Izuku Midoriya: Ultra Instinct

By DefinitelyNotTKJ

256K 3.9K 4.8K

Izuku Midoriya... Some knew him as a nice boy, most knew him as a quirkless nothing living a dream-namely, Ka... More

Entrance Exam
The New Succesor
Deku vs. Class 1-A
Declerations of War
Welcome To The Sports Festival!
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Final Round.... BEGIN!!
Bakubum vs. Uraraka!
Battle of Beliefs
The Final Battle: Deku vs. Uraraka
Hatred Consumes
Gran Torino
Hero Killer
Meet The Daughter!
Final Exams
Deku vs. Class 1-A (Final Exams)
Half and Half
A Brand New Power
The Power of Ultra Instinct
Getting Back on Track!
Heading to Training Camp!
A New Technique
Training Camp Massacre
The Wrong Path
Welcome to the Prison Tournament!
Call Me Deku
Two Months
A New Symbol

Breaking Limits

5.3K 85 60
By DefinitelyNotTKJ

The whole class was conflicted. They didn't know whether to be angry that their "former" classmate tossed around their two friends like toys. Or scared that their "former" classmate tossed around their two friends like toys.

Nonetheless, it didn't really matter because Deku was starting to get annoyed with all the waiting and staring. He was considering just blowing the place sky high! But then he remembered that he's supposed to be testing these guys.

What's the big deal anyways? Blowing up the place is testing them! To see if they survive or not..

The logic behind the test was clearly on the 'no one dies' side. But Deku didn't care for that. If he held back too much, he'd not only be disrespecting his classmates' power, but giving them false hope. In his eyes, if they can't survive this, then they wouldn't be able to survive as a hero anyways.

He was starting to get even more annoyed, so he picked out two himself.

After observing the weaklings- I mean future heroes, he picked out two that would be interesting since they both have major weaknesses that could make them vulnerable if the situation was right.

And unluckily for them Deku just so happened to specialize in both those weaknesses.

He let out a chuckle as he took a menacing step forward. The moment he took a step, a crater at least 30 meters wide was created. This not only shocked the class, but terrified them.

He looked downwards as he sweatdropped.

"Right. I forgot I wasn't supposed to stop holding back that much. I guess even if I stop holding back a little, the ground can't take it." He mused.

He continued on his way, controlling his power now. As he was about to get closer, two students launched at him in rage. These two were the wannabe robot and the martial artist.

"MIDORIYA!!" The guy with the tail shouted.


He ignored both of them as two powerful attacks went straight towards him. He simply turned his body and slid through both their attacks like they were nothing but light breezes. He never once took his eyes off of his targets.

"Wait your turn. I'm not concerned with you." He said in a serious tone.

The two were suddenly launched into different buildings by an invisible attack. The attack, very clearly came from Deku, but he never once stopped his slow motion moving towards the class. The only one who was able to see him attack was Ochako. But they were just barely blurs. Luckily, she was able to get some practice in seeing his speed, but it was nowhere near this level.

He really is serious. If we don't do something to change his mind, he really will kill us. Ochako summarized.

"I am only focused on," He began as he disappeared and reappeared in front of the dark and scary looking Tokoyami. "You."

He sent an overhead punch straight towards Tokoyami. Luckily, after lots of practice, Tokoyami was able to very quickly get out Dark Shadow to block. It, however, made little difference as the shadow was slammed into the ground, very forcefully.

Not giving him any time to recover, Deku kicked Tokoyami into a building. He slowly walked towards his target, inching closer and closer, the fear and anticipation in the air seemed to get thicker and more apparent. As he continued on his slow pace, a long tongue shot at him. He was expecting this, however, and caught and grabbed the tongue with little effort. He then sent his blistering heat straight through the elongated tongue. Asui shrieked in pain as Deku once again reappeared and kicked her right in the direction of Tokoyami, causing them to crash into each other.

He slowly floated down as his silver eyes continued to glare at his opponents. He slowly trudged towards them, a scowl planting itself in his face.

"Get up! We're not done here!" He shouted.

He clenched his fists as he charged even more power up, creating powerful winds and filling the air around them with pure power. It felt like all the class' fears and worst nightmares were made reality as they took in the power they were feeling right now.

"I wasn't fully warmed up with my last bout, so I expect you to fulfill that desire. I'm sure your lives will be more than enough payment." Deku said, his voice dripping with venom.

