Amity Park Protectors

By RememberEmber1

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(takes place during What Is The EctoFlu) Vlad, Danny, Ember, Dani, Kitty, Shadow, Skele, Heartbreaker, Black... More

Amity Park under attack
Pandora talks to Johnny
The Amity Park Protectors can't save the day
Youngblood, Amorpho, and Box Ghost talk to Johnny
Team Phantom Reunites
Dr. Frostbite
Gravekeeper Returns
Kitty gets help
Danny helps Youngblood
Skele's gone...
Skeleta and Yona attack
the kids go to Pandora's
Kitty and Johnny's talk

Amity Park Protectors

11 0 0
By RememberEmber1

Author's note:before you asked yes I am actually having Jazz date Box Ghost in my Danny Phantom stories as you will assume in Box Ghost's P.O.V. when he is mostly worried about Jazz and I'm also making Pandora and Walker dating but the Fright Knight is also in love with Pandora. And I am using google translate for Wulf's Esperanto.

Youngblood's P.O.V.
I saw Pandora coming back here alone...and she was crying a little "Pandora are you okay?" I asked "yeah...but...Frostbite is going to die in about 1 hour and 15 minutes..." Pandora said "what...?" I asked "Johnny won't help..." Pandora said crying a little more with each word "what did he say?" I asked "he said "what do you want Pandora?", "what makes you think he's right?", "leave me alone", "and what do you seem to think that reason is?", "that's only half right, I am a scardy cat who is afraid of his own girlfriend hating him for being smart, and that's half of the reason I don't want to make a cure, the other half of the reason I don't want to make a cure is because Clockwork is one of the sick ghosts and he told Kitty and the others that I was smart and not an idiot", "well nothing I guess but still", "but still I'm mad at Clockwork and afraid of my own girlfriend", "I don't care plus they're your friends not mine", "NO! NOW JUST GO HOME PANDORA!", "I SAID GO HOME!", and "I SAID NO! NOW GO AWAY!" That is everything he said" Pandora said " nothing that was insulting to you or anything like that?" I asked "no" Pandora said "then why are you crying?" I asked "he's refusing to make a cure for the EctoFlu and Frostbite will die in about 1 hour and 10 minutes, Danny and Dani will die in about 2 hours, and everyone else will die sometime tomorrow" Pandora said "really...?" I asked "yeah ghosts with ice powers don't last as long as other ghosts...but Danny and Dani last longer than Frostbite because Frostbite only has ice powers while Danny and Dani have other powers as well as ice..." Pandora explained "oh...then we have to work fast to make a cure" I said "yeah...or else everyone's going to die soon..." Pandora said "well we also need to protect Amity Park too" I said "but how do we do both?" Pandora asked "get more help to protect Amity Park from Box Ghost, Wulf, Cujo, Amorpho, and Walker" I said "alright guess we kind of have to so Amity Park won't get destroyed" Pandora said as we both flew off toward the Box Ghost's warehouse.

Box Ghost's P.O.V.
I was organizing my boxes in my warehouse when I heard a knock at my door "come in" I said as I saw Youngblood and Pandora both come in and Youngblood was looking kind of hurt "what happened to you Youngblood?" I asked "Skulker, Vortex, Undergrowth, Freakshow, Lydia, Fright Knight, Hotep Ra, and the Lunch Lady ghost are all attacking Amity Park and I went there and they all attacked me" Youngblood said before coughing up a little ectoplasm "yeah we thought we should form a team to protect it" Pandora said "why can't Danny protect Amity Park with Sam, Tucker and Jazz?" I asked "Danny's sick and Sam, Tucker and Jazz are stuck taking care of him and a bunch of other sick ghosts, with some help from Maddie Fenton and Valerie" Youngblood said "why isn't Frostbite taking care of them?" I asked "he's one of the sick ghosts" Pandora said "is Jazz okay?" I asked "yeah probably just tired nobody has really slept for days because of a lot of stuff happening lately" Youngblood said "like what stuff happened lately that I don't know about?" I asked "well first Sydney fought Aragon after he came home from school only to see Aragon attacking Dora, then the next day we found out he became super abusive hurting a lot of ghosts and Sam, Tucker, and Jazz, then after we got him back to being himself, Ember ran away after a fight with Kitty, then we found out Johnny was smart and was just pretending to be a idiot around Kitty because he was afraid that she wouldn't like him if he were smart so he flew off mad at Clockwork and scared of what Kitty would say, then we found Ember and she and Kitty both apologized to each other for their fight then we went to look for Johnny but first a very sick Vlad found us and got a bunch of ghosts including Danny, and 2 ghosts you've never before got sick with this illness called the EctoFlu, the only good ghosts that aren't sick yet are me, you, Pandora, Dora, Amorpho, Cujo, Wulf, Walker, and obviously Johnny" Youngblood explained "oh...I'll help protect Amity Park" I said "good now let's go to Amity Park" Youngblood said "but what about school for Jazz, Sam, Tucker, Valerie, and Danny?" I asked "we can have Amorpho shape shift into Maddie Fenton and tell the school that Danny, Jazz, Sam, and Tucker are all sick and can't come to school for a while" Pandora said "alright but what about people getting suspicious if Jazz misses too much school...?" I asked "we'll think of something" Pandora said "but she's never missed school before" I said "well she's gonna have to so she can help take care of her brother and the other sick ghosts" Pandora said "how long do our ghost friends have?" I asked "Frostbite only has about 1 hour and 5 minutes, Danny and Dani have about 1 hour and 55 minutes, and everyone else will most likely die sometime tomorrow" Pandora said "really? And there's nothing we can do to help?" I asked "unfortunately yes...everything I said is true...and unfortunately all we can do is figure out how to make a cure but none of us know how to...Johnny is smart enough to...but he won't help..." Pandora said "wait Johnny 13 is smart but won't help?!" I asked "yeah he is mad because Clockwork revealed to Kitty that he was just pretending to be an idiot around Kitty because he's scared that Kitty wouldn't like him if he were smart so he flew off before Kitty could say anything then Vlad got everyone that was in our group sick except me and Dora and Frostbite somehow, but Frostbite got sick later when we were talking to Clockwork who was also sick but wouldn't admit it...and now we need to figure out how to make a cure for our friends before everyone dies..." Youngblood said "oh ok I'll help protect Amity Park as much as I can" I said "ok let's go" Youngblood said "not you Youngblood you already look pretty badly hurt and definitely really tired and with no medical could end up in oblivion if you're not careful" Pandora said "I'll be careful besides I need something to do to get my mind off Dani and Skele" Youngblood said "fine" Pandora said "we're gonna need to protect Amity Park with that many ghost villains there" I said "yeah Box Ghost you get Wulf and Cujo and get them to help, Youngblood you get Amorpho, and I'll get Walker" Pandora said "ok" me and Youngblood both said as we all flew off in different directions.

