The Prince's Love

By Half-Blood_Princess1

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This is a story about a girl named Melissa Bennett, who is in love with her professor, Severus Snape. But wit... More

Chapter 1: Falling in Love
Chapter 2: Birthday Love and Fights
Chapter 3: The Poisoning
Chapter 4: Starting the Road to Recovery
Chapter 5: Trying to Heal
Chapter 6: Gaining Confidence
Chapter 7: The Bond
Chapter 8: Tragic Circumstances
Chapter 9: Finding a New Friend
Chapter 10: Plans in Action
Chapter 11: The Telltale Signs
Chapter 12: Finding Some Answers
Chapter 14: A Day of Mixed Emotions
Chapter 15: The Argument
Chapter 16: Sorry
Chapter 17: Supposedly Oblivious to the World
Chapter 18: Increased Feelings of Fear
Chapter 19: More Attacks
Chapter 20: Remus' Return
Chapter 21: A Moment of Happiness
Chapter 22: A Terrible Night
Chapter 23: Paralyzed
Chapter 24: Therapy
Chapter 25: Pregnancy Struggles
Chapter 26: The Ball
Chapter 27: The Fated Night
Chapter 28: Marriage at the Manor
Chapter 29: Hellos and Goodbyes
Chapter 30: Ashes

Chapter 13: The Even Bigger News

290 15 99
By Half-Blood_Princess1

Severus' POV

After we heard the news, we were shocked. We didn't expect it to happen this soon. Sure, we both knew it was a high possibility, but we thought we still had some time.

Poppy started saying that we should visit St. Mungos soon, because she doesn't know much about pregnancies, but neither of us paid much attention. We were still processing that Isa was pregnant.

After realizing that neither of us were paying attention, she just gave us a paper with all she recommended to do. She said we could go, and so, after helping Isa out of bed, we walked out.

Once we made it back to our chambers, we sat on the couch for a while, just thinking. Eventually, Isa asked me, "You do want this baby, don't you?"

I looked at her in surprise. "Of course I do Isa! I told you before, I would love to have a child with you. It's just a lot to take in. What are you thinking?" I said.

"Just how I'm supposed to have a baby," she said, smiling weakly, but with a scared look in her eyes.

I shifted on the couch so I could pull her into a hug. "Darling, you can do this. You're the strongest girl I know, if anyone can, you can. I'll be by your side the whole time. I promise you, we can do this," I said, pulling her into a light kiss.

She kissed me back, but I pulled away when I felt tears running down her cheeks. I looked at her with worried eyes, thinking that I made it worse.

She saw the look in my eyes and laughed, saying, "They're happy tears Sev, what you said was just so sweet."

"I meant every bit of it," I told her, pulling her in for another kiss.

Time Skip (A few weeks later):

Melissa's POV

Throughout the past few weeks, my pregnancy symptoms seemed to only get worse. It was awful throwing up every day, sometimes multiple times in one day, and being tired nearly nonstop. The worst part was that I couldn't take any potions to help because they might harm the baby.

Hermione and Ginny were thrilled when I told them the news, and kept telling me that they knew it. I could tell Draco was really happy and excited for me, even if he didn't express it as much as the girls did.

Sev and I had written a letter to Narcissa and Lucius, and they wrote back their congratulations, but couldn't stop by, as they had daily raids that The Dark Lord made them do as a way to earn back their loyalty to him.

A few days ago, Sev and I had one of our first arguments. Sev wanted to tell Professor McGonagall about our Bond and the baby, but I told him no. I didn't want another person to know about us, and I knew that if she knew I was pregnant, she would treat me differently.

Sev insisted on telling her though. He said that he couldn't stand lying to her, they had been so close for so long, and that she deserved to know. He also said that I had told my friends, so why couldn't he tell his?

Eventually, I said he could tell her, and so he did. Surprisingly, she didn't treat me much differently from before, besides being more understanding if I needed to skip class whether it was from sickness or tiredness.

She was also really great to talk to, and we became pretty close with our daily conversations, asking each other how one another was doing. We were even on a first-name basis now.

