Overwatch: Deku The Ancient D...

By ShallowStorm964

260K 2.4K 2.9K

Izuku being found Quirkless Changed Everything for him. His Parents forget and Neglected Him while his Sister... More

Izuku's Harem (Updated)
End of a Nightmare
Izuku's New Life
UA Entrance Exam
Mission and USJ
Trip to Overwatch and Reunion
Aftermath and Confessions
First Day
Sports Festival
The Last Event
Rest of the Internship
Back To School
Voice of The Past
To Late?


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By ShallowStorm964

"Grrahh.... Izu-Izumi are you---" Izuku subconsciously stated still passed out

"Izuku Please, just hold on, Your gonna be alright" Angela said working to try and stop the bleeding from his missing arm 

"How's Izumi holding up?" Angela asked

"She's has crack in her skull and a lot of burns, i've stopped the bleed but she needs surgery to fix this" Ryukyu said

"Winston i need an ETA, now!" Ryukyu said

"Don't need it were Here!!" Winston replied as he landed in the Overwatch hanger

Winston opened the back of the ship and Izuku and Izumi were quickly brought out and sent to the infirmary for surgery

Nejire along with all the agents were crying and hoping that the two of them would be alright 

After a few hours Inko and Toshi had shown up 

"Where's Izuku and Izumi!!" Inko yelled

"There in our Infirmary, Izumi gonna be alright she's cracked open her skull but Angela was able to patch it back up" Winston stated

"And Izuku!! What about him??!" Toshi asked

"Y-Yeah... Mama Will.... Papa be Ok?" Eri asked crying

"I-I...I Don't know snowball, we just have to---" Nejire said but was suddenly cut off

"READY THE DEFIBRILLATOR, HE'S FLATLINING!!!" Everyone heard Angela Scream through the door

Hearing that made everyone freeze with some of the them passing out from the shock and fear of the thought of Izuku dying

After another hour the Lights in the room shut off and Angela came out with Izumi next to her with bandages around her head, both of them were crying

"Angela!, How's Izuku!" Genji said going to his wife

"Y-Yeah Ang---Mom how is Izuku!!" Nejire asked

"Izuku!! Tell me he's alive!!" Inko and Toshi both yelled

The room went silent for a few seconds

"H-H-He's........ Gone" Angela finally stated and went into Genjis's embrace with Izumi crying even more

Everyone fell silent


Izuku is Dead

"I-Izuku ....... He's...." Nejire said quietly and then rushed past everyone to where Izuku's body was

"I'm Sorry... I failed to save my son" Angela said feeling responsible 

"Papa is... Gone??" Eri asked looking up to Angela with tears

"Eri, i'm so sorry we did all we could but.... it was to late" Angela stated and kneeled down to hug her

Everyone then headed inside the infirmary and saw Nejire there screaming and crying her heart out as Izuku's motionless body

Ryukyu pried Nejire off and hugged her as the two of them cried

Everyone of them went up and said something to Izuku, things that they wished they told him, The Things they should have told them, then it was the Yagi's turn to

"I-Izuku, My baby boy, you may not be my son anymore but i will always Love you as i should have done ever since that day. I'm sorry, I'm so Sorry for not giving you the Love and attention you needed when you needed it the most, if i had the chance to take it all back i would... i just want you to be here again, Happy, even if you never forgive us, as long as your happy.... That's all that matters" Inko stated crying

"Izuku... I'm sorry, for everything.... I am suppose to be the Number one hero, the one that's suppose to inspire everyone to do all they can. But i failed you, you can hate me all you want i deserve it more then anyone, I was blessed to have you as a son but i didn't see it. I should have said this to you the day you were deemed quirkless.... You Can Become a Hero" Toshi stated and Last was Izumi

"Oni--- I-Izuku, my Big Brother.... Why, it should be me laying there not you. Why am i alive and your not... I should be dead not you.... Even after all i did to you, all the pain that i did to you, You still saved me.... I'm Sorry... for not being the Sister you deserved.... I Love You" Izumi said

All of them were crying, They had lost someone that meant to world to all of them and had laded down his life for them to be safe

In Izuku's Subconscious mind

The past Users were all crying, but nothing compared to Nana, as she was holding in her arms the silhouette of Izuku, or what remains of Izuku's conscious slowly fading away in her arms

"Izuku Please!!!, Wake up!! You saved everyone!!, You're a True Hero" Nana said hugging Izuku tighter

"Nana, we have to go, we can't stay here or else One For All will disappear with him" The First User stated (To anyone Who will point out that Izuku should be apart of One For All, to counter that i'll say that, because he's had OFA only for a little over a week, he isn't apart of OFA yet)

"Then I'll stay and you all can go" Nana said looking to them

"But Nana you'll--" The first User tried to say but was cut off

"I don't care, i know it's wrong, but.... I Love Him, Besides... I was the one who encouraged him to do this.... He's gone because of me... i'm just as responsible for this happening to him" Nana stated 

The 6 users were trying to think of how they could convince Nana to let go when suddenly the Blue and Green dragon emerged from Izuku's Subconscious body

The two dragons swirled around each other and eventually changed into Black smoke and out came the Black Dragon and it dived down looking at the users of OFA

