By bIudhaven

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garbagecore More

here's what you missed on glee
imagine a lobster with human ears
apparently im 2'8
its 8 am and i cant do math
sometimes i fall down the stairs because i have to wake up
contol alt delete my existence
i blame saddo
arrest mario 2020
f-f-f-frog face f-f-frog face
sometimes i wonder if people
i like
respond or i'll cry
avvy wavvy asf thanks per s e eee
um what if i just sit here instead of doing pushups
be proud of me because my parents arent
im not 😹 running around my backyard 😹😹🗡 because you want me too 😹😹
yeah yeah ❤️
idc who you are pls
head scratch
how did i already finish my coffee this is dumb
i wrote and researched an essay in an hour and a half
yesyes of course
why am i only happy in the car
i am immune 😌⛄️✨
lol this all sucks
phillip hatebot
it's been a month
english is so stupid
i spent 8 hours today doing hw for one class
part title idk what else to put
motivation said 😋
why wont it let me publish this 🏃‍♀️💨
90 seconds
my weekend
i started writing this on october 19
my fingers are cold brr very short part i promise
social high !!!!!!!
call 1 833 - 688 - 2697
comment i am lonely or dont idk lets hug
cry (that was me crying)
bc i am starting this even though i posted the previous chapter 3 hours ago
i havent played animal crossing a long time
UGHGNSFJK im on my computer
go ahead & remove this from ur libraries im updating daily
avni is a genius she is smarter than everyone
i miss my friends
i love reading mmm someone kiss me
hope i can be better in the future
screnshot lasy for klas
abnis s cl ool expeidrne
and then i will post it
AAAYYYYOOOOOOO thibka of title llgoged ip
im so exhausfdded of evrutjign i cabt dohis
u guys i stsrted this is novemeber embarrasjng right
hi cool kids on the block
did u miss me (threat)
i am having the time of my life
DOG 🫵🫵🫵🫵
graphic design is my passion
oobly boo!0y
silly billy bing bong

this entire part is sleepy and tirern

4 0 2
By bIudhaven

im so tired bc basically

i got just enough sleep last night that i cant go back to sleep but also not nearly enough that im awake so

im just gonna lie in bed and complain

did u know i actually went a pulled put that chart just now bc i forgot which word to use


what r u doing thinking about how i posted a chapter feb 18, DIDNT TOUCH THIS BOOK FOR LITERALLY 2 MONTHS, updated april 9 and then posted 4 chapters in the span of 9 days

hi its 5:38 pm and i just took the best nap ever

i can always sleep better in the car for some reason idk like i take the best naps in here

weve been driving for like a hour and 38 minutes i have been asleep for an hour and 14 so gn again

hi its 10:27 pm and weve been at home for like ten minutes and im in bed and we were in the car from 5 to 10 and i was asleep the whole time and im still tired so goodnight

can u tell how carefully and slowly im tying my fingers and brain are literally incapable of moving faster than this right now

ok actually goodnight

wait no

as we were pulling into our driveway there was a secret bunny meeting going on on our lawn

they were all huddled up in like a circle

and scheming probably

ok actually goodnight now

hi next day things

its 6 pm

i spent like 7 hours making a cake today

10 am - 5 pm

no maybe thats 6


idk its a mess kinda

its the cake i said i had to make that looked like mac n cheese

it doesnt actually look that much like mac n cheese Um

ya its a chocolate cake

i made molding chocolate for the macaroni part

and then white chocolate ganache or something for the cheese

so time consuming

and then i didnt even end up eating it bc i didnt want to

no im going back to typing like this in like

tiny lines

thats where my sentence ends

just wherever i start a new line

bc i

talk slow sometimes and take breaks in between my words

but then most of the time

i talk super super fast and no one knows what im saying so

they just ignore me

ya thats what happens most of the time

do u think my parents will let me make mac n cheese for



actually i dont feel like eating dinner


i didnt eat lunch so my mom will probably get mad at me 😐😐

ya idk im tired gn

realizes its 6:07 pm

goodnight anyways

hi its been 5 hours wyd just woke up from my nap

now i have a lot of math homework bc i slept through my 9 pm alarm that i set so i would have enough time to finish my work before midnight but yknow

