Satisfy the Omega (YiZhan FF)...

By Kimnielle88

478K 32.9K 3.1K

"There's nothing good getting involved with the mafia," Is what his father always tell him, until one day his... More

STO: Prologue
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STO: Author's Note
Author's Note!

STO: 21

5.4K 388 42
By Kimnielle88

"The death anniversary would be a great stage for a great show isn't it, my kitten?" he said as he caresses his hair, he's down on his knees as he looks at him.

"Mhm~" he answered while devouring his shaft with his mouth.

"Yes, that's it. I love how your throat vibrates around my cock when you're trying to talk when your mouth is full," he smirked as he pushed his head slightly.

"Hngmmm--" he moaned, triggering his throat to vibrate around him.

"Oh, such a tease-" he groaned grabbing his hair and pushing deeper.


"Uhm, Mr. Liu..." Zhuocheng suddenly called Hiakuan. The three are on the dining table, eating their dinner.

Haikuan looks up at him, meeting his gaze. Zhuocheng immediately looks away, his cheeks slightly blush.

Haikuan tilted his head, confused as to why Zhuocheng suddenly avoided his eyes, "hm?" he asked innocently while chewing. 'His ears are red,' he thought as it caught his attention. "Did you not like the food?" He added after gulping down the food.

"A-Ah, no, no. I liked the food, I-I was wondering if ho-how'd you knew the young master," he asked shyly, avoiding his eyes. Zanjin snickered as he watches his lover's expression. 'He probably got aware of him when we talk about him a while ago,' he thought as he enjoys the sight of him getting blushy.

"Young master?" Haikuan asked innocently, "Oh, right. Mr. Xiao Zhan!" he exclaimed, "From a friend," he smiled, "By the way, they'll be visiting later tonight to check on you," he added and sighed, "I asked my friend why'd have to be late at night and they said because he's not available at daytime. Well, I don't want to know the reason why, I'm just helping them in their situation anyway," he shrugged.

"Must be hard being a mafia boss," he mumbled to himself, they looked at him curiously, trying to figure what he said cause they didn't hear what he said.

When Zhuocheng look up at them, he was surprised at the two who is staring at him with a 'what-did-you-say?' look on their faces.

Zhuocheng chuckled, "It's nothing," he dodges them as he continued eating. He sighed internally, 'We may not be that close because of his timid personality but I consider him a brother more than a friend, we didn't talk much in the past though. I wonder how he was doing this past two years, did he accumulate any friends? I remembered when we were kids, he has no friends at all so whenever I hang out at their house because of dad's work dad always tell me to accompany him since he looks lonely. He didn't warm up to me though, we hang out and talk with each other but our distance is a fixed distance. Maybe because he's older than me for about five years that we're not in the same level of maturity back then,' he thought.

"Baby!" Zanjin suddenly snapped him out of his thoughts. He flinched and looked at Zanjin.

Zanjin's brows met, "You were spacing out, what were you thinking so deeply about?" he asked curiously.

He chuckled, "old memories," he said as he smiles at himself.

"Oh, is it about your first love? I'm getting jealous here you see," Zanjin sulked and pouted.

Zhuocheng laughed at him and pinched his cheeks, "You're my first love, idiot," he remarked.

Haikuan watches the two with a wide smile and sometimes chuckles at them, "You really love each other, don't you?" he suddenly uttered, interrupting the two.

The two stopped for a moment and looked at Haikuan, Zanjin grinned, "We can love y---hmp!" Zhuocheng immediately covered his mouth and eyed him, 'Don't-just-say-something-like-that' look.

"Huh?" Haikuan asked innocently, he was not able to grasp what he said. "I didn't hear what you said," he said trying to make him repeat what he said.

Zanjin looked at Zhuocheng with his teasing eyes, while Zhuocheng glared at him as if telling him 'don't you dare tell him.'

"Okay, okay, I'll keep quiet," he said in his muffled voice. Zhuocheng sighed and let go of his mouth. "It was nothing, he's blabbering unnecessary things," Zhuocheng uttered.

