The Murderess | Levi x OC

By pumpkimpz

1.4M 53.4K 45.1K

She was one of the most talented cadets the regiment has ever seen. So it came quite a shock to them when the... More

53 [Special Chapter]
[Author's note]
Fan arts
Book 2
𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝| 𝙰𝚄


31.9K 1.1K 983
By pumpkimpz

No mercy

I made it to the new station assigned to us and met the new officers that was designated to my care. My remaining squad together with Carter and Nate stood behind me as I watched the new officers act like dirty pigs. Some of them were asleep, chatting, busy playing cards and all of them didn't acknowledge my presence. I gazed to my right where Nate was.

"Didn't I order them to prepare." I asked, but it was more of a statement than a question. I can feel my patience running out.

"We tried, None of them listened." Nate says in a low tone.

I looked at them furiously and took the gun from my holster. Nate's eyes widened as I clicked of the safety and fired to the ceiling relentlessly.

The officers were alarmed and screams in panic, some of them even hid underneath their desks. Tch. Cowards.

"Now that I have your attention. Someone explain to me why none of you followed my orders." I said with a cold threatening tone. They all froze, no one bothered to talk.

I reloaded my gun and pointed it to the nearest new guy. "I asked a question."

He immediately raises his hands, afraid to make any sudden movements. "W-we didn't think you'd mind. I'm sorry! Please don't shoot!" He begged.

"Drill in your pig brains that Every detail of what I say to you matters."

I exhaled sharply and put my gun away. "Everyone. I am Captain Raven Grey, and you, All of you answers to me now." I announced as they all listened intently.

"Insubordination of any kind will not be tolerated, or else...." I walked and stopped by one of the desks. The officer stiffens in terror.

"You're gonna have to deal with me." I said plainly and ran my fingers through the shelf. There was a thick cover of dust. I sighed in annoyance.

"And you all are gonna stop living like pigs. I want a spotless precinct. Understood?" I let my voice echoe through out the whole station.

"Yes Captain!" They all answered determinedly.

"Now get your gears. We're heading out." I announced. The officers started on preparing for the bust.

"That was a nice introduction Cap'. " Carter whispers. I let out a grin and shook my head. These really are my loyal idiots.


We all finally got to the Town house where the human trafficking ring was held. We arrested the men who were also responsible for the bombing in my old station. And because of the manpower of my squad, they were outnumbered.

"Look who we have here," I sang and made my way to the leader of the ring. Then I realised it wasn't him, but his brother. They surely look a like.

"Take them to the station. Except for this one." I said with a grin.

"You'll regret this pig. I swear to go--"

He didn't finish his sentence after I slapped his face with a gun.

"Do not call me a pig."

He fell on the ground so I snatched his head and pulled the gun, pointing it at his neck. He stiffens.

"Where is your brother?" I asked with a threatening tone.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." He denies. God, he's a bad liar.

"You may have burned all the files but I know every little detail on your case. " I tightened the gun onto his skin.

"You and your brother are incharge of this whole operation, but he is the head which means without him, the case against you would lose in court, and you all would be set free if we can't arrest him. So you have to sacrifice anything just so he wouldn't get caught." I stated.

Nate's eyes widen in surprise.  He surely did not see that coming.

I glanced at the brother, he was silenced yet I could feel a hint of guilt on his body language. I let go of his head and threw him on the ground.

"I'm giving you three seconds to tell me where he is." I threatened and pointed the gun on him. No answer.

"One." I said and shot his knee. He screamed in pain and tries to crawl his escape.

"Captain!" Nate yells in shock while looking at the bleeding man.

"Two." I counted, the other bullet was shot to his shoulder. He cried in pain.

"Stop! Please!" He begged, but I didn't show any mercy.

"You still haven't answered my question." I said and reloaded. I looked at his state, he was covered on his own blood and crying relentlessly.

"Last one goes in your head." I sang.



Carter, Nate, and I made it to Levi's castle and just the right time, all three of them was outside. They were about to leave with the other survey corps soldiers.

