ℝ𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕆ℕ𝔸𝕃 ➡ o. kenobi {m...

By thatonefangirlk

90.4K 2.7K 1.3K

EmerΓ© Naberrie has always abided by the Jedi Code. After giving her life to the Jedi Order at age six and mov... More

【 CAST 】
【 ONE 】
【 TWO 】
【 FOUR 】
【 FIVE 】
【 SIX 】
【 NINE 】
【 TEN 】


2.2K 87 33
By thatonefangirlk

     ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴀᴄᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ɴᴏᴏɴ. We were still in the main hangar with the rest of the racers when the announcers got on the PA system and started talking about today's race and the odds, hyping up all of the many members of the crowd. Even from here we could hear the echo of the crowd's roar, and the projected sound of the two announcers' voices, speaking in both Huttese and Basic.

"That's absolutely right," I heard the Basic announcer say as our group started to lug Anakin's drifting pod out onto the track. "And a big turnout here from all corners of the outer-rim territories. I see the contestants are starting to make their way out onto the starting grid."

I tuned out the loud voices of the announcers calling out all of the notable racers at the starting line and instead focused my energy on helping Anakin push the racer and get it set into place. We rushed around, getting all of the pieces on the pod put into their final places--Anakin only stopping to wave to the audience as his name was called by the announcers.

When the flags of the racers began to move out onto the track, we took that as our cue to finish up. I adjusted the last knob on the dashboard before standing back for Shmi, allowing her to talk to her son in private before he raced.

"Be safe," I heard her mumble to her son.

"I will, Mom," Anakin insisted, for once sounding deadly serious. "I promise."

Shmi smiled at her son, then stood from her crouching position, making her way over to where Padmé, Jar Jar and I were waiting. Qui-Gon was the last to say something to Anakin as the rest of us watched; he lifted Anakin into the pod and told him something none of us could hear at the distance we were.

As soon as Qui-Gon stood, ready, he patted Anakin on the shoulder one more time before walking over to our group so we could make our way over to the viewing platform.

"Is he nervous?" Shmi asked anxiously as we began to jog off of the track.

"He's fine," Qui-Gon remarked sharply. I could tell even the Jedi Knight was getting a little tense.

Thankfully, our viewing platform wasn't very far away. As we all filed onto the circular platform, Shmi grabbed a tablet from a little shelf as the door hissed shut behind us. As the platform began to rise, Shmi tapped the tablet and it flickered to life, showing us a close-up shot of Anakin in his pod.

"You Jedi are far too reckless," Padmé murmured, eyeing the screen anxiously.

Over the PA system, we heard the announcer's voice, loud and clear. "Start your engines!"

I glanced over at the starting grid as several pilots flipped their switches, and powerful energy binders hissed to life in each of the pods, giving them the power required for their immense speed. A loud roaring filled the air as all of the engines spluttered to life. I watched on Shmi's screen as Anakin grabbed the pod's gauges, ready to take off.

"Oh, disen gonna be messy!" Jar Jar groaned, bouncing up and down anxiously. "Me no watchen!" He covered his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and turned my gaze down toward the starting line to get a good look at everyone before the race started. Anakin was near the back as a late sign up, which made me a little nervous, but as long as he got off to a good start, he'd have a good chance. Obviously Sebulba was going to be big competition, but Ani was a good pilot--he'd do better than the narcissistic Dug. At least, that was what I was choosing to hope.

On the sideline near the starting line, I could see a couple of Anakin's friends alongside R2, cheering Anakin on. On Shmi's screen, I saw Anakin smile positively. Then, a gong sounded, and the air was full of high-pitched screams as the pods' engines swelled. All of the pods took off at once--well, all of the pods except for two. One pod didn't move at all, and the other, Anakin's, lurched forward slightly before coming to a stop.

There was a chuckle over the loudspeaker as everyone realized what had happened. "Wait! Little Skywalker has stalled!"

Even from here I could see Watto up in his own viewing box, laughing his head off. Padmé and Jar Jar buried their heads in their hands, understandably upset. I was a little anxious, but not too worried... if Qui-Gon still had enough faith in Anakin to be so upbeat, I knew the kid still had a chance.

