Innocent Devil

By ArchuG1412

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A cliché story about a devil who end up meeting an innocent angle. This is not a supernatural story. Characte... More

Ch 2
Good News & Bad News
Ch. 22


1.4K 116 46
By ArchuG1412

Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Forth's Pov

I panicked. I panicked so hard that I have never panicked in my life before. After that threatening call I started freaking out. Usually I am calm in a situation like this but I couldn't keep my calm for some reason.

I decided to call Beam while driving towards his home, hoping he would receive my call. After trying for two-three times, he finally picked up my call

"BEAM, NO MATTER WHAT... DO NOT OPEN..." Before I could finish my sentence I heard some sound which I didn't want to hear at all.


The line went dead after that. I was too shocked to do or say anything. Just with the thought of losing Beam forever and never able to see him was making my heart ache in pain. And to think that I was the reason for his condition was making me sad and angry at the same time.

"BEAM!!!!" I was panting and sweating very hard while sitting bed? Why the hell I was on my bed? Was I dreaming? Was that call and everything I just went through... a mere dream?

I looked at the time and it was past three in the morning. I tried to go back to sleep but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't go to sleep. Even though it was a dream, it still made me super worried for Beam.

Without thinking anything I jumped out of the bed , grabbed the car keys, my phone and wallet to go give Beam a visit. I don't care if he beat me into a pulp after seeing me, I just want to make sure that he is alright.

Yes I have my ways to find out if he is fine or not but I won't be calm until I will see him all good and healthy with my own eyes. I must visit Beam as soon as possible.I drove the car super fast and after ten minutes or so, I was standing outside Beam's place.

I contemplated whether I should knock or ring the doorbell. I know he must be deep in his sleep but I was getting agitated and couldn't hold myself anymore, so I did what a worried person would do in this situation.

I started banging the door hard.

"BEAM!! OPEN THE DOOR!!!" I banged the door so hard that neighbours came out of their house and started complaining. But when they noticed who was disturbing their sleep so late at night, they went inside without saying a word.

It took Beam nearly ten minutes to open the door. I am sure he must have woken up as soon as I started screaming his name but it was not easy for him to meet the person who broke his heart into millions of pieces.

The door flung open with an angry yet adorable looking Beam. He was still sleepy and was trying his hardest to look furious but it was making him look cuter.

I was happy, really happy that Beam was indeed fine. I couldn't hold the happiness and the relief I was having after seeing Beam in one piece. I grabbed Beam's body and hugged him super tight. That dream was still running inside my brain, the fear of losing Beam for never was the scariest thing I have experienced in my life till now.

I hugged Beam so tight that I thought if I let him go then he might disappear and never come back. Beam wasn't hugging me back though, he was just standing still.

I break the hug and hold his face into my hands. The face that I was dying to see ever since that horrible day. I wasn't thinking straight, I was doing what my heart was asking me to do. I started showering kisses all over Beam's face with tears rolling down my eyes and Beam's eyes too.

I know Beam will slap me after this but I kissed him on his lips too. I kissed him so deep and passionately that Beam's body became weak and he almost lost his balance.

I thought that maybe...maybe I was not in love with Beam anymore but I was so wrong. After today's horrible dream, I have realized how much I truly and passionately love this person standing in front of me. I was still in love with Beam Baramee, my angel.


"HOW DARE YOU TO COME HERE, WAKE ME UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND KISS ME WITHOUT MY PERMISSION???!!!" Beam was furious and I expected this kind of reaction from him. I totally deserve the slap also.

I did not give him any response and stood in front of him with my head hung low.

"YOU...YOU THINK..." He stopped in mid, after looking around and dragging me inside his place, he locked the door and sat on the sofa while taking a deep breath.


"DON'T... don't Beam me!! Ju-just.... d-don't" It was painful. It was really painful to see Beam in such a condition. He was so hurt that he couldn't even utter a sentence without his lips quivering.

I know I am the reason for his pain. I don't know how and when but I made a promise to myself that I will make Beam the happiest person on this earth, one day. I will take away all his pain and sadness and will fill it with love and happiness.

"Fo...Mr.Jaturapoom, it's very late. You can sleep here and go back in the morning. Just take the sofa and I will be in my room." Beam's voice was so low that if it wasn't so quiet, I would have never been able to hear him properly.

I know he was mad and angry at me. I also know this might be my one and only chance to meet and see him, apologise to him. I couldn't waste this chance no matter what.


"It-it's Mr.Baramee."

"Okay...Mr.Baramee. Will you please give me a chance to explain myself? I know what I did that day was foolish and stupid. Trust me, I have never taken such a foolish step in my life. That day I was thinking clearly, so I ended up saying and doing some bad things with you.I have been meaning to..." I was in the middle of explaining myself when I heard the sound of thudding, it was Beam and he fainted.