still tired

hay its 1:02 am i just finished my homework and had a caprisun 😕

ok feeling bored and lonely wby

ya i am not excited for school in a few hours 7 hours is not
enough time to myself rn 😕😕

also ya basically my teachers do Not like me

bc basically

computer science :
i didnt show up for class for the first like 5 weeks of school and then had No Idea what we were even doing in that class and then i got kinda good at it but do not turn my assignments in on time

science :
idk actually this is like my favorite class and on my report cards and stuff my teacher always leaves a comment saying im doing good in her class bc i always have a 100 in or something and then class starts and shes like i dont like u lol

math :
OK i am good at math. and my teacher is like Um she actually hates all of us ya we will be working on an assignment and will ask her a question or something bc SHES OUR TEACHER ?? and she will be like yes 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 ya idk

art :
ok art might be my best subject maybe my teacher likes me actually she says im good at it and validation 😫😫

pe :
i sit in bed and dont get up or do anything during his class and i send him angry emails like every week

history :
HELLO HE IS THE BEST TEACHER OK. he is like the only one that realizes we are virtual and not all of us are comfortable with talking in front of the class and gives us options to not share in front of the class so thanks best teacher

english :
Um ok Best Teacher she is kinda oblivious about things kids in our class shouldnt be doing though people will literally make ableist and racist jokes and she will be like hahaha dont say that haha but she has a really really strong southern accent and is pretty nice about late work So

ya that was me talking about my classes


i cant feel my hand bc im holding my phone in a weird way 😫


ok i am tired goodnight

actually wait i was rewatching btr right

i was saying something what was i saying Um

ya no im not going to sleep I am Not tired

maybe i am

hmm no

ya ill watch something or read a book or something

ya i posted this and then came back just now to delete half the chapter because i suddenly got really unsure if i wanted it in here


wait a minute who are the 20ish people reading this and not saying anything Um i did not see u there hi

ya bc i have posted this chapter two times and keep coming back to edit it and add more so i have just unpublished it so i can keep talking oops u love me

anyways should i go to sleep bc if i do then i can get sleep but if i dont i get more alone time before i have to get up for school But i can sleep during the school day Or have alone time in between classes and lunch

or i can just do that thing where i turn my phone on airplane mode and curl up into a ball under my blankets and lay in the dark for hours at a time and talk to myself and be comfortable

ya ill do that see u in the morning losers

gm its morning 😕😕

class starts in 45 minutes im gonna go have breakfast and get ready or whatever and then lie in bed for 20 minutes and then ya



ya so the other day i was thibkng



one sec gotta rearrange my brain





anyway SO

i am so tired Um

also also also also im like 97% sure theres a spider in my room

but also

im not gonna do anything about it 😕

i want subway WAIT

wait whats somethifn weird u wat u probly eouldnt est tofether

bc i get bread and eat marshmallsow and peantu buterr together ism jrs tasty

ya its also oribablt rhw walrst thkng i do but thags kn be jts tasght kkls


axtuallt wait nk 5 bjt lne lf them ks fimals sl it doesnt coildnt

Um what js a good lexile schoore

what even is a lexile schore bc we test for it lile

every sememsyer but isk whag it is

ans jr said dor mt feade the average score is 975 to 1025 but i got a 1491 so

bit i dont know if its even taljknt about the same lexile Um

ya rhis js roo much good nught😕

ya bx j say goodnight whevenr i am done talkingile mo not goodnivjt its 3:18 lm and i just got out of school

editinf shkuld bx leetgy easy bc lf all the red linesbjt i dont proof read most of rhe time oops 😕

my dinigers just feel like jelp and i type some letters before the other ones bc im thinkinf kf the words wjichnks why wheatverbi say lokks like a lot of randlmbl lsters a lot of the tome oops

anytime any song on fine line plays i think about how kidz bop changed strawberry lipstick state of mind to strawberry milkshake

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