Which Twin? Hizzie/Hosie

By RadianceDivine

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Two sisters are in love with the same girl, twins to be exact. Polar opposites. Who will Hope choose? How wil... More

First Day Of School
My identity
Mystic Falls High
Penelope Park
Thats Seemingly Different
Yellow Eyes
Josie Saltzman
You're Okay
I'll Chase
Family Can Get Through Anything
Can You Be The Real Villain?
Why Not?
I Have Found My Treasure
Cresent Wolves
They Have Returned
Bloody Hell
Why Can't you?
You're An Asshole!
You Should Fear Us

In Ruins

819 15 10
By RadianceDivine

Chapter 26

"Morning" Hope mumbled to the girl next to her, she knew she was awake because she kept shifting. "Did I wake you?" Josie asked hesitantly.

"No" Hope stretched "I was already awake"

"Oh" Josie smiled. "Want to get breakfast, today?"

"Can't, I'm working with my family in order to catch the people who killed my pack"

"Wait what?" Josie was completleh thrown off by this, not having heard the news. She watched as her girlfriend grabbed a few clothes. "Oh right" She sighed. "I found them dead, yesterday" She seemed not even fazed by it. "Its okay, to not be fine sometimes" Jo assured the girl aa she crawled out of the bed.

"Im fine, you gonna join me?" She asked changing the subject. "Yeah" Jo shrugged.

"Only if you talk to me" She added quickly, stepling infront of the bathroom door in order to stop Hope from entering.

She didnt want to push but there was some moments when you had too. "Its nothing I havent seen before" Hope let out. "Now can you please move?"

"Are you still speaking to Emma?" Jo asked moving out of the way slightly so Hope would have to squeeze by.

"Yeah, on Thursdays" Hope clarified. She turned on the water as she continued to talk to Josie.

"Will you talk to her about this?"

"Thats kind of Classified but yeah" Hope shrugged.

"Great" Josie brightened up before taking off her clothes. "Lets hop in that shower then!"

"Hey Marsh!" Lizzie called after the girl as she spotted her walking in the hall alone.

Hope turned around to face the girl before continhing to walk. "What?"

"Will you stop stealing my sister?" She asked. "I like my fair share of cuddles too"

"You can have her tonight, I'll be gone" Hope shrugged.

"What? Where are you going?" Lizzie asked, she was now intrigued.

"A mission with my family"

"Suddenly Im intrigued" Lizzie said woth a smirk "What kind of mission?"

Hope quickly shut Lizzie down on her thoughts "You're not coming"

"Oh, yes I am!" Lizzie cheered. "Just let me -" Hope grabbed her arm firmly. "You cant come" She stated. "Im not going to be alone with you on a two day trip"

"Great, I'll ask Josie to come" Lizzie asked attempting to strutt off once again. "You cant" Hope said, holding onto Lizzies arm. "Why not?"

"Shes working on something with Alaric" Lizzie sighed, remembering the project they were doing. "Then we could ask that one girl, the not newbie newbie?"

Hope squinted her eyes not getting who Lizzie was talking about "The one whos dating Kaleb" Lizzie clarified. "No, we're not inviting Cleo! She'll just invite Kaleb and then I'll have more people to protect"

"Fine then, Maya can come" Lizzie yanked her arm from Hopes grasp "And thats final" She added.

Hope groaned "Great" She mumbled befire heading towards Maya's room. She knocked on the door before opening it just to be flash with a whole lot of ass.

She quickly shut the door, regretting all her life decisions. "Maya, you're coming with us on a mission" Hope stated "And please wear clothes" And with that the girl walked off being blinded for life.
"Honestly that was your fault" Maya fired at the girl.

"What was Hopes fault? World domination?" Lizzie asked, partially joking.

"She saw my roommate naked" Maya shrugged. "You shouldve knocked" She added, turning her attention back to Hope. "I did knock" Hope fired back. "Yeah but you waited 0 seconds before entering!"

"You couldve locked the door, or maybe put a sock on it!"

"Well, I didnt want the whole world to know I was having sex and the view was nice" Maya added.

"You were sleeping with Sharon?" Lizzie asked kind of shocked. "It took me 2 years just to have one night with her!"

"You have to become there friend first, thats how it worked with Hope"

Hope slapped her face with her hand "Okay, thats enough"

"Alright loves, you ready?" Rebekah unlocked the car It was a white 1952 Skyline De luxe Convertible. It looked brand new even tho Hope knew her aunt had it since 1952.

