A Tainted Soul | MyStreet

By AutamatheQueen

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I was told once by my parents that a beautiful and powerful woman lived and saved the world, and mama told me... More

Just to let you know
Running Fast.......
Only the Beginning
House Visit
The Cool Guys?
Frozen Outside
Ms. Kawaii~Chan's Present of Love
My First Christmas Cat-Tastrophe
Decoration Fight
Mistletoe Wars PT. 1
Mistletoe Wars PT. 2
Tree of Friendship and Love!
How Mr. Zane Stole Christmas
Snow Day!
New Years!
Weird Man with Old Man Hair
Ms. Aphmau and Ms. Kawaii~Chan New Job
The Weird Shrine
The Neighborhood Play PT. 1
The Neighborhood Play PT. 2
The Neighborhood Play PT. 3
Valentine's Day?
The Date Begins
Valentine's Day Surprise!
The Ro'Meave's Brother's
Girl's Contest
Don't Tell Mom PT. 1
Don't Tell Mr. Aaron! P.T 2
Ms. Aphmau in Love? Pt.3
Ms. Aphmau's Best Friends?
First A-Con Ever!
Cosplay and Performance of a Lifetime!
My Forever Family!
Family Vacation! Love ~ Love Paradise!

Mr. Travis's Weird 'Love'

114 1 0
By AutamatheQueen

*Lotusia's P.O.V*

I was upstairs in Ms. Aphmau's and mine's room, we were playing with ponies with Mr. Zane, I knew he loved ponies cause he was the one to give me my pony figure of Buttershy, I could smell Ms. Kawaii~Chan cooking downstairs, I was making Mr. Zane chuckle, I hear the doorbell ring from downstairs, we knew Ms. Kawaii~Chan and Ms. Katelyn was down there, so either of them could answer it. I continued to play with my Buttershy figure, I could hear Ms. Kawaii~Chan and Ms. Katelyn arguing and I also heard Mr. Travis downstairs as well, I could only assume he was the one who rang to door bell "You know Flarity is definitely my favorite pony, and of course Lotusia loves Buttershy" I looked up at her with an innocent look making them chuckle.

Mr. Zane rubs my head messing up my hair that was slightly braided "Sorry both of you, but Pinkie Cake is hands-down the best pony" I pout at him with a glare disagreeing with him "What makes you say that?" Ms. Aphmau asks him, while rubbing my head "Well, she's always cheerful and she likes to make everyone happy, kind of like Lotusia" I smiled at him as he smiles back at me "But the complete opposite of me" I frowned at him "Well, no one says you have to be that way" Ms. Aphmau tells him "Well, yeah, but... why do you like Flarity anyways, I get why Lotusia likes Buttershy" I looked over to the bed to see a Buttershy plush that Mr. Zane got me for a late birthday present.

Ms. Aphmau giggles slightly "I'm glad you asked, well it's because she's so sophisticated, not only that but she's a fashion guru and a fantabulous interests designer, plus she's generous beyond belief also did I mention the purple main?" She asks him "Yes, you have, many times" Mr. Zane admits, I just nod along "Oh, whoops" She blushes while chuckling a little "Hey, Aphmau, Lotusia are you sure the door is locked? I don't want anyone to catch me playing with these ponies" I looked at him confused as to why he would ask that, I knew Ms. Aphmau locked it... maybe "Zane, for the seventh time, I'm positive the door is locked. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me and Lotusia" I smiled at him.

I wouldn't tell anyone, I knew better than to tell anyone about something the other person doesn't want me too "Though, I don't exactly how much of a secret it is considering we've seen you by pony stuff before, especially for Lotusia, but don't worry, it's safe with us" Ms. Aphmau promises, I smiled at him and give him a thumbs up "Thanks" Mr. Zane thanks us both, suddenly the door opens and Mr. Travis comes in, I jump and accidently throw the cup I had in my other hand at Mr. Travis. He screams and ducks as the cup barely misses him.

