inferno || dabi

By levsuckslol

21.9K 752 440

rising up and following in stain's ideals, dabi was a pretty straightforward kinda guy. running into giran, t... More

「 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 」


1.3K 46 55
By levsuckslol

「 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬, 𝐰𝐡𝐨'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐝𝐨 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮? 」


𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: pee pee poo poo, um here's a chapter i pre-wrote while being really emotionally exhausted. also, i'm really simping for dabi rn and the only thing stopping me from getting a dabi body pillow is the lack of money...

𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: drinking/alcohol consumption, alcohol, drugs, drug use, strip clubs, nudity, sexual tension, dabi thinks he's funny, sexual themes, sexual jokes/innuendos, murder, gore, blood, mentions of suicide(in terms of murder-suicide, no actual suicide occurs.)

⊱·┈· ꕥ ·┈·⊰

Perhaps you'd gone overboard on the leftovers, or perhaps it had just been the only food you'd consumed over the course of twelve hours. Whatever the case, you had eaten and promptly passed out after, most likely due to the pure exhaustion your body felt.

The sleep you got that night was clearly among some of the best sleep. Your body was exhausted but when you woke up a little after ten in the morning, you were pleasantly energized, enough so to kick your morning off with a refreshing shower.

You didn't have any plans the first portion of the day, however, into the evening you were setting back out, unless Valkryie came forward. Not a single news break had surfaced yet, and you were beginning to get curious as to what was going to happen.

You hadn't made any advancements, but you had every intention to if she refused to come forth. It would start with sending the information to every major news outlet and publication in the area, along with taped evidence and copies of what you'd given her.

And then, you would kill her.

You'd only ever killed two heroes. At the beginning of your career, well before you'd gotten a title for yourself as a vigilante, or someone to be feared among heroes who knew they were guilty of something.

Still, with only two murders under your belt, you certainly weren't hoping to make it three, but if it came to it, you'd do what you had to do. Nothing was stopping you.

⊱·┈· ꕥ ·┈·⊰

You spent the remainder of daylight in your apartment, making a list of groceries you needed to get tomorrow, you cooked a hearty lunch, and even managed to squeeze a few episodes of a tv show into the mix, all before getting dressed in your freshly cleaned 'costume', suiting up to head back to Valkryie's home.

It was just as easy getting in as it was before, however, something seemed different. The atmosphere had changed drastically. Instead of the expensive perfume that had choked you before, it smelled of cleaner.

Overwhelming bleach fumes flooded your nostrils as you stepped on the marble floor. It was giving you a headache as you listened for voices, footsteps, anything that would give you a clue to what was happening.

The downside to having to wear a smoke mask, you couldn't see for shit, even with visuals from your smoke touching things in your mind, you really relied on your other senses.

"" a voice croaked. and that's when you realized exactly what was happening.

Valkyrie had just attempted to kill a witness.

"Shit." You lunged over to the voice, feeling around. You quickly found the entry wound from a gun. Three holes on the abdomen, the man was bleeding out.

"She's There's...another." The man whispered, gripping onto your arm, his blood smearing all over your hands. You grit your teeth. She had only made this worse.

"I'm so sorry." You spoke quietly, holding his hand as he gripped onto you. You couldn't do anything to save him. You couldn't just call him an ambulance.

"Bring justice. She be ruined." The man's last breath left you with chills down your spine. Respectfully, you peeked through your smoke mask enough to close his eyelids, resting his body in a normal position.

With blood on your hands, you stood and allowed your smoke mask to return to its full density, completely obscuring your face from the world.

You listened for a voice. Hers.

"Please, don't do this!" A man shouted. The next victim! She'd lured them here. You weren't a fucking hero, but these men didn't deserve to die.

"I can't let him win! I'm a hero! I need this!" She shouted back. You were barreling down the halls, trying to follow their voices. But the ear-piercing sound of gunshots only confused you more.

This place was too big. But eventually, you stumbled upon the room.

"You!" She shouted.

"I warned you. You've only made this worse." You released smoke from your pores, it seeped through the fabric of your suit and flooded the room. You stood in the silence as you listened.

Her distinct rapid breathing was deafening. Her heart rate had increased significantly, she was panicking.

You pinpointed her in the room and drew your smoke into a close as you raised a hand to her throat, allowing the smoke that had flooded the room to enter through her nose and mouth.

As you began to choke her, flooding her respiratory system with your smoke, she fired two more shots.

One of which pierced your side. This was a problem.