"What's all this?" Levi asked when he saw us climbing down our horses.

"I just wanted to apologize, on how I acted earlier. "I said, and turned my head to Erwin.

"I know you just wanted to help, and thank you for that." I smiled at him.

He nodded back. "No problem."

"Wait so you came here just to apologise and say thank you? That's so sweet!" Hanji says with a big smile of appreciation.

"Yes. And also, we caught our guy." I said in an unusually loud tone.

"Really? Did he confess?" Levi asked curiously. Everything is going smoothly, I thought to myself.

"Not really. He wasn't a big talker, so I had to take the hard way." I said. Erwin furrows his bushy brows because of my loud voice.

"What do you mean?" Levi crosses his arms.

I rested my fingers on my belt buckle and smiled. "He wasn't answering any of my questions, so I had to shoot his knee." I stated loudly. Their eyes widened in surprise and was about to intervene, but I didn't let them.

"He was bleeding all over, crying in pain. He even begged me to stop. But then, he still kept his mouth sealed. So I shot him again, and again and--"

I suddenly heard a loud clang and felt a blade threatening to slice up my throat. It was him, finally.

"What the fuck did you do to my brother?" A man disguised in a survey corps uniform said with a shaking voice. I smiled enigmatically.

His threat didn't last long when a bunch of Military police showed up from behind the trees and he ended up having 12 guns pointed at him. I immediately snatched the blade from his grasp and drawn it to his neck.

"Gotcha." I said teasingly. I couldn't help but to laugh at his state which fueled the guy's anger. Everything went exactly as I planned.

"What the hell is going on?" Hanji asked confusedly, while the two men were also puzzled by what is happening infront of them.

"Commander Erwin, do you recognise this guy?" I used my blade to pull off his hood and revealed a crooked man, shaking with a blade on his face.

Erwin glanced at him and tried to remember him. "No, I don't. "He said in a low confused tone.

"That's because he isn't part of the survey corps. " I said as I turned to the guy. 

"He's the one responsible for the Stohess massacre. "

"Isn't that right?" I asked. He didn't say anything, because he already knew, he fucked up.

"Carter, cuff him." I ordered and Carter immediately did with a victory smile.

"You killed my friends you fucking psycho." I heard him whisper to the guy in resentment.

"You fucking pig! Tell me what you did to my brother!" The criminal yelled angrily.

I put down the blade and turned to face him. "You heard what I said.  Or I'm sorry, do you want me to repeat it again?" I asked smiling. This is what you get when you mess with my squad.

His eyes widened in shock. He was furious after I told him what I did to his brother, I guess he thought I was just saying that to draw him out or something.

"Nate, be sure to take him to my office. And don't worry, I feel a bit generous today so you guys get to take turns." I said without breaking eye contact with the man.

Nate and Carter's face lit up, as they got a chance to express their grief by beating uo the guy for what he did to their comrades.

"Yes Captain." He said but before he could take him away,  I walked towards him and put my hands on his face. I turned his head to face me forcefully.

"We are gonna have so much fun together." I smirked and tapped cheek twice.

Nate and Carter took him away. I know they're trying to keep themselves from killing that guy, he just killed their friends, their second family, so I understand the pain.

I turned to the three. "Thank you so much for your help." I said even though I think they still don't know what is going on.

"Did you really kill his brother?" Erwin asked in disbelief.

"No, Ofcourse not!" I said. He sighes in relief.

"But I did shoot him though... Twice... I mean he probably wouldn't be able to walk again." I said as I thought about it.

"I don't know if I should be scared of you now. --But I do need you for the experiment. You think you can come by sometime?" Hanji asks with a hopeful smile, completely disregarding Erwin's reaction.

"Ofcourse." I said before saying goodbye.

I am so looking forward to this evening. I'm finally gonna make him pay for what he did to my officers, and my mother's crime board.

I was on my way to the wagon when I heard someone calling me from afar. I turned my head.