Today it was Saturday morning, and I was getting dressed to head to breakfast. When I looked in the mirror, however, I let out a scream of shock.

I had a baby bump. It might have been small, but it was definitely visible. I was only in my seventh week of pregnancy, how the hell did I have a baby bump?!

Sev jumped out of bed and came running over to me, his hair still a mess from sleep. He looked where I was looking, and wrapped his arms around me, lightly resting his hands on my bump.

He kissed me on the lips softly and said, "Why do you look so worried, Isa? You knew you would get a baby bump soon."

I shook my head at him and said, "Sev, I'm not supposed to get one for a while yet. I don't understand why I have one now."

He thought for a minute and then said, "Alright, I'm going to get dressed, and after breakfast, we can head to St. Mungos and see what they think. They said everything looked fine two weeks ago, but I think it would be best to check."

I nodded at him, he was right, they did say everything was going fine two weeks ago. That didn't get rid of the feeling of worry though. What if something was wrong?

I told Draco, Hermione, and Ginny about this at breakfast, and they agreed, I was better off making sure just in case.

This topic completely disappeared from my mind, however, when I looked at the professors' table. Minerva was looking at the ceiling with a sad, worried, and scared look in her eyes.

Sev had noticed as well and was trying to engage her in conversation, but the minute she looked at him, she burst into tears.

Sev noticed everyone in the Great Hall starting to stare at her, and stood up to walk her out for a bit more privacy. Minerva sobbed into his shoulder and he rubbed her back, glancing at me right before he walked out the door.

I heard people starting to talk about what they saw, and thinking of why she was crying, and after glaring at them all, I quickly left to follow them out.

Severus' POV

It broke my heart to see Minerva like this. She was always so strong, and I hated seeing her break down like this. I led her into my chambers, and sat her down on the couch, before sitting down beside her, rubbing her back.

Eventually, her sobs slowed down, and I handed her a tissue. Isa walked in and sat across from us, but one look at her and Minerva started sobbing again.

"Shhh, Minerva, it's okay, can you please tell us what's got you this upset?" I asked her.

Her sobs quieted a bit, and she said, "I'm really sorry, it's just-, I just found out-, I'm-, I'm pregnant." Then she burst into tears again.

Isa and I both looked at each other in confusion. We didn't say anything though, and just let her cry herself out.

When her cries finally turned into small sniffles, I turned to her and asked, "Forgive me for asking you this Minerva, but how did this even happen? You never mentioned that you were seeing anyone."

"No, no, it's alright Severus. You're right, I'm not seeing anyone. A few weeks ago, I was feeling really upset and just plain sad from the war and all, so I went to a pub to have a few drinks. I guess I had one too many because the next thing I remember is waking up in the pub's bathroom with all of my clothes off. No one was there, and the pub was closed, but I can assume what happened."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, thinking about what she said. Eventually, Isa spoke up.

"Minerva, I get that this is very unexpected to you and everything, but why on earth are you this upset over this? Don't you want a child?"

"Of course I want a child, Melissa. I always have. But I'm 61, and I'm worried I might not survive the pregnancy at my age. Even if I do, how am I supposed to care for the child on my own? I just don't know what to do anymore." She answered, her eyes starting to tear up again by the end.

I was about to say something, but Isa spoke first. "Minerva, you're the strongest woman I know. You took four stunners straight to the chest last year and survived! You beat the odds then, and I'm sure you can do it again. And-" she said, but before she could continue, I cut in.

"What makes you think you're going to be raising your child alone? Minerva, you can't honestly think that we would leave you alone without help, do you? We're going to help you, throughout your pregnancy and long after. We're your friends, and we're not going to leave you like this. We'll get through this together, alright?" I said.

She nodded and wiped away the last of her tears, then pulled us into a hug. "Thank you," she said.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence again, when an idea popped into my head. "Minerva, you haven't gone to St. Mungos yet, correct?" I asked her.

