Supported in South Park

By Buttercup-Rosie

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*The third book in my South Park series; after Tangled in South Park* Rosa has finally graduated high school... More

Enjoying Time Together
The End of Baseball Begins
Setting Up the Office
The Final Baseball Game
First Time Home Alone
Back to Streaming
Pride Parade
An Orange Surprise
Cats Join the Family
Fourth of July
A Hiatus

A New Beginning

388 5 21
By Buttercup-Rosie

I happily sigh as I lean up against the counter, staring at the little Keurig as I try to will it to make my hot chocolate a little bit faster. I'm surprisingly the first person up this morning in our cozy little apartment, and I am trying to take advantage of it.

It has been a whole week since we graduated high school, which has finally settled in for me. The fact that I never have to go to school again really hit me in a strange way when I held my diploma in my hands. A whole chapter of my life had ended, but now a whole new one has begun.

The two days right after graduation was the boy's baseball sectional tournament, which they easily won. Then there was a whole two days for a break, which Kenny, Ashlyn, Karen, Red, and I spent packing up everything that would be going over to the apartment. At this point, all the big items that Kenny and I had order were delivered, so it was time to do the difficult task that is packing up all our belongings to transport to our new place. On the second break day, we actually got the guys to help move all of our stuff into our new apartment. They also helped to set up beds, the couch, desks, and any other big items that would take some time to build if it was just Kenny and myself. Tweek and Craig also set up the guest bedroom that will be his room until he finds his own place to live, since living with his parents is out of the question. This was then the first night that all three of spent in this apartment. The first time that I could say I truly live with Kenny.

The last two days were then spent at the boy's regional baseball tournament, which mas more nerve-wracking then the sectional one. Each game was down to the wire, and the championship game went into extra innings. The boys gave more than their all each and every game. They want that state win more than anything, and they were not going to give up without a good fight. Even when they were down a few runs, they would come together to pull right back into it. This has been their dream for senior year for longer than any of them realize. To show that South Park can do something great, and to prove to themselves that it has all been worth it. To make their final games together something truly special.

Now it is Saturday morning after their regional win, giving the boys today in order to rest their bodies, and then tomorrow a good day of practice before the state championship tournament begins. I slipped out of bed around nine o'clock, and Kenny was still in a deep sleep. I assume the same is true for Tweek upstairs. They could be asleep for the next six hours, so I'll have to work on unpacking the living room quietly.

I look over at all the boxes scattered around the living room. A warmth filling my chest as I think about how I can decorate however I want. That Kenny and I are going to do all that we can to make this our home. He's already decided that a bookshelf wall will go in the office, and I would like to have a couple bookshelves in our room. It will be slow coming together, but it will all be worth it in the end.

The Keurig starts to send the hot chocolate into my Studio Ghibli mug, bringing my attention back to the sweet drink that I've been longing for. Not nearly as good as Tweek can make, but it will have to do for times like this. Our kitchen being the only room complete in the apartment, which is nice since that gave Kenny and I an excuse to get out to shop for groceries when the other boys were putting together furniture.

"I still have to figure out what I want to eat," I let out big yawn, reaching for the ceiling to stretch out my back once more this lovely morning.

It feels really good knowing that each day from now on I get to come home and be with the boy that I love with all my heart. That each day I get to wake up knowing that he is right by my side, or maybe out in the kitchen making us breakfast. It will be like this for the rest of our lives, and I am more than excited to start on this journey with him. The only thing that I am afraid about is what happens when he dies, but I guess that is something I'll have to worry about when he his killed next.

I pull my mug out of the Keurig and onto the counter, grabbing the cinnamon to give three shakes into the drink. I've gotten a few looks before that I put cinnamon in my hot chocolate, but I refuse to stop because it is really good. Since I don't like coffee, I have to pick a different hot drink to give me that kick in the morning.

Right before I turn to make my way over to the couch, two strong arm wrap around my stomach and pull me into a warm firm chest. Either I wasn't quiet enough, or this boy behind me missed me even in his sleep.

"Good morning, princess," Kenny's deep morning voice fills my ears before he presses a kiss to the side of my neck. "What are you doing?"

I giggle, "I was making hot chocolate and thinking about what has happened since graduation. Then I was going to relax on the couch while going through social media, but it seems like you have other plans."

He grins against my neck, giving me a small squeeze, "We were only able to break in one room."

"I didn't think that the first night here would be that much fun," I grab my mug, lifting it to my lips to take a cautious sip. "After two long days, I didn't think you were that hot and bothered."

"Well, I felt like our new bed needed to be tested out. If it couldn't handle a simple night of love then we would have to get a new one."

I hum, "Hm, you want to experiment now that we have our own place, don't you?"

