The Cure // Im Nayeon x Reader

By WritingRey

263K 18K 12.9K

*COMPLETED* A story in which Nayeon is the daughter of a billionare CEO. She wants to become the next CEO of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
New book!
New Book!

Chapter 30

3.9K 284 107
By WritingRey

Y/N couldn't sleep all night. She still can't comprehend that the woman that she thought was her mother all her life, isn't actually her mother. As if it can't be even worse, she was told that Mrs. Park is her real mother. Y/N needs proof to make sure that Mrs. Park is her real mother. Not that she doesn't trust her parents, she just wants to be sure. She thought about taking a DNA test with Jihyo to see if their DNA's actually match. To do that she needs Jihyo's DNA of course, so first thing she did in the morning is go to Jihyo's house.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Jihyo's grandmother asked when she opened the door. Since the grandmother is Mr. Park's mother, she has no relationship to Y/N, which Y/N is glad about.

"Just checking up on you." Y/N fake smiled. How can she smile right now?

"Come in, darling." The woman took her in. Y/N is curious, does grandma actually know about this? She probably does. Y/N wants to ask badly but she can't. Not before she takes that DNA test.

"How's your health?" Y/N asked.

"Good, good. Don't worry about me." She patted Y/N's shoulder. Jihyo is working at the hospital right now so she's not home.

"Can I go to the bathroom real quick?" Y/N asked as the woman was preparing breakfast.

"Of course, you don't need to ask." Y/N doesn't have to go to the bathroom. She needs to find something that she could use for the DNA test so she went to Jihyo's room. There she found Jihyo's hair brush and luckily there was some hair on it which she took and put into a small bag. She also found her toothbrush in the bathroom which she took as well. The more DNA the better.

"It smells delicious, grandma." Y/N said when she returned. The grandma insisted on Y/N having breakfast with her, so that's what she did before going to the hospital. Luckily Y/N knows a doctor that could help her with this matter so she immediately went to her.

"Chou Y/N, it's been a while." The doctor smiled.

"It really has been, Seulgi-ssi."

"You're here for a DNA test right? For siblings If I remember right." She smiled.

"Yeah here." Y/N gave her the DNA samples. "When can I get the results? I really need it fast, Seulgi-ssi."

"It normally takes up to four days." Four days? That's too long. She can't wait that long.

"Can you make it quicker?"

"Because you've helped me out many times, I'll prioritise this and I'll give you the results tomorrow. Is that okay?" Well, she can wait until tomorrow. It's better than four days.

"Okay, that's good. Then I'll come back tomorrow." Y/N said in a nervous tone.

"I guess this is very important, huh?" Seulgi questioned.

"You could say that."

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Jihyo suddenly approached them which made Y/N freeze.

"Y/N?" Jihyo raised her eyebrows when the CEO didn't answer.

"Oh I'm just here to visit Seulgi. I haven't visited her in a while."

"And you weren't planning on visiting me?"

"Of course I was. I was about to come to you." Y/N lied. She can't even look Jihyo in the face right now. The fact that Jihyo might be her half sister scares the shit out of her.

"I was just joking Y/N. You visit me quite often, so it's okay. Have fun with Seulgi-ssi." Jihyo patted Y/N's arm and left with a smile on her face. When the two were kids, people would tell them that they look quite similar but no one really thought about it any further. Now it explains why they have physical similarities.


Y/N went home after she went to the hospital. She knows her family is worried about her and it would worry them only more if she doesn't go home.

"Oh my God, Y/N. You're here." Mrs. Chou sighed out of relief and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Are you okay?" She held Y/N's face.

"I'm okay."

"Unnie? Thank God you're fine." Tzuyu stated when she saw Y/N. By the sudden noise, Mr. Chou and Chaeyoung also joined them in the living room.

"Did you tell the girls?" Y/N asked her dad. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung have the right to know.

"They did." Chaeyoung answered instead.

"How about we all sit down? I guess we have some things to talk about." Y/N suggested and they all agreed.

"I want to know everything. And if there's anything else that you're hiding, wether it's related to me, to Tzuyu, to Chaeyoung or even to you, I want to hear all of it now."

"There's not much to say, Y/N. Like I said yesterday, it was what Mrs. Park wanted because she didn't want you to grow up with divorced parents, she wanted you to have a family." Mr. Chou repeated.

"Is that all? There's nothing else?" Y/N asked and he shook his head.

"Unnie, I know this is hard to accept but just know that this doesn't change anything. You're still my big sister wether it's half or full, I don't care." Tzuyu said. Of course she was quite shocked to find out that Y/N is from another mother, but she doesn't care about that at all.