We were all standing, startled "Travis, what are you doing here?" Ms. Aphmau asks him just as startled as me and Mr. Zane "Making some cookies with Kawaii~Chan downstairs" He admitted, I knew he was here but I didn't expect him to come upstairs "Is this your guys friend?" He asks turning to Mr. Zane "Hi.." He notices our ponies on the floor "Oh, it's cute you guys playing with ponies" I blush and hide behind Mr. Zane since he was closest to me "What... I wasn't...." Mr. Zane tries to explain "No, no, no, no, it's not what it looks lie, he was...." Ms. Aphmau was stuttering to find an excuse for Mr. Zane but she was panicking "He was no where near those ponies, we-he and I were passionately making out" I looked at her wide eyed for that excuse.

I think I had a blush on my face "Seriously. I'm serious..." She looks at both me and Mr. Zane "Why, I love him so much, yes" Mr. Travis didn't really look convinced "Uh-huh, in front of a 3 year old, yeah, sure. Well I'm going to leave you to go back to making out in front of a 3 year old" He mumbles something under his breath that I couldn't hear "I've got two ladies downstairs who are head over heels for me" he leaves the room, I had an unconvinced look, I came out from behind Mr. Zane as I hear Mr. Travis being hit by Ms. Katelyn "Hey" Mr. Zane speaks breaking the awkward silence "Thanks for trying to cover up for me but I don't think you needed to..." I hug Mr. Zane trying to make him feel better.

He wraps his arms around me "It's my fault, I swore I locked the door" Ms. Aphmau admitted looking down with Mr. Zane "Maybe, if I had more friends, I'd be more confidence sharing my interests" Mr. Zane admits looking up at Ms. Aphmau, one of his arms still around me "Well, if you feel that way then why don't we go downstairs and try to get you to make friends then" Ms. Aphmau suggests "I don't know, Aphmau. I mean, I barely made friends with you and Lotusia and we were supposed to be secret friends, I'm not comfortable around other people" Mr. Zane turns away from us as I go back over to Ms. Aphmau "Oh, come on, give it a shot, me and Lotusia will be right here with you, there's Travis, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan" Ms. Aphmau names off the people in the house.

I grab her hand while smiling at Mr. Zane trying to give him comfort in this "One, of them is bound to become your friend" She turned from the door to Mr. Zane "Well... alright, I'll give it a shot as long you both are there" I give Mr. Zane a smile, I haven't really been using my notebook lately, I've been using my actions, I really need to get back to using it "Of course, we'll be there Zane, now come on, let's go give it a shot" we turned to the door "Okay" Mr. Zane agrees. We turn to him "Okay, Zane, let's go ahead and begin with a big ol smile" Ms. Aphmau encouraged giving him a smile, I gave him a smile too "Just a big smile on your face" Ms. Aphmau tells him "...Wait, what are we doing?" Mr. Zane asks confused.

We were trying to get him to make it easier on himself to make friends "Uh, well, we have to work on your social skills before you approach anyone" Ms. Aphmau explains to him with hands on her hip "...Oh... Um, okay. I guess you both are the experts here" I gave him a smile, I grab my notebook from my bed 'I'm not an expert, I'm just weird' I wrote, the too just chuckled, Mr. Zane messes up my hair "But, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not trying to say anything wrong with your social skills, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to actually..." she was cut off by Mr. Zane, I just run over and hugged her "No, it's okay. I get what you mean... I'm not exactly friendly with a lot of people..." Mr. Zane admits, I just frown at him.

He wasn't wrong, but I didn't really want to agree with him on it either 'I don't want to agree with you but you aren't wrong either' I wrote with a frown, I didn't see him smile but he messed with my hair again "Don't worry, Lotusia, I won't be mad at you" I just frown and look away "In any case..." she pulls me to her side giving me a side hug "What I meant was that its not your social skills that are bad it's just you could stand to smile a bit more" Ms. Aphmau chuckles nervously

I just give him a nervous smile with scrunching up my shoulders a bit "...Are you both serious...?" Mr. Zane asks clearly annoyed with us "What do you mean? I don't get it" Ms. Aphmau asks confused, I was looking at him confused too "You both realize why that's nearly impossible for me to do... right?" He asks, I just look at him confused, he smiles at me a lot, what's the difference "Um, what, because of the sweater mask thingy that you wear, you smile at Lotusia a lot though" Ms. Aphmau points out "Y-Yeah... I'm mean, it's pretty obvious why I don't smile, I only smile at Lotusia because she can make me smile no matter what" He smiles at me, I could always tell when he does, his eye moves up a bit when he smiles "No one ever sees it, I don't even know how she sees it" I frown 'I see your eye move up a bit when you smile, it's really visible when your observant' I wrote.

