Fangs That Kill - (Lost boys...

By Marked4Mated

68.1K 1K 152

Book 3 of imagines! Requests are Open! More

Intro + Request policies
Marko imagine - Summer Loving - Smut
Marko drabble - You have a fear of heights
Star Headcannons - Dating
Paul drabble - Breakup - Angst
Poly Lost Boys imagine - Another moon, another cycle - Smut
David and Dwayne imagine - Damien and Ivan's road trip
A/N - Important
Dwayne/reader/Alan imagine - Switch
Poly Lost Boys imagine - Discovering secrets
Lost boys headcannons - Trying to tease them
Poly Lost Boys imagine - Dare? - Smut
Poly Lost Boys imagine - S/O catches them feeding
Poly Lost Boys imagine - Werewolves do it better
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) David Headcannons - Finding out
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) Dwayne Headcannons - Finding out
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) Marko Headcannons - Finding out
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) Paul Headcannons - Finding out
David imagine - Breakup - Angst
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) David Headcannons - Human mate dies during birth
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) Dwayne Headcannons - Human mate dies during birth
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) Marko Headcannons - Human mate dies during birth
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) Paul Headcannons - Human mate dies during birth
Lost Boys Headcannons - You break a bone
Cursed Poly Lost Boys scenario a.k.a late night thought
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) David Headcannons - Miscarriage
Announcement! Possible birthday Q&A?
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) Dwayne Headcannons - Miscarriage
Poly Lost Boys Headcannons - S/O who loves plants
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) Marko Headcannons - Miscarriage
Michael imagine - Caught by the teacher - Smut
Lost Boys imagine - Morbid Ball Games
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) Paul Headcannons - Miscarriage
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) All Headcannons - Dealing with Baby Puke
Stupid Lost Boys Texts - Incident 1
Stupid Lost Boys Texts- Beach house 1
Pregnancy series (Lost Boys) All Headcannons - Poopy Diaper
Romantic Lost Boys Texts - Y/N's birthday plan
Poly Lost Boys imagine - DDLG
Platatonic Star imagine - The ex's new girl
David imagine - Fuck Buddies - Smut
Poly Lost Boys Headcannons - Albino & Steampunk S/O
Lost Boys Mini Imagines - They are in reality tv (crack)
Marko Imagine - Anything for you
Lost Boys Headcannons - Pranks they play on the Emersons
Lost Boys Headcannons - Reaction to getting waxed as a dare
David Imagine (Dark) - Second helpings
Yandere Poly Lost Boys Headcannons - Part 1
Yandere Poly Lost Boys Headcannons - How they stalk
Pregnancy series - The lost boys headcannons - Quadruplets
Lost Boys Mini Imagines- Discovering their S/O is in a cult (David and Dwayne)
My Return ~
Brotherly! Lost Boys - Not on our watch - Part 1
Brotherly! Lost Boys - Not on our watch - Part 2
Brotherly! Lost Boys - Not on our watch - Part 3

Yandere Alphabet - David

1.2K 23 7
By Marked4Mated

AN - Yandere is dark content so buckle up and dont read if you're not comfortable with the theme 🖤🖤🖤

Warnings: Mentions of Non con, manipulations, spanking, killing and if I've missed anything else, please let me know!


Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?

- David is a romantic deep down he just has a hard time showing it in a way that doesn't freak you out. He knows he's intimidating, he would be surprised if you didn't feel intimidated but when it gets to the point where you try and avoid him or his simple requests of joining him for dinner? He starts to be a little more gentle, still manipulative but he will slowly get you comfortable with him. Letting you see him bare to an extent, reading aloud for you to hear and giving you little gifts among offering you things he knows you like... except your freedom.

Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?

- Very. Very. It depends mostly on how you intrigue him. If it's a friends to more situation between you and him? he would be less brutal but if you actively avoid him before he can let you get to know him it will turn drastic. Vampires kill on a regular basis so what's one or a few more? If he thinks for one second family or a certain friend might link anything bad back to him, they're out. David doesn't want to jeaprodize his plans for you. Most willing to get dirty if it means having you.

Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?

- No. David is tough and admittedly cruel, it's in their nature to socialize a little differently from humans afterall, even if they are among them nightly.  It would take you doing soemthing drastic for him to mock you like perhaps an escape attempt gone wrong. Every time after he sees your eyes wander to the stairs and he might feel inclined to say, "Going somewhere?" Knowing full well with the chain on your foot is the only barrier between you and that oh so precious freedom you insisted on pestering him with.

Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?