"Same for me." Chaeyoung added.

"Chaeyoung, this literally doesn't change anything for you. We're related to you from our dad's side of the family." Tzuyu reminded her.

"Y/N I know this is hard but please forgive us. We were going to tell you one day but when Mrs. Park died, we didn't want you to know." Her father informed.

"You know I wish I never found out. I wish I didn't overhear you guys talking about it. I thought we were an honest family but I was completely wrong. You've been lying to me all my life. Do you even realize what this information is doing to me? My heart is burning right now." Y/N's eyes got teary.

"Why would you let her get close to me if that was the case huh? Why didn't she just leave us and cut all contact with us? Why was she close to us?!" Y/N raised her voice. If Y/N had never met her real mother, then this wouldn't have been that big of a deal.

"She wanted to be close to you because she felt guilty for not being a good mother." Mr. Chou informed.

"I killed my own mother. I'm the cause of her death. How do you expect me to live with that, huh?"

"Y/N..." Mrs. Chou cried. She can feel Y/N's pain.

"I took a DNA test with Jihyo. Don't worry she doesn't know yet. I'll get the results tomorrow. It's not because I don't believe you guys, I just want to be sure."

"You have the right to do that." Her father stated.

"By the way Im Nayeon is going to stay here for a few days. At least until I destroy that freaking family of hers."

"What? Why is she going to stay here? Why can't she just continue to stay at that beach house?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Because I need her close to me. She'll be safe here with us. So please be welcoming."

"What are you going to do, unnie?" Tzuyu worried. Y/N was already out for revenge but with this new information the will for revenge rose extremely. Her family is worried that she's going to go too far.

"I'm sticking to my original plan for now. But I'll make sure that Mr. Im nor Jin can live a comfortable life. I'll make their lives a living hell until the day I die."

"What about Nayeon?" Her mother asked.

"I don't know." Y/N said weakly. She hates herself for falling for the daughter of her mother's murderer, but then again Nayeon didn't do anything wrong. She's also a victim.


"Why am I here?" Nayeon asked when the driver brought her to Y/N's mansion.

"Ms. Chou's order." He answered.

"Nayeon-ssi?" Y/N approached her.

"Y/N, why am I here?"

"You're staying here from now on." Y/N informed.

"What? Why?"

"You'll be safe here and I want you close to me so let's go inside." Y/N grabbed Nayeon's hand and entered.

"Hello." Nayeon bowed to Y/N's parents.

"Make yourself comfortable Nayeon-ssi. You're Y/N's guest after all." Mr. Chou smiled and Nayeon nodded.

"We'll be in my room." Y/N said and dragged Nayeon to her room. The moment they entered Y/N pinned Nayeon against the wall and started to kiss her roughly. Nayeon was quite surprised by this action. Y/N isn't the type to be aggressive, but she suddenly is. Nayeon was having a hard time breathing so she tried to push Y/N away but Y/N didn't want to stop.

"Y/N!" Nayeon finally managed to push her away and by seeing Nayeon's face, Y/N can tell that Nayeon is uncomfortable.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." Y/N held her head in frustration.

"What's going on?" Nayeon approached her. It doesn't take a genius to see that there's something wrong.

"Nothing, nothing." Y/N shook her head.

"Y/N, please tell me." Nayeon held the girl's face.

"I'm just having a hard time." Y/N admitted.

"That's okay. You know you can tell me what's bothering you, right?" Nayeon caressed her hair and Y/N nodded.

"Can we just cuddle?" Y/N asked as she sat on her bed. Nayeon nodded and joined Y/N on her bed.

"I missed you." Nayeon admitted.

"You literally saw me yesterday."

"Still, I missed you. It got very lonely at that beach house you know." Nayeon buried her face into Y/N's chest.

"I missed you too." Y/N said weakly. They continued to cuddle in silence and Nayeon can sense that something happened. Y/N isn't usually this quiet and her eyes look like she cried. Nayeon wants to ask badly what happened, but she knows Y/N won't answer her anyways.

Without knowing the two fell asleep. Y/N didn't think she would be able to sleep since her mind is running with thoughts, but being next to Nayeon made her actually fall asleep.

"Tzuyu, can you call Y/N and Nayeon for dinner?" Mrs. Chou asked her daughter and Tzuyu nodded. She went to Y/N's room and knocked on it but there was no answer.

"Unnie?" Tzuyu questioned but again no voices were heard so she decided to open the door. When she opened it, she saw both of them sleeping while they cuddled. Tzuyu smiled to herself seeing the scene in front of her. She's glad that Y/N is finally letting someone in. Well, she still hasn't let Nayeon in but Tzuyu is sure that it will eventually happen. It is a slow process after all.

