The Unlikely Hero!

By Logan-Kenway

263K 5.5K 2.2K

My 1st MCU Story! Enjoy! More

Chapter - 1 (Thor)
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3 (Avengers Assemble)
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter 12 (Iron Man 3)
Chapter - 13 (Carnage)
Update #2
Chapter - 14
Chapter 15
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18 (Captain America - Winter Soldier)
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter - 23 (Avengers - Age of Ultron)
Chapter - 24
Updated Bio
Chapter 25 (Captain America - Civil War)
Chapter 26
Update #3 (New Story)
Update #4
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Infinity War)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Endgame)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Final Chapter!

Chapter 16

3K 91 12
By Logan-Kenway

Venom was thrown to the ground by Carnage after being taking out, Venom got straight up to his feet to see Carnage, but instead he had Cletus' face.

Cletus: Where's my Daughter?

Venom did the same for (Y/N) as Venom slowly walked around Carnage trying to intimidate him... see Venom and (Y/N) knew they couldn't beat Carnage alone so this was just a game of surviving.

(Y/N): You should know... you killed her.

Cletus started to laugh, but it was an unsettling laugh that made (Y/N) a little worried about this man's sanity.

Cletus: I know she got out alive... she's the knew one, right?... Toxin, wasn't it?

(Y/N) stopped circling Cletus and looked him straight in the eye.

(Y/N): We will bring the thunder... We will be your downfall... We will kill you...

Cletus: But you won't do anything as I proved the last time we met. You would rather save someone's life then kill me.

The two just continued to stare each other down until (Y/N) saw a blue and red blur dash behind Carnage, (Y/N) was glad he had the back up but he and Venom needed to do this on their own for confidences reason's... Carnage is the only one of (Y/N) target's to get away from him... but that changes today.

(Y/N) allowed Venom to cover his face as Venom punched Carnage in the stomach and kick him in the shine dropping Carnage to his knees and as soon as Carnage landed he didn't have time to get back up as Venom spartan kicked him in the chest sending the red Symbiote through many objects in the room, boxes and tables broke from the impact.

Venom: We will bring you down by our own two hands.

Venom hopped that Toxin or Rebecca, heard him and would only interfere if absolutely necessary, Venom started to make his way to were Carnage fell to the ground, Venom flipped tables and boxes out the way, but he was tackled once again out the blue and once they stopped rolling Carnage pinned him down and screamed in his face, Carnage started to scratch at Venom who held his arms up trying to block the attack but Carnage still managed to get a lot of his strike in, Carnage then grabbed the top of Venoms head and tried to peal Venom away form (Y/N), as they screamed in pain, in one last ditch effort Venom put both his feet to the midsection of Carnage and pushed, Carnage went straight through the ceiling, Venom took a second to recuperate but as soon as he did he jumped through the hole in the ceiling to se a dark room and Carnage taunting them... 

Venom and (Y/N) blocked him out and focused on their surroundings, they blocked out Carnage's taunts so they could hear him, and it worked as Carnage tried charging at them from behind but because Venom and (Y/N) worked together to listen they heard him coming.

Venom ducked out the way and Carnage went flying over them, but before he could go back in the shadows, Venom grabbed Carnage and throw him into the floor, Venom jumped up in the air and changed his arm into a giant mace, Venom slammed the mace into Carnage sending him through the floor back into the room they were fighting in before, Venom followed only to see an empty room, Venom looked around and smelled the air trying to find Carnage but somehow he managed to slip away from him, Venom changed back to (Y/N)as (Y/N)was furious.

(Y/N): Son of a bitch!...

(Y/N) shouted throwing a box across the room, but in his rage he  remembered that rebecca was here, he looked to where he last saw her run to and ran their to she her knocked out.

(Y/N): Bex... Bex, wake up.

Rebecca just layed there with her eyes closed but she quietly said.

Rebecca: True loves kiss awakens all.

