That escalated quickly

Autorstwa xti4max

388 2 4

Anna just wants to save Pearl, but dopplewhores and baby vampires are beginning to test her patients. luckily... Więcej

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Untitled Part 9
chapter 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13

chapter 3

33 1 0
Autorstwa xti4max

new chapter and on time yay meeee!

hope you guys enjoy

[Gilbert house]

"Morning." Jeremy mumbles into her hair as she stirs awake. She asks his chest what time it is, as she tries to snuggle deeper. Laughing Jeremy starts to untangle himself from her.

"I'll grab some of Jenna's clothes for you, considering your style you won't want anything from Elena's closet." She pulls a face at him as she sits up reluctantly.

"I need to get home." She looks around for her phone. Re-entering the room Jeremy tosses the clothes at her. "Can't go home you'll be late for school, shower here, you can use the guest bathroom, toothbrushes under the sink." she thanks his back, as he walks into his own bathroom.

Gathering the clothes and her phone off the side, she slips out of the room, pausing in the hall to listen to Elena's rant about her being there, and Jenna's smack down. Smiling to herself she enters the bathroom.

They both meet in the hall once they are done, Jeremy has his backpack and her satchel on his shoulder. Anna frowns when he doesn't automatically hand it over. "You wanna skip the firing squad in the kitchen?"

Jeremy laughs leading the way to the kitchen, completely ignoring both woman he gently deposits Anna on a stool, moving around his family to make coffee, "Want anything to eat?"

"Coffee, coffee, coffee." Rolling his eyes he places the cup in front of her, making a snarky comment about her drinking sugar with coffee. He relaxes against the side across from her drinking as she flips him off. Throughout the entire exchange Elena had been trying and failing to get his attention. She moves to step in between them but is stopped by Jenna.

"You guys are all going to be late."

"Bonnie is running late, so." Elaine shrugs, not her problem

"Jer, come on, I can't be late on my first week, got to make a good impression."

"Anna you skipped your first day." Laughing she smacks his arm as they walk towards the front door.

"No I skipped first period dobe."

They leave the house ignoring Elena's put out expression.


They arrive at school with half an hour to spare, Anna texts Caroline asking where she is, so they can meet up but gets no reply. Jeremy offers to keep her company until class starts, leading her towards the bleachers. They sit Jeremy a seat above anna, she leans on his legs for support.

Vicki lopes up to stand in front of them, holding up a pair of tickets explaining she has a set. Jeremy doesn't want to hear it, making a snide remark about Tyler. Vicki sits down next to him slinging an arm around his shoulder. She points out its him she wants to take, that she wants them to be friends. Shrugging of her arm, Jeremy asks her if she was just sleeping with him for the drugs, because he can't think of any other reason. Anna cringes wanting to leave the argument, but Vicki beats her to it, storming away not answering his question. Jeremy's head drops, Anna scoots closer resting her head on his leg.

[History class]

As always history class was a blow out, Elena and Stefan spent the entire time making heart eyes at each other and Stefan piss Tanner off again beating him at his own game. So they all got double homework, what a dick. And worst of all still no Caroline.

[Football field]

Anna decides to face judgment from the cheerleaders to see if she can find Caroline. She's on the phone to Finn doing the first of many daily check-ins when she spots the dopplewhore and bennet witch.

"Shit abort. Abort mission." Finn demands to know what is going on. "They're coming over, I don't want to talk to them they are arseholes, Uncle Finn." She whines down the phone.

'Remind me Annika how old are you again.' She makes a face at the phone, knowing he can't see,

They are already in front of her demanding to know where Caroline is, rolling her eyes she goes back to her phone call ignoring them.

"Love you uncle, talk later tell Aunt Sage she's the best." Laughing he hangs up.

She holds up a hand when it looks like there about to start again. Putting her phone in her pocket before she even acknowledges them "Firstly bitches, Rude just pain rude, I was obviously on the phone. And second," She holds up two fingers "Caroline is your best friend how do you not know where she is. God with friends like you two, who needs enemies." She shoulders her way past them, but Elena's next words make her turn back.

"And stay away from my brother." Anna storms towards her taking satisfaction in the way she flinches; she is after all her father's daughter.
"Now listen here bitch, I shall be friends with whomever I choose, and if you have a problem with that say it to my face." Bonnie tries to get between them, but Anna just holds up a hand "I'll get to you next witch."

