A Viking Chief's twins

By Lava_Serpant

164K 4.6K 3.3K

(I know I have a completely different story like this) What if Hiccup had a brother? One he thought had died... More

Dragon's Child
Ultra Trouble
New Dragon And New Friend
I'm The Hunter
Staying? Or Leaving?
Bounty On Who?
This Is Getting Ridiculous
Okay Another AN
Pressure Points
Operation Frost
Frosty Love
Accepted? Or Disowned?
Where Are They?
The Calm Before The Storm
That's Your Name?
Here's The Storm
Time Out
Mystery Pair
Stranger? Or Friend?
Tense Reunions
Cruel Treatment
Hiccup and Snot-lout "help"
Code Panic
Finders Keepers
Ill gotten
Friendly Family Introductions
Unexpected Contestants
You Hurt Us Too
Gaming time!
Icy Depths
New Contestant
Music soothes the savage dragon
I Want A Dog
She is The Healer
Haddock's camping
Who Doesn't Like Chocolate?
Deep Sea Terror's
All Alone
Never Alone
Wing Maidens
The Battle Begins
Dragon's Are The Masters
Want A Race?

Teas Always The Answer

1.7K 60 27
By Lava_Serpant

Hiccup was very unimpressed when he and the riders had found the Buffalord through sheer determination and those two ninja had not made a single appearance.

"Where are those two? The island isn't that big," Fish-legs said. "Should we go looking for them?" Fish-legs adds looking towards the sky. "No we can't wait around for them and besides they got some weird Ninja magic they can handle themselves," Hiccup said as he took out the cup for Kai and Astrid. He uses it and collected the saliva and raced back to Tooth-less to take off, but when he glances at the cup to make sure he had not spilled it he looks at it in confusion and panic.

"It dried up!" He exclaims looking at it and everyone groans because of course this was not going to be easy. When was anything even the smallest bit easy for them?

"No! Now what are we going to do?" Fish-legs complains. Hiccup thinks for a moment. "We'll have too bring the Buffalord to them," Hiccup decides getting out some rope. "Let's get too it," he said.

Hiccup and the twins tied ropes around the large dragon who does not even make any acknowledgement of them. "It's rather docile for a dragon of it's size, almost yak like," Fish-legs comments. Snot-lout laughs at the Buffalord and adds. "No wonder it was hunted to extinction. You gotta toughen up buddy," he taunts the spiked dragon.

"Aww it's so cute! Hiccup can we keep it please?" Ruff-nut asks sweetly. "Yeah we promise to walk it, feed it, and we already know it's poop doesn't stink," Tuff-nut said. Hiccup gave them a sour expression. "We are getting the cure to Astrid and Kai," He said in a tone that said his decision was final. Tuff-nut huffs and said. "Bet Kai would let me keep it," Hiccup turns to Tuff-nut and said.

"No he would not! In fact if Jay was here with him he would probably be telling him no as well because I'm pretty sure if those two bothered showing up and helping out then I'm sure Jay would want to keep it as a pet too," Hiccup grumbles annoyed that those other two had not showed up. "Huh your right where are Jay and Cole? Surely they would think finding the cure would be top priority should we go looking for them now? Like sure they got their "gifts" but I'm actually kind of worried," Fish-legs admits.

"We can look for them later Kai and Astrid take priority they can deal with whatever situation they've gotten themselves into just fine," Hiccup said as he finished tightening the rope against his last hope in saving the two of the most important people in the entire archipelago to him. Tooth-less purrs at the dragon to calm it down, but it didn't really seem to need any calming.

Everyone got on their dragons and took off. At first the Buffalord did not move and Hiccup urged it in whispers to start using those wings and fly. Eventually it did and he calms down looking out to the horizon knowing he will have the cure to Kai and Astrid soon. Suddenly though the near extinct dragon's spikes flared up pointing out. "Umm guys I think something's wrong with the Buff," Snot-lout said in worry.

Just as the word left his mouth the Buffalord starts spinning in the air and releasing a fury of fire in all the directions. The suddenness of the unexpected aggression took the riders off guard. They tried as they might, but the ropes snapped and they couldn't keep their only hope in the air. The Buffalord returned to it's island and the second it set down on the grass it let out a burp and shook itself before settling back into a yak like state.

Everyone lands too and Snot-lout exclaims. "What the heck was that!?" Fish-legs was the one to provide a answer. "The dragon seems to be content and docile so long as he is on his island," Fish-legs answers. Hiccup was quick to come up with a solution. "If we can't take the Buffalord to Astrid and Kai," he began, "we take them to the Buffalord," Snot-lout realizes. "I'm on it," he volunteered and took to the sky's, but not a second later he landed. "What are you waiting for?" Hiccup asks impatiently.