"W-What's happening!? What do you want" They asked the Dragon

"Do not be afraid, i am here to help. I cannot allow this boy to die, He still has a purpose in life" The Black Dragon stated

"B-But how, he's.... D-Dead, his heart stopped" Nana said still crying

"The power of the Dragons can go beyond the means of understanding and as you can see, his conscious is still here" The Black Dragon said as he moved and they saw the silhouette of Izuku now up and awake and connected to the Dragon

"H-Hey Guy's i'm not dead just yet" Izuku said with a faint smile

"IZUKU!!" Nana yelled running and Hugging him

"Hey Nana, sorry i caused all this trouble for you" Izuku said hugging back

"No, don't you dare put the blame on yourself, This was my fault too, if i had just----" Nana said but was cut off with Izuku Kissing her

This shocked Nana but she kissed back until they separated 

"Nana, the choice i made, that was my choice, sure you encouraged me to do it, but in the end i was one that chose to do it, not you, This was my fault no one else's.... And well i did hear what you said earlier and... You already know how Nejire feels about that topic..... and i guess i did start to take a liking to you too" Izuku explained

Nana started to cry even more and hugged Izuku again kissing him all over his face

"Now, Izuku Yagi Shimada or... Me, I shall regenerate your body the best i can and bring you back to the land of the living along with Nana and the rest of you" The Black Dragon stated 

This shocked all the users of OFA, The Dragon was going to revive Them?

"But there's a catch I can only revive Nana into a physical body because of the fact that your death was not to long ago, compared to the other 6, The rest of you will be Ghost like figures, People can still see you and you will still be able to do everything you could in life, you just won't have a physical body, My apologies for not being able to fully revive you all" The Black Dragon kneeled down

After a quick discussion between the Past OFA users and they all came over and were ready

"Prepare yourself Izuku and Nana and the rest of you, you all are to reenter the land of the living" The Black Dragon stated

Back to Reality 

Genji, Hanzo, Angela and Ryukyu, the four member of the Shimada clan(Remember Ryukyu is distant relative of the Shimada Clan) were the only ones left in the infirmary, everyone else was outside crying

"He proved that it is possible to control the father of the dragons" Hanzo stated

"Yes, he came up with the idea when he saw me use my quirk" Ryukyu said

"My Son.... You've made History within the clan, You've saved the lives of those you love and care for and countless others.... I'm Proud of you and Always will be" Genji stated holding Angela

The two brother then stepped forth and placed there hands on Izuku's body. In that moment the Green Dragon emerged from Genji's hand with the Blue Dragon from Hanzo's and circled around Izuku

"What The!!?, What's going On??!" Ryukyu asked

"I..I Don't know" The Brothers answered

The four of them watched as the two dragon changed into black smoke and emerged the Black Dragon, Then they saw the Black dragon started to swirl around Izuku's stump's from his missing limbs and they all saw the limbs start to grow back

(Like This Minus the Darkness Heads)

"Do you think there??" Hanzo asked

"....Maybe" Genji replied with a spark of hope in his eyes

"B-But His Heart.... It stopped almost.... 10 minutes ago" Angela said

The Dragon then split into two with one of them going into Izuku chest and the other expanding in size and taking the form of human 

Once done, the They all saw a Purple light come out from Izuku and into the human body that was now there from the dragon with more colors of light flying out and changing form

"Ah...What...Where am... I?" Nana said waking up along with the other OFA users

"Hello Ma'am who are you and all of you too?" Angela asked going to her

When Nana looked around and saw Izuku and the other users, now ghosts, she immediately knew what's going on

"Oh My God!! it worked, The dragon brought us back!!" Nana yelled then going over to Izuku's side

"What do you mean the Dragon---" Ryukyus said but was cut off

"I can't explain right now, Miss Shimada! Izuku needs help!" Nana said

Before anyone could say anything they all heard the Heartbeat monitor hooked up to Izuku Beep, and saw that he Heart rate was back and was stabilizing 

"Izuku!!! He's Alive!!!" Angela yelled quickly getting medical supplies to examine anything that might be wrong with his body

This sudden yell was heard from everyone else outside and thus, all of them rushed back into the Infirmary

"M-MASTER???!! How are you??!!, And the... Pervious Users??!" Toshi said

"Not now Toshi, Izuku is what matters right now" Nana stated

"Izuku/Onii-chan!!, is he really still alive" Inko, Nejire and Izumi asked hopeful that what they heard it true

"Yes he's still alive, but we all need to leave to let Angela work, Plus i think there much we now need to discuss" Ryukyu said pointing towards the Past OFA users

All of them were pushed out of the Infirmary to let Angela work as Recovery Girl arrived, After a quick reunion between her and Nana and a quick scolding RG headed into help Angela

After a few hours Angela and RG came back out

"Mom how is he!?" Nejire asked

"He's stable, it took a lot of work but we were able to stabilize his body" Angela stated

"Yes however, he's in a coma" RG added scaring everyone

"Wait couldn't my quirk help?" Eri asked with a lot of them agreeing 

"Sorry sweetie but no, even if you knew how to active it, your quirk doesn't affect psychological damage, all we can do is wait" RG stated (Keep in mind, Eri doesn't know to active her Quirk)

Everyone was very tense, Izuku had just died early and now he's somehow still barley alive, and now there were these new people here as well