They are interrupted by Damon driving up to field with Caroline in the passenger seat.

Ignoring the girl's comments about Damon, Anna curses watching him drive off.

"I got the other brother. Hope you don't mind. Sorry I'm late, girls. I, uh, was busy. All right, let's start with the double pike herkey hurdler," Anna chokes back a laugh at the look on Elena's face.

Anna sits of to the side watching on as Caroline makes Elena sit out, she walks over to join Anna, she just raises an eyebrow as she moves to sit down,

"Keep on walking."

After practise Caroline joins Anna sat on the grass, trying to convince her to join the cheer squad. Anna makes a face but stands readying a position, doing a quick Tanner is an asshole cheer. Caroline cracks up,

"You definitely need to join."
"Hard pass babe. But we do need to talk." She drags Caroline back into the school finding an empty classroom.

[Empty classroom]

"I'm so so sorry Caro, I though." Anna shakes her head, "This is probably going to hurt." she takes Caroline's head in her hands. Caroline startled tries to slap her hands away, but Anna is faster already removing the compulsion.

She knew the exact moment it had worked, Caroline crumples to the floor, shaking with sobs. Anna joins her on the floor wrapping her in her arms, trying to quiet her.

It takes a while for Caroline to calm down but when she does, she tells Anna everything. Anna is livid, using Compulsion to take advantage of a teenage girl. "I'm going to fucking kill him."

Anna's eyes change in her anger causing Caroline to flinch.

"Are you like him." It's a whimper, but it gets Anna under control.

"No, babes I'm one of a kind, half witch half vampire. A complete mistake of nature."

Caroline reaches out pressing a hesitant finger to Anna's cheek. "You're not a mistake."

They sit in that classroom and talk for hours. Anna taking out a package from her bag, she explains the herb within is vervain, and how it stops compulsion, also added befefit if a vampire drinks from you and it's in your veins they will be in a lot of pain. She also explains how it is ingested or wore in jewellery. But tells Caroline to drink it in tea, explaining how easy it is to remove jewellery, or do both, better to be safe than sorry. The next thing she gives Caroline is a key to her house, she explains guest rights, and how Damon can enter whenever.

"You know what I'll explain everything else once we get to my place, but first to the boarding house."

[The Salvator boarding house]

Caroline protest at first, but after some reassurance she is willing to go.

Anna storms up to the door Caroline standing behind her, slamming her fist against it again and again, until a startled Zack answers the door.

"Is he here?" She barges past him shouting Damon's name. Caroline follows in rather than being left outside, muttering a quick apology to Zack. "Damon you cock sucking mouth breeder; I will tear out your heart and feed it to your brother."

Damon appears leisurely walking down the stairs. "No need to ye." Anna is on him in a second, pinning him to the wall by his throat.

"You have now had two warnings, I won't ask you again," She throws him down the stairs, he lands in a heap at Caroline's feet. She stares, hand over mouth.

"What the hell is going on here?" Zack has found his voice.

"Damon thinks it's fun to use compulsion to take advantage of young girls, don't you, you sleaze."

"He didn't." Caroline comes to his defence, "I choose to sleep with him."

"Fine, that means I won't kill you, but one more toe out of line and I will remove your head, now apologise for compelling her."
Damon is staring between the two women; he takes a deep breath turning to fully face Caroline.

"I'm sorry,"

"Drop the snark, or I will drop you."

"I'm sorry you got dragged into mine and my brothers fight."

"Stefan is a vampire too."

"Yeah, I'll explain it all later, I have no doubts Elena with sleep with both him and Damon."

At the look on Caroline's face Anna laughs and asks does she except the shitty apology.

"It'll do, I just want to leave."

[Anna's house]

It doesn't take them long to get to the mansion, with a quick stop at the shop to gather enough junk food to last a week. They are bundled up on the sofa watching the walking dead.

"You know I still have to go to the pep rally tonight, I'm head cheerleader." Anna groans throwing herself over Caroline's lap. Laughing she pats her on the head.

"You're taking this all very well, most people would have ran away screaming."

"My family have lived in Mystic Falls forever, not to mention my mother is the sheriff, just because they all treat me like a barbie, doesn't mean I don't hear things. They are looking for a vampire right now, because of all the killings."

"Fucking Damon! I don't need this."

Caroline wraps and arm around her, "Don't worry I won't tell." Before Anna can respond, there is a ping in the home office, Anna begrudgingly gets up to answer the video call. Caroline frowning after her.

