Why I Hate Fluff

By 2kimchaeju

22.7K 688 297

I don't, but that's for you to prove by reading this. [Request Closed] More

A Change of Heart (Sakura)
A Puppy's Love (Yujin)
A Piece of Mind From The One's Left Behind (Hitomi)
A Healed Scar (Yujin)
You For Dinner (SsamNako)
Someday (IZ*ONE)
Just A Little Push (Wonyoung)
Call To Mind (Minju)
Best Friend (Eunbi)
She's Different (Minju)
Americano, please! (Yuri)
Regular (Sakura)
Time Lapse (Irene)
Body Swap I (Karina)
First Date I (Chaewon)
First Date II (Haewon)
Strawberry Scent and the Curveball (Wonyoung)
Two Is Better Than One (Mia)
Fearless (Le Sserafim)

Regular (Sakura)

1.1K 55 5
By 2kimchaeju

Requested by: EnergyMaker

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"Please welcome Ms Sakura. She will be joining us from now on. I hope you all treat her well."

Everyone cheered as the new employee entered the office. Usually, Y/N wouldn't be so excited about anything the company does, but Sakura's beauty captured his attention at the exact moment she stood in front of him. He couldn't help but stare at her curiously.

As everyone was welcoming Sakura, she noticed a man that seemed cold-eyed but had his eyes fixated on her. She couldn't help but feel curious about him.

"Well... Please make yourself comfortable, Ms Sakura." The manager gestured, "everyone, please be nice to her."

Sakura's seat was arranged next to Y/N's before her arrival, and because of that, and only because of that they were able to communicate every day and get to know each other better than others.

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Three months passed by, Sakura and Y/N are seen to be closer and closer by each day. To the eyes of their coworkers, something might have sparked between them, but no one is ready to make the assumption and ask as it might cause the two to fall apart into an awkward state.

Every Friday, Y/N would invite Sakura to hang out together without their co-workers' knowledge. The two got comfortable with each other quickly, and nothing is stopping them from running away and do the things they like.

One day, the company reached great success, and the manager couldn't help but make an announcement and a celebration for it.

"Everyone, listen up!" The manager gathered all of the employees' attention.

"What's wrong, sir?" Sakura raised her hand.

"Nothing is wrong." The manager's words disappointed the employees. The manager called their attention once again once he saw them were about to continue working.

"Hey, hey! I was joking."

"So? What is the announcement, sir?" Sakura asked once again.

"I don't know how you guys didn't notice it, even though you guys made it, but our company just broke another record in profit!" The manager announced excitedly, only to be replied with lazy, uninterested applause.

"Whoa... You guys are so negative, aren't you? You remind me of a certain person, but anyway!" The employees are once again distracted from their work.

"We will celebrate it! It's on the company!" The office was quick to be filled with enthusiasm. Everyone was pleased by the second announcement as it means they can have a whole night of drinking and eating well.

"Thank you, sir!" Everyone thanked the manager.

"Don't thank me. Thank yourself for breaking the record." The manager replied. "Well then, how about this Friday after working hours?"

Everyone nodded in agreement to set the party on a Friday night.

"Then, it is settled."

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"For everyone who has been working very hard the past few months. Cheers!"

The sound of glasses clinking against each other raises the excitement of the employees followed by loud cheerings. Over the time, the hours were spent talking and re-filling their boozes. The same goes for Y/N and Sakura. They continue to fill up each other's glass while they get to know each other further.

A few hours later...

"Alright, let me have everyone's attention!" The manager called. "Once again, I have to thank you all for all of your hard work."

Everyone cheered once again, clashing their glass before they take their last sip of alcohol.

"Should we go home, Sakura?" Y/N lightheadedly suggested.

"We should-" Sakura fell asleep on his shoulder, causing him to giggle a little.

"Let me help you out." He took Sakura over his shoulder and dragged her out of the bar. He raised his hand, calling a cab over to pick them up. It wasn't long until one came by, so they entered the taxi.

"To this address, please."

Y/N's heartbeat races as he watches the soft-looking, Sakura-like girl dozing on his chest as he rests his palm on her head.

The faint sound of the radio playing complex yet soothing harmony, perhaps late-night Jazz he thought. While the car lights passing by, blinding his front view, he lowered his face behind the driver seat only to come close to Sakura's sleeping face.

'You are so beautiful, don't you know that?'

◼ ◼ ◼

"We are here, sir." The taxi driver woke the half-asleep Y/N up.

"Ah. Thank you very much, sir." He handed the fare. "Please keep the change."

Just like before, Y/N supported Sakura on his shoulder into his house and rolled her over on his bed. The girl won't stop babbling nonsense as she is completely wasted.

"Go to sleep, Sakura." Y/N flicked her forehead, causing her to groan a baby. "Naw... Where are you going?"

Sakura grabbed his sleeve, stopping him from stepping further from the bed.

"Stay..." She whined pitifully.

"I can't. I'm sleeping on the couch tonight."

Sakura was persistent. She grasped his hand tighter, and lightly pulled his hand in hope that he would stop from leaving her alone. At the same time, she didn't stop whining about him leaving which put him in a stressful situation.