"Well, now i think we all own you all some form of explanation" Nana said noticing everyone looking at her and Past Users

"Well not right now, all of us some rest after all that" Angela said seeing how everyone wasn't were focused

With that they all agreed to meet in UA to discuss this with All Might informing Nezu about it


It was now the Next day, Nezu, The UA staff, Izuku's Old and New family and the past users of One For All were all onw in a meeting room, with the past users being the center of attention

"Ok everyone, now that were all here, Nana please explain what happened yesterday" Nezu asked (Nezu and UA were only told that Izuku had Died)

"Well, after Izuku had.... Died, all of us have been in his subconscious for a little while and when he died. we all saw a silhouette of him slowly fading away" Nana said not saying the fact that she hugging Izuku too

"Wait, just how were you all in Izuku's head?" Inko asked

All the people that knew of the secret of OFA froze and looked to the first User, the First user nodded signifying that they tell them

"Inko, there's something that we've been keeping secret from you, form all of you" All Might said, which caught the attention of everyone that didn't know of OFA

"Everyone remember seeing Izuku produce green electricity around his body during the sports festival?" Nana asked with everyone nodding

"Well, that there is from a quirk, a Quirk called One For All. This quirk is a transfer, stockpiling quirk that get stronger each time it's passed to someone else. Counting Izuku, it has been passed down 9 times" Nana explained

"The reason why we were in Izuku's head was because, once the wielder of the quirk has had it long enough the quirk preserves the wielder soul into it, all 7 of us are a part of OFA" The First User said

Hearing this, everyone was shocked now knowing the truth of the quirk

"Then, how about you explain what you meant by the 'Dragon brought you back'" Ryukyu asked

"Well, we really don't know how the dragon did it" Nana stated looking to Genji and Hanzo

"Neither do we on this matter, This is the first time in our clans history, one of us has been able to control the father of the Green and Blue Dragon" Genji explained

"Then explain just what happened" Nezu asked

"Well, we are all getting ready to leave Izuku's mind, when the Green and Blue dragons emerged and brought in the Black dragon, After that the Black Dragon stated that he would bring us back because we still had a purpose in life" the First User explained

"We need to look into the clans history with the Dragons" Genji said with Hanzo agreeing

"Well, Now with the main purpose of the meeting done, you 7 probably are in need of things correct" Nezu asked, which they all said yes

"Well, Nana if you wish i can help have you back into hero work, as for the rest of you, you could all help train the students here, Will also have to tell the students about OFA independently and make them promise not to tell anyone in order to explain you all being here" Nezu stated

They all agreed to this and after which they all talked for a bit until they decided to call it enough and they all left, with Nana and Izuku's old and New family heading back to Overwatch to check on Izuku

Part 2

Three days have now passed since the Sports festival, Izuku still hadn't woken up, they just had to wait for his brain to heal

Going over to Katsuki and Shoto, they had been held in jail cells with quirk canceling cuffs, with Nezu wanting to expel the two of them but waited for Izuku to wake up, since he wanted Izuku to be the one who makes the terms for what happens to them, given he was the one they attacked

This in turn caused Nezu to also have to handle the World Governments as well, since Izuku was a Overwatch Agent and by that the the government were calling for Katsuki and Shoto to be put through harsh punishment. but with Overwatch help they were able to handle them. stating that because Izuku was the one that was attack, he should be the one to have ultimate say in what happens

As for the rest of 1-A they were all a mess. hearing that Izuku had died and then later told that he was actually alive weighed heavily on them, especially Izuku's girlfriends and Shoka and Katsumi since they weren't allowed to and see him since they were not connected to Overwatch and that Katsumi and Shoka were Katsuki and Shoto's sisters

last Izuku's family and the Past Users, they all went to go stay with Izuku as much as they could with Nejire, Nana and Izumi being the main ones that were always there

Nejire was of course scared seeing Izuku like this, she never liked seeing Izuku hurt but thank to Nana being able to reassure her that Izuku was in there and they just had to wait helped calm her down. 

This in turn also allowed for Nana to also admit that she Loved Izuku to Nejire who accepted since she did say she was fine with it

As for Izumi, it was nothing good for her at all, Izumi stayed by Izuku side both day and night, never taking her eyes off him. She believed that she should be the one that was lying there not Izuku. She was ready and swore that she would even to lay down her life for her brother and yet she failed again to keep a promise and as such, she largely blamed herself for what happened to Izuku

Currently Now Izumi is the only one with Izuku, with Nejire and Nana spending time with Eri in Izuku's room

"Izumi?" Angela said coming in with some food

Izumi didn't flinch, or even move 

"Izumi, Your need to rest, you haven't slept in the past three days" Angela said concerned

She went over and tapped Izumi and shoulder only to see that Izumi had actually fallen asleep so she called an agent to go take Izumi to rest

"So he's still not awake" Ryukyu says coming in

"Yeah, we just have to wait" Angela say putting her hand on Izuku's

"Those two... I heard they did it cause they were jealous but still, it is absurd" Ryukyu said angry

"Ryu, Just how did Izuku get the idea from you?" Angela asked

"Oh?... Well, really he got the idea from is curious mind. When he found he could control the two dragons and that i'm a distant relative of the Shimada clan, Izuku simply asked if someone from the main family could transform like i can" Ryukyu explained