They struggled to stand, having to lean on one another.

"Tokoyami. We have to leave and regroup. This is a test, meaning these are testing grounds. We can use that to our advantage and hide until we figure out a plan." Asui said, struggling because of the burns on her tongue and wincing in pain every once in a while.

"You're right, Asui. Let's go for now." Tokoyami agreed.

They both did their best to get away for the time being their injured states. Deku saw them leave which brought him wonder and curiosity.

"Are you running away? Escaping death so soon? No, they should know by now that I can find them, anywhere they hide. But, I'll let them go, for now." He said as he turned his eyes towards the two who were now back on their feet and glaring at him. "I guess I'll have fun with these two for the time being."

Iida glared harder at Deku as he was getting ready to attack until Deku disappeared from his line of sight, he became increasingly confused, until he heard a chilling voice behind him.

"Tenya Iida. Quirk: Engine. Those engines on the back of your calves work like jets as they can help you move faster and aid you in powerful attacks. Your engines run on orange juice." Deku said while right behind Iida.

Iida snapped his head around and saw nothing.

"A powerful quirk, with one blatantly obvious weakness in the one who wields it." Deku said once again.

Iida, again, turned his head only to find nothing.

"Ever wonder what would happen if your legs were.... taken away?" Deku asked as he slammed his fist into the Engine quirk user's leg, shattering it.

He screamed out in pain as he fell to the ground. His breaths became short and coarse as he struggled to deal with the incredible amount of pain he was feeling. It was enough to make him want to pass out, but he knew he couldn't do that. He had to pass this test.

Deku looked down at Iida below him with no emotion whatsoever present on his face as he sense another attack. The man with a tail spun in midair as he tried to hit Deku with his tail. Deku caught the tail with little to no effort while not taking his eyes off of Iida once.

"Mashirao Ojiro. Quirk: Tail. Description's in the name buddy." Deku said while chuckling. "You have the same weakness. Once I take your tail, I wonder what will happen?"

He immediate crushed the poor student's tail beneath his sheer gripping force as he slammed him on top of Iida. He stepped on the tailman's chest as he let out a shrill of pain.

"Tch," I scoffed. "Future heroes huh? Oh yeah you guys are some heroes. Future All Mights I assure you."

You could hear the sarcasm and contempt dripping from his chilled to the bone voice as he applied more pressure to to the chest area of Ojiro.

"Call us what you want. I don't care!" Ojiro said through gritted teeth. "But never insult our status as heroes! We've done everything! Scratched and clawed our way into UA! You may have been born with a greater power, but you have no right to judge us! Just because you have a strong quirk, doesn't make you strong. It's the heart that counts! Your feelings, your emotions!! They make you who are today, which is why I'm going to be a hero whether you approve or not!"

Deku only applied more force as Ojiro as well as Iida who was under him screamed out in pain.

"Powerful quirk? Feelings? Emotions?" Deku repeated in a quiet voice. "You wouldn't know any of them if it were to hit you in the face, like I'm about to do in a second. You wouldn't believe what I had to go through to get to this point. Scratch and clawed? I scratched, clawed, begged, cried, and very nearly died before I was ever given a proper chance at life. You have no right to talk to me about being heroes. I'm the real hero here! Any one of you would've broke, but I never did. That's why people like you, especially you," He said while pointing down at Iida. "Could never be true heroes. Mr. Bloodlusting for Stain."

Iida looked away in shame as he grit his teeth in frustration.

"I may have done that before. But I've changed! I promised myself I would become the perfect hero! I won't make mistakes like that again!" He screamed out in protest.

This once again caused more pressure to be applied to the pileup.

"Here's the sad, unfortunate truth buddy," Deku began with a dark and depressing tone. "People don't really change. They alter their perspective. While they may have believed one thing in the past, they alter their perspective to believe another thing. The lingering thoughts still remain. Whether they're diminished, suppressed, or just plain ignored. Those thoughts still remain. Meaning, deep down, your no different then you were during the internships. You made yourself believe you were."

"No! Your lying!" Iida shouted only to receive even more pressure being put on him. At this point bones had to be breaking.

"Is that a fact?" Deku asked rhetorically. "What if I were to go and kill your mother right now? What would you do then?"

Iida's eyes widen as he shot his head towards Deku only to see him with a dark smirk plastered onto his face.

"It would only take me about 3 minutes, 5 tops!" He said with a chuckle. "After all, I can sense her prescience at this very moment."