"Well, it looks like Quadinaros is having engine trouble as well," the announcer cried, indicating toward the other racer whose pod had not made it past the starting line.

I wasn't paying attention to the other racer, however--I was paying more attention to our own racer, who was staying calm despite the circumstances, flipping switches and diverting power sources. Anakin, confident in his new fix, thrust the gauges forward again, and this time he was off for real.

"And there goes Skywalker!" The announcers called as Jar Jar cheered. "He will be hard-pressed to catch up with the leaders!"

"That's putting it lightly," I murmured to Shmi under my breath, who caught my eye and nodded seriously. The two of us, with Padmé on Shmi's other side, crowded around the tablet, watching anxiously together.

It was a bit difficult to understand the magnitude of everything that was happening on one small tablet. We could tell Anakin was far behind the crowd of pods for a while, but eventually caught up with a couple, swerving professionally and overtaking them easily. My heart leapt in my chest every time he attempted a dangerous maneuver, and I could physically see Shmi wince in horror every couple of seconds. But every time we did so, Anakin surprised us. He managed to remain unscathed, his Jedi reflexes taking over as he rocketed through the rough terrain and picked his way toward the leaders.

By the time the pods had made their way around the track for the first lap, several people had already been spun out. Sebulba had easily made his way into first and was waving at the audience as he flew by, his confidence sky-high.

Anakin was several racers behind him... nearly thirty seconds behind. There was a large gap of silence in the crowd as they waited, then Padmé pointed. "Look, here he comes!"

As his pod roared closer to the finish line, the announcers gasped in surprise. "Looks like Skywalker is moving up the field," they remarked.

Sure enough, he was. He had to have moved up at least ten spots. But he was still eons behind the leader, and it would be hard to him to catch up. I shook my head, stressed. If only Obi-Wan was here... there was something about his presence that always made me feel more capable and less stressed... even with Qui-Gon, the master of positivity, here, I still didn't feel as lighthearted I would have with his apprentice.

Then, with a jolt, I realized he actually was here, in a way. I quickly stepped away from Shmi and Padmé, checking my pockets, making sure I still had it. Sure enough, tucked away in one of my poncho pockets, was my com-link. Qui-Gon had given it to me for emergencies only, but technically, one could consider exponentiated stress as an emergency.

I quickly took my hand off of the device and turned to Qui-Gon. "Hey, uh, Master Qui-Gon, I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick, okay?"

Qui-Gon mumbled something in response, more concentrated on Anakin's pod rounding the corner than me. Not that I minded--it made my escape easier.

Climbing over the wall to the viewing platform and holding on as tight as I could considering my hands were sweating madly, I dropped to the ground several yards below, minimizing the impact of my feet on the ground as I had done back on the Trade Federation's ship. Then, without a glance back, I took off running, pulling the com-link out of my pocket as I did so. I made it to the main hangar, far enough away that I was out of sight, but close enough that I could still hear the announcers and the roar of the crowd. The hangar was, thankfully, empty, so when I pulled out my comm and whispered Obi-Wan's name into it, all I could hear was the echoing of my own voice.

"Yes, Master?" Came Obi-Wan's familiar voice. "Is the race over? How did it go? Did you-"

I smiled. "Do I really sound that much like Qui-Gon?" I cut over the padawan, holding back a laugh. I only let it go when he responded:

"Oh, stars, Emeré!" He hesitated, listening to me laugh uncontrollably, and I could see his eye roll from here. "Em-stop laughing, Emeré!"

But the feeling of relief and elation was contagious, and soon it spread to Obi-Wan as well. I had to brace myself against a nearby pillar to keep from falling over from laughing so hard, and I could hear the gorgeous sound that was Obi-Wan laughing as well coming through the comm. It was a beautiful sound... a sound that warmed my heart and soothed any fears I had about this podrace.

"You're ridiculous," Obi-Wan managed after a couple more elated moments of laughter.

I smiled, thinking of what Qui-Gon had told me yesterday. "All the best people are."

There was a moment of silence of Obi-Wan's end. When his voice came again, it was much softer. "Now, that I can agree with."