He looked at me surprised, I just smile "Tsk... wait how did you..." he was cut off by Ms. Aphmau "The only time that you ever really smile is with Lotusia and when we were down..." She was cut off by Ms. Aphmau I knew what she was going to say, we were downstairs eating cupcakes "WAIT DON'T SAY IT! I GET IT! I'M SMILING SEE?!" I could tell he wasn't "No, you're not" Ms. Aphmau pointed out with a disapproving look "LOOK CAN WE JUST GET TO THE POINT!?" Mr. Zane yelled, he really didn't want talk about it "What I was trying to say is just put a smile on and be nice, like you are with me and Lotusia" Ms. Aphmau says "I DON'T WANT TO SMILE!" I jump as he screams at Ms. Aphmau, I back up slightly behind Ms. Aphmau.

I don't like yelling, screaming anything loud, it scares me "Okay, okay, calm down, fine, look the only smile that counts as a smile on the inside like you know the one in your soul" Ms. Aphmau explains "What's that?" Mr. Zane asks, I saw his soul. I know he has one, it's connected to someone as well, but I couldn't tell who, but he had one, he just doesn't believe he does "You know what, let's just-let's just... you know what let's just start making friends, all right?" Ms. Aphmau suggests, she takes my hand "Let's see, um..." She sat there thinking "Oh Kawaii~Chan, she's perfect to start with, why don't you go and offer to help make cookies because she's probably doing that right now downstairs" Ms. Aphmau suggests "...O-Okay... how do I approach her?" Mr. Zane asks seeming to be uncomfortable.

I looked around and watched Celestia as she wonders around the room "I'll introduce you to her, how about that, come on let's go" She picks me up and carries me, I didn't mind being picked up and carried, I actually loved it. We walked into the kitchen where she was baking the cookies, she wanted to try out one of the recipes, I had in my recipe book of deserts but sadly I didn't want to, I wanted to play with Mr. Zane and Ms. Aphmau, she was fine with it, so she was making her own cookies "Hey, Kawaii~Chan, uh...' She was cut off by Ms. Kawaii~Chan "Ah! Aphmau~Senpai, Lotusia~Tan! Sorry Kawaii~Chan can't turn around right now! Kawaii~Chan is mixing her cookies and the key is to keep mixing and not stop for about three minutes! Don't worry, Lotusia, you'll be the first to get one when they are done. But is there something Aphmau~Senpai and Lotusia~Tan wants?" Ms. Kawaii~Chan asks.

I loved her cookies, even though Ms. Aphmau tells me no most of the time, she doesn't want me to have to much sugar though "Uh, well if this is a bad time for you, we can come back, it's not a big deal really" Ms. Aphmau suggests not wanting her to stop what she was doing "No that's okay! The next step is just as vigorous! What can Kawaii~Chan do for you?" She asks still mixing her good smelling cookies "Well Kawaii~Chan, I wanted to introduce you to Zane, he's mine and Lotusia good friend and I..." she was cut off by Ms. Kawaii~Chan "Hmph! Kawaii~Chan doesn't want to talk to him" I frown at her confused as to why she was like this, she's usually nice and kind to all no matter what "What! Kawaii~Chan that's not like you and that's not nice" She got on her about it.

