Guide to survive and Love in...

By cheshirenek0

6.5K 502 541

Gotham was not an easy place to live, anyone could tell you that, and it was because of that, that when she w... More

I feel so touch right now.
Sure thing and I am the easter bunny
You ruined me too
What are you doing here?
I like you sometimes.
Damián is going to kill us.
can I least keep my bags?
take care little bird.
I lied.
Ayuda por favor.
what are they dancing?
For the aesthetic.
Damián I am scared.
would you let me in?
Is cheesey
He was so cute.
He is not my boss.
Your son is a mother hen.
He was dressed like tinkerbell
Until Damián show up
Not my finest moment
Interlude: Earth 38
started a tumbler page for his new best ship.
what's wrong?
Now if you want to live!
I am not a Robot Vina.
Lo siento no hablo inglés
This is hell, this is definitely hell
Interlude: Okay.
you got teased for being a pervert
Well I feel flatter
You truly don't know
Do it
You are nuts
You are enjoying this
We are taking this to our grave
You had to promise to never tell Damián
You are the biggest idiot in the world
interlude: Do you know?
Fucking watch
She had potential.
trash doctor's house is in my bucket list
Please don't eat me
I'll go get the shovel...
Tell me
We even asked Dick's help
Well holy shit.
Donatello Vittoria

Interlude: I like a good challenge

108 5 27
By cheshirenek0

Earth 16.

Damián Wayne had always being kind of and oddball for his classmates.

He was the perfect stereotype of what an Alpha should be.

Handsome, strong, smart and powerful.

And had something about him that even made others alpha cower in fear.

But even with all that he never show any interest in all the omega that practically thrown themselves to him.

I mean, Damián had the money and the correct last name — and again he was really really handsome and hot — so he was the wet dream of every omega — without mention the lone wolf act that made even some beta melt —

So everyone thought that he was waiting for an Omega that was just like him. The stereotype of what an Omega should be. Soft, cute and fragile with a lovely and shy personality.

And Davina Vittoria was that — kind of

She was pretty with long brown hair and a cute pair of soft looking lips. In terms of personality she was nice and easy to get along.

And she was very very beta.

It wasn't that odd that an Alpha rather go out with a female beta instead of an Omega.

What was odd here was that brooding alpha Damián Wayne was courting — something only made between alphas and omegas — the very nice beta Davina.

"I will dearly appreciate if you stop sending flowers to my apartment, it's getting crowded" Said Davina with a smile on her face not even once looking at the very expensive looking box gift on her desk.

"Just one at week?" He asked while Davina finally took the gift on the desk and it was kinda of embarrassing how everyone on the room — well alphas an omegas at least who could catch on the change on scent — could tell how happy that made Damián.

"I would like you to stop completely" Davina answered opening the gift that it was a very soft plush toy that looked like a panda bear.

Omegas liked soft things to put on their nest, because of that it was common that when an alpha was courting one he would give soft things to the omega so they could put them on their nest and have a reminder of them during their heats.

"But since you hardly ever do what I ask you to do" she said stroking the panda soft fur "I say that I like orchids. They are pretty and I can take care of them so you don't feel the need to make my house into a flower shop"

"I always do what you want" he defended himself "the panda was in the price limit that you arbitrary set" Damián grumbled. If it was up to him he would only get the best of the best to Vina but she insisted that she couldn't take so many and such a expensive gifts.

And displace their omega wasn't something he wanted to do so he agreed — for now and he may buy some brands that Vina didn't knew so she wasn't able to know how much they cost —

"Of course you do" Davina sighed repressing the need of rolling her eyes.

Maybe she should really change school like her bro suggested.

But she was partially sure that if she left she wouldn't get too far.

Vina was about to hug the plush toy when she paused for a second.

"This has your scent?" She asked eyeing the toy with distrust.

"You should know" Answered Damián and she sighed again.

"Betas can't tell, remember?" She reminded him watching Damián roll his eyes.

