Which Twin? Hizzie/Hosie

By RadianceDivine

39.4K 729 427

Two sisters are in love with the same girl, twins to be exact. Polar opposites. Who will Hope choose? How wil... More

First Day Of School
My identity
Mystic Falls High
Penelope Park
Thats Seemingly Different
Yellow Eyes
Josie Saltzman
You're Okay
I'll Chase
Family Can Get Through Anything
Can You Be The Real Villain?
Why Not?
I Have Found My Treasure
Cresent Wolves
They Have Returned
In Ruins
Bloody Hell
Why Can't you?
You're An Asshole!

You Should Fear Us

1.9K 17 16
By RadianceDivine

Chapter 30

Freya and Keelin took no time getting to the Salvatore school, they were worried sick about their Niece and this time they even ended up dragging Nik along with them.

"Shes in her room" Lizzie said greeting the two. They nodded at her, the three walking with impowerment that screamed danger.

Freya pushed the door open, finding a sleeping Hope laying against Josie. Freya spotted the blood stains on the girls shirt with multiple bullet holes.

Her and Keelin looking back at Lizzie, questioning what had happend. "We were attacked" Lizzie explained in a quiet voice in an attempt to not wake up the two. "It was an ambush and Hope she protected Josie"

"Have you found out who did this?" Freya asked with a low growl. "No" Lizzie replied, hef hands wrapped together behind her back.

Freya was about to snap, she wanted blood and she wanted it now. "WELL WHAT-"

Keelin laid her hand on her wifes shoulder. "Babe, shes sleeping" She whispered. Keelin turned her attention to the younger blonde "Thank you" She whispered before dragging her wife away along with their son.

Vincent ended uo arriving shortly after, he hadnt been able to visit due to his job back in New Orleans.

Hope was awake by then, so he got the pleasure to say Hi. "Whos this?" He asked pointing to the brunette. "Josie, Shes my....uh girlfriend" Hope hesitated for a second, not wanting to push Josie into anything even if the girl had already confirmed their being back together.

"Im Vincent" He said, holding out his hand to the girl. "But you can have the honor of calling me Vince"

He left shortly after that, giving Freya and Keelin the room. "Do you have any clu-"

"Maybe" Hope replied "Theres this Industry on the north of Mystic Falls which hosts illegal experiments. It could be on Supernaturals" Hope explained. Freya looked at her as if she was crazy "When did you have the time to figure this out?"

"When I was sleeping of course" She replied with air quotes around the word sleeping. It was just a way of keeping people from bothering her while she found out her own facts with the help of Jo.

Freya laughed "You're definitely your fathers daughter"

"You wouldnt even know" Hope murmured.

"Well" Hope stood up from the bed, her aunts rushing to her aid. "I got it" She mumbled holding her hand out to the two. She had been shot with wooden bullets which contained wolfsbane AND Vervain. They were completely prepared. They just hadnt brushed up on all their facts. "Im going to go take a shower" Hope said, using items near her in order to reach the bathroom without collapsing.

Freya, Keeling and Josie followed her the whole way, holding their hands out incase she were to fall. She found it annoying when it came to her aunts but she couldnt find it in her to be annoyed with Josie. "Dont leave without me" She added.

Hope stripped slowly, the shirt had been sticking to her skin. She looked in the mirror at her body, the holes were healing almost gone now.

She sighed, starting the water and getting it to a cool tempeture before getting rid of the rest of her clothes and hopping in. It burned, every water droplet that fell on her skin felt like being shot all over again.

When she got out of the shower, the blood was gone and all the holes were now fully healed she felt like she was at 100% and now that she has Josie once again she can also have a mental state that is at 100%

Or atleast thats what she thought, until there was a loud noise outside her room. She jumped back, her ears ringing she was being taken back to the Old Mill. Gunshots fired and her only thought was to protect Josie.

She covered her ears, the sound of whatever had fallen was ringing in her ear.

Josie heard a thud inside the bathroom, Freya had accidently dropped a plastic cup. She looked to the two aunts before running inside. "Hope!" She called, running to the girl who was now curled up on the floor with her ears covered by the palms of her pale hands.

Josie bent down to her level, wrapping her arms around the girl. She knew what this was PTSD. Josie had it before, from that one time where she was Dark Josie. It was something she didnt like to talk about.

"You're in the bathroom" She reminded the girl "You're safe, everythings fine"

Hope lifted her head, her yellow eyes glowing. "We have to find them"

Josie helped her up against her better judgement. "We are and then we're going to turn them to the higher authorities"

"No!" Hope yelled. "Thats not justice"

"It is" Josie reminded her, her hands were still laid on the girls shoulders. "They'll be locked up for the rest of their lives"

Hope shook her head "Thats not fair, they could've killed you. I could've lost you"

"But you didnt" Josie said softly with her eyebrows raised as she stared into those cloudy blue eyes. "I'm here because of you"

"What if they escape? And next time they attack I wont be there. I cant live in fear"

"They're not going to escape" Josie kept her calm, mostly for Hopes sake.

The auburnette pushed Josies arms off her shoulders. "But what if?"

"What if they dont?" Josie said, using the girls words against her. "What if they learn from their mistakes?"

"They never do, people dont change"

"But your father did" Freya added, leaning against the door frame. "He changed for you."

Hope shook her head. "He was always good" She reminded them.

"You've killed before, why dont you agree with me on this?"

"Normally I would but we're going by Alarics rules."

Hope rolled her eyes, pushing past her aunts. "Fine"

"You leaving already" She asked stopping the four at the door, she had been with Lizzie some how they had become friends. Which was weird seeing as Cleo didnt like her, not that she'd ever say that outloud.