Ms. Kawaii~Chan was the nicest person other than Ms. Aphmau that she knew "Zane is a good person" I nodded even though she couldn't see it "NO, it's not that Kawaii~Chan doesn't like Zane~Kun as a person, she's sure Zane is at least a little nice! But it's because Zane~Kun tipped over Kawaii~Chan's ship that she's having a hard time getting the salt off her boat" I frowned at her at the stupid reason she had, I loved her, I really do but it was a stupid reason "Kawaii~Chan, that was a terrible analogy and you should feel bad, but throw that petty stuff aside, Zane is really nice, won't you just give him a chance at least?" Ms. Aphmau asks trying to reason with her "Hmph, well... let Kawaii~Chan finish her cookies and maybe she'll give Zane~Kun a shot. Come back in 30mins Aphmau~Senpai, Lotusia~Tan" Ms. KawaiI~Chan tells us.

She was focusing on her mixing "Okay fine, we'll leave you to your mixing if that is what your doing" We left the kitchen leaving her alone "Zane, we're sorry about Kawaii~Chan, she takes things a little too personally when it come to silly things like that" She said pointily at her, I giggle slightly "She's a really nice girl, we promise you, she really is" I nodded to agree with her, she really was "I don't get what she was talking about, I never destroyed a sea vessel" I looked away being thankful he doesn't know what she was talking about "Oh..." She looked down at me before looking back at Mr. Zane "So you don't know about.... you know what that's perfectly fine, you don't even need to know about that kind of stuff anyway..." She began to ramble a bit.

I patted her head a bit to calm her down "Don't worry about it, we'll- we'll just leave that at that, don't ask" Ms. Aphmau tells him "Okay...." Mr. Zane trails off confused "Okay, let's see..." She turns us and we see Mr. Travis on the couch watching TV, I had no clue what he was watching "Travis! That's right" We turn back to Mr. Zane "Okay Travis, he's new to the neighborhood and he's super friendly" I gave her a side look when she said super friendly, he's way more then super friendly, he was too friendly for me. But Ms. Aphmau didn't notice the look "So he'd... like trust me he is" Ms. Aphmau finishes telling him "He's new to the neighborhood? What house did he move into? I didn't know there was someone new on the block" I looked at him confused, he wasn't told, I thought he was introduce to everyone, guess the boys didn't do that.

To me, it sounded rude but, that's just me "Well.... come on, let's just go and I'll introduce you guys, come on" We head to the living room where Mr. Travis was "Hey, Travis there you are.... what are you watching" her attention went to the TV where the weird show was playing "Wait, are you watching YouTube you know you can't watching that because it's.... Whatever we're not even gonna... I know you're watching that on YouTube" She ranted on him about it before changing the subject "Anyway, Travis... wait, why are you here and why are you not making cookies with Kawaii~Chan?" She asks changing the subject again "Oh, she's a perfectionist when it comes to cookies... so while I tried to help she kind of just.... took over" I had to agree with him there on that one.

She was a perfectionist on that type of stuff, when I tried to help her sometimes, she gives me the easiest stuff to do while she did the rest "Oh, yeah, uh, I know what you mean, you should have seen her at hour housewarming party when we were getting ready, " I cringe slightly "Yes, it's just crazy so..." She trailed off while readjusting me in her grip "Must have been a slight. Ah, hey there pony guy!" He notices Mr. Zane, I glared slightly at him not liking that nickname for Mr. Zane, Ms. Aphmau laughs nervously "Yeah, Travis, I already told you, Zane wasn't playing with ponies, we were smooching and all that kind of stuff so...." She was cut off by Mr. Travis "Suurrrreeeeee, don't worry I believe you guys. So, what's you name dude?" I looked away from him, I don't like him all that much.

He keeps picking on people, this is twice he's done in, first he was picking on Mr. Aaron, now he's picking on Mr. Zane, Ms. Aphmau laughs nervously again "Uh, Travis we were..." She was cut off by Mr. Zane "It's Zane" Mr. Zane told him, Ms. Aphmau whispers something "Zane? Like, Garroth's brother Zane?" Mr. Travis asks "Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell you that but um, Zane, uh, Travis actually moved in with Garroth, Laurance and Dante, so yeah. It's uh...." She trailed off "I see... ugh... yes, I'm Garroth's younger brother" Mr. Zane tells him "Aww, look at you too, getting along...." She places me down "Why don't you two watch One Punch Man and you know I bet you too will become great friends..." She was backing away.