Snot-lout points to the sky and said. "I don't think I need to get them," Hiccup looks to the sky and saw Shard and Stormfly landing after appearing from the clouds. They landed and Hiccup saw Astrid sliding off Stormfly weakly. He quickly sprinted over and caught her looking her over. He had never see anyone so pale and clammy her eyes sunken and nasty. She looked like she was already did and only her sickly moaning told the one legged Viking she was still alive. "Shush shush just hold on a little longer," he coaxes her and rested her against a large Boulder.

Hiccup looks at Shard and saw Zane sliding off the white ice dragon with Kai in his arms. His twin looked just as bad as Astrid if not worse. He was coughing specks of blood and he looked sweaty like he was over heating which must be a reaction to his powers. "Zane? What are you doing?" Hiccup asks as Zane walked over and set Kai against the Boulder next to Astrid. Ember crawls into Kai's lap who put a hand over her weakly taking a laboured breath. "We over estimated Ember's abilities and they're getting worse. Also Cole and Jay were not answering their coms so I decided to come here and see what had happened," Zane answers smoothly.

"Well your just in time the saliva dried up too quickly and the buff freaked out when we tried taking him from the island," Tuff-nut said. "Than what are we waiting for? We must give them the cure immediately," Zane said. Hiccup got out the cup and went over to the buff and collected the saliva. Quickly he raced back to Astrid putting the cup to her lips. She grimaces, but he softly coaxed her to drink more. Zane snatches the rest of the cup from Hiccup who looks at him in annoyance as Zane analyzed the contents.

"There is nothing healing in this," he states. "The notes says it's the cure," Hiccup said looking back at Astrid who, to his horror an dumbfoundment, was not looking any better. "Face it I'm right as usual this is not the cure," Zane said in a condescending tone and to some it may seem like he was trying to be smug, but he was frustrated and disappointed looking at Kai in worry. He threads his fingers through his spiky hair worryingly. "Fish-legs?" Hiccup asks who was already looking through his notes. "It says green solution nothing else," Fish-legs said.

"But the saliva was clear," Hiccup said. "It must be whatever it eats that's the real cure. It must have a unique diet that was lead to believe it's saliva was the cure," Zane concluded. "You don't know that for sure," Hiccup said. Zane glares at Hiccup and Kai whispers out. "Never contradict a nindroid they get really angry if you do that,"

"Well I for one think it's food is delicious," Ruff-nut said. Everyone, but the two sick turned and looked at Ruff and Tuff who had started eating some of the grassy herbs their spit a grassy green. Zane walks over and snatched it from them. "Hey! Get your own grass for nice smelling poop all over your pants," Tuff-nut said. "Alright I am going to ignore those words," Zane said. He took a spare cup from Hiccup and put the herbs in them and fills it with snow.

"What are you doing?" Hiccup asks as Zane walks over to Hook-fang. "I'm making tea. As my Sensei would say tea is the answer to everything," He said. "Can you light Hookfang please?" Snot-lout looks at Hiccup unsure. "It's not going to work our healers tried everything during the scourge some hot water isn't going to do anything," Fish-legs said. "You cure them your way and I'll do it my way," Zane said and looks back to Snot-lout. "Light him," he orders. Snot-lout snaps his fingers and Hook-fang lit on fire. Zane held the fire over him waiting for it to boil.

"Okay while he's waisting valuable time we need to Buffalord to eat," Hiccup said. They guided the giant creature to a patch of the grass. "Come on big guy you worked up a appetite trying to kill us! So eat!" Snot-lout orders the creature who does start eating.

While they're waiting for the saliva to start dripping Zane finished making the tea and quickly rushed over to Astrid and Kai. He blows on it and starts on Astrid. She drank the tea too weak to protest and Zane then went to Kai next. "Kai I need you to drink this," Zane says. "Mmm no," Kai protests turning his head away. "Kai please trust me just drink it," Zane says. "Medicine tastes yuck," Kai whines. "If you drink it I'll give you ice cream after," Zane coaxes. "No I don't need it," Kai protests. Zane growls his patience at his end.


Zane shouts at him holding his hand tightly. He knows everyone's looking at him, but he doesn't care he just wants Kai better. "Kai just please do what I say for once. If not for me or the others for Nya, Kai she needs you," Zane pleads with Kai. His gaze became soft, but he turns away still refusing to drink it.

Meanwhile Hiccup was about to get the saliva from the Buffalord, but before he could collect it a net comes out of seemingly nowhere and Hiccup has to dodge the net to not be ensnared by it. "What the?" He asks looking in the distance to see the dragon hunters approaching swiftly with Viggo at the lead.

