Married to Mr. Obsessive || K...

By ann_writess

100K 3.8K 616

Everything is not perfect in y/n's life, to make matter more worse, she is sold to Kim Taehyung, The God of t... More

Seeing Him
Shocking news
She is SOLD
Buying Her
The Wedding
Wedding Night
First Day
It's not me
Continue of DAY 1
Day 2 Honeymoon
Continue of Day 2 Honeymoon
Day 3 Honeymoon
Continue of Day 3 Honeymoon
Day 4 Honeymoon
Continue of DAY 4 Honeymoon
Day 5 of Honeymoon
Continue of Day 6
Missing Her
Other Plans
Eternal Sleep

Day 6 of Honeymoon

2.2K 108 16
By ann_writess

Y/n's POV

Y/n:  So what do we do today?

I ask sitting on the couch next to my husband.

Jimin:  I have an awesome game in mind.

Jimin says enthusiastically, but Taehyung stares at him grinding his teeth.

Jungkook: What is it?

Jimin who is pretending not to look at Taehyung answers.

Jimin:  This is a game where we run-

Before jimin could further continue he is cut off by Taehyung.

Taehyung: There is going to be no game, which involves running.

Y/n:  Why?

I shift towards him, to have a good look at him and that's when I remember the stinging pain in my womanhood.

Y/n: Ohh.....huh... Y-yes....N--no no game.

Jimin and Jungkook look at me as if I'm speaking a foreign language. They are still confused when realization hits them.

Jungkook:  Ohhhh....

Taehyung:  Okay... Now enough.

Jungkook:  Okay, I have an idea let's play rock paper and scissor, in new style.

Jimin:  New style?

Jungkook:  Yes.

Taehyung:  Sounds good.

*Few moments later.*

Now we are sitting on the dinning table, y/n across from me which means Jungkook is sitting on her right and Jimin on her left.

I wanna kick them out, so I can close thee distance between us.

Jimin:  Okay, Let's start.

Jungkook: I hope the rules are clear.

He starts reciting the rules for the nth time and I feel bored but still interested.

I wanna see how the game goes.

Jungkook:  So, the loser has to do whatever the winner says, okay?

Taehyung, Jimin, Y/n:  Okay.

We play the game enthusiastically and I'm loving the game so far. It's y/n's turn now with jungkook.

Jungkook, Y/n:  Rock, paper scissor.

Jungkook:  Rock

Y/n:  Paper.

Jungkook folds his fist, while y/n's fist are open.


Taehyung: Ohhh shit.

Jungkook:  Ohhhh, yes.

Jimin:  What are you going to do to her?

Jungkook: Let's think.

He thinks for a while and gets up from his place and goes to his room.

Taehyung:  Hey, where are you going?

We call after him but he doesn't listen.

Jimin:  What is he up to?

Taehyung:  I'm wondering the same thing.

After few minutes he comes out with bottle.

Jungkook:  Here, you must drink half of it.

Taehyung:  What no, she isn't going to do that.

She is innocent and I'm not gonna spoil that.

Jungkook:  This is a dare you all agreed.

Jimin:  Yes, we did.

Jimin starts cheering jungkook and I knew it then they are not gonna go back.

Taehyung:  Okay.

I say nervously rubbing my temple. I'm sueing dad for sending these boys with my wifey.

Y/n:  But I have never had any fermented drink.

Jimin:  Never!

Jimin's eye's bulges out of his eye sockets. I can't blame him, even I'm surprised by the fact she has never had any alcoholic drinks.

Y/n:  No

She almost whisperers.

Jimin:  Then your a alcohol virgin.

She eyes the bottle like a piece of pest and looks away.

Jungkook:  Here, do it soon. We should move with the game.

Y/n:  No, please.

She turns towards me and pleads me with her eyes.

Taehyung:  No, she is not going to do it.

Jungkook:  But that's not fair.

Suddenly I feel like a mommy of 3 children.

What the f***?

Jimin:  Please atleast have a sip.

Jungkook:  Yeah, just a sip.

I look at their face, smiling a little. These guys.

Taehyung:  Okay, just a sip.

I look at her and say. She looks disappointed but asks for the bottle.

Y/n:  Just one sip okay?

Taehyung:  Yeah, one sip.

She places the bottle on her sensual lips and lifts the bottle into her mouth. Her face turns to disgust as the sour alcohol runs down her throat.

Y/n:  Ewww.......

Jimin:  Ha..Ha...Ha...Ha.....

Jungkook:  That was so funny.

My two natorious brother start howling like hynas and I didn't like it.

Y/n:  You both are so mean.

She pouts at them and they start...

Jimin:  Awwwww......your so cute.

Jungkook:  Yes, she is so beautiful.

I thought y/n wouldn't like it, but I saw her enjoying their attention and for some reason it was like a betrayal to me.

Jimin: Okay it's my turn now.

Y/n:  Okay, come.

Whatever is happening here I don't like it. But I feel something bigger is coming.

Jimin and Y/n:  Rock, paper, scissors.

Y/n: I loose again.

Jimin:  Okay, let me think of a good dare for you.

Y/n:  Please give me something easy.

Why the hell is she pouting at him like that?

Jimin: Kiss me on my cheeks.

I though y/n would refuse him. But when I see her leaning to kiss him. I lose it...

Taehyung:  Y/n, let's go to our room.

Y/n: But we are pla-

I pull her by her arm to her feet and drag her towards our room.

Y/n:  What happened? Why are you so angry?

I don't answer her questions, because if I will, I'll burst.

She tries to free herself but I'm stronger than her.

I open the door and push her against the wall.

Taehyung:  What the hell were you doing there?

Y/n:  Nothing.

Taehyung:  I just saw how you were trying to seduce my brother's.

I shout at her not able to hid my emotions anymore.

Taehyung:  Your a lying bitch.

Y/n:  But... Taehyung.

Taehyung:  Don't talk to me.

Tears start welling in her eyes but I don't give a damn, she slumps down to the ground and starts crying.

I just stand looking down at her and walk out.

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Q/a:  Is Taehyung over reacting?

A) Yes

B) No

Love ya all 💜


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