"Alright, where we headed?" Lizzie got in the car, she was the 2nd one in which meant she had to sit in the middle. Marcel was in the front seat, the passengers side while Hope sat behind her aunt.

"Wait, are you the other twin?" Rebekah turned around in her seat. "You got both of them?" She asked her niece. "I like your hair" Rebekah complimented, not even letting anyone get a word in.

Both Hope and Lizzie blushed. "We're just friends" Hope added softly. "Great because  If you break that darling girl Josies heart, Ill hunt you" Rebekah added, with a nice smile which made it seem like she didnt just threaten her own niece.

They were about to pull out of the large drive way before Hope saw Josie running out of the school, her hand waving and she glowed in the light. "Look, its Josie" Hope pointed out.

Josie was panting when she made it to the car "Im coming" She said simply before opening the door. Hope smiled brightly before scooting over so that she was pressed against the door and Lizzie was all in her space. Her arm was pressed against Hopes and their thighs were squished together.

"Is that everyone" Marcel asked with his iconic smile. "Stop smiling" Hope demanded. "And start the car" She told her aunt.

"With pleasure!" Rebekah said, pulling out of the driveway and getting onto the road.

"Roadtrip!" Josie shouted enthusiastically. "So what happend with you and dad?" Lizzie asked. Hope would be lying if she said she didnt want to know the answer too. "We finished the project early" Josie said simply. "And I wouldnt let the three of you go on a roadtrip without me" She added.

Hope smiled brightly at her girlfriend, glad with her accomplishment and excited that she'd be able to enjoy this journey with them. Even if it involved dead hunters and possibly Hope killing people. But she'll try to keep herself in check, for her aunt and Josies sake.

They ended up singing songs together the whole drive to a motel, even Marcel joined in with his lovley voice. Hope adored it and loved any chance he got to sing for her.

"The 4 of you can share a room, right?" Marcel asked after discovering the Motel only had 2 unoccupied rooms available. "Uh" Hope looked around before Josie answered "That should be fine" The girl shrugged, still way too cheery for an all day drive couped up in a car.

Marcel grabbed the bags, speeding the past the front desk and up to their rooms. Hope just gave the lady a sheepish smile before added "You're seeing things" then walking off.

"Im so tired" Josie groaned once she made it up to there room. Hope furrowed her brows at the sudden mood change but didnt question it. "You know, now that we're all alone maybe we could have a fours-"

"Dont even" Hope shut the idea down quickly before Lizzie made a gaging sound. "Disgusting" Lizzie added.

Josie plopped onto the farther bed away from the door claiming it to be hers and Hopes. Hope followed shortly after, the bed was fairly comfortable.

"Maybe you should get up and change before you fall asleep, babe" Hope whispered to her girlfriend. Her eyes were shut and her breathing was almost even. "I dont feel like it" She groaned. "It'll only take a few minutes" Hope added, trying to convince her girlfriend so she wouldnt be sore in the morning or uncomfortable while sleeping.

She whined but got up non-the-less, grabbing an outfit out of her bag and leaving to the bathroom followed by Hope. "No funny business in there" Lizzie called. "The walls are very thin!" Maya added.

Hope listened to them laugh. She sighed, rolling her eyes and shaking her head at their enjoyment before changing into her Pj's along with Josie. "You rock that Tank top, babe" Josie mumbled, her hands sliding to Hopes waist.

Hope smirked. "So do you" They both leaned in, the sparks still happening when they kissed. Hope had gotten use to the feeling, having kissed Josie about 100 times by now and she loved every single one better than the last.

Their lips moved in sync, Josies hands drawing cirlces on Hopes waist and her thumbs drawing circles on the girls jaw which she had to stand on her tippy toes in order to reach.

"Hurry up in there" Lizzie yelled, banging on the bathroom door. Josie pulled away, breathing heavily from the lack of air. "You're such an ass!"

Lizzie gasped from the other side of the door "Did you just---Curse at me?"

Josie swung the door open, one arm still holding Hopes waist and the other on the door knob. "I did indeed" She said before grabbing Hopes hand and dragging her to the bed which was only a few feet away from the bathroom.