Iida became scared as he took this realization in. He started releasing shaky breaths as his widened eyes  continued to stare at Deku.

"Her presence is so very similar to yours, in fact, while I'm at it, why don't I just take your brother out too? Finishing what the Hero Killer started, eh? Whaddya think?" Deku asked in a childish voice.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!! OR MY BROTHER!!" Iida yelled while seeing red from his overwhelming frustration and anger.

"Or what?" Deku asked with a smug look on his face. "You gonna Recipro Burst me?"

Iida only got angrier and angrier by the second as he was beginning to lose his sense of reason. Almost losing his brother was enough to send him over the edge. But now, he could be losing his mother and his brother. For good, this time.

"I only plan on dishing out karma. You know the saying, 'what goes around, comes around'. So naturally, since she brought weakness into this world. It should be that same weakness that will be the cause of her death."

Not even a second later, Iida was in the air, ignoring all the pain he felt.

"I'LL KILL YOU BEFORE YOU EVER LAY A FINGER ON HER!!" Iida shouted in pure anger and frustration as he launched his attack.


Iida shouted this as his engines fueled to the max and launched at Deku. This, however, made no difference as Deku caught his leg once again.

"You forgot something." Deku said with slightly narrowed eyes.

The confusion that Iida felt was immediately replaced by agonizing pain as something slammed into his gut. He looked down to realize it was Ojiro.

It turns out that once Iida lifted himself into the air, he unknowingly pushed off Ojiro as well. Before he could be sent flying off from the force, Deku caught Ojiro by the neck of his hero costume without taking his eyes off of Iida. Once he caught the leg Iida through at him, Deku threw Ojiro into Iida's stomach shoulder first. Like a tackle.

"That. That right there is why you are no hero." Deku said while pointing straight at Iida's eyes. "As soon as that look on your face appeared. Your 'feelings' and 'emotions' completely went out the window." Deku said with a mocking voice on the words 'feelings' and 'emotions'.

Iida looked down on realization as he took all this in, while Ojiro was starting to get up.

"Next time, before you calling yourself something. Make sure you know exactly what that something is. Especially, with a term as powerful as "hero"." Deku said as he turned his back and walked away from them. "Now, onto my real targets."

Iida say there staring off into space as he slowly tried to process what was happening.

"He's right. I really didn't change. I've been lying to myself this whole time!!" Iida yelled in frustration.

Tears were threatening to fall, though he tried to remain strong, tears were slipping out and he couldn't quite find the strength to stop them.

"No Iida, it's okay." Ojiro said while placing a hand on his shoulder. "You're not in the wrong here. I would've done the same thing if it were my family in danger. The good thing is, we don't have to decide what being a hero means to us right now. We don't have to determine if we're ready to become a pro. That's why we're here after all. To learn. And we do that by keeping our spirits high and taking advantage of every opportunity presented. For now, we have to focus and what we can do,"

"You know what we can do now?" Ojiro asked with a slight smile.

Iida smiled as well as he answered, "We can finish this fight!"

The change in the atmosphere was noticeable. No longer was there fear and apprehension, but confidence and adrenaline. They were going to end this on their terms.

"Hm?" Deku hummed in curiosity as he turned to see Iida rushing at him with incredible speed.

"RECIPRO EXTEND...." Iida changed as he sped towards Deku at amazing speeds.


With this not only did he rush towards Deku, but he lifted himself off of the ground with a jump.

Woah! Since when did he learn to use his engines like that? I thought he could only do a Recipro burst one at a time? Didn't I break his leg? I could've sworn I did. How is he even doing this?" Deku thought as he scrambled his brain for an answer.

Iida rushed towards him fast while in the air.

It won't really matter in the end. Deku concluded in his mind as he watched the leg come towards him.

As soon as he was close enough, Iida was about to launch his attack. Expecting what he thought was the attack, Deku raised his hand, ready to block, but was unprepared for the teeth shattering punch that went straight into the side of his face.

Deku flew back from the impact of the blasted punch.