(Y/N) Smiled and shook his head at her, but then said.

(Y/N): Sorry love, but this isn't a fairy tale.

Rebecca opened her eyes and shrugged.

Rebecca: Worth a try.

She then got up as the two did in fact share a kiss but then (Y/N) remembered, he left Tony handcuffed to a upturned bed frame, (Y/N) gently grabbed Rebecca's hand and jogged back to the room where he and Tony was kept imprisoned.


(Meanwhile with Tony)

Two guards sat in the room with Tony, who's still zip tied to the bed, but Tony keeps looking to the hole that Venom was tackled through obviously waiting for the big guy to come back through, eat the guards and then they can go and save Pepper, but TOny's train of thought was lost when the watch Harley gave him started to beep on and off drawing the guards and Tony's attention.

One of the guards picked up the watch and inspected it.

Tony: Careful, there. It's a limited edition.

The guard started to shake it about trying to find a way to turn off the beeping, Tony ignored him and looked to the other guard.

Tony: Hey, Ponytail Express.

The second guard looks at Tony as he ignore the beeping.

Tony: What's the mileage count between Tennessee and Miami?

Guard 2: 832 miles.

He says straight away surprising the billionaire.

Tony: Very nice.

The first guard joins the two with the still beeping watch in his hands, the second guard looks to the first.

Guard 2: I'm good like that. Can you stop that?

He asks about the still beeping watch.

Tony: Break it, you bought it.

Tony says to the first guard, who in return just throws it to the floor and looks at Tony as he steps on the watch stopping the beeping and breaking the watch.

Guard 1: I think I bought it.

Tony: Okay, that wasn't mine to give away. That belongs to my friend's sister. And that's why I'm gonna kill you first.

The guard just nodes along with everything that Tony's saying, mocking the man, the second guard just stand and watches the scene unfold.

Guard 1: What are you gonna do to me?

Tony: You'll see.

Guard 1: You're zip-tied to a bed.

Tony: This...

Tony twists his hands and opens his palms obviously expecting something to happen, but nothing does. The guards just watches as nothing happens, so Tony tries again.

Tony: That...

Nothing happens once again, the guards look around the room trying to see if something happened, but nothing did, but what the guards didn't know is there are now two Symbiotes on their way to that very room right now...


In another room inside the same compound Colonel James Rhodes is locked inside the Iron Patriot suit suspended just above the floor, the only problem noticeable is Killian has his hand pressed to the suits abdomen and is heating up the armour making it unbearable for the Colonel who is inside sweating.

Killian: Are you coming out?

Coldblood is standing nearby as he watches Killian do his thing trying to get the Colonel to give up the Iron Patriot suit. Inside the suit, Rhodes is about to be ejected because of a fail safe.

Rhodes: Do not open. Do not open. Don't open. Don't open.

The suit beeps confirming that it will inface open, so the Colonel just accepted his fate.

Rhodes: All right. Let's go.

Rhodes jumps out of the now open suit and punches Coldblood in the face then spartan kicks him into a nearby table, making Coldblood fall to the ground along with said table, but as the Colonel was about to make a break for the exit, Killian shots a beam of heat out of his mouth stopping the Colonel in his tracks, Coldblood got to his feet and looked at Killian in surprise as the Colonel looked a little scared.

Rhodes: You... You breathe fire? Okay.

Killina then cools down as Coldblood pushed the Colonel into a wall nocking the Colonel out, Coldblood turns to Killian.

Killian: It's a glorious day, Savin. 

Killian approaches a man by the door that is holding his suit jacket.

Killian: This time tomorrow, I'll have the West's most powerful leader in one hand...

Killian puts his suit jacket on.

Killian: ... and the world's most feared terrorist in the other. I'll own the war on terror. Create supply and demand. For you, for your brothers and sisters.

Killian then leaves the room as Coldblood looks down at the Colonel...