[home office]

She hits the button; a face appears on the screen.

"Uncle Nik."

"Hey trouble, how's Mystic Falls treating you. Do I need to come down here and kill anyone?"

"Behave Uncle Nik." He Laughs. Turning her head Anna shouts into the other room, "Caro come meet my Uncle Nik, he's the one I told you about the other day."

Caroline peeks her head around the door, Nik gives her a small wave, and a smile that's all dimples. Anna rolls her eyes.

With more confidence Caroline walks into the room. "So are you a vampire too?"

That startles him, he looks between both women, as they laugh at his reaction. As Caroline and Nik debate the pros and cons of supernatural creatures Anna gets a call from Jeremy, he explains that he was at the grill, Tyler was all over Vicki and then started on him, he sounds so fed up on the phone. So she changes the subject asking him if he was going to the pep rally later, he's unsure but she talks him into it, with the excuse Caroline needs backup,

"We're the backup Jer." He lets out a weak chuckle reluctantly agreeing to go.

As soon as Anna gets off the phone, she rings Vicki, ignoring the comment Nik throws to Caroline about her ignorance. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Tyler is a skive. NO no." She cut Vicki off not letting her speak. "You need to sort your head out, and while you're doing that stay away from Jeremy, no actually when Tyler decides to dump you cause he will, he's not exactly gonna let someone like you meet his parents is he Vicki, I mean be honest with your self girl, you're gonna get hurt. But babes just leave Jeremy out of it." She hangs up before she can defend herself. Heaving a sigh, she turns to see the knowing faces of her uncle and Caroline. Pointing at both, "Shut up!"

She says goodbye to Nik ending the call before he can get a word in, making Caroline laugh,

"So the Pep rally."

"Thank you for not saying anything," Caroline just shakes her head pointing out they don't have time.

{later on}

[School pep rally]

They are barley out of the car when they see Damon with Tiki, Anna turns to Caroline asking if they care.

"She's a bitch, so only if it affects my squad." Laughing she leaves Caroline with the Cheerleaders, before setting off to find Jeremy.

Instead she finds Stefan giving the Dopplewhore her grandmothers necklace. That's not gonna end well, she turns away back to her search, ignoring the need to rip it from her neck.

Tanner has just finished giving his big speech when she sees him, but Tyler has found him first, they start fighting before Anna can get to them, Stefan gets there first pulling Tyler off Jeremy, Elena tries to mother him, he shrugs her off, Anna catches his arm as he goes for the bottle on the ground, resting her head on his shoulder from behind him as his chest heaves. She kisses his cheek whispering calming words to him under her breath.

Tyler is gone now Matt having dragged him off, Vicki is staring at them. Anna raises an eyebrow; she looks down in shame. They still ignore Stefan and Elena, "Come on Jer, just let me say bye to Caro then we can go."

"We can't go you were her ride."

Elena tries to talk they just pretend like she's not there.

"She's surrounded by cheerleaders someone will drop her off and if not, I'll come back." She shrugs. "I just figures you didn't wany to be here anymore."
He moves around her taking her hand as he goes, "I can wait," He tugs her along until they are sat on the know vacant seats. Leaving the others starting after them.

Anna can hear the Salvator brothers speaking but tunes them out, listening to Jeremy rant. After about ten minutes his head drops into her lap,
"I just don't get it Anna, he treats her like shit."

Hearing Tanner scream she flinches. At Jeremys questioning gaze she says cold. He sits up shrugging of his jacket wrapping it around her shoulders before returning to his previous position. Anna smiles shyly tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, nobody had ever done that for her before.

Tyler and Matt are arguing when they find Tanners body, within seconds the parking lot is a circus. But they just stay where they are in their own little bubble for as long as they can.

They are interrupted by Vicki; her appearance makes Jeremy tense. He sits up leaning on Anna for support. Vicki makes Eye contact for a second, looking at the ground she says, "It wasn't just for the drugs." Jeremy just gets up and leaves both women sat there. Anna watches him go with sad eyes.

"Do you think he will ever forgive me."

"I hope not." Vicki opens her mouth but clamps it shut when Jeremy comes storming back over. Frowning he holds out a hand to Anna,

"You weren't behind me, I thought you were behind me." Smiling she takes his hand.

"Come on let's find Caro, you can both stay at my place tonight. Text your aunt."

So what do you think, let me know

T and her not so helpful brother.

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