My Boyfriend - Harry Styles

By MrsHariboStyles

691K 4.4K 522

Jess is your typical 22 year old girl. She's got a job that she loves, friends that make her smile everyday... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 15)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 16)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 17)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 18)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 19)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (The Last Chapter)

Chapter 1

82.9K 382 39
By MrsHariboStyles

Well this is a new story that I'm hoping will kick off ;) It's not a One Direction fan fiction but it is about Harry Styles; for all you obsessed girls out there like me ;) I think you guys will like it (well, I hope so) and remember to comment, fan and vote ;) Lana XxXxX ;) PS I've put in Jess and Harry info below just so you get the low down on them ;)

Character Introductions

Jess - Jess is Harry's girlfriend. She's known him since they were four years old and their families are very close. They never really discovered they had feelings for each other until they went to a party which was where they had their first kiss; they were fifteen. Ever since then they've been joint at the hip so it's hard for them both when Harry enters the X-Factor as a solo artist but is put in a group half way through. But this story is about their journey through life with a few bumps along the way. Will they still be together at the end or will they be with someone else?

Harry - As you all know Harry is part of the super hot boy band One Direction. Jess is his girlfriend and has been for a while but chaos is on the horison for them. Will he let the fame of the X-Fcator get to his head and leave Jess for all the glamour girls or will Jess be his one and only? As I said before, this story is the journey of their lives not just when they're seventeen. This will make sense when you read the first chapter, trust me ;)

Chapter 1 - 6th July 2009 The Beginning

I hate parties. I hate meeting new people and having to make a good first impression. I only came to this party because Harry convinced me to, I don't even like the girl that's hosting it. I'm surprised I was even invited to be honest. She's more Harry's friend than mine. Everyone seems to like him and get on well with him. I'm slightly harder to get on with because I'm so shy. I refuse to let people in until I know them well enough to trust them which is probably why I'm only my true self with Harry. Just as I'm about to refill my cup, Katherine appears by my side, the girl hosting the party.

"Are you okay? You've been really quiet all night." She asks, not making eye contact with me. I can tell she doesn't really care about how I'm feeling. She's just over here for Harry's sake, hoping to impress him by being friendly with me.

"I'm fine, I'm just not feeling the best." I lie, hoping she leaves soon. I'd rather be left alone than be forced to make conversation with a girl I barely know.

"Okay, well maybe you could help me out..." I already know what she's going to ask me. Most girls ask me the same question hoping I have some revolutionary answer on how to crack Harry Styles. What's the key to getting Harry to like to me? or What does Harry like in a girl? But truthfully, I don't even know myself. 

"Do you think Harry likes me?" Or this question which I can easily find out. Not by asking him, I can just tell if he likes a girl in a friend way or a girlfriend way by the way he acts around her. He hardly ever like likes a girl, well not recently anyway.

"Honestly Katherine, I don't think he's interested in you in that way. He likes you as a friend but that's about it." I reply truthfully. The odd time Harry would mention to me how annoying Katherine can be but I would never tell her that, epecially if she likes him.

She doesn't answer me for a few minutes, clearly pondering something or thinking of another question to ask. "I'm nearly sure he likes someone though. He told Andrew that he's liked one girl for a while but he would never tell her because it would ruin their friendship or something."

"Really? He's never mentioned it to me..." I reply, confused as to why Harry wouldn't confide in me about something like this. 

"Maybe I should ask him myself then." She says just as we see Harry making his way across the room to us.

Normally I would say something to stop this from happening, from Harry getting embarrassed but I'm just as curious as she is. I'm actually a little hurt that he hasn't said anything to me about it. I always confide in him about things, granted they're not all boy related but still. If he really has feelings for a girl why wouldn't he tell me?

"Are you ready to go? I'm getting a little bored." He states, not even noticing Katherine standing beside me. 

I knudge him and glance to Katherine. "I mean, I told your Mum I'd have you home before midnight so we need to go..." He trails off, hoping Katherine didn't notice his rude comment. I may not like the girl but I don't want to give her a reason to hate us.

"Thanks for inviting us Katherine, it was um... great." I say, trying to make up for Harry's earlier comment.

She doesn't bother asking Harry about the myserious girl he has feelings for but I intend to ask him myself on the walk home. "Were you really bored?" I ask him when we're further away from Katherine. He didn't look like he was bored, in fact he looked like he was having a great time.