- Mind manipulation is a thing. David has a silver tongue regardless so if you do end up cozying up to him (perhaps a little bit into your kidnapping) it would be because he made you think that you want the comfort. Aside from that he would 100% compelled you not to leave the cave, it's a move he didn't want to have to make but when the boys mention the little problem of the, sleeping through day time... it's a no brainer. When he wants to let you explore just a little more rather than have you limited by a chain, you can bet he will compel you for the best of both worlds. Under his thumb like you should be.
- Again! It depends aswell on the situation. If you don't like him at the start when he's trying to appeal to you, he will eventually start to create little things to get you interested. Implanting little things that you secretly like about his presence, or even making you dream about him often enough that you feel anxious around him. Believes this is just rushing the natural course of how things should go, especially if he is convinced that you are supposed to be in his life.
- It's been a while since he has experienced this "love," feeling and when he feels it it's just making him crazy and he doesn't like that. Once he reaches his boiling point of you continuously rejecting him, he ends up forcing affectionate gestures like kisses and intimate holding. Sex without consent is highly likely and on his mind as his morals are pretty loose to an extent. He just doesn't see why you continuously deny him what he so obviously needs from you. Not just blood but touch and not just a slap you dared to give him.

Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?

- Not very and especially not at the start. Might share a few things that aren't exactly personal to him at the start like his favourite snack but not the full reason why or maybe why he likes his jackets. The only way he fills you in on his personal life and really bares himself is almost never but if you were to get close, it would be after you turn fully. There's no going back now and it lessens the chance of you reacting negatively if you too are also in the same predicament now.

Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?

- Two ways.
- Likes a little bit of fight or feistiness. David enjoyed that little flame but at the same time he hates it. He wants to crush it, he wants to have you submit to him but still retain that spark that drew him to you, his mate. It had to be love, that was why whenever you did fight back, he held back, only using his silver tongue to calm you and his powers to keep you in check.
- However! Don't get it twisted, if you go too far David is quick to show you your place.

Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?

- At first no but after a while, he would be lying if he said he didn't feel a little amusement at your pitiful attempts to leave the cave.

Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?

- Being taken and thrown so suddenly into the mind crippling truth that vampires exist. It would fuck with you. What else exists if vampires do? At this point he's not going to hide it because he can't. They sleep all day and need to eat. The second worst experience is David returning to the room he put you in covered in blood if not catching him eat before they bathe. Or perhaps it's hearing him laugh with the boys about the "loot," they "found," lying around, morbid stories attached too along with graphic deaths, although that might gradually stop if it appears to make you think even worse than before.
- Plenty of other experiences are bad, but none other than when he coerced you into drinking from the bottle, the dizzy spell, the dying and then the sick aftermath of symptoms. Then there is the bite.... the slow and cold realization of what you just did. Although David can be pretty manipulative, I think that he would only do this if the other options don't work or he hasn't captured your heart yet.
- The cold hard truth that the only way you would ever escape him is by death and you can't even have that either.
- Just before the Stockholm syndrome sets in and you think to yourself in the bed in your room at the furthest part of the cave. Counter productive thoughts about who you are, who you were, about the guys of the cave who seemed nice despite you being held agaisnt your will, would people look for you and the most depressing realization, did you want to be found?

Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?

- Someone he can confide in.
- You are his mate and David wants to show you as much once you're good. David isn't the traditional marriage type but he knows he wants you by his side forever and ever. You're his rock, his comfort and his heart in one which makes for a crazy combo. Whilst he let's you do your own thing at times, he likes to remind you that you are part of the pack now and that maybe you shouldn't spend so much time tucked away with your hobbies.

Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?

- Yes. David isn't afraid to get dirty. Might embarrass you about it too as a way to punish you. The person is dead by the end of the day anyways but it's the thought and intent that pisses him off. Painful bites that mark you all over will litter your body by sunrise as will the ache in your genitals filled with cum wether or not you want it or not. You're his.

Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?

- Nonchalant around the boys but definitely acknowledges your presence. Will mostly demand to have you in his lap or nearby. The most he's ever done infront of his boys is spank you over his knee for saying something out of tone to him.

Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?

- The usual. Davis knows his reputation and that he is intimidating but he hope's that's what intrigues you. It's actually once he knows you a bit better after a light bit of stalking that he approaches with the usual, handsome greaser boy offering you a smoke and a night of fun.
- Uses what he knows to relate to you and have you think there is a connection and if it works it works. If it doesn't work, well...
- Doesn't take too long for him to kill his competition if there is any. Might allow you to get into situations just so he could look good.
- If all else fails? Well hope you enjoyed your last night with civilization because you're getting snatched.

Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?