"That is the dream," he pinches my sides, pulling his head up to rest his chin on the top of my head. "Not until Tweek moves out, but I have some ideas that I want to try out with you. Somethings that I've done before but not with you, but I think you'll enjoy it."

"Once you win the state baseball tournament, then we can talk about that," I place my mug back on the counter, sliding it back towards the Keurig to keep it safe. Then I force myself to turn around in Kenny's hold and look up at him.

He has a loving smile on his face as he looks down at me. His hair is perfectly messy, and he has opted for a pair of boxers as his pajamas since we've moved in together. "All that will be done next week, and then we will be able to fall into an actual routine of living together. We'll be able to wake up and make breakfast together before going to the coffee shop, and on days we don't do that, we'll be streaming with the girls. When we don't feel like making meals, then we can get takeout from any of the places nearby that we love. All the movie nights, or video game days, or lazy days that we get to have. It feels good."

I smile, running a hand through his hair, "I am looking forward to all of that. We have to unpack all our stuff before any of that can actually happen, though. We should probably do some of that today. At least the living room. We can even divide and conquer. Oh, the girls will have to come over sometime next week to get the office ready. I can't believe we got five keys."

"One for both of us, then one for Karen and Ash, and another for Tweek right now, which leaves one key left to give out."

"I think it should be under the mat in front of the front door, as a just in case."

"That is probably a good idea," he presses a kiss to my forehead. Then his hands grip my waist, and he is lifting me up onto the counter. "Now this is a lot better," he grins. "This makes it a lot easier to get to your lips."

I giggle, placing my hands on his chest to keep him at a distance for a little bit. "Aren't you hungry? Don't you want some coffee?"

He lowly chuckles, "I'm hungry for you, actually."

"Kenny," I breath out before his lips connect with mine.

This soon after waking up, Kenny's kisses are like a burst of electricity running through my body. His fingers sliding under the shirt of his that I stole to become my pajama shirt. Each spot they touch leaves a trail of goosebumps. My legs wrap around him to pull him a tiny bit closer. This is how mornings with this boy will be like, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

"Sorry to interrupt," Tweek speaks up as he pads into the kitchen.

Kenny pulls away, pupils blown and a lazy smile on his lips.

"Good morning, Tweekers," I look over Kenny's shoulder to smile at the boy. "Probably not what you wanted to see first thing in the morning."

Tweek shrugs, "It could have been worse."

"He knows who he's living with," Kenny says, pushing my legs off before taking a step back and turning to face Tweek. "Have a good sleep dude?"

"I've been having some of the best sleeps of my life since moving in here," he walks over to the fridge, grabbing an orange juice before walking around to the other side to hop onto a barstool. "Thank you both again for letting me stay here while I figure out the next step in my life. I would be a mess without you two."

I reach behind me to grab my mug, taking a few sips. "It is our pleasure to let you stay here for as long as you need. I'm happy that you are finally at peace, and that you can actually relax. It must feel good knowing that the coffee shop is almost all yours. Only a little more paperwork at this point."

He cracks open his orange juice, a small smile on his lips. "It does feel good. I'll be able to actually hire people, stick with the hours we have set, and enjoy everything a lot more."

"Karen and Ash are very willing to help out in anyway that they can. And you have Kenny and me, plus Craig. We'll make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible."

"It will be weird when everyone heads off to college," he sighs.

"Who is living on campus again?"

"Kyle, Wendy, Bebe, Token, Nicole, and Krystal," Kenny answers. "That's only because they are going to the University of Denver. The others are going to closer and smaller colleges, so they'll be able to easily commute. The others said they plan to come back as often as possible, so it won't be that much different to how it always has been."

"I guess so," Tweek slowly sips on his juice.

"Can you be a dear, Kenneth, and make us some breakfast," I cross my ankles.

"What do you want?" Kenny softly smiles as he looks over at me.

"An omelet and toast would be wonderful," I bat my eyelashes at him.

"You don't have to bat your eyelashes for me," he chuckles, placing a quick kiss on my lips before heading to the fridge to gather up the ingredients. Then he is quick to get to work on the omelets.

"Okay Google," I look to see the device light up. "Play my morning playlist on Spotify."

In the next moment, my playlist that I made for calm mornings starts to play. An opening from One Piece up first. Tweek continues to lazily drink his orange juice while I finish off my hot chocolate. With an empty mug, I slide off the counter, rinse the mug off in the sink, and then get the bread out. Kenny is swaying to the music, which causes me to do the same. I get a black coffee started for him in the Keurig, knowing that he will need it soon. These are the kinds of mornings that I live for.

"One omelet and two pieces of toast for the lovely lady of the apartment," Kenny places the plate on the counter in front of the middle barstool that I have claimed as my own. "Yours is up next Tweek."

"Thanks," Tweek flashes a smile.