"Yeah I was, plus you weren't exactly having the time of your life either." He smirks.

"I would've stayed longer if you wanted to." I'm glad we're out of there to be honest. I was getting really bored but I feel bad incase Harry's just leaving because of me.

"I know you would've but I was bored and Andy was annoying me so don't worry about it."

The mention of Andy reminds me about the question I've been so curious to ask for about the last ten minutes. "Katherine was talking to me about something, someone actually. She said that you told Andrew you like a girl. Like really like a girl. Why haven't you told me?"


For the first time ever, I see Harry startled as if I've triggered a bomb off inside him. "A girl you've got feelings for. Why didn't you tell me? You know I would've helped you out with stuff. I'm just a little annoyed that you didn't mention anything to me yet you told Andrew." 

"You're really clueless about this aren't you?" 

"What do you mean?" I ask, becoming seriously intrigued now. Do I know the girl?

"I...It's you Jess."

What? I try to take in what Harry has just said but it doesn't seem to comprehend. "What?"

He takes a deep breath and our pace suddenly slows, allowing us to concentrate more on our conversation rather than making it home in time. "I've liked you for a while Jess. How could you not see that? You're the only person who fully understands me and how I'm feeling without me saying anything. You just... get me. I've really thought this through, and I know our friendship is strong but I honestly think that if we started a real relationship we could be even stronger."

I don't know what to say. I've always thought of Harry as a brother. Hell, he's grown up with me! He is very attractive and he is right about the whole understanding each other thing, but having him as more than a friend never crossed my mind. Well, that's a lie I suppose. I have thought about it, but I've always supressed the thoughts, claiming that it would never work out or that Harry would never like me like that.

"Say something Jess..." He says, interupting my thoughts.

"I don't know what to say Harry, I'm a little surprised."

"Of course you are but just hear me out before you make any rash decisions. I know we're only young but I've known you for most of my life. Do you remember the school formal last year when that guy Richard asked you to go with him?" I nod in response. Richard is lovely but I made sure he knew we were only going as friends, not as a couple. "Well I was jealous, so jealous. I realised then that my feelings towards you were more than just friends. Ever since then my feelings have just increased, I just.." He stops, clearly frustrated with himself. I've seen this side of Harry before. He often struggles to get his feelings out as words and I always feel so helpless.

I grab his hand, almost on impulse, earning his full attention. "I have thought about us being more than friends but I always thought you would never like me in that way. I knew you were annoyed with Richard but I didn't once think it was jealousy. I just thought you didn't like him and preferred I go with someone else. At the time I thought you were just being immature but now I realise..." I stop, thinking carefully about my next words. "If you're willing to be more than friends then so am I."

His worried expression disappears and it's replaced with a smile that I have grown to love. His free hand reaches up to graze my cheek and I revel at the feeling. He looks at me with his green eyes as if asking for permission to go further. I simply smile and soon enough his lips meet mine. My heart begins to beat faster, obvioulsy not used to this new feeling. When he pulls away an even bigger smile is gracing his face, making my heart beat even faster.

"Let's get you home." He says, not letting go of my hand.

The whole way home that beautiful smile never leaves and for the first time I begin to see Harry in a different light. Obviously I have nothing to compare him to, I've never had a boyfriend nor been kissed before but it feels amazing. I'm not sure how to describe the feeling he gives me when he holds my hand or when I catch him looking at me but it is incredible...

3 years later

I turned my lap top off and placed it back in it's case. "Jess, come on! Dinner's on the table!" My mum called from the kitchen.

I huffed and reluctantly got up off the sofa, ruining my comfortable position. I pulled out a chair and slumped down into it, looking at the plate of grub in front of me. "What's wrong with you?" My mum asked, noticing my depressed mood. 

I pushed the plate away from me and sighed. "Jess, this is the second time this week you've not ate your dinner. I know you're missing Harry but starving yourself won't do anything." I looked at her, knowing she was right.

"I know, I should eat but I'm just not hungry." I mumbled, getting up and walking back to my bedroom.

I checked my phone and saw one new message from Harry. 'Hey you x' I immediately replied to his message 'Hey when do you guys go on stage? x'.

There was a knock on my door, making me jump. "Hey. Mum said you didn't eat your dinner again." My brother said, jumping on to my bed.

"Ughhhh, why dosen't she just publish it in the newspaper!" I exclaimed, pulling at my hair.

"She's just worried, that's all. Have you spoken to Harry today?"