Walker's P.O.V.
I was watching the secretary cameras I set up making sure no evil ghosts were doing anything bad in the Ghost Zone when my girlfriend Pandora came "hey Pandora" I said "hey Walker I need you're help..." Pandora said "what's wrong?" I asked "all the bad ghosts are attacking Amity Park and Danny is sick, me, Youngblood, and Box Ghost are making a team to protect it..." Pandora said "I'm in" I said "great thanks" Pandora said "you're welcome" I said "let's go back to the warehouse and wait for the boys to come back with Amorpho, Wulf, and Cujo" Pandora said "ok" I said as we both went to the Box Ghost's warehouse and waited for Box Ghost and Youngblood to come with Wulf, Cujo, and Amorpho.

Wulf's P.O.V.
Box Ghost came to where me and Cujo were playing "hey Wulf and Cujo" Box Ghost said "kio okazas?" I asked "I need your help to protect Amity park" Box Ghost said "protekti Amity Park?" I asked "yes, it's being attacked by a bunch of evil ghosts and Danny's sick" Box Ghost said "Ĉu Danny estas malsana?" I asked "yes, he and a bunch of other ghosts including 2 ghosts we never met before are all sick with an illness called the EctoFlu, and we need help to protect Amity Park" Box Ghost said "bone ni helpos" I said "thanks" Box Ghost said "Nedankinde" I said "let's go" Box Ghost said "bone" I said as me, Box Ghost, and Cujo went to the Box Ghost's warehouse where Pandora and Walker were.

Amorpho's P.O.V.
I was taking a literal catnap in my cat form when I heard Youngblood say "Amorpho wake up" "what?" I asked "I need you to come with me and join a team to fight bad ghosts of Amity Park" Youngblood said "do I have to?" I asked "yes we need help to protect Amity Park" Youngblood said "who's we?" I asked "me, Pandora, Box Ghost, Walker, Wulf, and Cujo" Youngblood said "fine" I said and we both went to the Box Ghost's warehouse.

Walker's P.O.V.
"Ok good everyone's here which means we can go to Amity Park now" Pandora said "so which ghosts are attcking Amity Park anyways?" Amorpho asked "All of them except Vlad" Youngblood said "wait does 'all of them' include the Fright Knight?" I asked trying not to sound scared "yeah of course" Youngblood said "why?" Pandora asked "I was just curious" I lied "you're not scared of him are you?" Pandora asked "no of course not" I lied "ok just making sure, c'mon" Pandora said "alright" I said nervously as we all went to Amity Park.

Fright Knight's P.O.V.
I saw Pandora, Amorpho, Youngblood, Box Ghost, Wulf, Cujo, and Walker coming here probably to fight us, "hey Walker" I said rudely as I blasted him "OWWW" Walker yelled falling to the ground "WALKER" Pandora yelled worriedly as she flew down super fast and caught Walker before he hit the ground "how about you just let me kill him then we can date?" I suggested "not happening Fright Knight" Pandora said before blasting me then Skulker blasted "ugh there's too many villains we can't fight them alone, we need more help" Pandora said "but from who?" Youngblood asked "I don't know but we should retreat" Pandora said then she, Amorpho, Youngblood, Box Ghost, Wulf, Cujo, all flew off fast with Pandora carrying Walker and me and all of the other bad guys kept attacking Amity Park.

Pandora's P.O.V.
We all went back to the Box Ghost's warehouse to think of a better plan and when we got there I gently layed Walker on some empty boxes "I'll go to the Far Frozen to get bandages to bandage you three up with" Box Ghost said as he flew off toward the Far Frozen "how do you feel Pandora?" Walker asked "hurt and annoyed, but don't worry about me, you and Youngblood are far more hurt than me" I said "you're bleeding a lot from Skulker blasting you" Walker said "I know but I'll be fine" you're bleeding a lot more than I am anyways" I said "I know but I'll be fine and we can't just give up protecting Amity Park" Walker said trying to get up "Walker you need to rest, you're badly hurt" I said "Walker's right though, we have to protect Amity Park" Youngblood said "I know but we also have to help cure our friends that have the EctoFlu" Pandora said "but none of us know how to do it" Youngblood said "I can try to do it" I said "how long does Danny have?" Walker asked "he and Dani have about 1 hour and 30" I said "Danielle is sick too?" Walker asked "yes along with Frostbite, and a lot of others" I said "really?" Walker asked "yeah, Frostbite will die in about 40 minutes and everyone else that's sick will die sometime tomorrow" I said "well go try to make a cure then" Walker said "ok" I said then I flew to FentonWorks and started making a cure for the EctoFlu.

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