The Danger ABC's

By flakypie

1.7K 86 70

Call is a thief. He likes to think of himself as a nice thief, as a kind of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich... More

Chapter 1: No *Bad* Deed Goes Unpunished
Chapter 2: Pawn to A1
Chapter 3: Shadows in the Light
Chapter 4: Life is Strange
Chapter 5: Gay is a state of mind
Chapter 6: I Betray You so that I Betray No One
Chapter 7: Dark Falls Slowly
Chapter 8: Biting the Bullet
Chapter 9: Seductive Treachery
Chapter 10: Drowning Midair
Chapter 11: Hate the Way I Love You
Chapter 12: Night-Night Nightmares
Chapter 13: A Criminal's Advice
Chapter 14: Heels Over Head
Chapter 15: Mine, Mine, Mine
Chapter 16: Off the Deep End
Say Something
Chapter 18: Darkness Rising
Chapter 19: By the Wayside
Chapter 21: Call me Sane
Chapter 22: The Job
Chapter 23: Kill the stars

A/N. (Not a Chapter)

38 3 0
By flakypie

Hey guys, tis I, flakypie. for starters, the Danger ABC's only has a few more chapters left. Sequel? Who knows! I am taking suggestions in the comments, may or may not use em depending on how I have the end plotted out. Now for a bit of shameless self-endorsement.

I'm starting a new story soon. So I'm gonna advertise it on here! Now I saw a reel on Instagram. And I decided to try and write an OC story based around this: so if you want to read the description below and if you like it check it out, that would be great. I know, y'all are here for the fandom and nothing else but if you like my writing style, give it a shot maybe?

Basically, an assassin pinned for a crime they didn't commit, a young princess with a dark secret, a loyal knight who wants nothing more than to help, a badass lesbian pirate, and a dark evil lurking below the city, waiting to be dug up. Intrigue! Drama! Gay! Strong female roles! We got it all. 

Finally, although I know that this site is starved for good Septiplier content, I cannot in good conscience write it when Mark and Jack have condemned it because people took it WAY too far. Still, I feel as though if I simply focused on the ins and outs of a complicated relationship, it would be fine. So anyways, if you guys wanna see that, (will be sad probs) leave a comment and I'll see what I can do.

I'm gonna try to update soon!


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