"So adorable!" Maya cooed at the two. "Shut up" Hope grumbled. "Does this mean its officially the end of our sex life?" Maya asked the girl, it was intended to embarrass her and it did judging by the red tint now covering her cheeks. "Thats exactly what it means"

Lizzie came out of the bathroom with her hands behind her back "Its never a roadtrip" She smirked, her hands coming infront of her while holding a bottle "Without boo's!"

Maya cheered her on while Josie and Hope looked at eachother. "This is in no way going to end well" Josie sighed.

"Im not drinking" Hope said sternly. "You dont have to, me and Maya will have all the fun for the both of you!" Lizzie cheered before popping the top off and chugging the liquid.

Hope scrunched her face in disgust as she watched the liquid go down Lizzies throat effortlessly. "Hey!" Maya shouted jumping off the bed and making her way towards the blonde. She snatched the bottle out of her hand "Save some for me"

"Are we seriously going to let them get black out drunk?" Hope asked the brunette beside her. "I dont see why not" Josie shrugged, she liked when her sister was happy even if she was on a drunken high.

"We have a mission tomorrow" Hope reasoned. "Tomorrow" Josie added "Knowing them they'll be fine by then"

"Since when are you the one encouraging this and me the one thinking with reason?"

Josie shrugged "Im just glad to be by your side"
It had been an hour, Maya and Lizzie had finished the whole bottle and the 2nd one which was all Lizzie brought, thankfully.

They had been stumbling around the room and Lizzie was dancing without a shirt. "Please put your shirt back on" Josie grumbled.

Lizzie threw her shirt to the side "Never" She slurred out. "I knew this was a bad idea" Hope sighed.

Suddenly the ravenette fell to the ground, her head hitting the desk harshly but she never stopped laughing. Hope ran over to the girl, her hand holding one side of her head up. "Maya! Are you okay?" She asked the girl.

"Ill go grab some Ice" Josie said quickly before running out of the room. "Im fine" Maya swatted the girl away "Its just a" She gulped "Bruise"

Lizzie laughed at the two in the background "Dance with me lovley" She pulled Hope up. With every move her pale skin tightened around her torso, her six pack flexing. "Move with me!" She slurred out, she spun the girl around almost tripping as she did but Hope caught her effortlessly. "Be careful" Hope warned.

"I am being the uptmost careful" Lizzie slurred out. Hope scrunched her face at the blonde, giving her a sarcastic "Sure" In repliance.

Hope held the girl inches away from her, her arms laid on the waist of the shirtless girl with a tight grip just in order to keep her from falling. Lizzie had her arms on the girls shoulder occasionally moving them to the auburnettes arms so she could spin her.

"Mmm, lemme dance" Maya slurred out, she attempted to stand but only managed to bump into Lizzie who accidently headbutted Hope. They both fell to the ground with a loud thud, every part of their body pressed together and both their heads turned to the side. Hope groaned in pain, not being able to catch herself in time but being able to be a cushion for Lizzie.

"Saving me once again" Lizzie smiled, she lifted her head up so it was inches away from Hope who turned to face the girl just to see her eyes watering. "Hey, whats wrong?" Hope seemed genuinely worried about the girl, confused as to why she was even crying "Are you hurt? Fuck, I didnt hurt you did I?" Hope began to panick, she didnt want to hurt Lizzie, not in a million years.

"No, I'm fine" Lizzie chuckled weakly. "Its just im grateful to have you in my life" Her voice had gotten miraculously low. Hope gulped at the intensity of Lizzies stare, she was feeling uncomfortable under the girl.

"Yeah, me too" She mumbled before feeling lips against her own. She didnt realize what was happening, not at first. When she had her eyes widened and the door opened.

"Whats going on here!" Josie shouted before shutting the door behind her. Hope quickly pushed the blonde off her, wiping the lipstick off her lips and looking at her girlfriend guiltily. "Its not what it looks like" Hope stood up, brushing her clothes off and looking at her girlfriend terrified. "So it doesnt look like you were making out with my sister?" Tears started to pour out of Josie's eyes.

"Well yes but-"

"I dont want to hear it" The brunette sniffed "I knew I shouldnt have ever trusted you" Hope tried to lay her hands on the girls shoulder "Jo please lis-"

"No!" She shouted "I hate you!" She added before leaving the room. "Josie please!" Hope ran after the girl but was immediately shut down by a door hitting her square in the face.

Her eyes watered with tears, she had lost Josie. "Im sorry" She mumbled knowing no one would hear her. "I screw everything up"

2408 words

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