While in Level 2 of Instincts (Ultra Instinct Omen), Deku is able to move subconsciously or without thinking, meaning that he could've dodge that attack easily. However, because it wouldn't be much of a test if he kept dodging, he turned that aspect off. Similar to Instincts, Deku can make it so that he can power up to level two, but his instinctive movements stay the same, like how Deku can make his power go up while in Instincts by using what's called 'Instincts Transformation' or in simpler terms, that weird silver glow that surrounds him sometimes. He did however, turn this "setting" off briefly, while fighting Sato because he didn't feel like getting punched all day, but turned it back on in order to see how much power the man had. Which is what resulted in the "Sugar Rush Ultimate Combo". Similarly, he's doing the same here. Waiting to see if someone can actually force him to use that regular part of level two.

As he flew back, he immediately felt pain in his gut, causing him to slam into the ground. Looking up, he saw Ojiro standing over him about to land another strike. He dodged and flipped back to his feet only to immediately be charged at. Ojiro used an assortment of martial arts moves to throw his opponent off and inflict as much pain as possible. Deku was having a hard time dodging strikes since whenever he did, another strike would just come at a place he wouldn't expect. His head was starting to hurt because he gets these sensations in his head telling him when an attack is coming. However, since there are so many at one time, it is starting to distract him which is giving his opponent more opportunities.

Immediately after the onslaught, Iida came and kicked Deku back. Iida and Ojiro both went the opposite direction, a good distance away. Once far enough, they rushed from opposite sides, Ojiro having to limp and Iida using his engines as an aid. They both kicked with all their might, Ojiro at the legs, Iida at the head. Making Deku spin and fly up before Ojiro man gaged to grab ahold of his arm and twist and turn it, for Deku to then scream out in pain. Iida looked on, taking a drink of the orange juice he keeps hidden away as he recharged his engines.

My body is going to give out soon. Iida thought while Ojiro was having similar thoughts. I'll have to finish this now!!

"Now Ojiro!!" Iida shouted.

Ojiro got the message and immediately began his attack while maintaining a firm grip on the now dislocated arm, Ojiro spun Deku around, faster, and faster until he couldn't go on and threw him towards Iida. Getting his engines ready, for one final time, he charged it up all the way to max as he spun himself once and did a spinning back kick with his engines.


The impact was strong enough to quite literally flip Deku midair. The boy went flying into a building from the attack.

Iida panted heavily as his eyes widened, coming down from his trip of adrenaline, he just now realized how much pain he was in. Because of this he fell to the floor, exhausted as he let unconsciousness take him over. Ojiro had too, collapsed from a lack of energy.

The place was silent. They were really thinking about what it is they just saw. First with Kirishima and Sato, now with Iida and Ojiro. These guys were putting everything on the line to face the impossible task, yet both ultimately failed. They are beginning to question why they were there, or if they could really do this. Which, unknowingly to them, was the exact aim of the test. To see if their resolve would hold out in the real world of heroes and villains.

They watched, slightly hopeful, slightly pessimistic while waiting for something to happen. Just when some were starting to gain hope, the ground started rumbling. First it was quiet, but then it got louder and louder until a building was completely obliterated by an influx of power. The class looked to see Deku walking out, menacingly. The class gaped.

Seriously!? Does anything hurt this guy!? Most of the class thought.

Deku walked out, rolling his shoulder back and forth.

"That was smart. Going after weak points in my body, Ojiro. Then ending it with a bang, Iida. Unfortunately for you, I'm practically a walking healing machine so it makes no difference." Deku said as the injuries that were noticeable were starting disappear as heat covered all of his body.

"Fortunately, you did pass." Deku said as he looked at the two passed out students. However, he clenched his fists and grit his teeth. "Once again unfortunately, I'm growing tired of this back and forth! No longer will I hold myself back so much just to see if you're worth something! You better give 200% or more because of you don't, I'll kill you without a second thought!!" Deku said in his best villain voice.

The good news is, Ochako was finally able to tell that he was lying. The bad news is...

She could only tell that about the "without a second thought" part.

Which means, someone could very well die. While no one has died yet, that was merely because they managed to impress him just enough. Which is going to get harder since he got impatient and is gonna start upping the difficulty level.

As Deku finished with his own thoughts, an attack came right by his face, leaving a scratch that drew blood. Deku slowly turned with a glare as he faced Asui and Tokoyami. Asui was still suffering from burns as Tokoyami looked better and with a different look in his eyes.

"You two..." Deku growled as he turned to face them. "I hope you heard my statement. Because now I'm gonna start to get serious. Which means you better go all out now, because if I don't see something that impresses me, you're going to die." Deku said as he charged more power, causing winds to grow more rapid and the ground starts to break.

"You remember the plan? Asui asked, not wincing as much.