She nodded, so I continued by saying, "Why don't you come with us today. We need to go anyway, and you should see a healer there. Then you can ask all of your questions and tell your concerns to them, and they can tell you their recommendations. We won't be in the room with you, but we'll be nearby if you need anything."

She smiled at me and said, "That would be perfect, thank you, I don't know if I could do this without the both of you here to help me."

"Let's go now then, hopefully, it won't be too crowded," I said, standing up. The other two followed my lead, and we walked through the castle out into the grounds.

We walked to the apparition point, and then I grabbed both of their hands, turning myself quickly around on the spot. This proved to be a bad idea, however, when it caused both women to sink to the ground puking.

Once they were finished, I reached a hand out to both of them to help them up, but only Minerva took it. Isa stayed and took a few more breaths before taking my hand and pulling herself up. Once she was standing, I scooped her into my arms.

She squealed and hit my chest playfully, and said, "Sev, you know I can walk. I'm pregnant, not injured!" I just smiled at her. "I can see that you're tired, Isa, don't think you can hide that from me. Besides, can't I spoil my girlfriend once in a while?" I asked.

She blushed and muttered, "I guess I don't mind." I laughed and started walking, her in my arms, Minerva beside us.

Minerva's POV

As we walked, I started to get really nervous. Sure, I might have always dreamed of having a child, but it seemed like a lost hope at this point, with my age being what it was. When we finally stepped inside St. Mungos, I froze.

All my worries started to swirl in my head, and I looked at the front desk in fear when Melissa hopped out of Severus' arms and hugged me.

"I know it seems scary Minerva. Believe me, I'm just as scared now, even though they said everything was fine two weeks ago. It's a common fear that everyone has when they come here. But this place has the best healers in the world. They give the best recommendations, and they never judge anyone that comes through here. It'll be fine Minerva, I promise," she told me.

I smiled at her and said, "Thank you, Melissa, that made me feel a lot better." She nodded at me, then grabbed Severus' hand, and walked with him to the elevators to get to her designated healer's office. I summoned up my Gryffindor courage and walked up to the front desk.

"Mi-Minerva McGonagall, here to see a pre-pregnancy healer," I said, my voice faltering nervously.

"Front desk on the sixth floor," she said, giving me a small smile. "Next!" she called.

I quickly walked over to the elevator, knowing that it wouldn't be smart to try walking up all those stairs. My whole body was shaking nervously by the time I made it to the sixth floor. I stepped out and started walking to the front desk, stumbling a little on my way.

The healer at the desk looked up at me, and I said, "I ne-need a pre-pre-pregnancy he-healer." I couldn't stop the stutter in my voice. He nodded at me and took out a piece of parchment from his desk. "Name?" he asked.

"Min-Minerva McGonagall," I said, still scared. He nodded again, but it looked like he already knew, and was more just checking.

"Age?" he asked, but again it looked like he already knew the answer. "Sixty-one," I said, looking down in shame.

"Ms. McGonagall, you don't need to be ashamed of how old you are. You certainly aren't anywhere near the first witch of your age to come in here pregnant," he said, smiling at me.

I gave him a small smile back but didn't say anything. He continued by saying, "I hate to break it to you, Ms. McGonagall, but our pregnancy healers are all currently booked up at the moment."

He saw the way my face paled, and immediately spoke up again, saying "Don't worry, you'll still get a pregnancy healer, I'll be your healer for the time being, until another spot opens up. And I've been well-trained, so you'll be just fine."

I smiled at that, he was really nice. "Thank you, Mr..." I said, trailing off when I realized I still didn't know his name.

"Healer Edward Richter, Ms. McGonagall, but you can just call me Edward. Would you like to go into one of the wards?" he said.

"That would be great, Edward. You can call me Minerva." I told him, and he got up from his seat, leading me down the hallway. He kept sneaking glances at me when he thought I wasn't looking, and eventually, I got fed up with it and asked, "I'm sorry, but have we met before?"

He chuckled and said, "I doubt you would have remembered me, but I was the one who carried you to the hospital wing after your fall during the Quidditch match. I was Head Boy at the time and got there the fastest compared to the other professors, so I hurried you to the hospital wing as fast I could."

