Mommy issues- K. Bakugou

By serendiepity

15.4K 472 93

"He positions his forehead to match hers and they both breathe heavily. She looks at his swollen lips as he l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Winter Special
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: Origin(Part 1)
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Origin (Part 2)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Y/n's Letter
It's been a long time

Chapter 22

227 9 2
By serendiepity

"What are you doing here?" I look at her, she looks exactly the same as every other time I've seen her. Her white hair is in it's usual high ponytail. Her costume looks as shiny-and revealing- as ever. Her eyes, however are not glowing pink.

"Waiting for your answer, of course" The cross legged figure stands up, making her way towards my bed.

"I...I need some more time" I sigh and fall back down on my bed. Her high heels are making a clinging sound with every step she takes, till she reaches my bed. She sits down next to me on the mattress.

"What came out with me, tonight? To meet the team? I'll give you more information about...well, whatever you like" She smiles, but there is nothing genuine about it.

"Alright. Can I get ready?" I give in, getting up from my comfortable position.

"Take as long as you need, dear"

I get up and go to the bathroom. I reach for my phone that I put in my pocket last night, too tired to even put it on the night stand. Thank All Might for my fatigue. I quickly type a text to Bakugou.

If I don't text you back before
7AM check my location
Delivered 9:54PM

I put it back in my pocket and proceed to wear the clothes I grabbed from my closet a couple of minutes ago. Black jeans, t-shirt and jacket. I need to be discreet. I have a bad feeling for this, but I have no other choice, this is my mother, villain or not.

I get out of the bathroom and see her snooping around my room.

"Is there any specific reason why you snooping around my stuff?" She seems startled by my voice but quickly recovers.

"Just checking bits of what I've missed for the past 16 years" I gulp at her words. It still seems unbelievable, my mother being alive.

My thoughts are cut short once a notification sound is heard from my phone. I take it out, my mother's narrowed eyes watching my every move.

"Who is that, honey?" I can hear the discomfort in her voice. She actually seems nervous.

"My boy friend. Not a boyfriend, I...uh... I meant a boy who is a friend. Yep, not a boyfriend, just a friend who is a boy" Way to go, Y/n.

"Uh, okay. Just be quick" She averts her eyes back to my desk, which is filled with books and some pictures. I nod my head and look at Katsuki's message.

Did something happen?

Not yet, but I think it will
Just check pls okay?

Will do
Stay safe idiot
Read 10:02 PM

I take a deep breath. It's not anything serious, right? I'm just going out, in the night, with my mother whom I thought was dead but isn't and everyone has been lying to me for my whole life. Nothing weird here, right?

"Where are we going?" I ask her as we make our way to the living room. "And what about Nemuri?"

"Your aunt is asleep. I gave her a very nice dream, it should keep her occupied for the rest of the night" She snickers, sending a shiver down my spine. "And, well, if she wakes up you can change her memory once we get back"

I nod my head. I think I can do that. Yes, yes I can do that. I will change my aunt's memory. The one who has been taking care of me for the past years.

"Hey, mom?"

"Hm?" It sounds like a whisper, but it's loud enough for me to hear and proceed.

"Do you think Nemuri...knew?" I fidget with my fingers, looking at the street ahead of us.

"It is possible, but your father wasn't in his right mind, so she might not"  She puts her hand in her pocket taking a long, purple, phone-like device out of it. She types something and puts it back.

"That is so we can communicate with each other. You can have one too, once you join us" Her voice is delicate and sweet, but her eyes seem wary, like they're smiling in a mischievous way.

"I'm tired of walking" She whines, dragging the 'g'. "Do you wanna fly us there?" She smiles, but once again, nothing seems genuine about that smile.

I nod at her question and she hugs me, as we fly in the beautiful night sky.

We reach our destination not long after. A blonde girl is just outside of the bar we're supposed to go in.

"Y/N-CHAN!" She yells and hugs me. I stay still, surprised by the sudden demonstration of affection.

My mom scolds her for being loud and she gives me a lopsided smile.

"Sorry. It's just that I've always wanted a best friend, and now we can be best friends!" She hugs me again. I don't want to seem rude so I hug her back.

"Come on in, Y/n-chan! Everyone is waiting to meet you!"


"Who is everyone?"

My question is answered almost immediately, as the girl opens the door, revealing a bar full of people. Everybody looks at the door, to see a new face. One wearing a mask hops in front of me.

"Are you from U.A?" His soft voice says. "No you aren't" A deeper voice says, seeming to be coming from him. I look at my mother as if I want to ask her what is wrong with him.

She just shrugs and whispers "Everyone in this room is a complete nut-job. Don't mind them"

They introduce themselves one by one, until there is only one of them left. He is sitting at the bar, without turning around to look at me. His blueish hair is long, he is probably Shigaraki. My mom told me he is their leader, the leader of the League Of Villains.

"Hello, Y/n" His raspy voice says, sending a shiver down my spine. Why does it feel like the temperature in this room has fallen so drastically?

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you"


Sorry for not updating for this long people. I didn't finish the last chapter as I wanted and I struggled on how to continue this one. Give me some theories in the comments, what will
Y/n do, what does Bakugo think has happened to her? Hope you'll enjoy<3

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