"Yes." Tokoyami replied.


The two were running for a while before they finally chose to stop.

"Asui, are you alright?" Tokoyami asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I think I'm fine, ribbit. It hurts a lot though, I didn't even think about a frog's weakness to overwhelming heat. What scares me is that he was holding back. Ribbit." Asui said while looking down in thought.

"Do you know that for sure?" Tokoyami asked.

"Well, it's just a hunch but, whenever Ochako isn't with Midoriya she's usually talking with me or the other girls. Luckily, she talks about him a lot so I was able to retain some information, ribbit." Asui explained.

"I see.  Can you relay this information?" Tokoyami asked.

"Apparently, his quirk isn't just power and speed, it's more than that. Ribbit. He can sense people, track people, mark people, alter his own power to match those around him, change emotions, read minds. There are so many things that we don't know about his quirk. Not even her. Ribbit. What she does know is that there are three levels of power to his quirk. Level two is what he's currently at. Ribbit.  The scariest thing about it is that level two actually weakens his own power and in return, he gets heightened instincts and senses." Asui explained.

"You mean he's weakened right now? But how is he so powerful? This quirk is truly something fierce." Tokoyami said in shock as he took this all in.

"According to Ochako, the quirk itself was originally weak in comparison. These different features and aspects of the quirk, came from 11 years of discovering its strengths and weaknesses. Ribbit."

"So, knowing all this, how do we defeat him? Tokoyami asked.

"We can't." Asui informed him. "It would be impossible as we are now, having the bar set so high, we can definitely grow as strong in the future, but we can't hope to defeat him now. Ribbit."

"So how do we pass the test?" Tokoyami asked calmly, keeping his emotions in check in order to think clearly.

"The only way is to outsmart him. Ribbit." Asui concluded.

"What do you mean?" Tokoyami asked.

"Think about it. Ribbit. All the fights we've seen so far have been just that, fights.  In reality, this is a test. Knowing that, Deku has been purposely riling us up, toying with our emotions so we forget our main objective. Our actual objective is to use these." Asui said as she pulled out the anti-quirk handcuffs.

Tokoyami nodded as he took this information in.

"So what do you suggest we do?" He asked again.

"Well since this is a test. He has to test us in our abilities, meaning that whether he likes it or not, he'll have to let his guard  down at least once, and give us a chance to win, at that point I'll have to do something in order to distract him long enough for you to get to him. Ribbit." Asui said.

"I'll need you to launch a full on attack in order to get his attention, once he feels intrigued he will let his guard down at one point even if for a little while. I don't know if it will work, or even if he will let us. I've never seen him like this. He's usually laid-back and relaxed, but now he's more serious than ever. Ribbit. I can't tell if he's serious about testing us, or serious about killing us and that's very concerning. Ribbit." Asui said with worry.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Tokoyami looking down on her with a soft look in his eyes.

"I appreciate the concerns, Asui. It makes me glad to have you as a partner. This information was invaluable. Knowing in your weakness state, you won't be able to do a lot, I will take the helm of this plan and launch the attack while you sit back and wait for an opportunity." Tokoyami said.

"Are you sure? Ribbit. This might not work." Asui said nervously. While she usually kept a calm head on her shoulders, this situation was incredibly different from anything she has experienced before.

He took the frog girl's hands and lifted her up gently. He placed a hand on her head, warmly as he turned around and focused his power remaining.

"I trust you Asui." He spoke softly as he summoned Dark shadow, sensing his intentions, the shadow complied and combined with its host. "We both do."

-Flashback End-

Asui lightly blushed from the feeling of Tokoyami's hand on her head but quickly shook it off.

"In your feelings, Asui? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be together forever in the afterlife!" Deku said with a knowing smirk.

Asui's eyes widened as she blushed harder but mostly focused on the fact that her mind was read like an open book.

"How did-"

"Now that I'm showing more of my power, all aspects of my powers has increased, even reading minds meaning I can do it long distance now." Deku said.

"Whatever he's talking about doesn't matter now, we'll have to do this now! We only have one shot!" Tokoyami shouted.

After seeing her nod, he summoned Dark Shadow and they combined to increase power.

"Well this is new." Deku mused. "Remember, 200% or you die."

Tokoyami rushed at Deku with increased speed as he went for the attack. Dodge after dodge, lefts and rights, Deku read every move like papers. Asui running from the sidelines, grabbed giant pieces of rubble to throw, while Deku wasn't all that distracted, it allowed openings however small they were for Tokoyami.