"Yeah, that's Izuku, always questioning things and making shockingly accurate assumptions" Angela said with a smile

Angela then felt Izuku hand under hers move and heard Izuku groan

"Izuku!! Sweetie!" Angela yelled facing him with Ryukyu following

"Uhh... M-Mom? ... Auntie?" Izuku says confused

"Izuku!, Your finally awake!" Angela say's as her and Ryukyu hug him 

After that, the two of them help Izuku sit up, when Izuku notice that his missing limbs were back

"H-How? i saw they were gone" Izuku asked

"The Black Dragon healed your body" Ryukyu said

"B-But i can't feel them very well" Izuku says 

"Sorry, Sweetie we can't do anything about that, you just have to wait" Angela say's bring out a wheel chair

"Well, where's Izumi and Nejire?" Izuku asks

"They should both be in your room with Eri and Nana" Ryukyu say's

"You want me to go get them?" Angela asks

"Sure" Izuku said

Angela kissed his forehead and headed out to grab the girls

"So What was it like, Being the Black Dragon?" Ryukyu asked

"I... I don't really know how to describe it, It was like watching my body move on it's own but still being in full control of my body at the same time" Izuku stated

"Well, your gonna have some explaining to do, not just to your Father and uncle, but your class as well, For the most part they think your dead" Ryukyu said

"Really?, well guess i---" Izuku said but was cut off with the door being bashed open

"IZUKU/ONII-CHAN!!" Nejire and Izumi yelled running over to Izuku with Nana keeping her composure  

"Izuku!! thank god your alive!!.... You reckless! .... Idiot" Nejire said crying into Izukus chest

"Onii-Chan!!, please I'm sorry, it should have been me, not you that got hurt!" Izumi said 

"Whoa, calm do you two, I'm fine really i'm just glad your all ok, especially you Izumi" Izuku said putting his hand on Izumi's head

 "My God Izuku that kind personality of yours is gonna be the death of you one day" Nana said

"Hey, all i care about is that your all safe, but Izumi?" Izuku asked

"Yeah, Onii-Chan?" Izumi replied

"Why'd you do that, you could have been killed" Izuku asked

"....Because... *Looks to Nejire, and Nejire nods* Because I Love you, Not as a brother but as a partners. Ever since the day you left, i been so Lonely, all i ever wanted was you to be with me, I swore to myself i that i'd do everything i could to earn your forgiveness. even if that meant i had to lay down my life. I know you hate me for all i did.... but I--" Izumi stated but was cut off with Izuku covering her mouth

"Izumi, i never hated you, i said this to you all before, i still cared about all of you even after all you did to me. Why do you think i protected you from that attack, i may have been hard on all of you, but i just needed to see if you all had really changed, and that act you and Mr and Mrs. Yagi did proved it" Izuku said

"T-Then Onii-Chan, Y-You mean??" Izumi asked crying

"Yes.... Izumi, I forgive you for everything... and... i'm sorry for taking this away" Izuku said as he took out the Red Scarf he took from Izumi and put it back on her

Izumi cried her heart out that Her brother, the one person that she loved more then anything was finally back in her life

Everyone else was happy as well, seeing the first step in healing wounds of the past

But Nejire was a bit annoyed since, her and Izumi had talked about this and Izumi seemed to not be doing her end of a deal as the two of them let go each other

"Come On Izumi, you said you Loved him so Kiss!!" Nejire said and pushed Izumi into Izuku causing the two to kiss

After a few seconds Izuku broke the Kiss and Izumi has passed out from it

"Nejire, Why'd you have to Kill my Sis" Izuku said holding Izumi, who was Steaming red

"Sorry Izuku, but we talked about this, i agreed to it, but she begged me to let her kiss you and it looked like she was gonna bud out" Nejire said

After Izumi woke back up, they then helped Izuku into the wheelchair

"So Nana, don't thing i forgot about you, Looks like the Dragon really did bring you back" Izuku said going to her

"Yeah still can't believe it, wait is that thing still inside you?" Nana asked

"Well, not really, The Actual Black Dragon no" Izuku said confusing everyone besides Ryukyu and Angela

"Basically, the Dragon you saw when you were in my mind, was more like another Me. Since the way the Shimadas use the dragon is by controlling there power, that's what makes the dragon appear. but since i transformed into a Dragon body, the power of the dragon was able to gain a physical form and semi separate from my conscious, which is way it was connected to me" Izuku stated

"So, you were the one that actually brought us back?" Nana asked

"Well, i guess so since the Black Dragon was, for all intensives purposes was me" Izuku said (All i'm trying to state and failing to is that, The Black Dragon works the same way as the Green and Blue dragon does, it is not a separate mind in Izuku's Conscious)

Nana then goes and Hugs Izuku

"Well then, thank you Izuku, for bring us back" Nana said and then Kissed him

This shocked Izuku, after they broke the kiss he looked over to Nejire 

"Again Izuku, it's fine, i did say this when you told me about OFA" Nejire said

This made Izuku feel concerned, just when will Nejire say that, it's enough and not allow another girl to be with him

"W-Well anyway, Mom, Auntie what happened while i was out?" Izuku asked

"Quite a bit, Nezu had UA closed ever since, Those Two have been held in jail cells, waiting for you to decide what happens to them, Inko and Toshi have come by a bit, actually they should be here in a bit" Angela explained

