Becoming Royalty

By Bella94

5.8K 99 32

"Becoming Royalty" is my spin on what would have happened if Mary Boleyn had become King Henry's wife after H... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three

Chapter Two

1K 28 8
By Bella94

Chapter Two

    As we entered the Great Hall, I immediately found all eyes on me. "Let's Dine!" His Majesty called out. It took most of the attention away from us and for that I was thankful, but I suddenly realized my father was in front of me.

    "Did you faint?" He feigned worry for me before looking to the king and down at my hand tucked securely into his arm. The look father had was one I'd come to know from when father looked a my brothers- a look that said he was calculating. A look that told me that unlike usual, Luci and I would be accepted into the family meeting tonight.

    "No, I was just out of breath from the dance." I answered.

    "And from the shock, no doubt." Gabriel smiled, his eyes sparkling with interest and smiling radiantly at his Majesty. I felt my face begin to flush- I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Calming the blood racing under my skin.

    I was shocked to hear Lord Henry come to us. "Come Brother, and bring Mistress Gilbert. We've made room enough at our table." But even as Lord Henry said this I found him studying Luci.

    Luci's eyes were on me though. She was beaming- as any true sister would be. But me... I was scared. I'd heard what happen to girls like Jane Whittmore. My family called them Whores- and so did everyone who wasn't related to  girls like her.

    "I would like to sit with-"

    "His majesty," My father said and I heard the hardness in his voice.

    "Come, we'll make room you can all dine with us at our table." His Majesty said to my family- excluding my brothers. They were close to the King- close friends, His Majesty adored my brothers so they sat at his table with him every evening.

    King Braxton lead me ahead and I felt his arm tighten as if to reassure me. "Are you well?" He asked quietly, still smiling at his guests as we passed.

    "As well, as I can be." I answered him, my eyes on the floor, unable to look at Jane Whittmore as we passed. I could tell he wasn't very happy with my reply. I glanced over my shoulder and was happily surprised to find Luci on Lord Henry's arm. Then I flinched as I realized I could hear the whispers starting around us.

    We took our seats, and His Majesty poured me some wine. I took it thankfully and had to remind myself to sip it. "I am going out riding tomorrow." He said casually, looking at me, "Would you like to come?" I heard some people for some reason laugh at what he'd said, He turned and threw a glare at them.

    "Oh, uh," I stuttered, trying to find some reason to decline, but my father who sat beside him spoke for me, "She doesn't have a horse, Majesty."

    "And I have my duties to attend to as well." I blurted.

    "I'll ask my sister to spare you for one morning," He smiled and I felt my heart flutter painfully, One morning. "I will tell her you need some air, I'm sure Princess Elizabeth will understand. And as for your horse, you can use one of mine." I forced a smile onto my face.

    "You'd make an excellent physician, Majesty."He looked at me curiously, "You see, you've diagnosed me and already have a cure planned, all in one day." He smiled at that, while my father scowled.

    "Well," He lowered his voice, "in order for my cure to work you must be a very obediant patient." His eyes burned me as if I was being held over a fire, like a roasting pig. "Will you be..."

    "Yes, I will." I said, feeling the burn of tears in my eyes, but quickly blinked them away.

    "Even if I ordered you to bed for days at a time?" He questioned, his voice teasing, but his eyes told me there was no joking about it. His intense gaze rendered me speechless.

    I  was overjoyed when another Lord- I'm not sure which- captured his attention. But even as His Majesty looked away his hand found mine that was sitting in my lap. His strong fingers stroked mine  and when I didn't return the gesture he simply curled his hand tightly around mine.

    Luci and I danced a few times, but no more then necessary, because I could always feel King Braxton's eyes on me.

    "Head up sister," Myles murmured. Myles was not like Gabriel, Myles was ambitious. He would do anything to have an honest place here at court.

    "But everyone is staring. You can hear their whispers already."

    "Yes, and they will continue whispering. They will call you a whore and much worse, but you must always remember that if roles were reversed they would throw her daughter- or sister into the fire. You as a women are a pawn sister. nothing more then something to be bargained with." He said. Myles wasn't cruel, not really. He was honest and forward. My youngest brother never sugar-coated anything.

