
By MrsMalfoy1990

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{𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐀 𝟐} I've written two stories. One in Golen Trio Era, one in Marauders. Completely different storie... More

1 Sorting
3 Ron Weasley
4 Ron Weasley's Diary At The Time
5 Blaise Zabini
6 April first
7 Truth or dare
8 The fight
9 Charles
10 Summer holidays
12 Triwizard Tournament PT1
12 A Night To Remember
13 Two sides to every story
14 The final task
15 Deja Vue
16 skeletons
17 Euphoria
18 The End Of An Era
19 Polaroid Camera
20 Grey
21 Boys, Boys, Boys
22 Branding
23 Mother knows best
24 Letters
25 The Love
26 The Last Few Pages
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
Epilogue 4
Epilogue 5

2 A Series Of Unfortunate Events

68 1 14
By MrsMalfoy1990

September 4th, 1993,

Dear diary I had my first day of real classes today. My first class was divination with Professor Trelawney. She's crazy but I am really interested in divination so I was very invested. I was sitting on a table in the second row with the Patil twins and lavender brown who were all Gryffindors. In fact, I am the only Ravenclaw in the class. Today we read tea leaves. I saw an upside-down u shape which means together, Two worm like things on top of each other which means travel, and a bullseye which means a new start. That's scarily accurate. I was reading deeply into what my tea leaves meant but I heard Harry Potter ask what the grim is. So I read out the exact definition from the book. 

"The grim, taken form of a giant spectral dog it is among the darkest omens in our world, it's an omen of death". 

Harry and his friends looked mortified and so after class I went to ask him if he was feeling okay. As we walked to our next class which was Care for Magical Creatures, His friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were with Harry so I joined their group. I told Ron know his sister and all he had to say was.

"I'm sorry"

Then he hurried along with Hermione to a hut just off the campus. Me and Harry walked slower though and I asked him about what happened on the train. He said something called a dementor was checking the train for a murderer named Sirius Black but the new defence against the dark arts teacher professor Lupin scared it off. That must have been the bright light. Harry looked very pleased when he saw the teacher who was probably three times taller than me! come out of his hut. His name is Hagrid and he led us along a path into the forest. The rain stopped yesterday and the sun was blazing hot. We got to a break in the trees and we ended up in a cleared-out patch of land that was completely shaded by trees. Hagrid told us to open our books to page 339 (Oh and our books are literally monsters might I add!!!!). One boy was nearly eaten by his book and a blond boy who sounded very snarky gave Hagrid some attitude but he got what he deserved, just you wait, it's really hilarious. 

I was still standing with Harry and we caught up to Hermione and Ron. We were standing in the front middle section of the group and Hermione started telling us about the class but the same boy who was mouthing off started talking about Hagrid badly and something about telling his daddy about this. How pathetic. Harry said 

"Shut up Malfoy" (His name apparently)

 And his goons laughed. There was practically a standoff and everyone began crowding around them. Malfoy pretended there was a dementor behind Harry and it really scared him. I thought it was funny, so I laughed, Hermione gave me a scowl, Ron looked like he was going to have a heart attack! and Malfoy gave me a look up and down with a cheeky smirk. "ha you wish" I thought to myself. 

Hagrid brought out a ginormous animal that looked like a horse crossed with an eagle, he said it was called a Hippogriff and its name was Buckbeak. Apparently, they are proud but very easily offended. Harry attempted to ride Buckbeak and startled it but I wasn't really paying attention to that, I was paying attention to how Hermione grabbed Ron twice!!. Once on the shoulder and once on the hand!. A possible budding romance ?. I think so. Anyway, I looked up and Harry and the hippogriff were both gone. I walked to the back of the group to get my water bottle from my bag and when I bent over Malfoy was clearly looking at my ass. And when I stood up he was looking at my boobs!!!. The audacity. So I told him that. 

"My eyes are up here," I said calling him out

And this little rodent had the audacity to say 

"I'm not too interested in your eyes sweetheart" 

Then he and his goons laughed again, so I replied with

 "Oh so you're interested then are you?" In a tone dripping with sarcasm.

He gave me another one of those looks where he smirks then looks me up and down but this time added a wink afterwards. 

"You're a real charmer Malfoy" I said as I put my bottle back in my bag.  As I was walking away I heard 

"Draco," he said. 