Tzuyu didn't want to wake them up so she shut the door and went back downstairs.

"Aren't they coming?" Chaeyoung asked.

"They're sleeping."

"Sleeping? At this time? Together?"

"Yes together Chaeyoung." Tzuyu sighed.

"I don't get it anymore, is she getting close to Nayeon for revenge or because she actually likes her?"

"She likes her, Chaeng. It's obvious. Too bad that the first person that she ever likes turns out to be the daughter of the murderer of her biological mother." Tzuyu said in a sad voice.


The next morning Y/N woke up early and saw that no one was by her side. She went downstairs and saw Nayeon talking with Tzuyu and Chaeyoung. They actually seem to get along better now, which Y/N is glad about.

"Having a party without me, huh?" Y/N chuckled.

"Finally, you woke up. But too bad that Chaeyoung and I need to go to school right now. So bye unnie." Tzuyu suddenly hugged Y/N which made Y/N widen her eyes, Tzuyu doesn't hug her quite often unless she has to.

"I don't know why I did that and please don't ask." Tzuyu said when she pulled away which made everyone laugh.

"Yah, I also want a hug." Chaeyoung was about to hug Tzuyu but Tzuyu pushed her away.

"In your dreams, shortie."

"Yah, I'm not that short!" Chaeyoung pouted and with that the two left.

"Do they always bicker like that?" Nayeon asked.

"Yup, this isn't even the worst."

"Did you sleep well? You were pretty tired yesterday." Nayeon approached Y/N and examined her face.

"Hmm, I did. Probably because you were with me." Y/N pecked her lips.

"Uhumm." Someone cleared their throat which made Nayeon distance herself from Y/N.

"Good morning, dad." Y/N said in a serious tone. She has a hard time with acting like nothing happened.

"Good morning." He said and walked into the kitchen.

"I need to go to work now. I'll be back before dinner. Please don't leave the house and if you need anything tell the maids or my parents, okay? Just don't leave this house. It's still dangerous for you to be out there."

"What am I going to do all day?" Nayeon has been so bored for the past few days, it's crazy.

"Just watch movies in my room or something."

"Pff fine, you're lucky that I like you." Nayeon smiled and so did Y/N. Y/N bid her goodbyes and left her house to go to the hospital.


"Do you have the results?" Y/N asked Seulgi.

"Yes, I have them. It's here." Seulgi handed her a file.

"Thank you so much for doing this. I owe you some."

"Well, you can always treat me dinner you know." Seulgi joked.

"I will for sure. Anyways I need to go now. Thank you once again." Y/N said and left the hospital. She got into her car and looked at the file in front of her. She's scared to open it. She already knows what the result will be, but she's still scared.

After looking at it for like a minute, she decided to open the file and looked at the result.

Result: 61% genetic match, Conclusion: Half sibling

Seeing the result made Y/N burst out in tears. So it is true. Mrs. Park is really her mother and Jihyo really is her half-sister. She can't be seen crying at a parking lot in her car, so she went to the one place that she can think of right now which is to Jihyo's grandmother. She knows Jihyo isn't home now since Jihyo is working.

"Y/N?" The woman said when she opened the door.

"You knew it right? That Jihyo is my sister?" Y/N said in a weak voice.

"I-I..." The woman didn't know what to say. How did Y/N even find out?

"So you knew."

"Come in, Y/N." She guided the young woman in.

"My parents told me everything. I also did a DNA test which confirmed that Jihyo is my half-sibling."

"They told you?" Mrs. Park's tears fell. Y/N looks in pain right now.

"Why didn't you tell me? I know that she's not your daughter, but how couldn't you tell me? Or why did you let them do this to me?" Y/N's tears fell as well.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I thought it was better for you to not know."

"You realize that it isn't just me that you lied to right? It's also Jihyo. Hell we grew up thinking that we were best friends, but turns out we're sisters!" Y/N yelled as she cried.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry. I tried to convince them not to do it, but they didn't listen." The woman broke down on her knees. It killed her that Jihyo and Y/N never knew that they're actually sisters. It killed her to see her daughter in law interacting with her child without the child knowing that it was her mother.

"You should've tried harder! I can't believe you could all keep this secret for 25 years. I'm so disappointed in all of you." Y/N said in a weak tone and left the place.

"Y/N! Don't go.. Please let's talk." The grandmother pleaded.

"Don't even bother." Y/N wiped her tears and went back to her car. She doesn't know how she's ever going to be able to accept this.


A/N: Updatee. I was actually tearing up while writing this lmao why am I making myself cry? Anyways please vote and comment!! I appreciate it all.

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