You're so fucking clumsy. " Damien. A taller male with wild brown hair and pale amber eyes spoke aloud. " Of corse its clumsy. What do you expect from an omega? Especially one as badly bred as it. I mean look at that thing. It's so ugly. It's skin is so pale and it has no muscle. It's nothing like us. Shouldn't it be off cleaning the pack house anyway? It's had enough rest time. " Cleo, a hunter female blessed with tan skin, long raven locks, and brilliant green eyes sneered. The women didn't even bother using pronouns with Luciana. Calling her an it as if she were an object.

" Yeah it should be. You heard her omega. Go clean something like a good little bitch." Damian hissed as Cleo, Luca, and Eliza laughed. Luciana didn't react. Used to the comments and insults. She got to her feet. Not looking up and mumbled an apology for waisting their time as she moved towards the door. All four of them backed away, moving aside as if she got to close to them on her terms. They would be infected by her. As she passed the door one gave her a harsh shove. Causing her to nearly fall again. " hurry up and get out of here. You aren't welcome in our presence." voiced the one who has pushed her. Luca. A warrior of blond hair and shimmering blue eyes. Once again she said nothing. She did not react. She had nothing to say. But move on.

She wouldn't be getting a break today. Which fazed her slightly. Once away from the others she sighed heavily. Allowing the darkness to creep in. The despair, the fear, the sadness. The feeling of total hopelessness and loneliness. For when you are surrounded by people, but none of them have ever treated you positively. One begins to be swallowed by the crushing weight. To be hated by all around you. Nothing is more lonely and painful.

Luciana continued to walk. Moving passed pack members who scoffed at her. Throwing insults or dirty looks. She was lower than them. She knew it. They knew it. They made sure she was well aware that no matter where she went. If she were to seek out another pack. It wouldn't change. For no one would treat an omega with kindness. As they were born to be workhorses. To serve till the day they died.

That was the life of an omega. In this pack at least, because of them. She believed it was the life of omegas in all packs. There was no escape. No way of a better life.  Luciana entered one room. Home to other pack members. She began to clean. Sweeping, dusting, disinfecting. Scrubbing every surface, nook, and cranny. For if she missed a spot. The punishment would be a beating or her weekly meal removed.  Room after room. She cleaned away. As her skin cracked and blistered from the hard work and chemicals that were not entirely safe for skin. Buying gloves for the omega to use to clean was not something one should do. They did not deserve such things.

As she was told of corse. Hours later as the sun neared the horizon. She was finished cleaning the pack house. Thankfully she didn't have to cook lunch or dinner. That was always left to the individual wolves so they could have alone time or meals with their mates and or families. Her hair was once again tangled. Her body bruised and covered in rash from the onslaught of kicks and jabs, and being covered in cleaning chemicals.

But the days work was done. She could go home. Luciana carefully made her way towards the door. Finally she was out. But she kept her eyes and ears open. There were those who loved to follow her, and beat her for their amusement when no one was watching. Even though it wasn't like anyone would stop them.

Halfway across the clearing nearing the woods where she would shift. A voice called out. " OMEGA!! My mate's necklace is missing. You were the last one in our room. Get your pathetic ass over here!!" Snarled a voice. The beta.  Luciana flinched and halted her footsteps. She knew there was nothing she could do. She knew she didn't do anything. But she would be blamed anyhow.  She turned and headed towards the hulking male. Who was twice the size of her. Bulging with muscle and radiating power. A small crowd began to form. Frowns and snarls echoed. But she could feel their gazes. Filled with excitement. They all knew she wasn't stupid enough to steal anything. That the male was lying.

But they all wanted some entertainment. Today's was to see the omega put in its place for the thousandth time. " Where is the necklace. " the male hissed.
Luciana gulped heavily. As she tried to form words. Her mind screamed at her to run. To escape. She felt the bloodlust of everyone around her. But she wouldn't dare move. It would be worse if she ran. It took a sheer force of will, or terror to remain still. The female was quivering and shaking. Fear wafting off of her in waves. " I-I don't know Sir. I must've dropped it." She replied. She knew she had never touched it. But to deny the crime they already condemned her for was to ask for much worse than they already planned. " You dropped it? Of corse you did. You can't even steal shit right you little brat. Worthless bitch. But just in case. Before I serve your punishment. Search her." The beta spoke the command.

Before she could think she was grabbed harshly. Nails digging into her arms and hair. Slicing skin and drawing blood. She didn't cry out. She refused to give the sick bastards the satisfaction. The two wolves that had her slammed her to the ground. Causing her to gasp in pain as the breath was knocked out of her. Their hands lewdly searched her. Squeezing roughly in her more personal areas. She grit her teeth and choked back the disgust that threatened to erupt from her throat. They found nothing. So they backed off for now. " Nothin eh. So you were telling the truth. Still. You must face punishment for your crimes little thief. One would think the omega would grow the intelligence to learn from past mistakes. But then again. It doesn't even have enough brain power to outweigh a dog" the beta growled as he approached. A wicked grin growing upon his face.

Luciana began to shake harder in fear. She wanted to beg and plead for him to leave her be.  But she wouldn't. She knew that would only make him happier. She didn't want that at all. She flinched as she saw the first kick coming. Barely holding back a shout of pain as it made hash contact with he ribs. Another kick came, and another, and another. Each more powerful and abusing. Slamming into her stomach and chest. She sucked in painful breaths as she felt her ribs crack under the kicks. They ceased after what seemed like eternity. But she knew they were far from done.

The beta continued. He took a hand to the back of her neck and closed it. Placing so much pressure that she feared her neck would snap. His claws extended, and dug deep into her skin. Just missing her jugular. The brute then took his free hand, and raked his claws down her back and sides. In a slow and agonizing fashion. Slicing skin and spilling blood. Luciana could no longer hold back her tears or pain. She screamed out in agony. As others laughed and cheered on their beta.

Hot tears of pain rolled down her face. As the beta continued his punishment. Brutally clawing her. Before letting her go. But only for a moment before he sent punch after punch to her already battered body. Slamming his fist wherever he could. Her head, neck, back, chest, stomach, legs, arms, you name it. Luciana curled into a fetal position, but it wasn't enough. Sickening crunches and crack sounded as he continued to beat her. Finally he was done. Just as black spots began to dance across her vision and as her world swayed.

" that should do it. Now get your ass back to your shack bitch. If you're not there by night fall. I will beat you far worse. Get out of my sight." The beta snarled at her. Luciana nodded and whimpered. She shakily stood up. Ignoring the disappointed boos as the beating finished. Ignoring the insults and comments. She began her long, and painful struggle home. As blood ran freely from her mangled back. Opening old scars and causing the new ones, as bruises started to cover her pale skin. Turning it green, blue and black. She limped heavily. Each movement sending waves of agony through her. But she dared not stop. She had to make it home. Else she would face far worse.

Night was drawing in when she reached her home. Soaked in her own sweat and blood. She staggered inside. Before collapsing on the floor. Unable to make it to her bed. The darkness of unconsciousness finally took hold. As blood pooled around her. She begged not to wake. She begged and prayed to the moon goddess to let her die. So she could escape her life. But her werewolf healing began to kick in. As it usually did much to her despair. She would not meet death tonight. As she lay there on the cold wooden floor. Her body rushing to heal as much as it could before she would face the next day. She begged for some sort of escape. Not expecting the moon goddess to even think about hearing her prayers. For she too probably despised her.

( Wooo two chapters in a day. Probably not finna happen again. Most likely two a week at most. But thanks for reading so far:)

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