Back with Tony and the guards, Tony is now trying to convince them that something will happen.

Tony: Trust me, you're gonna be in a puddle of blood on the ground in five, four, three... Come on! Two...

Tony braces himself for something to happen and once again nothing does, the first guard looks at the other.

Guard 1: How did we get this shift?

Tony: All right, I'm gonna give you a chance to escape. Put down your weapons. Tie yourselves to those chairs. I'll let you live.

The guards sigh to themselves not believing a word that Tony is saying, so they just continue to watch Tony say random things.

Tony: In five, four, bang!

The guards fake being scared as one of them takes a step back in fake fear.

Guard 2: Wow.

Tony: You should be gone by now. You should've already been gone.

Guard 2: I am just beyond terrified.

At this point the two Symbiote welders made it back to the room and (Y/N) could feel Venom bonding with him once again and (Y/N) loved the power he felt, so without a second thought he stepped behind the second guard and snapped his neck, but before his body could hit the floor, (Y/N)grabbed his gun and shot the other guard in the chest, as soon as both bodies hit the floor he took a deep breath and looked at Tony.

(Y/N): It's good to be back.

Rebecca then came out the same hole (Y/N) just came from and started to set Tony free, once she did she introduced herself.

Rebecca: Hi, I'm Rebecca (L/N), nice to meet you.

Tony looked at (Y/N) wide eyed, and (Y/N) was quick to explain.

(Y/N): That's just her cover, you know that big red blob of gow that just attacked me?...

Tony nodded.

(Y/N): Well that's her father and he's trying to kill her, so to keep her safe we faked her death and gave her a new name.

Tony was about to ask so many questions but he was interrupted by his Iron Man gauntlet flying through the window and attached itself to Tony, (Y/N) and Rebecca looked confused at Tony as as he was about to explain, one of hie Iron Man boots came flying through the window and attached itself to Tony.

Tony: Where's the rest?


Back in Tennessee Harley is inside his kitchen doing something, when he looks out the window to see the garage door shaking, Harley grabbed his coat and ran out to unlock to door, once he unlocked the door the rest of Iron Man Mark 42 started it's 832 mile journey to Miami as Harley watched it fly off with a smile on his face.


Tony, Rebecca and (Y/N) are just standing there waiting for something till Tony shouts his balster towards the entrance, Rebecca and (Y/N) look to see some of Killian's goons coming to ruinen the moment, Tony misses the blast as the guards took cover behind the brick pillars lining up the entrance way, Tony uses His blasters to hover in the air as he shoots at one of the guards with the gun he picked up from the ground, Rebecca and (Y/N)charges at the last two as the three of them quickly deal with the problem.

But before they could catch a breath more guys came in from the lower levels and started to shot at Tony, Tony tried to shot back but the gun was out of ammo, so he throw it to the side and fired his blaster at him hitting him square in the chest taking him out, (Y/N) jumped on the other two and made quick messy work of them, (Y/N) forgot how much power he had with Venom, but he won't let it go to his head as (Y/N) smarter than Cletus.

(Y/N) looked up to see one more guy looking at Tony who now has a pistol pointed at the same guy, (Y/N) was about to charge him till the guy held his gun and hands up.

Guard: Honestly, I hate working here. They are so weird.

The guard throw the gun down as Tony waves to him and the guard doesn't waste a second bolting it towards the door, the trio meet back up on the higher levels and Tony looks to Rebecca.

Tony: Introductions later, let's get out of here.

(Y/N) and Rebecca nod and the trio run out the room trying to find the exit, but as they were walking down the entrance hall, Tony's Iron Man suit finally arrived, and piece by piece it started to attach itself to Tony.

Tony: Better late than never,

They made their way outside as Tony still wasn't fully suited up, (Y/N)and Rebecca watched as Tony braced himself.

Tony: Not this time. Not the face.

Tony said catching his face plate and putting it in its place.

Tony: It's good to be back. Hello, by the way.