Hunching over in pain, you threw her to the floor, quickly disarming her before completely dropping your smoke mask, aiming and shooting her.

You dropped the gun and groaned in pain as you glanced around. You had to be a lot more careful now.

You'd already sent in the evidence, and now you'd killed her, in a method you didn't think you'd use.

"Fuck." You didn't have time for this. Quickly navigating to an exit point, you could hear sirens in the distance. You managed to get away from the scene, but the night was far from over.

"You look like shit."

Is he following me? Why is he everywhere I fucking go?

You turned to see Dabi, a smirk on his lips.

"Fuck, you doin' alright, princess?" Dabi noticed the wavier in your steps as you struggled to stand. You moved your hand holding your side, revealing the gunshot wound to your abdomen.

"Shit." Dabi cursed, glancing over his shoulder as red and blue lights blinded you.

"Hurry up, unless you wanna get fucking caught!" Dabi yanked your arm, pulling you down the alley, around the corner, and into a door.

Loud music filled your ears, and you'd barely had the chance to recover when a semi-nude woman walked by holding a tray of drinks.

"Welcome! Couples night out?" She asked flirtatiously, smiling extra hard at Dabi.

"We'd like a private room, doll." Dabi smirked, passing the woman a large bill. She smiled and nodded, ushering you behind a red velvet curtain and into a booth that was significantly closed off.

"What are you-"

"Take your shirt off." Dabi ordered. You stared at him in disgust, shaking your head.

"No! What are you, fucking crazy?!" You had half the nerve to slap the shit out of him, but Dabi was persistent. Until you realized why he'd even brought up the idea.

"We have a warrant to search your premises for two individuals. Suspects of a crime scene."

The police. You shook your head and quickly tore your shirt off, tossing it down beside Dabi, who seemed to be enjoying himself a little more than he should.

"Sir please wait! That stall is-!"

The curtain behind you was yanked open and Dabi's face quickly landed between your bare breasts. Your face began to burn, your side aching as his hand strategically covered it with his hand, hiding the gunshot wound from the officer.

"Occupied." The lady pulled him away, yanking the curtain back closed. You pushed Dabi back and out of your chest as you reached for your shirt, doubling over in pain as the stretch ached your side.

"Fuck." You gritted through your teeth, resting on bent over on Dabi's lap.

"You need to get that checked out. From the looks of it, there's still fragments inside that wound, it'll get infected. But I'd be glad to stay here a little longer with you." Dabi teased, handing you the shirt you were reaching for.

"In your fucking dreams." You mumbled, putting your shirt back on. Dabi looked away, allowing you some privacy as you pulled your shirt back down over your torso.

"Not a bad pair of tits on you." Dabi chuckled, looking back at you after you had composed yourself. You shook your head and rolled your eyes.

"Yeah well enjoy it while you can you fucking perv, it's the only time you'll fucking see them." You hoisted yourself off of his lap, but his hands stopped you.

"It's not safe to leave. Just fuckin' relax." Dabi's hands rested on your hips, planting you on his lap as you stared down at your own lap.

"Stay here." Dabi moved you off of his lap carefully, positioning you upright in the booth as he slinked away, checking to make sure the coast was clear before heading out.

You tilted your head back, closing your eyes as you tried to ignore the searing pain in your side. The squeaking of the curtain moving once more interrupted you as Dabi returned, two glasses in his hands.

"Drink." Dabi offered.

"Uh, you're clearly off your fuckin' head if you think I'm gonna drink that without watching you get it for me." You seared. Dabi groaned, setting the glass down a little harsher on the table.

"I didn't do shit to the fuckin' drink. I'm trying to fuckin' help you out, stop being such a bitch." Dabi cursed, sliding you his drink before taking a large gulp of the one he had intended to hand you, to prove it was clean.

You stared at him as he downed it.

"You really think a fuckin scumbag woulda done that shit?" Dabi muttered, placing the empty glass back down on the table. You turned your head, choosing to ignore him as you hoped time would pass by faster.

But as seconds drained to minutes, your pain only grew. Finally reaching for the drink, you took a large sip, cringing at the burning flavor as it traveled through your system. It was hard liquor, something you certainly didn't want to drink at the moment.

"How are you feeling?" Dabi asked, which only made you more on edge.

"Gunshot wound." Dabi clarified, his lips forming into a thin line. You weren't letting up on this rather perverted image you'd painted him as.

"Hurts." You rested your head against the table in the booth, your bloodied hand wrapped delicately around the glass.

