Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie...

بواسطة FiftyShadesDakota_x

178K 5.5K 1K

Hi!! So, I started writing this story when I was going through a hard time, it really helped me distract myse... المزيد

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124

Part 111

747 40 6
بواسطة FiftyShadesDakota_x

Hi everyone!
I hope you are all doing well ☺️ here's the next update, enjoy!❤️

*Dakota's POV*

Me and our baby boy are on our fifth day of being in hospital. We're thankfully being discharged today. He's gotten stronger and I've been healing really well. I've just woken up from a morning nap; baby boy is still sleeping so I very quickly get a shower and get changed into the clothes Jamie brought up for me yesterday. As I'm putting my hoodie on he starts stirring; kicking his feet up as he whines. "Oh baby.." I sit on the edge of my bed and lean over to watch him.

I reach across and gently stroke his cheek to sooth him. He grips my finger with his little hand and I grin, leaning forward to kiss his head. Someone knocks on the door and enters a few seconds later. "Morning.. I've just come to do one last check before you head home" My obgyn smiles at me and I nod a bit, sitting back on my bed so she can get to the baby. "He's just woke up so he might be a bit grumpy" I giggle and she chuckles too, smiling as she lifts him out the crib.

She does her checks with him and then hands him over to me. "Everything looks perfect" She grins and I grin back. "good!" I smile, kissing his head softly. "I think we will probably discharge you around twelve afternoon time" She nods to me and I smile back. "I feel a little bit anxious to take him home... Is that normal?" I frown a bit looking to her as she sits on the edge of my bed. "Of course.. There isn't a right or wrong way to feel anyway, plus you have been here for nearly a week now, he hasn't been outside yet so it's normal to worry about that" She smiles reassuringly.

"He's a strong little boy, he's going to fine... You'll both be better once you are at home. You can settle properly with him" She smiles and I nod, smiling. "Yeah, you're right... Thank you" I look to her and she reaches across to squeeze my hand supportively. "If you feel like it when you get home then talk to Jamie... He'll be able to really reassure you. You two are great parents there's no doubt about that. You'll do great." She smiles again and stands "I better get back to do my routine check ups on my other patients." She chuckles and I giggle, nodding.

"Thank you, for everything" I smile and she grins "It's my job.. I'll pop back in before you leave" She smiles and we say bye and then she leaves. I reach for my phone and dial Jamie's number. "Hey.." I say when he answers. "Hey baby" I sense his smile when he replies.

"We should be able to come home in the next hour or so" I grin and he sighs with relief. "Good baby I'm glad.. I can pick you up" He yawns and I pout. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry.." I frown a bit, laying our baby in the crib before beginning to pack up all of our belongings. "Yeah.. Char hasn't been sleeping great since you haven't been here. We decided to nap on Mommy's side of the bed" He says right before yawning again. "I think she misses you.. We both have been missing you" He whispers and tears form in my eyes.

"Well.. I'll be home soon enough and we can all have cuddles" I whisper and I sense his smile through the phone again. "We can't wait baby.. we will see you soon" He grins. "I love you.. see you soon" I whisper, giggling when he says he loves me more; before we hang up. "Oh baby boy, your daddy is amazing" I whisper, leaning over to kiss his head as he sleeps peacefully.


"I am so happy to see you" I sigh happily as I walk my way over to Jamie's car; carrying the hospital bags in one hand and the baby carrier in the other. He jumps out the drivers seat and walks round to me. I fasten the baby car seat into the car before sliding myself into his awaiting arms, taking in his scent. "We missed you so much" He whispers as he kisses my head softly before pulling away. "Mommy mommy! I miss you" Charlotte kicks her little legs and waves her hands around from the back seat.