Rebecca looked at (Y/N) confused as to who he is talking to, (Y/N) just signs to her that he's crazy, they then hear a helicopter flying above them, they look to see the helicopter fly over them, Tony hears something else and looks up to see the  Iron Patriot suit flying off in the other direction...


Rhodes finally came to from being knocked out earlier to hear over the system.

System: All personnel, Stark and the Alien are loose and somewhere in the compound. Repeat, Stark and the Alien are somewhere loos in the compound.

Rhodes wasted no time in getting up and hurrying to find Tony and (Y/N)...


Tony is still outside with (Y/N) and Rebecca when Tony asks.

Tony: You two know where to go from here?

(Y/N): Yea, pretty much.

Tony: Good. Let's go.

Tony then tries to use his thrusters to catch up to the Iron Patriot, but there's one small problem, Tony doesn't go anywhere.

Tony: Crap.


Rhodes punches a guard of a balcony, jumps after him and makes sure he stay down by given him a friendly punch to the face, Rhodes then takes his gun and checks his pockets for anything useful to him.


Tony, now having to walk, makes his way down a flight of stairs as (Y/N) and Rebecca follow him, but (Y/N) couldn't stop smile, Rebecca got confused and asked.

Rebecca: What's made you so happy?

(Y/N): Look at him, he looks like a baby taking their first steps.

Rebecca looked to see Tony trying not to fall face first down the stairs, because of the weight of the suit, she let out a chuckle as they continued there way down the steps, the two stopped giggling when they heard Tony talking on the phone.

Tony: ...Rhodey, tell me that was you in the suit... Kind of. Main house, as fast as you can. There's somebody I'd like you to meet.

Rhodes ran towards the main house as Tony, (Y/N) and Rebecca made their way there as fast as possible.


The Mandarin is fast asleep on a armchair in the main house as two women in bikinis played ping-pong, but the game stopped when two armed guards came into the room.

Guard 1: You, you, you! Move! Get out!

The girls ran out the room as the second guard confirmed they had Trevor.

Guard 2: The room is secure. I have eyes on the Mandarin.

As the girls left the room and the guards focused on Trevor, Tony came in the room holding a battery in one hand that's hooked up to the Iron Man suit and a ping-pong bat in the other.

Iron Man: What's this? I had winners.

The two guards turned around and shot at Tony only for the bullets to bounce of the Iron Man suit, during the distraction Rhodes jumped through the window and shot both guards as the shooting went on the Trevor woke up just to take a sip of his beer,  (Y/N) and Rebecca just walked in the room and sat on a nearby chair as Tony and the Colonel did their thing.

Tony lifted his face plate to show the Trevor who he is but Trevor just looked at him.

Trevor: What have you come as?

Rhodes approaches Trevor and pointed his gun in his face.

Rhodes: You make a move, and I break your face.

Trevor: I never thought people had been hurt. They lied to me.

Rhodes: This is the Mandarin?

He asks Tony and (Y/N) with his gun still pointed in Trevors face.

Tony: Yeah, I know, it's... It's embarrassing.

Trevor: Hi, Trevor. Trevor Slattery.

He says holding his hand out to shake the Colonels hand, but Rhodes just slaps it away.

Trevor: I know I'm shorter in person. A bit smaller. Everyone says that. Beu, hey, if you're here to arrest me, there's some people I'd like to roll on.

Tony had enough of his rambling at this point as (Y/N) sat on the chair with Rebecca on his lap as they both watched the football game on Tv.

Tony: Here's how it works, Meryl Streep. You tell him where Pepper is and he'll stop doing it.

Trevor: Doing what?

The Colonel then presses the barrel of his recently fired gun against Trevors ear making him squeal in pain.

Trevor: I get it! That hurt. I get it! I get It! I don't know about any Pepper, but I know about the plan.

Tony: Spill.