"Levi?" I faced his direction as he walked towards me. He had a serious look on his face.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your officers." He suddenly blurted out. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"People usually say that back in the funeral... Wait is that what you wanted to say earlier?" I asked with a slight grin. I knew he wanted to say something, but didn't.

"Tch. So I'm a little late, it still counts." He said trying to avoid my gaze.

I smiled. "Well, I appreciate your condolences." I said and attempted to walk away.

"And good solve on your Massacre case." He added. I turned my back to look at him.

He looks he doesn't want to admit it but was pretty impressed by what I did.

"Did you just compliment me?" I asked, trying to tease him. But I really do meant what I asked.

"Just say thank you." He said arrogantly.  I couldn't help but smile, Humanity's strongest soldier, just gave me a compliment.

I walked towards him and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." I said before leaving him there, frozen.


I stood on the branch of the tree as I watched Christa and the others talk to each other while eating inside the cabin. God, I miss those idiots. But it was a good sight seeing them okay.

I looked around for any suspicious subjects. I need to be cautious, especially now that I have no clue who or what the enemy is.

After the coast is clear, I headed back to the station. I didn't use the front entrance since I need to be discreet,  and also I locked my own door so no one would know I left the office.

I couldn't be any happier on my new office. It's just like my old one but I now have a couch so, that's great I guess.

I climbed from my window and took off my dark purple cloak that I used everytime I check on Christa. I also changed from my black suite back to my uniform. 

I had a full schedule this week. I still  couldn't find the file 628, I need to keep Christa safe and Hanji needs me for her experiments. It was hard to keep track on what to do first. 

I hid my clothes on my bottom drawer and locked it. I exhaled sharply, I'm tired.

I looked down on my desk and saw a bunch of paperwork that was needed to be done by tomorrow.  I sighed deeply, letting myself collapse on the mountain of files and tried to get atleast a nap. Then I heard a knock on my door.

God, these idiots wouldn't let me rest.

I groaned in frustration. "What!"

"Commander Erwin is here to see you." I heard Carter's voice.

I furrowed my brows. Why would Erwin see me at this hour?

I dragged my body towards the door and opened it, revealing a tall blonde man with polished hair.

He smiles genuinely. "You busy?" He asks.

"I'm exhausted but it doesn't really matter. Come on in." I said and got back to my desk.

Erwin looks at the pile of paperwork that rests on my table and chuckles silently.  "Seems that I caught you in a bad time."

I shook my head. "No, no, it's okay." I managed to say before a yawn escapes my mouth. "What do you want to talk about?"

He sat on the chair infront of my desk and tried to figure out how he's gonma start. It took him a long minute.

"Talk." I said plainly and rested my chin on my hands.


Third person's POV

Erwin gathered up his thought before speaking up. "Right. Well, this isn't really an easy subject to discuss. I mean, it actually took me a while before I decided to come here. However this is kind of important an--"

Erwin looks at the girl who sat there, redting her chin on her palms peacefully with her eyes closed.

"Raven?" He tried calling her. She didn't budge, but then her hands gave in, she ended up faced down on her files.

"Right, maybe you do need to rest." Erwin says though she couldn't hear him.

He was about to leave when he noticed she fell asleep on her injured arm. It would hurt a lot when she wakes up, he thought.

He sighes and carried the young woman towards to her office couch. He smiles and looks at Raven's peaceful face. He knew they had some sort of connection from the start, and vowed to keep her safe even if they're walls apart.


Erwin arrives to their HQ and passed by Hanji on the way.

"Hanji." He called, they immediately turned their head questioningly.

"Take it easy on Raven, you know, the research and experiments." He says hesitantly.

"What, but we're making real progress. We're starting to device a weapon that could help kill the titans without slashing its nape." She says proudly.


"Alright, alright, but can I atleast ask why?" She says. Erwin sighs.

"She's just buried with a lot of work right now, you know what happened in the explosion and all." Erwin explained.

"Oh, okay. I'll try and cancel some sessions." Hanji says understandably but kind of confused about Erwin's behaviour.

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