"Yes" he agree easily "but you're not a beta"

"Do I have to show you my ID again? Maybe I should just give you a copy" Davina said hugging the toy more for stress than for other thing.

"Not necessary since it's wrong and we both know it" He insisted.

"No is not" Davina answered being save for the bell and the teacher who entered the classroom without batting an eyebrow to the common sight of Damian Wayne using all the personal space of a beta.

Nope, nothing new to see here.

Just an Alpha courting a very done beta.

An everyday thing now.


It all started when Davina was a new and innocent beta on her first day of classes on her new School.

That day she had all the set of mind to stay quiet and not draw too much attention to herself. Just be another beta on the school.

Until she passed the door and someone grab her by the wrist.

She was so confused for the sudden action that she barely noted when the strange alpha took a sniff of her wrist — were some scent glands where in Alphas and omegas

Davina only noted what was happening when the same alpha growl in a low and dangerous — for her sanity at least — tone of voice.

"Mine" while looking straight to her.



Now a part of her agreed with him on this — a part that should never be let run free — but the more rational part of her brain that had being hidden the fact that she was an Omega ever since she first presented stood calm.

Davina wasn't a newbie on this and she could play it cool.

"Excuse me" Davina said trying to remove her wrist from his hold. "But the name of my perfume isn't 'Mine' I can't really remember the name right now but if you like it I can found out for you"

"Perfume?" He asked now he being the one confused and that single moment was enough for her to take her wrist back.

"Yes" she nodded looking at him with curios and innocent eyes "you were talking about my perfume right?" She asked blinking a few times.

See? She could always play it coo—

"I was talking about your scent you're my fated omega" he said and

Holy fucking shit.

This guy was insane.

It wasn't only of bad taste asked for someone secondary gender on their first meeting but it was extremely rude to say their secondary gender like that.

And just said that they were fated mates or whatever was plain crazy.

Oh She really should have gone to that nice catholic school that her Lela recommend her.

It was too late to ask for a transfer?


Jason had to admit that when he first find out that Damián was one of his fated mates he wasn't really happy.

Yes, he always felt some kind of connection with the little demon even before he presented but he always thought that it was because of them training with the league and for their... Well... Encounter with death.

He was Bruce and Talia's son and five years younger than him. And besides they were both alphas.

Yes, they were some cases when instead of a "fated pair" they were a  "fated threesome" and two alphas could mate with a omega or two omega bonded with an Alpha.

But still it was hard to accept. Lucky for them it was more hard to accept for Bruce.

And since they were little shits in the moment that he forbid them for seen each other was when they truly started to act like a couple just to mess with Bruce.

It was fun and exciting.

And it was good to give strength to their bond.

Jason thought that it was good that they met before they met their omega. That way they could work on their relationship without freaking out their poor omega.


His and Damián's.

He never expected to feel so much comfort in that phrase but he did now.

So they started to search for their omega.

And until now they didn't have much luck on that department.

Until he could smell strawberry on Damián.

The smell was faint and it was barely there but he could smell them.

It was celestial.

It was sweet but not too much to be overwhelming. It was tasty and soft and... Homie. Like when he learned to cook with Alfred and he truly felt like he was part of a family.

Maybe Damián was saying the truth after all.

Since the beginning of the year Damián have being saying that he found their omega but Jason check her file. She was a Beta from a beta family.

It was extremely rare for a omega to be born from two beta parents.

So he thought that maybe Damián liked this girl and since he couldn't accept not one but their fated omega on their lives he made himself believe that she was their omega even when she was a beta.

But now...

Maybe he should let Damián introduced them like he being nagging him to.

Damn if she was their omega Damián would never let him forget this.


Usually Davina was one of the first  to leave the school.

She didn't like to be there more than what it was necessary so Davina would leave as soon as she could.

But not today.

Damian apparently had forgotten her gift in the morning — wich she really doubedt specially with how a control freak Damián was — so he had someone to bring it over now and because it was unacceptable that she received the gift tomorrow she had to wait with him.