"Our class have also been wanting to see you but they wouldn't let them come here" Izumi said

"Ok, Then where Eri?" Izuku asked

"She's sleeping on your bed, I'll go get if you want" Ryukyu said which Izuku agreed and She left

Looking to the rest of them, Izuku noticed the sad look in there eyes, especially Izumi

"Hey you guy's don't need to be so down, i'm fine" Izuku said to them

"Onii-Chan how can you be fine! Your confined to a Wheelchair for who knows how long" Izumi say's crying a bit with Nejire agreeing

"That doesn't matter, i'll regain control in my Leg and arm soon enough" Izuku said as he got his leg to slightly move and his arm to move almost normal

"That's Not the point! You... Died, your only still here because of the Dragons, Why do you always have to put yourself in harms way?!" Nejire said also crying a bit

Izuku then goes over and grabs both there hands (He's in a wheelchair so he can't reach to hug them)

"It's simple, it just cause, you all meant he world to me. Nejire you were the first person to ever treat me like an equal and the person that i love. Izumi your my sister and now girlfriend, you proved to me that you had changed. I would take on the world for any of you and if that means i get stuck in a wheelchair for a while or worse, then so be it" Izuku states

"if that's the case, i'll have to make them stronger so you won't feel the need to protect them and myself" Nana said

"Your not leaving our side" Izumi and Nejire both say

"I don't ever plan to" Izuku replied with a smile

Then the door opened and in came Ryukyu with Inko and Toshi with Eri in Ryukyus arms

"Papa!!" Eri yells as Ryukyu puts Eri down and she runs to him

"Hey there Snowball, You ok?" Izuku asked as Eri hugged him

"I-I I thought you left me" Eri saying crying

"I would never leave you Snowball, i promised i'd be there to protect you and i don't ever intend to break it" Izuku said petting her to calm her down

"I-Izuku" Inko and Toshi said

"Yes what is it Mr and Mrs. Yagi?" Izuku said surprising the two with how kindly Izuku said that

"We wanted to say that... were sorry, i know we've said this countless time before, Were not asking for you forgiveness. We just wanted to show you that we changed, I understand how much you hated us, i was suppose to be your mother... and i didn't support you, I just want you to be happy and if that means, you won't forgive us.... As long as your happy, that's all that matters" Inko states

"Izuku... I'm sorry, for everything. For what i didn't do for you and the things i tried to do for you to come back. I'm sorry for not understanding how you feel, i was suppose to be your father, someone you could look up to and i failed. even though it means nothing now, I approve of your engagement to Nejire and the other girls....Including Nana and Izumi" Toshi said

Izuku looked to his Mom and She nodded, So Izuku went over to them and did his best to pull them into a hug

"Thank you, Both of you. This i all i ever wanted from you two, saying that you accept me , I did hear what you all said when i 'Dead'. And you both proved to me that you changed by protecting Eri and the others, So..... I forgive you.....Mom and Dad" Izuku said

Hearing this made the two of them cry and hug back. They finally had there baby boy back, even if they were related anymore, they were happy that the family bond they once had with each other, despite how little it was, was now there again and will now grow

As for everyone else, Izumi joined in on the hug, while the rest had a smile on there face seeing a broken family come back together

"But Mr. Yagi" Izuku said as his family let go

"Yes Izuku?" Toshi replied

"I may have forgiven you, but i'm still mad about the whole thing that you were Quirkless just like me" Izuku stated

"I...No, I understand Izuku, i have no one to blame but myself for this" Toshi said

The the door opened and in came Genji and Hanzo

"Izuku, Your awake!" Genji sad going to hug Izuku

"Yeah, sorry if i scared you all" Izuku said 

"You gave all of quite alot of shock, But aside from that, you need to explain what you did to control the Black dragon" Hanzo said putting his hand on Izuku's shoulder

Izuku then explains what he said early to them

"Interesting, is there anything else you can do with the Black dragon?" Genji asked

"Well, i don't really know, the only other thing i can do right now is release a black aura around me, Like this" Izuku say's and release the aura which scared everyone

(Something Like this But Black instead of red and remove the Blade) 

"Uh?... Oh i'm Sorry, i didn't mean to scare you guys" Izuku say's quickly suppressing the aura

"U-Uhh..... I.... never thought... you could be scary" Nejire said still shacking a bit and keeping Eri from seeing that

"Yeah... You might want to be careful with that, You could give a person a heart attack doing that out of no where" Nana said 

Needless to say everyone was now completely terrified after that, Seeing Izuku, a kid that is more kind then anyone they've ever seen be able to produce a aura that scary

Part 3

A Week had now passed since Izuku had woken up, He had regained full control over his right arm but was Still in a Wheel chair but was expected to be able to walk pretty soon

His old parents stayed with him as much as they could, With Izuku finally taking part in the familial activities he always wanted to do with them 

Nejire and Izumi stayed by his side the whole time with Eri always being held by Izuku. They helping him with regaining control over his leg, with Nana helping out as well, and giving more tips to Izuku on how to us OFA