I looked at him in shock. I was unconscious then, but I assumed afterward that a professor had brought me there. Before I could say anything on the matter, however, we arrived at the ward, and I felt myself getting nervous again.

He led me to the bed and handed me a hospital gown, asking me to change into it, before pulling the curtain around the bed to give me some privacy.

I took my outer robe off first, setting it down on the bed. I tried pulling down the zipper on the back of my black dress, something I had done countless times before, but my hands were shaking so badly that the zipper got jammed halfway down, and I couldn't get it unstuck.

I tried pulling the dress off the way it was, but that didn't work either, and it got stuck halfway off. I stumbled and lost my balance, and let out a shriek when I fell.

Edward heard, and shoved the curtains open, hoping I didn't injure myself too badly. My wrist hurt a lot and was twisted at an odd angle, but I was more bothered by the embarrassment I felt at that moment. First I couldn't get my dress off, which was bad enough, but then when I fell, the dress flew up, so my panties were now exposed.

He stared at me for a long minute, making me really uncomfortable, but then snapped out of it and helped me stand up again. He fixed my wrist with a flick of his wand, and then spun me around, helping me unzipper my dress the rest of the way. As his fingers touched my back, I felt a shiver run down my spine, but I quickly pushed the thoughts that came with it aside.

He left again, closing the curtains behind him, and I finished getting changed. He saw the embarrassed flush that was in my cheeks, and said, "Minerva, don't worry about it, those dresses look difficult to take off, I honestly don't get how you ladies do it all the time. Now, if you don't mind, can I feel your stomach to check how you're progressing?"

I nodded at him, and he gently lifted my hospital gown and put his warm hands on my stomach. As he felt around, he asked, "How far along are you?"

"I'm about three weeks, why, is there something wrong?" I asked nervously.

He laughed and said, "No, you're progressing just fine, everything seems normal. How bad have your symptoms been?"

"They haven't been that bad, I've felt a bit more tired than usual mainly. Though, today when I apparated here, I threw up when I arrived." I told him.

He nodded understandingly and said, "That's pretty normal, you might start getting some more symptoms these next few weeks. And apparating will most likely do that to you, and while it's pretty safe to apparate now, I would advise against it as you go through your pregnancy, as it gets riskier and riskier each week." I nodded at him understandingly.

"How is my age going to affect my pregnancy?" I asked after a few minutes.

"Ah, I'm glad you asked that. It's certainly riskier and not as common for people to be pregnant at your age, but it's happened many times before, and most times both the mother and child are fine. You're very healthy for your age, so you should be fine. I'll get into more details in later visits, but you definitely don't want to strain yourself in any way. You really don't have much need to worry, yours is mainly just the same as any other pregnancy, and I'm positive that you both will be fine," he said, smiling at me.

I smiled back, and said, "Thank you, Edward, is that everything?"

"Yes, I'll plan your next visit for a month from now, same time and place. Does that work for you?" he asked.

"I'll be there," I told him, and he smiled once more, before exiting to give me privacy to change.
I took the hospital gown off, and put my black one on, but then had an idea. I was unsure about how I felt about his touch up my spine earlier and wanted to feel it again.

"Edward!" I called. He walked in, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, it's just, could you help me zip my dress?" I asked with a small blush. He nodded and pulled my dress up, making sure it was on all the way, touching my shoulders in the process.

He then moved on to slowly zipping the dainty zipper up the back, his fingers gently skimming my back. I nearly squealed at the feeling. I had no idea what had come over me. Why was I this attracted to feeling this man's touch?


Melissa's POV

Sev and I were sitting in the ward that got assigned to us, me already in my hospital gown, waiting for the healer to come in. Sev had had a bit of an argument with the healers last time, because I got assigned a male healer, and having him touching me made Sev feel really uneasy. I wasn't too worried about it, I trusted the healers, but since it made Sev glare at the healer the whole time, I figured we should probably switch.