"Yeah" Josie replied. "We're coming with" Cleo stated, her voice was still soft and inviting but her face told you not to go against her.

"Alright, the more the merrier" Auntie K said.

We drove for an hour, the car ride was filled eith suggestions on what we'd do to stop this violence but one thing that was made clear was no killing.

Cleo was the one to convince Hope with the help of Josie.

"Split up" Freya whispered "Ill go with Josie and Hope, Keeling go with Cleo and Lizzie"

"Scream if you need anything" Hope added

Just as Hope walked through the door everything went black then she found herself waking up in her own bed.

She searched the room, empty. "What the hell?"

The auburnette threw the blankets off herself, running outside if her room just to find the blonde twin there. "Where is everybody?" She asked "Wheres my aunts?"

"What are you doing up?!" Lizzie asked frantically pushing the girl back into the room. "Wheres Josie?!"

"Josie is fine" Lizzie replied "Now will you lay back down?"

"Why would I lay back down? Im fine, I want to see aunt Freya"

"They're not here, remember? You told them to leave yesterday"

"Yeah but they came back because I was shot" Hope explained.

"You werent shot" Lizzie replied, pushing Hope onto the bed. "You had a concussion"


"Yes, Jo said you heard something in the woods and went after it but she found you unconscious"

"Unconcious? No, thats not what happend" Hope shook her head, confused. "We were shot" She repeats.

"I think Jo would tell us if you two were shot"

"Has she forgiven me?" Hope askes, finally giving into whatever delusion this was. "I dont know" Lizzie shrugs.

Hope rubs her head, the pain of it finally settling in "I should've healed by now" She groans. "We think you were given a shot of Vervain and Wolfsbane"

"So something was out there?" Hope questions. "We were hoping you'd clarify that for us" Cleo says walking into the room and shutting the door behind her. "How are you feeling?"

"I want to talk to Jo" Hope replies back stubbornly.

She was about to stand up but Cleo held her back by the shoulders. "Lizzie go get her"

The blonde rolled her eyes, leaving the room. Maybe they werent friends?

"Whats the last thing you remember?" Cleo asks. "Going into a building with my aunt Freya and Josie" Hope explains "But apparently none of that happend"

"You couldve been in a dream, a way of your mind couping with whatever happend to your head"

"I think I know who did it" Hope replied, thinking back to the dream. "My dream should have some type of proof to it, right?"

"I dont know, maybe?" Cleo shrugged. She didnt even know what to think. This had never happend to anyone she knew.

"No need, we already found out who did it" Alaric stated, the two girls didnt even hear him coming. "It was just some two students playing around"

"Well thats pathetic" Lizzie added, Hope could see Josie hiding behind her. "Who were they? I'll kick their ass" Maya added, appearing from behind Josie and Lizzie.

"Okay, yeah nope. My room is not some conference office. Get out" She pointed to the door "I want to speak to Jo and only Jo"

"This is my room too" Cleo fired back. "Oh, I think I hear Kaleb calling you. You better go check that out" Hope lied. "Shoo!"

Cleo mumbled a few words before leaving the room in frustration. "I'll be back" Maya called before shutting the door behind her Alaric and Lizzie.

Josie was now just standing awkwardly there. "Do you forgive me?" Hope asked, hesitantly standing up. Her head was pounding but she chose not to pay too much attention to it.

"Was it true?" Jo asked, taking a tiny step away from the door. "All of it" Hope admitted.

Jo pulled out a ball from her bag, it was flashing green. "Whats that?" Hope asked, pointing to the glass orb. "Its a ball spelled with magic to tell me if you're lying or not"

Hope furrowed her brows "You really used that on me?" She scoffed. "Am I that hard to trust?"

"No, It was just a precaution" Jo fired back softly. "A precaution?" Hope scoffed again. "Its hard to trust people, Hope. You got to understand that. With Penelope and Land-"

"I dont want to hear about your past relationships, or your excuses" Hope frowned. "Apart of loving someone is trusting them"

"I do trust you" Jo said, taking another step towards Hope. "If you did, you wouldnt be standing there with that"

"Im sorry" Jo apologized "I trust you" The ball flashed green. "You avoided me for days for a mistake I didnt make" Hope crossed her arms over her chest. Her head pounding wasnt really helping the situation. "I know, I was just processing. Thats all" The ball flashed green again. "Processing me lying?" Hope fired back, the anger burning bright in her eyes. "Because If anything I'm not a liar" The ball flashed green again.

"I know" Jo sighed out "I know you're not a liar, I know you wouldnt lie to me. I--It-" Jo sighed. "I dont want to be hurt"

"Well I'd never intentionally hurt you" The auburnette said in a whisper "Gosh, I literally stood infront of a gun for you. I'd do anything for you!"

Jo furrowed her brows, now confused with what the auburnette was saying. Was there a gun out in those woods? "What are you talking about?" She asked.

Hope shook her head "Nothing, Its nothing" She took a deep breath "I just want you to know that I'm here through thick and thin"

Josie smiled, sadly. "I'm sorry"

"Ill make it up to you" She adds with a smirk, taking another step closer to the girl.

Hope, completley forgots about her headache, a smile creeping onto her face too. "How so?"

Josie steps closer, only leaving a few inches between them. She shrugs. "Maybe by doing this" She grabs the back of Hopes neck, pulling her in by it and connecting their lips. Hope missed this, she missed Josie. Real Josie.

"Does this mean we're back together?" She mumbles against the girls lips. "I'll think about it" The brunette jokes which causes Hope to pull away immediantly. "What?"

"Im kidding" The brunette giggles "Yes, we're back together"

Hope laughs "Jerk"

You think this is a good ending point or do you guys want more?

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