"Oh," Haikuan remarked and continued his food.

Zanjin smirked at him teasingly with his brows wriggling. Zhuocheng shook his head and sighed, "Just eat and let's shower together later," he whispered, enough for Zanjin to hear.

Zanjin licked his lower lip then grinned widely at him, "Yes, sir~" he whispered back with his seductive tone. Zhuocheng's cheeks flushed, "That look looks like it wants the beads, I see," he teased him.

"Beads with your..." Zanjin uttered and pointed at his torso with his pouting lips.

"Pervert.." Zhuocheng mouthed.

"Do you want seconds?" Haikuan suddenly spoke that made the two jolt in surprise, they both looked at him and smiled, "yes please~" They answered in unison.

When Haikuan left the table to get them more food, they both looked at each other, "You're naughty indeed," Zanjin remarked as he laughed at Zhuocheng. "Same goes to you," Zhuocheng rolled his eyes.

Just then they were cut off when Haikuan arrived with another bowl of fried rice, "I'm glad you liked it," he said with a wide smile.

"It would be much better if the food is y--" Zanjin was not able to finish what he was about to say when Zhuocheng pinched his legs with his toes, he winced.

"Huh?" Haikuan asked innocently.

"What he's trying to say is, he likes your food so much," Zhuocheng uttered.

Haikuan chuckled, "how about you, did you like it?" he asked him with an eye smile.

Zhuocheng's cheeks flushed, "Uh.. I love it..." he said shyly.

"Oh my, my baby is shy," Zanjin teased with a smirk.

"Shut up..." Zhuocheng answered and looked away.

Haikuan just laughed at the two, 'what a lovely couple,' he thought.


"Good work again today, boss," Yibo greeted Xiao Zhan, upon spotting him walking up the stairs he ran to greet him halfway, "Good work too," Yibo bowed at Xiao Zhan's bodyguard who is on duty in guarding Xiao Zhan. The guard nodded.

"I'll take care of that," Yibo volunteered as he politely grabbed the bag from the guard.

Xiao Zhan looked at his guard and nodded.

The guard gave him the bag and bowed at Xiao Zhan, "I'll be on the guardhouse, boss. Call us when you need something," he said.

Xiao Zhan nodded, "Good work today," he remarked that made the guard's cheeks flushed, "Thank you, boss," he answered. 'He's kind of changed. He doesn't usually greet us like that,' he thought, but then smiled, 'Ah, never mind, it's kind of refreshing when the boss is like that,' he said to himself and went on his way.

Xiao Zhan continued walking while Yibo followed him with his bag.

"You're quite late today, boss," Yibo suddenly uttered, "you usually home by six," he added.

Xiao Zhan massaged his temple, "Uncle held me back, he visited the venue and invited me for a meal. He even tried persuading me to drink wine. But I refused since we're going somewhere, I need to be sober so I can talk properly to Wang Zhuocheng," he reasoned out.

"Right, boss," Yibo remarked.

Finally, they arrived at his room, "Put my bag beside my desk and wait for me, you can seat on my bed or anything, I'll just get some shower," he instructed him.

Yibo obliged and sat on his bed as he waited for Xiao Zhan, not long after, he was done. Xiao Zhan went out of the bathroom only in his robe and slightly open on his chest area.

Yibo gulped and immediately avert his gaze when his eyes landed on that exposed skin.

"What?" Xiao Zhan asked him with his brows furrowed.

"N-nothing, boss," he answered with his cheeks flushed, 'How can he just get out of the bath with that state? He's so unguarded,' he sighed internally. 'Damn, he's beautiful indeed,' he said to himself as the memory of the first time seeing him flashed in his head. He sighed.

"What are you sighing about?" Xiao Zhan snaps him out of his thoughts.

He looked up at him, "O-oh, none, boss," he stuttered, 'he's fast,' he thought.

"Now let's go, no slacking off," Xiao Zhan uttered and turned to the door.

"Y-yes sir!" he immediately stood from the bed and followed him.


A/N: I'm getting thirsty for the 3p. *breaths heavily* ( ̄_, ̄ )

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