Currently now Izuku along with Izumi and Nejire who is holding Eri, were all heading back to UA. As they came by it was pretty clear that there were quite a few people looking at him, Given what happened during he event and that he's in a wheelchair and has his missing limbs back was more then enough to draw attention 

"Onii-Chan, were being watched... You can tell right?" Izumi asked

"Yeah i do But it doesn't matter lets just get to UA" Izuku replied

"Your not worried about what they think happened?" Nejire asked

"Why should i be, they can think whatever they want besides the explanation will come to them" Izuku said

"Ok.... But Onii-Chan, Just be ready to deal with our class and your girlfriends when they see you" Izumi said

They eventually made it into UA, Heading in of course made quite the scene with Izuku being in a wheelchair and all that 

*Scene Change*

In the 1-A classroom Izukus girlfriend's along with Katsumi and Shoka were still very scared about Izuku, All the info they had on Izuku was that he was barley alive 

"It's been over a week, I hope Izuku and Izumi are doing alright" Momo said

"Yeah and if they are, i wonder how Izuku and Izumi are now with what she did" Ochako said

"I'd imagine, Izuku forgave Izumi after that act it would make sense, heck maybe even his old Parents too" Jiro said

"He'll pull through! You can count on it!" Kirishima stated trying to lighten the mood

"Icchan.... I So sorry for what my Dumb brother did i hope you-- Oh Who am i kidding he probably hates me more after that, He probably gave up on giving me a chance since i'm his Sister" Katsumi thought

"Izu i'm sorry for what Shoto did, i don't know why he changed... Your gave me a real chance for you to forgive me and those two messed it up" Shoka thought

Then the Door opened 

"Hey Everyone" Izuku said with his usual smile with Izumi behind him pushing the Wheelchair with Nejire holding Eri 

"Izuku!!" The Class all yelled going to him

"Oh My God... A-Are Y-You???"Uraraka asked about to cry 

"Izuku... Don't tell me your???" Momo said tearing up

"Did they really??!" Jiro said tearing up and also angry

"Yeah, I can't walk But!! Don't think it's permeant!!, My Mom says i should be able to walk in about a day or two" Izuku quickly clarified so that his girlfriends would cry there eyes out

At for Shoka and Katsumi, they were of course happy that Izuku was ok, the two went to him, hesitant of course but were stopped by Izuku's girlfriends

"Sorry you two but your not going near him" Momo said

"Yeah i think your families have done enough damage to him" Uraraka added

"Whoa calm down your three, it's fine they didn't do anything" Izuku said going over Shoka and Katsumi

The two girls looked, shocked at how Izuku was acting so calm and welcoming to them

"So you two gonna give me a hug or Not?" Izuku asked

The two of them instantly went and Hugged him

"Icchan!! I'm Sorry!" Katsumi said Crying

"Izu, I'm Sorry for what Shoto did to you" Shoka said also crying

Izuku held them tight and petted them to help calm them down until they let go

"And fi you two think that this made you lose your chance for me to forgive you, your wrong" Izuku said to them 

"T-Thank you, Icchan/Izu" Katsumi and Shoka said

"As for Katsuki and Shoto... For the time being they've lost it" Izuku said shocking everyone

"Onii-Chan!, they technically killed you, how can you--" Izumi said but was cut off

"Yes i understand that but... People CAN change, It's based on how there treated after the act that determines how likely or Unlikely they are to change... besides staying mad at someone forever will eventually leave you empty and bring out the worst of yourself" Izuku stated

This of coursed worried all of them but they also expected something like this since they know how kind Izuku is

"But Still Izu, after all that how can you talk about them in such a calm manner?" Shoka asked

"Well, don't forget you two and Izumi also did close to the same thing to me when we were kids, you three and especially Izumi are living proof that people can change when given enough time" Izuku replied

"Wait, Icchan are you saying that you forgave Izumi?" Katsumi said going to Izumi as she finally noticed that Izumi had that Red Scarf around her neck again

"Yeah i did and also Mr and Mrs Yagi, the act they did protecting you all proved to me that they had really changed" Izuku said 

"And now me and Onii-Chan are dating too" Izumi said with a smile which shocked alot of the class  

"But aren't you two blood related?" Sero asked

"No, if you remember during the last match i said that me, Mom and Dad performed a Blood ritual which changed my DNA, so that i could have the power of the dragons and no longer be related to the Yagis" Izuku stated

"Yeah and i allowed it since, after what Izumi did, proved to me as well that she did change, and besides it wasn't hard to see how she felt about her 'Big Brother'" Nejire said making Izumi blush

Everyone didn't really know how to respond hearing this, But for Shoka and Katsumi they were happy, since they now know they had a real chance to earn Izuku forgiveness and be with him

"Well Izuku, how do you have your arm and leg back?" Denki asked changing the topic

Izuku the went on to explain what he told the others about the Black Dragon

"Wow man, so your the first in your clans history to control the Black Dragon?" Kirishima asked

"Yeah and i can also do this" Izuku said and was about to release his Black aura when he was stopped with someone putting her arm around him

"I'd wouldn't do that Izuku, don't want to give your classmates a heart attack do you" Nana said and kissed Izuku on the cheek, with Aizawa behind her

"Nana?! What are you doing here?" Izuku asked

"She's Your second Homeroom teacher, She and the other past users are going to be here as teachers at UA, now everyone Sit down" Aizawa stated