Deku broke the pieces of rubble with the back of his hand repeatedly while he was fighting Tokoyami. Tokoyami backed up and jumped up with Dark Shadow and slashed at these, causing a slash of darkness to be created and sent towards Deku. He sent three more after that as well at incredible speeds. As soon as Deku looked up, they were right in front of his face. With a breath released, he dodges them so fast that no one even saw him move. It was if they went right through him.

"Interesting attack. I never knew you could do that." Deku mused as he released a breath again, and his power seemed to lower slightly, but it was practically unnoticeable, meaning that he went from instinctive movements to subconscious movements and back again with each breath he released. While not necessary, it was what was desired at the time.

"Dark shadow is a being of darkness, I can use my darkness against your light. While Dark shadow may be afraid, my dark attacks are not." Tokoyami explained. (Made This an aspect of Tokoyami's quirk because I thought it would be cool.)

"Fumikage Tokoyami. Quirk: Dark Shadow. A sentient being that resides within you and major weakness is light. Though I was under the impression that you weren't in possession of long range attacks in your arsenal." Deku exclaimed.

"Tsuyu Asui." He said while looking through his peripherals. Quirk: Frog. You can basically do anything a frog can. While not very impressive on paper, it truly is a dangerous quirk if you use it right, and that calm and collected head on your shoulders only aids that. But you feel it don't you? The rising heat. It will only be a matter of time before you croak."

"I shall defeat you before then!" Tokoyami shouted. "Dark Double Hammer!!"

Two hammers made of darkness appeared from his arms as he flew down to squish Deku, only to find out that he wasn't there.

"Well too bad because I'm running out of patience!" Deku yelled as he kicked Tokoyami down towards the ground. "I said 200% and if that's the best you got, I'll do the world a favor by taking you down once and for all."

Tokoyami was panting on the ground. He hasn't realized that these attacks would take so much out of him. He's never practiced before this, and his darkness is weaker than Deku's light. It could all be over very soon if something doesn't happen soon.

He got up and brushed himself off as he gasped for breath,

"Out of it already? No there's no way you can be done. I was getting slightly interested." Deku said with a sigh. "But I guess I'll end this.

Deku then charged up a ball of energy from the tip of his finger as it began to grow in brightness and in size.

"I have to do this now!!" Tokoyami yelled as he flew up and gathered up as much power as he could.

The two attacks were getting more powerful by the second as the class watched in anticipation.

Deku looked up as he was about to release his attack. Tokoyami was still in the air as he began to charge straight at Deku while spinning at incredible speeds. They both chanted the name of their attacks at the same time.


The two attacks collided head in, creating shockwaves that were making the class hold on for dear life. Deku could feel the power generating from Tokoyami as he strikes against Deku. It was exciting. He was surprised that the attack managed to survive the collision but he soon began to overpower Tokoyami.

Tokoyami was struggling, but he knew that he had to keep this going to wait for that one moment.

"NOW ASUI!!" He shouted.

Asui slid over, right under the attack and straight at Deku. Deku looked over without the least it of surprise on his face except for a smirk in place of it.

"I knew you would come into play like this and finally try and use those handcuffs!" Deku yelled.

"Not quite!" She yelled as she stuck her tongue out and through the cuffs to Tokoyami.

Tokoyami caught it, stopped his attack, which caused Deku's attack to slide right by him as he spun around to face Deku and did the attack again.

"Wha-" he was about to ask until he felt something wrap his arms and legs up.

He looked to see it was Asui and smirked knowingly.

"You sure you wanna do that, I can burn that thing right off." He said while raising his body temperature to see Asui shriek in pain but still kept a firm grip.

"Burn it all you want. There's no way  I'm letting you go! Ribbit!" She shouted.

Deku's eyes widened as Tokoyami got closer and closer and targeted Deku's hands.

I'm so close! Tokoyami thought.

Deku had his head down, his hair shadowing over his eyes with an impassive look on his face.

"Is that so?" He said quietly. "I guess I'll have to let you go."

Tokoyami came so close to Deku, victory was right in his hands. However, as soon as he got close enough, Deku raised his head up and stared right into his eyes. He knew then, that it had all been in vain.

Deku exploded in a burst of power, ripping Asui off of him, blowing away the cuffs as well as Tokoyami. Although coming from different directions. Tokoyami and Asui both collided and landed in a heap.