She didn't wanted another blanket or plush toy — Davina did wanted those things badly. As a hidden omega Davina couldn't normally have those things without raising some doubt about her status — She wanted a nap.

And she was about to tell  that to Damián until she could smell it.

Now being with Damián and have his scent all over her — because the bastard scented her a lot using the fact that she was supposed to be a beta and couldn't know it to not be call on sexual harassment — was tiring and exhausting because of how good he smell.

But Davina had a lot of self control over herself so she could deal with him.

Or she thought she could until she could smell not only the herbal and soothing scent of Damian — that reminded her of the tea that her Lela made her when she was sick and it would made her feel better and loved — but another strong scent of old books and ink with a taste of coffee.

Vina didn't like coffee too much but right now she wanted to drink a whole gallon of that.

This was hell.

This was utterly hell.

Why couldn't they leave her alone?

Having a normal and easy life as a beta was too much to ask?

Oh how she hated Gotham.

"I Th— Vina?" Asked Jason with the gift on his hands watching the girl in front of her.

He remembered her.

How could he ever forget her?

Vina was just a pup when she left her house to find her missing brother — who runaway from home — and instead found a hungry street boy.

Vina was little and didn't knew the risk of getting close to a street kid and hated wasting good food. So Vina gave all the food that she brought to her brother to a very hungry Jason.

It was his first meal on days.

And even when the little girl was too young to present yet Jason never forgot the faint smell of strawberry coming from her.

So that was why the scent seem so familiar to him.

"Jay?" Asked  Davina back. The hair and well pretty much everything about him was different from the kid that she met on the streets all those years ago.

But something remind the same. Vina even as child knew better that to approach stranger even kids like her. But something about Jay felt ... Safe.

That's way she got closer to him and talked to him.

And kept going to where she knew she could found him with the pretext that she was looking for her brother.

Davina liked to spent time with him.

Until he left.

He didn't say goodbye and just left.

And a couple of months after that she found out in the news that he was the new son of Bruce Wayne.

And then he died.

"I cried for you!" She screamed pushing him back. "You fucking left and then die! How fucking dare you to come here after all that?!" She asked furious glaring daggers at the surprise young adult.

Damián had mess a lot with Davina — it was interesting pressing her limits and always found a new kind smile and a small gesture that would give away how really annoy she felt — but she hadn't snap like this not even once.

Damn she haven't even raise her voice. Until this day Damián wasn't sure that Davina knew how to.

It was...

Really hot.

"Vina I ca—

"Pendejo¹! Malnacido!²" She cursed both in spanish and english and when she realized that they were starting to attract attention she calmed down or at least she tried to. "Go find a ditch and die" Davina said with  a perfect cold smile on her lips taking the gift on her hands just because her Lela taught her that it was impolite to no accept a gift. "Thank you" Davina thanked Damián and left power walking away from the two alphas.

"I have never being more scared and turn on in my life" Mumbled Jason still in the same position that Davina left him watching Davina leaving.

And thank God for the way that latin women's walked swaying their hips like they were on a runaway show.

"Tt" answered Damián but Jason knew him enough to know that it was his way of saying "same" and well it was also the fact that he was watching Vina the same way that he was doing it.

"This is going to be difficult isn't it?" Jason asked.

"Yes" answered Damián and they both share a look.

"Good. I like a good challenge" he  said with a big grin on his face.

To a very safe distance faraway from them Davina shivered.

She was utterly and totally fucked. Wasn't she?


1.- Fucker
2.- Son of a bitch.

Note: Yes I am a sucker for Jason  as an alpha and you can't judge me! I love you all and thank you for reading!



Tim: I whish there was another way to deal with Damián.
Jason: it is, but he is too pretty for jail.


Damián: Why is Davina crying?
Jason: She did one of those "which super hero are you" quizzes.
Damián: who did she got?
Jason: Batman.

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