They all went to there seats/Desks

"Hello Everyone, My Name is Nana Shimura, the 7th User of OFA. Starting today i'll be your second Homeroom teacher" Nana stated to the class

"Thank you Nana, Now ever since the sports festival as i'm sure your aware, heroes have been paying close attention to all of you for internships with them. But before any of you can you all need something" Aizawa said 

Before anyone could have the time to let the imagination run wild Nana stated

"Hey don't leave them hanging like that, it stresses them out. You all need hero names is what Aizawa was referring to" Nana stated

Everyone let out a sign of relive and a small thank you to Nana

"Quiet. Regardless this is important, The names that you chose today will follow you even if you change it later down the line. It has to appropriate or--" Aizawa said but was cut off 

"Or You'll have Hell to pay later!" Midnight Said coming in with some clipboards and markers

"All of you will be writing your hero names on these whiteboards and will present them to class, me and Nana will evaluate on them" Midnight stated

Midnight and Nana then passed out the boards and markers to everyone

"So Izuku you have a name in mind?" Nejire asked

"Yeah i got one, i assume your gonna use you name?" Izuku asked

"Yeah, but my name does make sense since it means twist/Distort" Nejire said (I searched that up so i don't know if that's true)

"Mama? can i draw on this?" Eri asked

"Sorry Snowball, not now" Nejire said a little sad

"Ok" Eri replied

"Here Snowball, you can draw on this" Nana said giving Eri a Board and marker

"R-Really, Thank You Mama Nana" Eri said with a smile, making Nana blush being called Mama

"Wait, Izuku does that mean that you and Shimura are" Mina asked

"Yes He's dating her also" Nejire answered for Izuku

Everyone went up and presented there names to the class, until Izumi and Izuku were the last one left

"The Hero name i chose is Tempest" Izumi states

"Good pick" Nana and Midnight stated

"You picked the name i suggested when we were kids?" Izuku asked

"Yeah Onii-Chan, i did like it since i can control weather with my telekinetic quirk, to a certain degree" Izumi says

Then Izuku came or Rolled up to the front of the class 

"I picked the Dragon Hero, Ao Shun" Izuku states (I know the Dragons Genji and Hanzo control are Japanese Dragons, i just couldn't find actual names of the Japanese Dragon)

"The Chinese Dragon King of the Northern Seas, Good choice but why chose that one specifically" Nana asked

"Well, Mainly it's because of the amount of mystery around that Dragon, Out of the 5 Chinese Dragon Kings, Ao Shun has the least amount of information about him. Like how the Black Dragon i have, me and the Shimada Clan don't really have alot of information about it" Izuku explains 

"Very well, now Aizawa, Shimura your up" Midnight said

"Let him be, he clearly doesn't want to be woken up. Anyway, you've all received a number of offers for Internships with some more then others of course" Nana said bring up the internship count for the class

"Why isn't Izuku up there?" Momo asked

"You guys forget that Izuku is already a member of Overwatch, There isn't a reason for him to basically relearning what he already knows" Nana said

"Then just what is he gonna be doing?" Uraraka asked

"Check your offers and you'll see" Nana said

They all go through the offers they got and see Izuku's name as one of them

"Your giving us an Internship offer?" Jiro asked

"Yeah, Overwatch is technically also a hero agency so we are allow to give out internship offers" Izuku states

"Why didn't i get an offer?" Sero asked

"Well, I didn't give out offers to all of you since you guys either just don't need Overwatchs help or we can't give proper advice to help control your quirks" Izuku explains

"I Got one" Kirishima said

"Same here" Denki says

"I as well" Momo states

"Me to" Uraraka say's

"So did i" Izumi said

"As strong as you all are in your own rights, a couple of you should consider my offer since some of you have a tendency to get to emotional" Izuku say's looking to ilda since Izuku was well aware of what happened to ildas brother

"Izuku's right, you can't become overly emotional out there, all it will do is deliver you to an enemy you can defeat" Aizawa said deciding to get up from his nap

"Yeah, while emotional audacity is something you need as a hero, it can easily grow into overconfidence which will cause the endangerment of innocent lives and/or your own life" Nana added

"You all have three days to choice who you want to intern with and prepare you stuff, have your decision here by Friday. Dismissed" Aizawa stated

Before anyone could do anything Nezu came in

"Hello students, i won't bother much, you all have offers to choose from so pick someone who will best fit you ability in combat" Nezu said going over to Izuku

Everyone nodded

"Good now Izuku, Me and Winston have a request for you" Nezu stated

"Will Sir what is it?" Izuku asked

"We would like your support in finding and apprehending Stain" Nezu requested

This shocked everyone that Izuku was being asked to help take out the Hero Killer

"Well i'll do it just not now since i can't walk" Izuku says trying to make a small joke to lighten the mood

"Yeah he shouldn't sir Izuku nearly died a few days ago" Nana and Nejire said going to Izukus side

This caused all of Izukus girlfriends to state things about why he should do this

"Well that backfired didn't it" Izuku thought to himself as he breaks it up to not waste time

"Well, with that now done I need you and Nejire in my office... It's time you decide for Them" Nezu said

