My Bestfriend Brother

De swype_House_21

19.9K 213 68

Your name is Nessa Barrett.Your 17 years old and You live in New Jersey.Your Bestfriend is Charli She is Josh... Mais

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One

Part Seven

863 8 2
De swype_House_21

♡It's been a month since you and josh started dating.You guys still haven't told any of your friends or charli.Today is a Halloween party at bryce's so charli and Riley are coming over to get ready.Yoy hear the door ring and you run downstairs and you open it and see Charli and Riley♡

Nessa:Hey girls

Charli:Hi ness


Nessa:Let's go upstairs and start getting ready


♡You guys go up to your room and start getting ready♡

                   ♡Your outfit♡

Charli:Girl you look hott

Nessa:Thank you

Charli:Did you guys hear about the rumour about my brother

Riley:What rumour

Nessa:Yeah what rumour

Charli:Apparently he is fucking some girl and there actually getting serious

♡You zone out♡

Charli:Can you imagine actually been my brother girlfriend like you must be desperate

Riley:I know



Charli:Did you hear what I said

Nessa:Yeah totally desperate

♡You look down

Riley:We should get going


♡You guys go downstairs and see your mom♡

Mom:You girls look beautiful

Riley:Thanks Ms H

♡You guys all go out to the car and you drive to bryces.When you get there you see so many people♡

Charli:Let's rock this shit



♡You all walk in and you see josh with jaden kio and chase♡

Charli:Let's go over


♡You all walk over and you see josh staring at ye.Ye talk for abit♡

Nessa:I'm gonna get a drink


♡You go over and get a drink then you see josh telling you upstairs so you walk upstairs and into a room and you see josh♡



♡He kisses you and you guys start making out and he kisses your neck♡

???:What the fuck

Nessa:Omg Charli

Charli:What the hell is going on

Nessa:It's not what it looks like

♡Josh grabs your hand♡

Josh:No it's exactly what it looks like

Charli:You got to be fucking joking me your the whore that's fucking my brother

Josh:That's not fair charli

Charli:Nessa you were my best fucking friend you knew how much I trusted you

♡You start crying and chase and Riley and mads and jaden and everyone walk up♡

Jaden:Hey whats happening

Charli:Your sister is fucking my brother

♡Jaden looks down♡

Charli:Omg you told jaden and you didn't tell me

Nessa:Charli I'm so sorry

Charli:Sorry isn't good enough nessa

♡She goes over and pushes josh♡

Charli:I can't believe

Josh:No that's isn't fair charli I'm sick of your bull shit if nessa wants to be with me then you shouldn't get to tell her she can't I love her and I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you while you are with chase and he my friend how is that fair

Charli:It's not the same thing josh

♡She looks at you♡

Charli:He just gonna treat you like some slut from a strip club

♡You start crying and you run out and you can hear mads calling you and running after you♡

Mads:Nessa wait up

♡You stop and start to cry♡

Mads:Come here

♡She hugs you♡

Mads:It's gonna be okay I will take you home


♡You get in mads car and she drives you home and you guys walk in and you see your mom♡

Mom:What you doing home early why are you crying honey

♡You just look at her and start to cry more and you run upstairs and you can hear mads talking to you Mom and you get changed♡

                    ♡Your outfit♡

♡You get into bed and start crying and your phone is blowing up and it's josh you just turn it off and cry even more and then your mom walks into your room♡

Mom:Hey honey

Nessa:I don't wanna talk right now

Mom:I know that but its good to talk about

Nessa:I don't want to

♡she leaves and you cry until you hear someone come in♡

Nessa:I told you Mom I don't want to talk about it

Josh:It's me

♡You stand up and see josh♡


♡He goes to hug you but you push him away♡

Josh:What are you doing

Nessa:I don't want to be with you anymore not if it cause my friendship with Charli

Josh:Your joking right your gonna chose  her over me

Nessa:Yeah I am

Josh:Fuck you I said I loved you do you not love me

♡You look down♡

Josh:Right so we're done I hope your happy

♡He gets up and leaves and you just sit in your bed and cry even more and then you just turn off all your lights and just cry all night you don't even sleep♡

☆To be continued☆

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