Anna's life

By Alinawritess

164K 2.1K 212

Anna is a 17 year old girl living with her uncle and his 3 best friends. Anna struggles with her everyday pro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
New book

Chapter 16

4.6K 53 1
By Alinawritess


I woke up to someone rubbing my back and I slowly opened my eyes

"Princess you need to eat wake up"Ashton said and I groaned

I wasn't really hungry but I knew I didn't have a choice so I slowly sat up a dizzy spell hitting me immediately

Ashton handed me the plate with the pasta and i scrunched my nose because even the smell made me sick not because it wasn't good but because I was sick

"Eat as much as you can okay?" He said while he pushed my hair out of my face

While I was eating Luke touched my forehead to check for my fever

"She is a little bit warm but we caught it on time" he said and he kissed my head

The rest of the day was spent with me drinking fluids, eating and basically resting which it was fine because I really felt exhausted

At night I was fine my fever has broken out and I felt a lot better so I decided to take a bath and braid my hair and change out of my pyjamas

As I finished braiding my hair my phone vibrated telling me I had a new notification

I looked at my phone and i debated with myself whether to throw it on the wall or the toilet

David:Hey Anna I'm sorry please call me when you can I want to talk to you

Anna: I have nothing to talk about

David: Please Anna I was an asshole I'm really sorry

Anna:It's kinda late for that don't you think?

After I send the message I put down my phone and almost immediately it rang and I saw David's name pop up on my phone's screen

I decided to pick it up

"Hey Anna listen I'm really sorry about what happend yesterday and I mean it baby I don't know what happend it wasn't right and I promise I will never do it again"

"David I don't care if you're sorry or not I will never forgive you for what you said , I trusted you with my secrets and I opened up about my feelings and you used it against me because I wouldn't have sex with you"

"I know and I'm really sorry I promise I never wanted to hurt you I was just mad because all of the girls always say yes to me and you didn't"

"Well then you better find yourself another girl cause I'm not about to be one of them , bye David don't call me or text me again , we're over" I said and I hang up

As I set my phone down groaning from my anger I saw Calum at the door looking at me

"How much did you hear?" I asked

"Enough to be proud of you" he said and I lightly smiled

"Baby you don't need a boy like that he is just saying that so that he can get back with you and try the same thing again" he said and I nodded

"I know I'm just mad because he thought I would just crawl back to him because he said he was sorry" I said

"I know you wanted your mom to be here with you and help you with your boy problems but we will always be here for you no matter what baby" Calum said and I felt tears coming to my eyes with the mention of my mom

"I know I just sometimes wish she could see how I turned out as a person" I said and blinked my eyes to get rid of my tears

"Princess your mom will always be with you no matter what and I'm sure she is proud of the woman you've become" he said as he hugged me

"Thanks Cal I love you" I said as I hugged him back

"I love you too princess" he said and kissed the top of my head

"How are you feeling?"Calum asked once we pulled out of the hug

"I'm fine I don't have a fever and my throat is better I'm just a little tired" I said and he nodded

"Good, come on let's have dinner" Calum said

"Calum please let me skip dinner I'm really not that hungry" I said

I was feeling better but that didn't mean I was completely back to normal cause my stomach still felt a little bit weird

"It wasn't a question Anna you need to gain some energy it hasn't even been 3 hours since you last had fever and if you don't be careful it can come back anytime" he said as he walked me out of my room and into the kitchen where the rest of the guys were sat ready to start their dinner

I sat down in front of my plate which had chicken , rice and salad

"I don't want to see any food on your plate once you're done" Calum said and we all started

The guys finished before me and I ate slowly trying to buy some time because I didn't want to eat anymore

"Stop stalling Anna we're not leaving until you finish your food" Michael said and I sighed

After 15 minutes I finished and I literally felt like I was going to throw up

"Happy?"I asked annoyed and all of them smiled widely as I rolled my eyes

"We're watching a movie you're coming?" Luke said

"Give me some time to process the amount of food in my stomach before I throw up" I snapped and they all tried to hold back their laughs as I groaned with my hands on my stomach

After a little bit I felt like I wasn't going to throw up so I went and sat on the couch between Michael and Calum

We all watched a movie laughing and making comments while the guys are popcorn

Seriously they are not humans they just ate and now their eating popcorn

After the movie was finished it was past midnight so we all said goodnight and went to bed

Thank you so much for reading my book!It really means a lot❤️I will try and update a chapter every day!

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