"Hi my beautiful baby girl" I lean over to kiss her head "Mommy missed her number one girl too" I grin at her and she giggles; leaning over to gaze at her baby brother excitedly. Jamie puts the hospital bags in the boot of the car and then opens my door and takes my hand to help me in; knowing that I am still a bit sore from giving birth to make any sudden movements. "Such a gentleman as always" I giggle once I'm sat down in my seat. "For my beautiful wife, always and forever" He grins, kissing me softly before shutting my door and heading to the drivers seat; getting in himself and driving away.

On our way home Charlotte tells me all about her time at home with daddy. She tries her best to tell me all about how she went to the park with her auntie Stella and Nanny; which would've been my mom. She gets excited about it all and it makes me smile. "You know, all your mom has been saying is how much she wants to meet her grandson" Jamie laughs and I giggle. "Well I might let her come over tomorrow to see him.." I chuckle a bit.

"I hope you don't mind, but I kind of have a surprise.." He pulls me from my thoughts as we get closer to home. "What is it?" I pout a bit, looking to him as he takes my hand that was resting on my thigh. "I got my dad and Sam flights out... They'll be here tomorrow" He looks to me for my reaction. "Really?" I grin a bit "Yeah... I wanted them to meet our boy and I figured you wouldn't be up for travelling yet." He smiles a bit. "You don't mind?" He smiles shyly.

"Of course not, you know I love your family Jamie.. and they are my family too now" I grin and he leans over, kissing me softly on the lips. "Thank you" He smiles and I smile back. "Where are they staying?" I ask after a few minutes. "They're staying at my old apartment. I did say they could stay with us but Sam insisted they let us get settled with Char and baby boy without them getting under our feet." He smiles, squeezing my hand as He pulls into the driveaway; pressing the button in the car to shut and lock the gates.

"I doubt they would've got in our way, but I really do appreciate that... I'm so excited to see them" I smile, getting out the car slowly and carefully. Jamie helps Charlotte out of her seat and she runs over to me, taking my hand. I go to get the baby car seat out but Jamie stops me. "I can do that, you head in and get yourself settled." He smiles and I pout. "Well let me take the hospital bags then.." I reach out to take them from his hand but he tuts at me. "No baby I got it.." He chuckles and I giggle shyly back, taking Charlotte's hand again and heading inside the house.

I head straight to the sofa and Charlotte sits beside me; curling herself into me and sighing softly. "What's wrong babe?" I kiss her head as I rest back against the sofa; smiling when Jamie heads through with our baby boy in his arms. "Just missed mommy" She sighs again and I giggle. "Well I'm back now baby..." I kiss her head again and she giggles, cuddling into me more.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Jamie asks me and I grin. "I would love a proper coffee right now actually..." I grin shyly, watching him put our boy in his bassinet which is currently in the lounge. He leans over to kiss me softly. "Coming right up" He grins and wanders off to the kitchen. I grin and curl up into Charlotte, switching the TV on and putting some cartoons on for her. We watch them and she babbles softly every so often while she plays with my fingers.

"Here you go" Jamie hands me a cup of coffee and I smile shyly thanking him. "I was thinking, takeaway and a film in our bed tonight with Char?" He suggests as he wraps his arm around me once he's sat beside me. "Sounds amazing... Can I get a bath first? I feel a bit gross" I smile shyly and he chuckles. "Of course, just let me know when and I can run it for you" He kisses my head and I nod softly, smiling as me and Charlotte curl into him.

"I wish Dulcie was here... She hasn't met her baby brother yet" I sigh a bit and Jamie frowns. "We could facetime her? And then I can ask Amelia if we could have her tomorrow for the weekend." Jamie suggests and I nod fast. "Yes! lets do that" I reach over and get my phone from my bag. "Now? Did you want to get some sleep first?" He asks me but I shake my head. "I'm feeling okay. I don't want to sleep too much in the day and not sleep tonight." I smile shyly and he nods "okay baby sure.." he smiles, texting Amelia to ask if we can FaceTime Dulcie.