I turned around and looked confused, 

"You can call me Draco'' 

I heard one of his goons whisper to another 

"We're not even allowed to call him Draco'' 

So I said 

"Fine then, Draco, you're a real charmer" Drenched with even more sarcasm than before and I walked away. I could tell he was staring at my ass again as I walked away but I didn't really care,

Anyways, back to the funny thing about "Draco". When Harry got back he was obviously getting all the attention so like any insecure male would, Draco went charging up to Buckbeak to prove a point or something and scared him so it scratched him which wasn't actually that funny but what was funny was that Draco thought he was dying and was shouting things like "Oh it's killed me", "My father will hear about this" and "Your gonna regret this, you and your bloody chicken" which I admit was very funny. I was asked to bring his bag to the hospital wing, I haven't decided whether or not to actually do it.

September 11th, 1993,

Dear Diary yesterday, Luna told me about quidditch team tryouts and she knows I like it so she told me that maybe I should try out. I thought it was a ridiculous idea, you can be a fan of something and not want to participate. But I would be lying if I told you the thought had never crossed my mind. Cho was already on the team and she told me they were looking for a new player because Tomas Bradly one of the chasers had to quit due to the fact he was failing Herbology and Charms so I went, just to watch at first but when I got there I was kicking myself, I knew I had to try out. 

The other people there were Oliver Wood captain of the Gryffindor team, Rodger Davis captain of the Ravenclaw team, Cedric Diggory, and Marcus flint captains of Hufflepuff and Slytherin teams and about 20 students here to try out, only 5 of them being Ravenclaw so I might actually have a chance. The captains had us play a quick game rotating each player and when it was my turn I was put to play with Oliver wood, Ginny Weasley, and Christopher Louis of Gryffindor, Mickle Sherman of Hufflepuff, and Nicoli Small of Slytherin. The opposing chasers had nothing on me and I scored three times but it should have been more. Wood was the keeper and he really is good. At one point I think I might have gotten a little too close to the rings and ended up crashing into him and nearly knocking him off his broom. I went down hard and landed on my back but Oliver came down, helped me up, and took me to the hospital wing so it wasn't all bad.

It was a long walk and Oliver felt terrible, he practically carried me there. As we walked he was trying to distract me by telling me about himself which was actually quite pleasant.

"The worst case sinario could have been a broken rib" He said trying to reassure me 

And he was right a broken rib on my left side. Oliver stayed with me all day until Madam Pomfrey practically kicked him out and told him to go to dinner. When he went to dinner I took a nap, and once I woke up I noticed a book about healing which was definitely from Luna, some get well soon cards from Cho and Ginny, and a beautiful bouquet of gorgeous white roses with a note attached saying,

"Feel better soon"

Which I expected were from Oliver. I went down to dinner where Luna and Cho had made me a plate of food and were just about to bring it to me in bed. They are both so sweet and sat down with me and waited with me until I finished eating. About five minutes into it though Oliver came to the table and I got up and gave him a big hug and thanked him for the flowers, but apparently they weren't from him. I wondered who gave them to me but my thoughts were interrupted by Oliver asking me to go for a walk with him.

We went on a walk through some corridors and then onto the grounds and sat by the black lake. I didn't have time to grab a coat so I was cold but Oliver noticed and put his arm around me to keep me warm. We talked about ourselves and really got to know each other. We sat under the stars for hours until curfew was well behind us. We began walking to the castle hand in hand and even though the Gryffindor commons are closer he still walked me all the way up to the Ravenclaw common room and gave me a kiss goodnight and said he would see me tomorrow. I'll keep you updated on what happens tomorrow, goodnight diary.

September 28th, 1993,

Dear diary it's been forever I know but I have news. Oliver asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday and I accepted, I am a bit worried about what people think about the age gap but I don't care what other people think anyway. At the beginning of one of his quidditch matches he flew over the stands and kissed me, in front of everybody!!. So I'm guessing that was us coming out to the public then, but I don't mind. He's so sweet. 

He sits with me at dinner and knows I'm failing potions so he helps me with it in his dorm room after school. I think he really trusts me, he gave me the password to the Gryffindor common room and everything. On Sundays we go to Hogsmeade for a look around and a bit of shopping, then we get hot chocolate at the three broomsticks all whilst he treats me like a princess. He carries my books, waits for me outside my classes and plans walks for us under the stars.

September 30th, 1993

Dear diary. Nothing about Oliver today but everything with us is good. I've been trying to get my head down and bring my grades up. My work is paying off, for every class except potions. Snape assigned me a tutor which just had to be his favourite student Draco, he's smart and great at potions I'll give him that but I don't need his help. I told snape I already had a tutor he said in front of the whole class,

"Considering the score you got on your practice exam last week Ms Fawley, two tutors is not nearly enough"... like dude wtf if you want to bully a student go back to Harry and leave me alone.