"No! How did he find this place!" Hiccup curses the Gods for his luck. Zane panics. "Kai please we don't have time drink it," Zane pleads. "No, Flame needs this," Kai denies and confused Zane. "What do you mean?" Kai doesn't answer.

"Kai! Zane!" Zane turns and saw his lover in black caged with the hunters thick chains covering him. The distraction gave Kai a chance to hit the cup from Zane's grasp spilling the tea. They didn't have time to boil another brew. Now the only chance for Kai was the Buffalord saliva which was now in the hands of the hunters.

"Riders!" Hiccup orders, but before the riders could take off Ryker held his sword to Cole's neck. "You move and he looses his head," Viggo said. "No!" Zane cries. "Zane! He's got Jay on a ship," Cole warns. Zane's gaze became very icy and his hands light up with power, but Ryker presses the sword into Cole's neck drawing droplets of blood. Zane backs down.

"What do you want Viggo?" Hiccup spat. "Isn't it obvious? I came for this dragon here, he'll sure to fetch a considerably high price on the market," Viggo said. "Not as much as the information his saliva isn't the only cure to the scourge," Zane says. All the hunters are confused and Viggo looks at Zane with a angry expression. "What?" He asks.

Zane motions to Astrid who looked much, much better and was even staggering to her feet, the tea had cured her. "Astrid!" Hiccup took a running leap and embraced her tightly in relief. "I'm so glad your okay," He said in relief. Astrid blushes and little and gave a hug back, but it was cut short when Kai coughs still sick not having taken the tea.

Viggo's signature smug smirk appears seeing that. "Looks like someone found my fishing boat," Viggo said and everyone gasps in shock. Fish-legs looked at Kai and then shouts. "YOUR A MONSTER!" He can't understand how anyone could do such a thing.

"No he's a business man," Cole said and Viggo looks at his captive with a smile. "See? He understands it," "I don't see the difference," Snot-lout said.

"Viggo give us the dragon and Cole," Hiccup said. Viggo was silent for a moment, thinking. "No," he said and the hunters raised their bows ready to shoot them all down and fill them with wood. "I'm afraid this is the-," Viggo began when a loud roar pierces the air.

Confused everyone, riders, ninja, hunters, dragons, Ryker, and Viggo looked to the sky. Some gasped in horror and shock while others shouted in delight at the sight of the large Red fire dragon. "Flame!" Kai yells in joy before going into a fit of coughs. Ember let's out a roar seeing her mother. The dragon had some wounds over it's scales, was missing more of it's gold scales than was healthy, had a chipped tooth, and a bad eye, but all the injuries made her that much more dangerous and intimidating.

"How did that blasted dragon escape!" Ryker yells at his brother who was frozen. Flame sucks in a deep breath and blew forth her fire. The hunters screamed and ran for their lives. Ryker grabbed his brother and he shouted. "No! We are leaving with this dragon!" Viggo protests. "Well I'm leaving with my life and I suggest you do the same, brother," Ryker said the last part like it was a vile word in his mouth.

With the distraction Zane raced threw the flames and got to Cole who was being spared. Zane froze the chains and cage allowing Cole to break through them. Cole jumps into Zane's arms kissing him. "They have Jay," Cole said when they separated. "Not for long," Zane said. Once the hunters were gone Flame turns to Kai who was smiling weakly at her.

Flame stalks over everyone parting for her. She blew smoke on him and he said. "Hey girl knew you'd come," she nods and blew a softer smile on him which engulfed him. He smiles letting the strength return to him as the fire purges the virus from him. Within a minute he was stronger and he got up smiling as he watches Ember cuddly against her much larger mother.

"You knew she was coming," Zane said now realizing what Kai meant earlier and why he never drank the tea. "She knew I needed her. She used that to find us, I had to need her for her to find us," Kai said. The moment was full of good feelings than said. "Now let's get Jay," Kai said. "Actually right about now Jay should be realizing they don't have me which means no bargaining chip which means," As Cole finishes lightning strikes and screams could be heard as Jay shot to the sky on Wisp with a loud "WHOOP!"

He flew to the others and landed. "Hey guys took ya long enough," Everyone laughs as they hugged Kai and Astrid who were cured and also hugged Flame tending to her injuries. Hiccup couldn't help though, but notice how Astrid blushes when looking at him. "Thanks for saving me. Zane gave the cure, but it was you who found the dragon," she said. "Yeah no problem," Hiccup said also blushing lightly. Lots of words went unsaid and it was left at that, but if either had noticed the others faces than they would know the teasing yet to come.

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