"Your coffee is ready babe," I press a kiss to Kenny's cheek, spinning around him to grab a glass out of the cupboard for my milk. "And thank you for cooking breakfast."

"I have to earn my keep somehow," he teases, pinching my butt as I look into the fridge.

I roll my eyes, quickly filling my glass before heading over to take my spot. It isn't much longer that I am shoving a big piece of egg, cheese, bacon, ham, and hot sauce into my mouth. "Damn Kenny, you are a magician in the kitchen," I happily sigh. "I knew that I fell in you for a reason."

"Because of my devilishly good looks," he smirks, sending a wink my way. "And how amazing I am in bed."

Tweek chuckles, "That second statement was found out later."

I roll my eyes, feeling a tiny heat on my cheeks. "Many months later. I remember that we cooked lunch early on when we first met. I knew from that moment on how I had to keep you by my side. I need a good cook in my life."

"You're a good cook," Kenny slides more toast onto an empty plate. "That's how we are able to work so well together in the kitchen."

"We just work well together in everything that we do," I shove more omelet into my mouth, followed by a bite of toast.

"Any plans for the day?" Tweek asks.

"After we get ready," Kenny smirks for a moment, letting the dirty thought hang in the air, "Rosa and I are going to unpack some more. We can't live in a sea of boxes forever. Plus, this is the last calm day before the final baseball tournament of our lives, so we have to make the most of the day."

"Craig is working with you today, yeah?" I do my best to ask through a mouthful.

Kenny chuckles, shaking his head.

"Yeah, it is just Craig and me," Tweek nods. "We aren't open for that long on Saturdays anymore. I don't think we need to be, so I have decided that we won't. I think once people get used to the hours I have decided on, it will be a lot better. It will all be posted after baseball ends."

"Kenny is going to make the art wall look amazing once he has the time," I say, gulping down some milk.

"That's right," Kenny slides a plate with an omelet and two pieces of toast in front of Tweek. "I want my wonderful girlfriend and close friend to be able to show off their work more. Really anyone that wants to show off their artwork. Red also needs a space to promote the games she made, so that will have a spot as well."

"I look forward to it," Tweek says. "You have a lot of building projects on your hands then."

Kenny shrugs, starting on his omelet and toast. "Two bookshelves, one bookshelf wall, and an upgraded art wall. It should only take a week if I do nothing else, which likely won't be the case, but I'll figure it out."

"And I will be right by your side for encouragement," I giggle.

"Or for distraction," he smirks.

"This is an amazing omelet, Kenny," Tweek quickly changes the subject. "When did you learn to cook?"

"Once my mom stopped making meals for us, and Karen deserved to have something good to eat. I would take out recipe books from the library, and I would figure out how to make stuff with less, or what would work as a substitute. In the beginning there was a lot of mistakes, which sucks since we didn't have a lot of food to begin with. I would eat the particularly bad stuff. Now that isn't much of a worry, but it did help me to become a fairly good cook." He's smiling as he focusses on his omelet. "It will be fun to cook more. Especially with the love of my life."

I wiggle in my seat, feeling the giddiness rush through me. "I really want to cook with you."

He slides his plate with an omelet and three pieces of toast in front of the empty barstool, placing the dirty skillets and spatulas in the sink. Then he grabs his mug of coffee, walking around the counter to take his seat. "Then we can make something tonight. Whatever you are craving, we can make it."

I finish off my food, and then wash it all down with my remaining milk. Then I slip off the barstool, taking my dirty dishes to the sink to load into the dishwasher later. "I think that I'm going to take a shower now. Need to get all fresh and clean to unpack."

"I'll be in as soon as I can, princess," Kenny widely smiles before stuffing his face.

"Don't rush and make yourself sick," I giggle, running my fingers through his hair as I walk by. "There will be plenty of mornings like this, I promise."

"And he's not going to miss a single one," Tweek chuckles.

I enter our bedroom, walking over to a suitcase with clothes that I knew I wanted easy access to. I pick a t-shirt and shorts, then a bra and underpants, before heading into the bathroom and starting up the shower. As I am stripping out of my pajamas, Kenny bursts into the room.

"Kenny!" I throw a towel at him.

"I love you so fucking much," he goofily smiles, tossing the towel to the ground and slipping out of his boxers. "And living with you is going to be the best."

I chuckle, stepping into the shower. "I love you so much, Kenny. I'm so glad that I get to live with you. Now get your butt in here."

He jumps into the shower, cupping my face in his hands before smashing our lips together.


Oh my gosh! This is so excited, and I hope that you enjoyed this first chapter! I had so much fun writing it, and it just feels so good to be writing for this world again! I have missed Kenny and Rosa so much, and I have a ton of scene ideas. It just feels great! Anyways, I would love to know what you thought! :D

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