Asui had been knocked unconscious from the pain of her burns and the force of the explosion. Tokoyami wasn't that far away from meeting the same fate. Though, he still managed to get a good look at the destruction that was caused and his eyes widened as he saw Deku walking out of it like nothing had happened. Eyes focused, Deku didn't say a word. All he did was raise his hand and an even bigger energy ball appeared and it wasn't hard to guess who he was targeting.

"Ultimate Illumination."

That was all he heard before the ball of energy came rushing towards the two.

Tokoyami looked on, not knowing what to do or what to say.

Is this how I die? In a UA test, too weak to stand up? Pathetic isn't it? Tokoyami thought to himself. Maybe all those kids were right about me.


When Tokoyami was a child and his quirk appeared, he was made fun of quite a lot and called many different horrible things. Once they found out his actual quirk, the treatment got worse. Calling him a "villain" because of his "villainous quirk". He grew sad and lonely because of this, he didn't talk to many people. This all changed on a fateful day when he met someone who didn't discriminate.

"Hello. Ribbit," the mysterious girl said as she ran into a boy.

"Um, hello there."He said somewhat awkwardly.

He had been walking on the street when he ran into this girl. She had many features that made her look similar to a frog, but she was still noticeably attractive to him, but he hardly ever let things like that linger in his mind, not like they would matter anyways.

"I am Tsuyu Asui. My quirk is Frog, meaning I can do anything a frog can. Ribbit." She explained.

"I am Fumikage Tokoyami. My quirk is Dark Shadow. A sentient type quirk that allows me to summon a shadow of darkness to aid me in battle." Tokoyami explained.

"That's a powerful quirk, very cool too," she exclaimed with a finger on her chin.

"What? You don't think I look weird or that I have a villainous quirk?" He asked in shock.

"Well I could ask you the same thing. I do look like a frog and don't really have an interesting quirk." She replied.

"Nonsense," He waved her off. "Any quirk can be powerful if you work hard enough, yours is no exception. Especially since you have the potential to become a great hero."

"I feel the same about you, Tokoyami. So look at the positives, after all we want to make people happy because it's what heroes do. So you should make yourself happy first. Ribbit." She said with a smile.

He smiled back, finally having felt relieved of all his pain.

-Flashback End-

Tokoyami smiled at that.

Make yourself happy. That is what she told me. Tokoyami said in his mind. Well the only thing that would make me happy right now, is being able to protect you. After all, that's what heroes do.

Tokoyami got back up shakily as he looked at the energy coming at him.

"Dark Shadow." He called out calmly.

The shadow came out and combined with its host,

Time for one last stand! To protect Asui!! Tokoyami shouted in his mind.

Darkness enveloped him as he spun around much faster this time and created a gigantic dome of pure darkness as a last resort and an ultimate defense.

"Ultimate Move: Dark Asylum!"

The energy ball collided with the dome of darkness but it didn't budge even once. While at a stalemate, the energy ball exploded and sent more and more shockwaves this time powerful enough that even Deku was getting pushed back a little.

Once the smoke from the explosion cleared, the dark dome was still seen standing tall. Until it dissipated and Tokoyami collapsed from exhaustion.

Deku looked on with a straight face, seemingly unaffected by this turn of events. He then began to walk slowly towards the two fallen comrades. He reached them and looked down at them. Asui's tongue and body had severe burns and her costume was in tatters. Tokoyami's costume was ripped as well, scratches and bruises were all over him.

Deku began charging energy in the palm of his hand as he continued to look on at them with a straight face. Feeling satisfied, he pointed the energy ball at them as the light illuminated the surrounding area.

With no more hesitation, he fired it straight at them.

The light from the energy was so bright that people had to shield there eyes so it wouldn't blind them.

Once the light was gone, all you saw left was Deku standing over the two bodies on the ground. Their injuries were healed. All the scratches, the bruises, and the burns were all gone.

Deku, for the first time since this test started, smiled warmly at the sight.

I always knew there was something going on between the two. His thoughts before passing out only proved my point. I'll heal you this time, but don't expect any mercy from me later on. You passed anyways, so rest now. Deku thought with a soft smile as he looked at Tokoyami's hand over Asui's in their unconsciousness.

Deku's smile disappeared as he put back on the villain mask and turned around to walk towards the class, eager to see who was next.

After all... he's finally warmed up!!

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