- Around you the illusion can drop, the burdens on his shoulders can drop and he can feel more relaxed.
- A bit more playful around you but only a touch if you squint. Will laugh more and let his guard down but that's only after the fight stage of your kidnapping. You're the only one David can be described as kind to.

Naughty: How would they punish their darling?

- Condescending mocking. David knows how much words can hurt, he also knows which buttons to push and won't apologize as it's you who did this to yourself.
- Nsfw - Spanking, blowjobs, scenting and cum eating/marking. Vampire behaviour is a bitch, the annoying urge to claim, to have his mate submit to him and the urge to teach you a lesson.
- David's punishments can get really bad the longer you stay. At that point he knows what you deep down hate and will do it. If it's dragging you out and having the boys touch you? You bet it. If it's him having his way with you? So be it. But if it's him forcing you to feed from him? That's just cruel. He can see the self hatred in your head, knowing that his blood is addictive and that you shouldn't find it nice but there was a part of you who felt disgusted.

Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?

- You "earn," your rights back once you make your first kill. David would give you a room to yourself with some of your belongings and of course some things he smuggled from the boardwalk, little trinkets and maybe a momento from your room that you can't live without. However if you try and escape, for the next long while, you will have a bedroom buddy keeping watch above you more often than usual.
- Can't leave the cave and if you earn the right to leave (Secluded walk), you aren't allowed to go off by yourself without David.
- No right to your own thoughts. David likes to keep tabs but this is one right that his S/O won't know is being breached.

Patience: How patient are they with their darling?

- Admitedly not very. David is used to getting his way and whilst at the start he anticipated your reluctance, as stupid as it seemed to him, he was prepared to wait you out.

Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?

- Who ever says you escape? David has your scent to help him find you not to mention the ability to fly, supernatural eyesight and enhanced hearing.
- However if you did die, he would have mixed feelings about it. Solemn, dissappointed and overall internal heartbreak because he wouldn't have gone this far if he didn't have feelings.
- Life goes on but David would keep something of yours and add it to his look to remember you.

Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?

- David is rather complex. He isn't entirely bad to the bone believe it or not. There are moments where either Dwayne might prompt him to rethink once or twice, but overall he can't bring himself to let you go or regret stealing his beloved.
- However whenever he was feeling that strange tingle a tthe back of his mind, he is quick to make himself feel better. David makes himself feel better by showering you in little gifts here and there or giving you a few hours alone in your room or around the cave. If he can convince himself that you look happy in those little moments, then he stops thinking about that nagging little thought.

Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?

- David has been alone in childhood until he met the boys he called his gang. It's hard for him to fully trust anyone but when he does, it can never be broken otherwise it's no longer the same.
- Years of cruelty brought on by Max. Being ordered around, cast aside, doing the biding of his creator with no input of his own, living within his means. Let's not forget, loving forever is bound to tarnish a person not to mention the vampire blood in his veins. Vampires kill to eat and after a while everything can be grey until a rainbow shows up.

Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?

- Annoyed.
- You have this whole nice and cushy life ahead of you. You won't die. You get to stay young forever. Have a family of your own. No responsibilities and no one telling you what to do (aside from David.) David feels you are being ungrateful each and everytime you cry, scream and even try isolating yourself. It annoys him greatly and there's only so much he can handle before he snaps.
- At first he might try and be calm about things but after a while don't expect as much. Might end up having to leave and take out his anger on some poor soul that wasn't yourself. A part of him knows that you are indeed partly a victim but the larger part of him knows that you are his and that you need ro get over it.

Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?

- Would never starve you. David doesn't play with death when it comes to you and that's also after biting the bullet and turning fully.

Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?

- Sunlight if you're lucky, a good kick in the balls will buy you a good 5 seconds and if you manage to find something sharp? That might be an ally.

Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?

- Physically? To the extent of spanking you and being rough during sex and bites... Emotionally? Most definitely. Manipulative? To the core.

Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?

- Like before. You are the rainbow in his grey world. Would not worship you but his attention on you may aswell be. David considers you his but not that he is totally yours- you need to earn that privilege. He won't accept you making him look a fool but he does put in effort to get you to like him.

Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?

- A good little while - like say a week to a month. David can be pretty patient but the little things can chip at it. It's only when David can't bear to not have you that he snaps completely. His affections are being thwarted and his efforts made in vein which leads him to taking you back with him. There is no other option in his eyes but this.

Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?

- To a degree, yes. Stockholm syndrome is real and eventually he would have trained you/conditioned you to be his little lover, a member of the pack and almost an equal of sorts. The delusion is real and in the end, you know you've changed. The hatred you once had for the man you were now kissing willingly had vanished, you didn't want to leave your home and you didn't want to think about a life with David.
- In the end David always gets his way.

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