I've had potions tutoring with Draco twice now and saying it is helping would be a lie. This boy doesn't understand subtlety, but I should have guessed that after what happened during Care For Magical Creatures. I know I should tell Oliver that Draco keeps making passes at me but it won't do anyone any good so I think I'll keep it to myself.

Me and Luna are officially best friends, at this point I don't know how I survived without her before. She helps me with everything and is the most caring person I think I've ever met. We're practically attached at the hip and that's just where I want to be. With her around she makes me forget all the terrible things I've done and makes me a better person, I can't lose her. But I might not have a choice if the truth gets out, sometimes I want to tell her just so I'm not keeping anything from her. But even someone as understanding as Luna might hate me for my actions.

October 19th, 1993,

Dear Diary, I know it's been a while but I've got something to tell you that is really important. We did it!. Yes, the big it. I know it wasn't my first but I can tell you if my back wasn't broken before it definitely is now. Yesterday in his dorm room he was trying to help me with potions, but let's just say I had another thing on my mind. I asked him to take a study break which he resented but let's just say after we started kissing there was no resentment left. We had completely forgotten about potions and he pushed my books off his bed and onto the floor. As things were getting heated he said

"I know we haven't talked about this, but I don't want to do anything until you're ready".

I pulled him in by his tie and smacked another kiss on his lips and said

"I'm ready for you to teach me more than just potions wood" And with that a look I had never seen before appeared on his face, he looked mischievous and bold, from then on he was no longer that gentle timid boy I'm dating but he became something else. He is definitely experienced but who can blame him, he is 3 years older but I heard he was fighting off girls with sticks before we started going out. Talking about experience, the last TMI detail I want to share is the stamina of this boy!. Not only could he have been the longest-lasting yet but he was still up for it after the third round !!!.

November 7th, 1993

Dear diary, things are great right now. I'm doing well in all my classes, Luna and I are as close as ever, I've made some new friends and things with Oliver are especially great if you know what I mean. I think some of the Gryffindors are starting to notice though, nobody does that much "Potions" work and is still just scraping by on tests. Talking about potions, things with Draco have gotten better. I think he finally caught on to me and Oliver and toned down his flirtiness to about 20% which would be tolerable if it was only the 2 hours a week after class, but no Snape moved me so now we are partners.

November 15th, 1993

Dear diary, so much for things being on the straight and narrow. I got a 2 in potions yesterday, Luna has a cold so she's been in the hospital wing and I haven't been able to see her and don't even get me started on Oliver. He has doubled his quidditch practice time and I haven't seen him in nearly a week. We had plans to meet up yesterday at the three broomsticks but he stood me up, he rescheduled our date for today and he was late!. I was waiting for him but I got bored and expected he wasn't coming so when I saw Ron sitting by himself I went over to him. We had a really nice talk and we got on like wildfire but after about 2 hours not only did Oliver walk in a strange manner but he was furious because he had just lost a practice game with Hufflepuff. He saw me sitting with Ron and went batshit. He grabbed me by the arm and tried to make me go outside with him. Obviously I pushed him off of me and Ron stood up to defend me as well but with one glare from Oliver, Ron could have fainted. Oliver started drawing so much attention to us by shouting things like

"I leave you alone for an hour and you've already moved on have you?", "You are mine and I can't have you be seen running about with him". He spat that in such a disrespectful tone I forgot he grabbed me and I shouted "Don't you dare talk to him like that"

"I would be here with you if you didn't stand me up. Is quidditch really that important to you? it's been 8 days Oliver, 8 days!! And you haven't spoken a word to me". I don't think he was expecting that to come out of me so he stood there confused for a second but then I cut him off because I knew he was going to say something stupid.

"And if you ever! grab me like that again, or you will have hell to pay. ... And by the way, I am not! your property!". I said disgusted.

Ron and half the people in the three broomsticks had looked away trying to mind their own business, but the other half were staring with their eyes fixed on me like Oliver. I sat back down at the table with Ron because I knew for a fact that if I got that close to Oliver right now I would do more than just draw people's attention. But once I sat down Oliver began shouting at me again

"Are you kidding me!, I'm here now you don't have to slum it with Weasley".

Ron stood up from the table and was about to pull out his wand but I was faster. I don't think I have ever been so mad in my entire life.

"That's it!" I shouted, so loud it even gained people's attention from outside the room. "You abandon me for quidditch then when I have a simple conversation with a friend and you act like this!, I am not having this anymore. By all means, spend 9 hours a day playing quidditch for all I care but don't expect me to be sitting around and waiting for you. So what's it going to be?." I asked

Oliver paused and thought for a second.

"You needing time to think about this is a good enough answer, come on Ron" I snapped. Ron grabbed our coats and we walked out of the three broomsticks without looking back.

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