Soon enough, she replies saying that we can, so Jamie clicks on FaceTime and dials Amelia's number. It connects for a few seconds and then Dulcie's face pops up on screen. "Daddy! Mommy Kota!" She squeals and we both chuckles. "Hey darling, you okay?" Jamie asks and she nods. "Hey gorgeous" I giggle and she grins. She giggles when Charlotte pulls the phone down to her. Dulcie makes a pretend conversation with her and they try to chat for a few minutes.

"Hey, we've got someone we'd like you to meet.." I smile shyly and lift up our boy, who's in my arms quietly awake, so he's in the screen view with us all. She gasps loudly and covers her face. "Oh my god!" She giggles and when she removes her hand, we see slight tears on her cheeks. "Aw baby girl don't cry" Jamie pouts and I wipe my eyes before tears fall.

"He can't wait to meet his big sister" I grin and she grins back, waving to him through the screen. "I want to hold him" she pouts, and Jamie chuckles. "Well hopefully soon you can" I smile and she grins nodding. "I can't wait to hold him and give him kisses and cuddles. I just love him so much already" She rambles on to us and I pout as more tears form in my eyes; my hormones still all over the place from being pregnant.

Jamie sees me wiping my tears and chuckles, using his thumb to wipe a few stray tears that I miss. "Does he have a name yet?" She asks us and Jamie shakes his head. "Not yet baby... But we will pick one soon" I smile shyly, rocking our boy in my arms as he begins to whine. "Well he needs a name" She shakes her finger at us in a telling off way; making us both laugh. "He'll get a name, cheeky" Jamie chuckles. We chat to Dulcie for a while longer; before ending the call when Amelia calls her for dinner.


"I'll get him" Jamie's voice startles me just as I'm about to get out of bed. This is our first feed of the night, and it's three AM. I rub my eyes as I sit up and rest myself against the headboard of our bed. "I can't believe he slept from nine thirty until three.. That's so good" I chuckle as I yawn. Jamie laughs softly as he climbs back onto the bed. I take our boy from him and lift my pyjama top slightly so I can feed him.

"Hey little man, please sleep like that every night" Jamie chuckles, stroking his little hand as I grin sleepily. "Little man... I've wanted to hear you say that for so long" I smile shyly and he kisses my head softly, pulling me close to him gently; careful to not disturb our boy from feeding. I rest my head on his shoulder gently as we watch our beautiful baby drinking from my breast; the soft glow from the bedside light illuminating every perfect detail of his little face.

"I hope you know how happy you've made me giving me my boy" He whispers after a few minutes of silence, his head resting on top of mine gently. "We both made him.. I just grew him" I giggle softly. "Well you did the best job ever growing him and protecting him" He leans down to tenderly kiss my lips and I grin shyly. "You know, I can't wait to see the bond you'll have with him." I look up to him, tears brimming in my eyes again at the thought.

"Why are you always so emotional and soppy" He chuckles and I laugh, passing him our boy so he can burp him whilst I sort myself out. "It's just my hormones." I giggle again, wiping his mouth as he spits a bit of milk out his mouth. Once he's brought wind up Jamie rests him back in his bassinette at the end of our bed. He turns on his little white noise bear that's placed on the outside of his bassinet and then he gets back into bed.

"He really needs a name though" I chuckle as I lay back down in bed, smiling when he pulls me into his arms, kissing my head. "On the count of three, say the first name that pops into your head..." He says and I laugh softly. He begins counting, and on three we both say "Noah." He gasps and I cover my mouth, laughing quietly. "That's so bizarre we said the same name" He chuckles and I nod, giggling as I yawn again; my hand over my mouth.

"Noah it is then?" He asks and I nod shyly. "I think it suits him well" I grin when he nods in agreement. "I'm glad he finally has a name" He says and we chuckle. "Noah Wayne Dornan" Jamie kisses my head and I gasp quietly. "You'll have me crying again in a minute, Mr Dornan" I giggle a bit and he laughs "I'll only ever let you cry happy tears because of me" He kisses my head tenderly and just when I thought I couldn't love him anymore; more love grows for him...

Comments are appreciated as always!❤️

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