"Yeah, he rang this morning and he texted a few minutes ago."

My phone immediately started ringing.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving!" My brother said backing out of my bedroom.


"Hey gorgeous! What's up?"

I laughed. It was so great to hear his voice. "Nothing much. Missing you though."

"Tell me about it. I can't wait to see you in Belfast, literally can't wait."

"I know, I hate this though. Having to talk to you on the phone, I wish I could just talk to you face to face."

"I know, I really miss you. I've got to go babe, we need to do a sound check. I just called to let you know that I miss you, I love you and I can't wait to see you. I'll text you later."

"Okay, bye. I love you."

"Love you more."

I hung up and smiled. I felt so much better after that phone call. I opened my bedroom door and walked into the kitchen, to take my plateful of dinner. "So you're hungry then?" My mum asked.

"Harry rang." I smiled as I ate a forkfull of food.

"Oh right." she laughed.

I shake my head, rubbing my temples trying to get back to reality. What the hell is going on? Why are my memories so vivid? I begin to remember the X-Factor tour concert that year and how excited I was to see him. I was really infatuated with him when we were first going out. As was he with me...

"Hello Belfast!" Harry shouted into the microphone making me smile. My heart beamed with pride at my boy on the stage doing what he's always wanted to do.

"How you all doing?!" Louis screamed and I mean screamed, into the microphone making the audience laugh and scream in response.

I had met the boys months ago when they were first put together and I got on so well with them. It was amazing to see how well they all bonded with each other and I was glad to see that Harry was having such a wonderful time with them.

The show was brilliant; Matt was fantastic, Cher was brilliant, Rebecca was stunning and One Direction just crushed it. I went backstage stage after and I was immediately greeted by Harry's open arms. We hugged for ages, not wanting to let go of each other.

"Ughhh, I've missed you so much." He groaned.

"I've missed you too." I replied as I inhaled his gorgeous, familiar scent making me feel safe in his arms.

"N'awwww." We broke a part and saw Louis and his girlfriend Hannah standing side by side laughing at us.

I looked at Harry. His curls were sitting just perfectly, framing his face. His sea green eyes were staring into mine making me melt. I have never met or seen anyone with eyes as green as Harry's. He laughed at my facial expression which was probably mouth wide open and day dreaming, interrupting my thoughts.

"Come here you." He smirked as he pulled me into him tighter and pressed his warm, soft lips onto mine making me smile. I ran my hands through those gorgeous, soft curls of his making him moan. I couldn't help but laugh which just spoiled the moment.

"Typical." He said as he prised his lips off mine.

"Sorry." I laughed.

He laughed too, grabbing my waist tightly as he did.

"Right come on! The party's starting without us!" Louis said as he grabbed Hannah's hand and pulled her to the exit of backstage.

We walked into the nightclub and immediately saw everyone dancing, of course Louis pulled Hannah onto the dance floor for a dance. It was hilarious. I saw Gemma, Harry's sister, standing at the bar with Liam so went over for a chat.

"Where you going?" Harry asked as I dragged him over to the bar.

"Hey Haz!" Liam exclaimed as he put his arm around him.

"Hey!" I said pulling Gemma in for a long hug. 

"Well, how nice is it to see lover boy again?" She asked, smirking at me.

"Brilliant." I replied simply, smiling at the thought of Harry.

On cue, I felt warm arms wrap around my waist making me turn round. The familiar tune of Bruno Mars' hit Nothin' On You began to play and I smiled up at Harry.

"You got me!" He admitted, "I requested the song yes, but only for my gorgeous girl." He said as he pulled me into him close.

I rested my head on his shoulder as we swayed to the song. I could hear him singing along every so often making my heart beat fast. "Beautiful girls. All over the world, I could be chasing but my time would be wasted. They got nothin' on you baby! Nothin' on you!" Little did he know that those silly song lyrics meant a lot to me. As if he could read my thoughts, he leaned into my ear and, "I love you."

I smiled and kissed him, making him lift me up and twirl me around. I broke away from his lips and gazed into his gorgeous eyes and said, "I love you more." Meaning it.

That was the last perfect moment I had with Harry. Now, I'm twenty-two I live on my own and haven't spoken to Harry since I was eighteen. What can I say? I guess love isn't all it's cracked up to be.


Right, that's the first chapter guys! Comment, vote, fan! Let me know what you think okay! Thanks! XxXxxXxXxxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXXXXxXxXxXx

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