    "And that is what you're doing to me? Throwing me into the fire? You're my brother. My protector. You always kept me safe before-"

    "The King of England wants you. Why can you not be happy for that like any other woman?"

    "You forget, brother, I may be a virgin, but I've never been naive." The song ended, perfectly allowing me to walk away from my brother with my head held high- or at least I should have been.

    "The family ambition comes first. Above everything, even above your own reputation."

   "When did you become so cold, Myles? When did you become like our uncle?" Myles flinched at that as if I'd slapped him.

    "I became like this when I realized what the world is really like, when I realized that as the youngest son I have to make my own way. I will not have anything handed to me the way Gabriel will. What I want, I will have to fight for."

    "What about what I want?" I asked quietly.

    "You're a woman. What more could you want then a husband and when the time comes children?"

    I shook my head in disbelief, "I want so much more!" I hadn't realized that my voice raised and I'd once again captured every ones attention. I jerked my wrists from my brother's hold and turned away. Needing to cry and refusing to allow my self to have an audience while I did so.


    In my room I allowed myself to break down. I only had a few moments until I heard a nock on my door, I pressed my face into the pillows, silencing my crying. Not wanting to see my father, or god forbid, my uncle... and for the first time in my life, I also found myself praying it wasn't Myles.

    "Emily?" Gabriel's voice came through the door. "Emily, I'm coming in, all right?" He must have taken my silence as an answer because he pulled me up into his arms like he'd done so many years before when I'd cried for being scolded, or hit.

    "Don't change Gabriel. Don't become like Myles." I begged, my sobs hiccuping.

    "I won't ever change, Em." He promised, kissing the top of my head. "We'll always be this." He tightened his hold around me. "And Myles still loves you." I shook my head.

    "No, not like he used to. I saw it in his eyes. Nothing matters more to him then besting you. Nothing."

    Gabriel never replied to that, and I felt the bitter painful realization that my brothers may become enemies. That the alliance, Gabriel, Myles, Luci and I formed as children, was one less short now. I wondered if eventually we would all lose one another.

    "Braxton was upset that you'd left so suddenly." Gabriel murmured. "He worried you were hurt." My brother never called the King anything but his name. They were close friends and not because my brother was like all the other men. But he truley loved the king dearly.

    "Why has he singled me out?" I asked, quietly, wondering if he'd spoken to my brother about me.

    "He's been... mentioning you more and more since you and Luci came to court. You just always seem to be around where ever we are. It's not like he singling you out- it's only that you are always there... He asked me once if we were trying to taunt him with you."

    "And you told him no. That it was merely coincedence."

    "Of course. And if we had been taunting him with you I would have told him so. Braxton... hmm, He's more then a King to me. He's one of my most loyal friends. I would honestly die for him. I would protect him just as I would protect you or Luci... or even Myles."

    "You truly care for him... Brother... have you ever well... felt attracted to him?"

    My brother gave me a look that caused me to laugh. "No. Believe me. I like women." Gabriel laughed with me.

    Once our laughter fell away, I asked if anyone had caught his eyes here at court. "No more then usual," He smiled at me.

    "You know father is going to be pressuring you to marry soon." I told him.

    "I have it all worked out sister. Don't worry about me." It was so Gabriel not wanting to worry anyone. It made me happy to know my brother was not being poisoned by the court as Myles had been. "What shall I tell Braxton?" He asked me quietly, hoping I would not tell him to lie.

    "The truth, that Myles and I simply had a sibling falling out. And that I was embarrassed by it." I explained.

    Gabriel pushed a lock of hair from my face. "Would you like me to send Luci up to you?"

    "No. Don't ruin her good time. You know she loves the balls." Gabriel nodded, looking saddened by something, but I didn't ask. I knew he didn't want me to notice. Gabriel kissed my forehead and walked to the door, then paused. "Would you like me to untie the corset? You never liked those."

    "No one likes them." I smiled and turned so he could unlace the bitingly tight strings.

    "I also brought your novel back to you." He handed it to me.

    "Good night, Gabriel." He left my room allowing me to undress privately.

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