"B-Beam...Oh God Beam, what happened??!!" Beam fell from the sofa and hit his head pretty bad. Now that I am looking closely at him, I realise how much weight he has lost. He was skinner and paler than he was before.

I cursed myself once again.

Without thinking anything else, I picked Beam up and laid him down on his bed. I touched his forehead and his temperature was higher than average one. Since I have studied medicine myself, I decided to look around the house and search for the medicine.

I searched in his room but couldn't find it, so I decided to look in the bathroom. AFter looking for a while I finally found the medicine for Beam's fever but along with that, I also found some other medicines too.

Celexa, Lexapro.... These are the medicines for... depression. Beam is depressed? And the reason is me. Oh God!! What have I done??!! How could I hurt such an angel? How could I hurt an innocent soul like Beam? How??!!

Beam's groaning noise made me break away from my thoughts. I must treat Beam first then I can think about this later.

I looked at the fever medicine with me and put his other medicine in its respective place. Since Beam was unconscious it will be difficult to give him any medicine.

"Baby, stay strong. I will be back soon." After pressing a deep and loving kiss on his forehead, I drove towards the nearest pharmacy. I locked his place before leaving so I was assured that no one would enter inside his house while I was gone.I bought the injection and went back to his home. I did all this within the span of ten minutes.

I went to Beam's bed and he was still lying on the bed. I checked his temperature once more and his temperature seemed to rise a bit. It was time to give him the injection.

I injected him and disposed of the syringe. I brought some cold water and a cloth from the bathroom and put that wet cloth on Beam's forehead. I repeated this thing till Beam's fever went down a bit.

The whole time I was nursing Beam, I was blaming and cursing myself. The person whom I called as an angel, I have hurt that angel so deep and bad that it will take forever for him to recover from it.

I was the first and only person that Beam has ever fallen for but what did I give him in return? Pain and insults? Honestly, I don't deserve someone like Beam in my life, he is too good for this world and .... Well, there is no crying over spilled milk now. What's done is done,I cannot change the past but I can change his present and future.

With all these thoughts in mind, I don't know when I fell asleep beside Beam's bed, holding his hand.

"Let...kill him!!



"No means...."

I heard some muffled voices coming near me. One voice was angelic while the other was kind of devilish? But who the hell dares to enter my room and disturb my sleep?!!


I am not in my room,right? In fact I am not even at my place.... I was at Beam's last night.

Omg!!! Beam!!!

"BEAM!!" I jolted up on bed and started looking for Beam. Wait, when did I end up sleeping on the bed? Tsk! That's not important right now. Beam...he is the most important thing right now, but where the hell is he??!!

"Who the fuck you think you are?!! Just because you are the most feared man in this country and is a mafia lord, it doesn't mean you come barged in at anyone's house!!" Now I know whose devilish voice it was. It was Ming's, who was looking so furious that even I was getting scared of him.

"Well, I had a really bad dream about Beam yesterday, okay. The dream felt so real that I got scared and couldn't hold myself to come and check on him." I finally left the bed and towered over that Ming guy. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me getting scared.

"Bravo Forth!! Bravo!!" He clapped his hand and said in a sarcastic way. I know what he was going to say next.

"You didn't seem to care when Beam's life was actually in danger!! And do you know who was responsible for that?? IT WAS FUCKING YOU!!" Ming was about to hit or slap me when the sound of something falling stopped his actions.

It was Beam and he fainted again.

"IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU THAT BEAM IS LIKE THIS!!" Ming was super duper furious. He deserves to get angry at me, after all he has known Beam for almost a decade now and he cares for him a lot. If I was at Beam's place then Jay would also have done similar , or he would have done maybe more than just being angry.

"Look... you can punch me or kill me later but first please let me attend Beam." My words managed to snap Ming out of his anger and he gave me the permission to check on Beam. I am sure Beam must have told him about degree in medicine, otherwise he would have questioned me.

I went near Beam and again laid him down on bed very carefully. I checked his temperature, which was normal now. His pulse was normal too. I then checked his nails and eyes and they both seemed to have lost it's natural color.

"He is weak, I think he hasn't been eating properly." I said to no one in particular but I know Ming heard me.

"Well no shit Sherlock!! After that stunt you pulled on him, you think he will still be a happy go lucky person??" Ming didn't wait after that and he went outside the room with eyes which were filled with tears.

I did not only hurt Beam and made his life miserable but I have hurt so many people. Ming, Wayo, Dun, Jay and all the Beam's students, not to forget about my men. All of them were hurt because Beam was hurt and I really have to do something to bring the happiness back on each and everyone's faces.

But how??


Q: Any idea how Forth will make Beam happy again? And will Beam forgive him?

{a/n: I hope you guys still remember that Forth has his medical degree with him and he is kinda a doctor but not in practice.}


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