During this Rebecca asked (Y/N)who Pepper is and (Y/N)told her and Rebeca felt sad for the older Stark, but also a bit pissed as if he hadn't of threatened Killian or the Mandarin then they wouldn't be in this position.

Rhodes: Do you know what they did to my suit?

Trevor: What? No. But I do know it's happening off the coast. something to do with a big boat. I can take you there. Ole, ole, ole, ole.

Trevors starts to sing and chant as a team scored on the football game, Rhodes was getting a twitching finger at this point.

Rhodes: Tony, I swear to God, I'm gonna blow his face off.

Trevor: And this next bit may include the vice president as well. Is that... Is that important?

Tony: Somewhat.

Rhodes: Yeah, a little bit.

Tony pulls Rhodes to one side as (Y/N)is getting really impatient sat watching the football game.

Tony: So?

Rhodes: What are we gonna do? We don't even have any transport.

Tony: Right. 

Tony and Rhodes look to see Trevor open up another beer.

Tony: Hey, Ringo. Didn't you say something about a 'lovely speedboat'?

This catches (Y/N) and Rebecca's attention as Trevor just sits there staring at Tony, but after a few seconds they make there way to the boat with (Y/N) driving and Tony and Rhodes strategizing, Rebecca was up front with (Y/N) just making basic conversation.

Tony: If he's right about the location, we're 20 minutes from where Pepper is. 

Rhodes: But we also have to figure out this vice president thing, Right?

Tony: Right. I wonder who I'm calling right now. Oh. That's the vice president.

(Y/N) and Rebecca hear him say this and they thought he was joking to start with, but then as soon as Tony put the phone on loud speaker they heard a man answer and the two decided to pay attention to the phone call.

VP: Hello?

Tony: Sir, this is Tony Stark.

VP: Welcome back to the land of the living.

(Y/N) took note that he didn't seem surprised by Tony being alive, but maybe (Y/N) was being over paranoid.

Tony: We believe you're about to be drawn into the Mandarin campaign. We gotta get you somewhere safe as soon as possible.

VP: Mr Stark, I'm about to eat honey-roast ham, surrounded by the Agency's finest. The president's safe on Air Force One with Colonel Rhodes. I think we're good, here.

Rhodes: Sir, this is Colonel Rhodes. They're using the Iron Patriot as a Trojan horse. They're gonna take out the president somehow. We have to immediately alert that plane.

VP: Okay, I'm on it. I'll have security lock it down. If need be, they can have F-22s in the air in 30 seconds. Thank you, Colonel.

Rhodes: Rhodes and Stark out.

As the Vice President hung up the phone an Agent approaches him and takes the phone off him.

Agent: Everything okay, sir?

The Vice President looks at the Agent with a smile.

VP: Couldn't be better.

As the Agent walk off, the Vice President walks into a room were his family are and walks to a girl in a wheelchair, he kisses her head.

VP: I love you baby.


The President is walking to the steps of Air Force One as he walks to the steps the Iron Patriot lands at the base of the red carpet, the Iron Patriot then walks up the red carpet as the President has a smile on his face.

Once the Iron Patriot gets to the President, the President salutes him.

President: Colonel Rhodes.Glad to see you can make it, son. I feel safer already.

The Iron Patriot doesn't respond, he only salutes back as the two then get onboard Air Force One...


Back to the coast of Miami, (Y/N) is still driving whilst having an inner argument with himself about the Vice President's part in all this, Rebecca is just reading a magazine as Rhodes and Tony are actually doing something useful.

Rhodes: We gotta make a decision. We can either save the president, or Pepper. We can't do both.

(Y/N): Actually we can...

The other three on the boat look at him as he grows a smirk and tells them the plan...


(To Be Continued) 

(Just a warning, there will be a big jump cut between this chapter and the next)

(Also, do you want me to put another Symbiote in the story, like in Winter Soilder do you want me to add Riot or someone in it? Or shall I just leave it as it is?)

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