Now we had Healer Charlotte Miller, who we just called Charlotte. She was really nice and easy to talk to. She also didn't judge us in any way, which made both of us happy.

When she finally walked in, she smiled at us and sat down at the foot of the bed with a clipboard and parchment in her hand. I smiled back, Sev didn't, but I was used to it by now.

"So, no offense, but why are you two here. I wasn't set to see you guys for another two weeks. Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's right Charlotte, we weren't planning on coming for another two weeks. But, this morning I noticed something, and we thought it would be best to talk to you about it," I told her.

"And what was the thing you noticed?" she asked.

"Well, um-" I started, feeling that it was awkward to say it now that we were here. Severus noticed and said it for me. "She has a baby bump," he said.

She looked startled at us and asked silent permission to look under my dressing gown, and I nodded. She pulled it up and peeked under it, and gasped when she saw a small, but still there, baby bump.

She put the gown back down and asked, "You're only just approaching your seventh week, right?"

"Yes, that's right," I answered.

She started to think, and then asked, "What have your symptoms been these past two weeks?"

I looked at her confused, but said, "I've had morning sickness nearly every day, sometimes twice a day, and I'm tired so much, I've fallen asleep in class a few times. But I thought that was normal with pregnancies?"

"It is, but usually those symptoms don't show up this early. Of course, it differs with every pregnancy, so you could just be getting symptoms earlier than others. But having that, along with having a baby bump now, makes me think that it might be something else. Do you mind if I cast an ultrasound spell and look around?" she answered.

I nodded for her to go ahead and she did. As she was looking around, I looked at Sev, who seemed to be lost in thought. I grabbed his hand and gave a smile to him, causing him to smile back.

Suddenly, Charlotte did a mixture of gasping and squealing, and we looked at her, confused at what would cause that reaction.

"You guys, Melissa's pregnant with twins!" she said in excitement. My face formed immediately into a huge smile, when I heard Sev fall to the ground with a thud beside me.

I started laughing. The poor guy had fainted. Sev is never going to hear the end of this, especially once I tell Draco.

Author's Note(s):
So, what did you guys think of this chapter? I know it has A LOT happening, but hopefully, it wasn't too much.

Do you guys like my idea to have Minerva be pregnant? Look, I know a lot of you might find it unbelievable at her age, but I have researched, and even though it's unlikely, it has happened multiple times before. And also, witches and wizards live longer than muggles, so I feel like it would probably happen in the wizarding world more.

I know my whole Minerva going to a pub idea is weak and seems pretty unlikely, but I needed to have her get pregnant somehow, and couldn't think of how else to. Also, they ARE in the middle of a war, so I imagine a lot of people were doing this at the time, we just didn't see it in the books because they're mainly focused on school-aged children.

I don't feel like I have to explain the twins idea, I mean it's just more drama for the story, right?

Next, I feel like all of you probably caught this in the chapter (it was pretty obvious I think), so I'll talk about it now. What do you think of Minerva finally finding her special someone? Yes, I know all about her past experiences in her love life, I looked it up a long time ago. I just felt like, even though yes, I completely support her staying single, I kinda wanted her to have a boyfriend. I really hope you guys get that, but I suppose if you all really despise this idea, I could get rid of it.

Also, I struggled coming up with a good name, I didn't want to give anything away by asking you guys, and I can't say I'm in love with the name I created. So if you have suggestions, I will gladly look at them! It's not that difficult to go back and change the name later, so I will if I need to.

How did you think I did with Minerva's POV? I really am unsure about it, I don't know how to write from her perspective, but I did think it was necessary for my ideas. I'm really sorry if you thought it was bad, and I'm open to any suggestions because I'm pretty sure I'll do it a few times more in the future (though don't worry, most of this will still be about Isa and Sev!).

I'm sorry, that was a lot of questions and stuff, I felt like I had to say all of it though. Thank you so much for reading this and for all of you who posted comments, I love you guys so much!! You all are amazing and so supportive, it literally makes me inexpressibly happy!

Lots of love and stay safe! Thank you so so much again for reading this! ❤️ 😊

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