"I need you to pull your head out of your ass and finish that drink so I can get you out of here and get that fuckin' taken care of." Dabi was waiting on you.

"Why do I need to drink this? And why are you helping me?" You moved your head so you could see him, your eyes peeking over your arm as you stared at him.

"It's gonna help with the pain." Dabi started.

"And if you don't save your own ass, who's gonna do it for you?" Dabi pulled out a cellphone and typed out a message, probably to someone he knew.

"You, apparently." You muttered to yourself.

You lifted your head and chugged the rest of the liquor, cringing at the sensation again, finally feeling a little less ache in your side. You weren't by any means drunk, but this liquor was definitely affecting you.

Dabi cleared the way once more, checking to make sure it was safe to leave before tugging you along. As you passed through the strip club, you glanced around, taking in the number of people doing drugs, along with the few ladies on stage dancing.

You were walking on your own as you left the club, but the steps leading down onto the ground tripped you up, sending you spiraling down into Dabi's back, your hands gripping onto his dark coat.

"Sorry." You muttered, attempting to regain your posture, but Dabi refused to let you go, gripping your arm to hold you up.

You didn't bother fighting against him. Everything seemed to blur together, and suddenly you weren't in an alley anymore.

As if you'd been teleported, you were met with an unusual group of people.

"Don't ask questions just get it fucking done." Dabi ordered, helping you over to the cold metal table. You glared at him, worried.

"H-hey wait!" You shrieked as they rolled the table away from Dabi, into a dark operating room.

"Dabi!" You shouted, thrashing in the arms of the coated doctors. A mask pumping anesthesia was placed over your mouth and nose, forcing you to inhale and eventually pass out.

Dabi's ears perked to the sound of his name screamed from your lips, but he took his seat down in the dimly lit waiting room. He'd be here for god knows how long, and he just wanted it to be over.

⊱·┈· ꕥ ·┈·⊰

When you woke up, you were 'happy' to see Dabi.

"Don't ever fucking do that again!" You shouted, hoisting yourself off of the metal operating table, hissing in pain.

You shrugged past him, and through the doors, not even bothering to talk to the ravenette anymore. You were ready to go home.

But as you navigated to the exit of the building, you were at a complete loss for words. You had no clue where you were.

You'd never seen this side of town, let alone heard of it. The name of the building you'd just exited didn't exist, there was nothing around you anywhere that could describe a location of any kind.

Huffing angrily, you marched down the street, a dull ache on your side as you pressed forward. You could hear his clunky boats against the wet asphalt behind you.

"You don't even have a clue where you're going do you!" He laughed maniacally like he was getting off on seeing you so frustrated. You shook your head, ignoring him. You pressed on, coming to the end of the street. There wasn't even a road sign to point you in the direction of home, or at least somewhere familiar.

"I wouldn't go that way, princess." Dabi's voice rang through your ears again. You groaned and turned to look at him.

"I just want to go home." You hung your head in defeat, swallowing your pride for a few seconds, you stared at him.

"Just take me home, please." You asked somewhat nicely this time.

"Your wish is my command." He smiled, sending a text before that same weird black warp gate engulfed the two of you again, and just like that, you were standing in your living room.

Glancing up at Dabi, you ushered him quickly to the door.

"Thank you, now leave-"

"Three deaths, ruled as a murder-suicide left pro hero Valkryie and two males now identified as ex-lovers of hers have just been reported. We have proof to believe that this was a cover-up attempt to save herself from Asphyxia's leaks, which had been sent to us only an hour prior to this coverage. Everything checks out, we welcome those to mourn the loss of a beloved pro, despite her actions. Public copies of Asphyxia's files will be released to the public soon."

You didn't even comprehend the fact that your radio was on again. But more importantly, your cover-up had worked.

"Murder-suicide. That's pretty rough." Dabi chuckled, looking at you. You shook your head and returned your focus to the man in your apartment.

"Just leave, I'm too tired to deal with you." You breathed, your side burning as you moved to usher him out the front door.

"I'll see myself out, go get some rest, princess." Dabi uttered, turning you back around, nodding you off down the hall toward where he assumed was your bedroom.

You were far too tired to actually force him out. You hurt all over, specifically in your side from the wound. You wanted the night to be over. You collapsed onto your mattress and shut your eyes, relishing in the soft blankets that collected over your body as you drifted off to sleep.

⊱·┈· ꕥ ·┈·⊰

𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.7k

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