"Ok" Nejire said Grabbing the back of Izuku's Wheelchair

"Ok, anyone here that i gave an offer to, if you chose to intern there you'll also be given the offer to help in the operation to capture Stain. It's not required you do keep in mind, I and some Overwatch agents will still help out all with improving your quirks, It'll just be after the operation is over. But keep in mind, if any of you do chose to help in the Operation there is a possibly of death" Izuku explains which made the class a bit uneasy about taking Overwatchs internship

With that Nejire and Izuku left with Nezu

"Sorry Izuku, but it's my responsibility as Tensi's brother to avenge him, Stain is Mine to kill not yours" ilda thought

Part 4

Izuku and Nejire were now in Nezu office, with them were some Government officials along with Katsuki and Shoto both handcuffed

"Let us get started shall we" Nezu said getting in him chair and Nejire closes the door

"Sir, How are your Limbs? can you walk?" the Official asked

"I have full control over my arm but my leg... As you can see i can't walk, but i'll be able to pretty soon" Izuku replied, realizing he forgot to pay attention to his leg and feeling alot more control over it

"Today, you Izuku are going to be giving out the punishment to Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki" Nezu said getting back on topic

"MMHHMHHH!!" Katsuki tried to yell but had a muzzle on his mouth to stop it

"Now, because you and Nejire were the prime targets and You were injured the most, you are the one to decide what punishments should be given to them" Nezu added

"And the government?" Izuku asked

"We'll decide weather or not we'll add to it based on the punishment you give them" the Official said

"Well, i've never liked giving out punishments, but i need to think something that could satisfy the government" Izuku thought trying to think of something that was harsh but not to harsh with Nejire helping where she could

"Ok, well one they can't go near me or the girls" Izuku says

"Very well' Nezu say's

"Next, i want them to have to do 250 hours of community service, serve 3 weeks in a quirkless care center, attend therapy session twice a week and them to be put into the General studies class for the remainder of this School year and for them to have quirk canceling collars during the time" Izuku states

"It that all?" Nezu asks

"Well, i'd like to be able to change these at anytime" Izuku adds

"Double the time for community service and Quirkless care center and we can agree upon that, but why chose a fairly light punishment" the Official asked

"If that's the terms fine, But to your question, growing up all they wanted to do was make me give up on my dream. If i was to do the same and take away there dream i'd be no better then they are" Izuku states

"Izuku... Thank you, and... I'm Sorry" Shoto says

"Saying and doing are two different things, while you've lost your chance for me to forgive you now. Your actions in the future may one day change that fact" Izuku says patting Shoto on the shoulder 

"Very well, if that's the punishment then this meeting is over" Nezu states

Izuku and Nejire both headed out

"Your really sure about that punishment?" Nejire asked

"Yeah, i know it's not a whole lot but i never want to be given power over people, all that does it turn you into what you hate most" Izuku says and then starts to stand up

"Hey! Izuku you shouldn't do that yet!" Nejire said trying to get Izuku to sit back down

"Don't worry, see i'm fine just a little unsteady" Izuku says walking around 

Eventually they got back to the class to get there stuff as everyone was on there way back home

"Hey Shoka?" Izuku said going to her

"I-Izu?" Shoka said suprised

"I assume RG told you about what i said after our match, You want a chance, well here it is, head back home to change and we'll hang ok?" Izuku asked

"R-Really... O-Ok Izu" Shoka said shocked and nearly about to cry

"This is my actually chance to show him that i changed, I can't let this chance he gave go to waste" Shoka thought as she headed out 

"Onii-Chan you sure about doing this right after all that?" Izumi asked

"Yeah, i mean did it with you and it worked and i did put alot of pressure on Shoka during our match, now come on i'll bring you home" Izuku said petting Izumi

Then after Izuku With Nejire and Eri brought Izumi back home, with Eri asking if she has a new Mom, bring Shoka which made them all smile seeing Eri innocent demeanor

After dropping Izumi back home they went back to there house where Izuku changed out of his school Uniform and was heading out to the Todoroki household  to spend the rest of the day with Shoka

"Well i'll see you guys later tonight, also Momo and the other said there gonna show up here" Izuku said heading out

"Stay safe, hope things go well with Shoka" Nejire said

"Bye Papa" Eri said

Izuku then left and headed to Shoka's house since Izuku's house wasn't actually that far away, after a little bit he was at the entrance and knocked on the door

"I-Izuku" Rei said opening the door

"Hey Auntie" Izuku said as the two of them Hug

"I missed you so much" Rei said

"Yeah, me too" Izuku said breaking the hug

"Izu?" Shoka said coming to the door

"Hey Shoka, You look nice" Izuku said with a smile making Shoka blush

"T-Thanks" Shoka said

Before they could continue Izuku was suddenly hugged 

"Oh My God, Izuku your really back!!" Fuyumi said hugging him

"Yeah, hey Sis I said i was gonna come by eventually" Izuku said hugging back

"Look at you, and i thought i was your big sis" Fuyumi said letting go

"Well, everyone grows up on day" Izuku states

"Anyway, Izuku your here to pick up Shoka right?" Rei asks

"Yeah i am" Izuku say's

"Well them have a nice time you two" Rei say's

"Yeah and *Whisper* Shoka Good luck, hope he'll forgive you *Whisper*" Fuyumi say's as the Izuku and Shoka head out

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