She looked to be heading to the kitchen "You stay here, Zane and watching Lotusia for me, I'm gonna go check on Kawaii~Chan to see if she needs help with cookies, I'll be right back" She leaves to the kitchen, Mr. Zane picks me up and we go and sit on the couch, I was in his lap, I laid my head on his chest, I see her head upstairs instead but I turned my head to the weird show Ms. Aphmau called One Punch Man "Do you not know this anime?" I turned to Mr. Travis, I raised a visible brow at him 'Anime?' I wrote, he gasps dramatically while putting a hand on his chest "You don't know what anime is, I thought Aphmau would have shown you, as she knows a lot of about it" I shrugged 'I think I know what it is but just a little' he smiles slightly "At least it's just a bit, that's good enough" I shrug and turn back to the TV.

I heard them talking to each other for a bit until I felt myself being moved, I see Mr. Zane leaving the house. I looked between Mr. Travis before running off to find Ms. Aphmau, I ran upstairs to see she was coming out of Ms. Katelyn's room, I run up and grab her hand pulling her "Lotusia, what's the matter?" I continue to pull on her until she followed me "Okay, okay" I dragged her downstairs and out the door to where Mr. Zane was "Zane, where are you going" I stopped right behind him with Ms. Aphmau "I'm leaving" Mr. Zane tells us, I looked at him upset "What!?" Ms. Aphmau says confused "Lotusia, Aphmau..." he rubs my head gently

He turned back to Ms. Aphmau, hand still on my head "Look I appreciate you both trying to get me to be friends with other people but I don't know, this is just hard for me. I don't even know what friendship means" Mr. Zane looks down, I hug him tightly. He wraps his arms around me slowly "Zane, it's not hard. Look, friendship is about being there for your friend when they need you, like Lotusia" She points at me "She came and got me when you were leaving, she's even hugging you when you need it, she a great friend to have..." I smiled as Mr. Zane looked down at me, he smiled back.

He turned back to Ms. Aphmau "How do I know when I made a friend?" Mr. Zane asks "Sometimes it just happens and you won't even realize it but there are times where it kind of feels like a spark of fire igniting in your heart, your friend will feel it too" I looked at her confused, I didn't feel that, I just felt happy and comfortable around that person, enough to trust them with my life. I smelled something, but I just ignored it for now, Mr. Zane shook his head "I'm sorry, I don't believe it Aphmau" Mr. Zane tells her "Really, because we're friend, you, me and Lotusia, so how did that feel?" Ms. Aphmau ask, I let go of Mr. Zane and go by Ms. Aphmau "it felt like..." he explains how he felt "Hm, I see, well..." I go over and hug him again.

He rubs my back gently 'you're always be my friend, Mr. Zane' I wrote, he smiled "Maybe some other time." He rubs my head as I let go of him "Can I leave my ponies here, you can bring them by my place next time" Mr. Zane offers, I jumped up and down excited "Sounds good, don't worry your ponies are safe here with us..." I kind of don't believe that as the smell of smoke was getting stronger "We'll keep them out of reach of Celestia and they won't get hurt, they're absolutely 100% perfectly safe here" I still didn't believe him as "Great, see you both later" he turns and leaves "Oh, and Aphmau, Lotusia... You're both sweethearts, thanks" I give him a smile and thumbs up "That's what friends are for" he leaves, I wave bye to him.

We turn and find the smell I was smelling, the house was on fire. I give an unimpressed look at the house hearing Ms. Kawaii~Chan and Mr. Travis screaming inside, Celestia came running out and jumped into my arms, I pet her and Ms. Aphmau puts her arm around my shoulder "Are you guys dumb call the fire department!" I hear Ms. Katelyn inside yelling at them "Hm, yeah that looks like a big problem, we should probably stay out of this one Lotusia, how about we go to Aaron's house?" I nodded and we began our way over to his house, leaving Ms. Kawaii~Chan, Ms. Katelyn, and Mr. Travis to deal with it.

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