Just then, I heard a huge gasp from the crowd, and I froze. Shushing Obi-Wan, I listened desperately for the announcers, hoping they weren't about to say what I was scared they were going to.

"Skywalker's spinning out of control!" The Basic announcer cried in dismay, and I inhaled sharply.

Obi-Wan could tell something was wrong and spoke up almost instantly. "What's happening?" He demanded. "I thought the race was over! What-"

"It's not over," I told him meekly, straining my ears for any more updates.

"Then why did you call me?" His confusion was palpable, even through the com-link. "Has something happened?"

I sighed. "Yes and no."

"Care to explain?" Obi-Wan's tone was sharp... I knew if I didn't answer him now, he'd come find me himself.

"Nothing's happened yet," I elaborated. "I was getting anxious about the race and needed to step away for a couple moments. I called you, but I overheard something on the speaker, and now Anakin's spinning out of control-"

"Anakin," Obi-Wan repeated, as if getting a taste for the name. "Is that the boy Qui-Gon was telling me about?"

I closed my eyes. "Yes. He's a powerful young boy. He's the one racing for us."

"And he's spun out." Obi-Wan's tone was dry.

"Look, Qui-Gon has faith in him, so we must as well," I told him, my tone now sharp as well. "Otherwise there's no hope at all."

Obi-Wan was silent again. "Emeré," he said finally, "I can tell you're experiencing a fluctuation of emotions. I want you to walk away from the arena. Imagine you're leaving your stress, worries, hopes, everything--imagine you're leaving that far behind."

But I shook my head. "Obi-Wan, I can't. I can't just leave the race, I can't leave Anakin-"

"Yes, you can," he interrupted. But instead of sharp, his voice was now cool and confident, determined... even compassionate. "I want you to."

Those last four words did it for me. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and began walking toward the exit of the hangar. I heard the crowd roar again, and I flinched, but Obi-Wan must have sensed it--he was immediately on the line again. "Tune them out, Em," he murmured. "Tune them out. Concentrate on you."

"Since when do you call me Em?" I asked, my brow knitting together. My pace began to slow, distraction overwhelming me.

Obi-Wan huffed over the line. "I'm in a rush! Maybe I don't have time to say your whole name."

I raised a brow, my eyes opening. "My name is five letters, Obi-Wan. If anything, you should have the abbreviation."

Obi-Wan laughed. "Yeah, and what are you going to call me? Obi? Obe?"

"Ken," I teased. "Take it from your last name instead."

I could almost hear him recoil. "That's awful."

"Hm." I thought about that for a moment. "Well, how about this? Replace the K with the next consonant in your name. Ben."

Obi-Wan scoffed into the mic. "That's almost worse than Ken."

"Yeah? Well, I like it," I challenged.

"Well, that's not the point!" Obi-Wan finally seemed to realize he'd gotten off track as well. "We were in the middle of an exercise."

I smiled and shook my head. "We don't need that anymore. Obi-Wan, it already worked."

I heard a sniff of distaste over the comm. "What do you mean we don't need it?"

"You already helped," I told him. "You helped calm me down, even without the exercise. I didn't need that. All I needed was--"

"Was what?" Obi-Wan asked curiously as I cut myself off and sat in silence for a couple moments.

"Nothing," I sighed.

Qui-Gon had told me that there was a way to find a balance between love and being a Jedi. But that didn't change the fact that what I was doing with Obi-Wan felt so wrong. So right, yes... but at the same time... it felt like I was breaking a law.

Besides, who was to say he even felt the same about me?

I would rather die than tell him I was about to say 'you'.


Podracing time is here, everyone, but Emeré isn't having it! I had so much fun writing this chapter, especially with the origin of Obi-Wan's nickname! I've been waiting to finally release that so I hope you thought that was just as cute as I did. Let me know what you thought in the comments!

Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter, please feel free to vote or comment and let me know what your thoughts were! We're finally making some Obi-Wan-Emeré progress, too, so I hope you guys are enjoying it just as much as I am. Stay tuned for more!

~ ᴋᴀᴛᴇʟʏɴ ~

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