A Life Wasted

By RebeccaEBoyd

594K 18.7K 1.7K

WATTY 2016 WINNER of the HQ Love Award! With national focus on Islamic terrorism, few noticed when "Domestic... More

Authors Note on Accuracy
Foundation for a Trouble Maker
Bikes & Pigs
Swimming with Snakes & Alligators
Running Away
Georgia Riots
Learning to Fight
Slippery Slope
Leaving Home
Coast Guard
International Incident
Arctic Chase
A Bad Trip
AWOL continued...
Search & Rescue
Search & Rescue continued
Pizza Hut
Texas Chase
Texas County Jail
New Beginnings
New Job
Miss America
CBN Telethon
CBN Telethon continued...
Courting & Marriage
The Bear
Married Life Begins
Failure & Trouble 1978
Cool Hand Luke - 1979
Hiding in the Swamp
The Chase
Tired of Running
Running Again
Prison Again
Prison Again (Continued)
Ohio 1981-1982
Computer Centre One
Fall and Rise Again 1983
Unix 1983
Unix Based Research 1983
Stable Life 1984
Tornado 1985
Stable Life 1985
Flying Lessons 1985
My Son 1985
Mid 1985-Late 1986
USA Computers 1987 - 1988
Vacation 1988
Winnebago Fire
Dahlonega, Georgia 1989
Dahlonega, Georgia 1989 (cont)
On to Alaska 1989
The Kenai Peninsula 1989
Cooper Landing - 1989
Alaska Road Trip
Seattle Trip
House Hunting
Commercial Fishing
The North Wind
Sewer to Kodiak
Rogue Wave
Kodiak Grizzly & Dolphins
Sea Otter
Outside Trip
The Last Halibut Opener
Ode to Kodiak
Another Trip
Return to Alaska
Prince William Sound
The Great Bear Hunt
The Great White Hunter
The Last Fishing Trip
Leaving Alaska
Broke in the Lower 48
The Next Arrest
Doing Bad Things Again
Trying to Get Settled
Federal Time
The Feds
Federal Prison
Halfway House
New House
January 1999
The Cause
Showing My Hand
Running in the Night
Second Night
Third Night
Hard Reality
Doubling Down
A Long Way Home
The Y2K Bug
The Camper
Going Home
In the Woods
On the Run with Family
Illinois Jail
Leaving Early
Got Away
A Long Hard Night
Tracking Dogs
Worst Night Ever
Big Surprise
Close Call
On The Road Again
Out Of Gas
Navigating by Direct T.V.
The Trip South
Fake Raid
Another Close Call
Frost Bite
Calling Home
Lost Months
Travel Tracking
The Art of War
July & August 2001
Americas Most Wanted
Loss of Identity
More Identity Problems
What Am I Driving?
Trouble with Motels
Travel Companion
Small World
Deception as a Tactic
Traffic Accident
Hired Get-a-Way Driver
Slow Get-a-Way Car
Off the Grid
Morning of 9/11
After 9/11
A Long Taxi Drive
Change of Heart
The Ultimate Deception
Planning Second Attack
The Second Attack
A Little Rest
Mary vs. the FBI
Taking Credit
Attorney General of the USA
Serious Pressure
They Got Me
Illinois & Cincinnati
Anthrax Trial
Harrisburg Guilty Plea
Today - April 2021 - Federal Prison

9/11 Terrorist Attacks

81 9 0
By RebeccaEBoyd

After my early morning rude awakening I slept for a few more hours, then woke rested and hungry. I carried a supply of liquid fuel for a small portable stove, but planned on using it only when necessary. I was far enough off the Appalachian Trail that I wasn't too concerned about the smell or smoke from a small fire, so I gathered dry wood and built a small smokeless fire. I boiled a pot of water then made a cup of instant coffee and a bowl of oatmeal. You always forget something, and I found myself wishing I had thought to bring a few pounds of butter.

After I ate I dug through my pack and pulled out my small portable TV. I was close enough to Harrisburg for TV reception so I wanted to catch the news while I still could. I didn't expect any news about myself, but needed to check. Plus, I like watching the news, so I had the TV for that small indulgence. The TV, like everything I had that used batteries, ran on AA batteries. I kept everything uniform for convenience, but also because I had two small AA battery rechargers. The rechargers started life as a pair of landscape lights I found at a Home Depot. The small plastic detachable top of the light held two AA batteries and had a solar panel on top. After snipping the wires that led to the light I had a perfect portable AA battery charger. For this reason, all my batteries were rechargeable AA's.

I ate, let my small fire die out and worked on my morning coffee when I turned on my small TV with a 2" screen. The first thing I saw was a tall building on fire. I didn't think much of this so I laid the TV down and dug out my ear buds. The TV had a small speaker but I had trouble hearing well so I preferred the ear buds. When I plugged them in and looked at the TV I began to understand what was happening in New York City. The news announcer said that a small plane had accidentally flown into the World Trade Center. Now I was paying close attention because, like every pilot who has flown through Kennedy Center (the Air Traffic Control hub for New York City) I knew that no plane had accidently flown near those buildings, much less into one of them.

Looking at the raw footage of the side of the building, I also knew that it wasn't damage caused by a small plane. Planes are made of aluminum and are light by design. I could almost hear other pilots around the world shaking their heads and saying, no, you've got it wrong. That was a large plane and it was no accident. I was thinking this when the second plane hit.

I had planned to hike further south that day, still concerned about putting more distance between the place I started the hike, just in case. But I couldn't move. I couldn't think about my own circumstances. What I really wanted to do was to call home to comfort my family and to find comfort in them. That day was the loneliest day of my life. Sitting out there alone in the woods with that little TV was torture. I didn't want to be alone. I wanted to be with my family, but if I couldn't be with them then I wanted to be with strangers. I needed to mourn with others. I needed to share how I felt with another person. Any person. But that was not to be. I built a big fire to warm me and sat there in stunned silence, burning through AA batteries watching the news all day and all night.

The big buck never returned. 

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