"Don't leave!" Sakura raised her tone. She forcefully pulled him into the bed, causing him to fall on top of her. "Ah- You're heavy!"

"What are you-" Sakura cuts him with a kiss. She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled his head deeper and deeper, suffocating him yet, neither are ready to pull away. While in heat, Y/N did not hesitate to wrap his arms around her waist while hungrily eating her lips out.

"Won't you stay the night?" Sakura begged him full-on lust, and he replied with another kiss.

They continued, and continued, and continued. Stripping each other's clothes down to completely bare...

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The next morning...

Sakura slowly opened her eyes to see a familiar face just an inch away from her face. Her eyes quickly widened before she yelled a screech that forced Y/N to wake up.

"What? What? What happened?" In shock, Y/N looked around his room, only to find the bright weekend sun illuminating the entire space. Only then, he noticed the figure of a woman covering her upper body with the white sheet with her trembling fingers.

"Sakura?!" Y/N shook his head a couple of times before focusing on her face again. "What are you doing here?"

"Y/N! I should be asking you that!"

Y/N looked over his room once again to make sure he was in the right place. Sakura does the same, and she quickly realised she is not in her house.

"What am I doing here?"

"I asked you that!"

...... Y/N massaged his forehead while Sakura looked around the interior to find something. He lifted the sheet and got out of the bed, exposing his manhood. The unwelcomed sight had Sakura shouting and throwing every object she could find around the bed on him.

"Yah! What are you doing?" She covered her eyes with small gaps between the fingers. "Cover yourself!"

Y/N realised and tippy-toed like a burglar while covering his manhood to his cupboard to grab a pair of underwear. On the other hand, Sakura's clothes are nowhere to be seen. Y/N noticed that she is still naked. He took one of his shirts and threw it on her face.

"Wear this for now. It might be too big for you." Without wasting any time, she wore it effortlessly.

"Now... mind explaining what happened?" Sakura asked.

"What do you mean 'mind explaining' aren't you the drunk one that pulled me into the bed last night?" Y/N fought back.

Three seconds, Y/N mentally counted, was all it took for Sakura to recall her abruptness last night. She yelled a long, high pitched tone while covering her whole face with the sheet.

"What did I do...?" Sakura whined. Y/N gave her a moment to sort out her thoughts before breaking the silence.

"Did you... Do you regret anything we did last night?"

The question caught her off guard, but she remembered every detail of last night, from the way he touched her thighs to the way he sweet-talked her into her ears. As she recalled last night, her cheeks blushed prettily. She shook her head a couple of times before replying.

"I don't know..."


"It's not that I dislike it, but..."


"How do you feel about it?" Sooner or later, Y/N knew she was going to ask the same question.

"I don't regret it. If anything, I enjoyed it more than anything." His stern and honest words raced her heart unconditionally.

"I..." Her hesitation was cut by the sound of Y/N's stomach rumbling. "Are you hungry?"

"Hey, answer the-"

"Later. I'm also hungry. Let me cook for us." Sakura jumped out of the bed and rushed to the kitchen, hiding her flustered face from the man.

'What is she avoiding it for? If she enjoyed it, she should've said it.'

He went to the bathroom to clean up and wear proper clothing.


After going out of the shower, Y/N found Sakura cooking breakfast with his oversized tee. Curious about what she's cooking, he startled the girl with a back hug and a face close to her neck and ears.

"Ya! What are you doing? I haven't showered yet!"

"What are you cooking?" He hugs her tighter with no room for escape. Sakura gave up as she couldn't fight against his strength, and replied to him.

"Your favourite." She muttered.

"How did you know my favourite?"

"We talked about it!" Sakura smacked his head with the rice scoop.

"I'm just joking." He groaned.

They remain in the same position for a few minutes. While Sakura was occupied by her cooking, he was only enjoying the sound of her cooking sizzling. Y/N's hug around her waist turned tighter every second, Sakura mentally guessed a couple of times that he might be thinking of something.

"What's wrong, Y/N?"

"Can I ask something?"


"Sakura... Do you mind if we do 'this' again some other times?" At that moment, her motion stopped.

"Do you not want to?" He asked again.

"Y/N, I..." Memories of comfort and honesty they shared over the short time all came back to her at once. After contemplating a million times in her head whether she would make it a regular or not, she finally continued.

"Are you okay with that? With me?" She nervously stirs her veggies. His childlike antics around her neck made her heart race faster and faster.

"I'm all down if it's with you, Sakura." With the way he breathed her name, everything inside her heart and head was burning.

"We can..." Sakura replied. Y/N hugged her tightly one more time before releasing her, letting her finish her job. Sakura couldn't decide whether he is sober or not from the way he is acting exceptionally lively - something unusual for him to do, especially in the morning.

But it's funny how she knows him well.

After Sakura prepares the meals on the table, they proceed to munch it while talking about their previous nights - with mostly Y/N teasing Sakura about it.

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Over the months, their relationship turned into something regular. They would spend nights together at either house and go to work together the day after.

At times they didn't do their "regular", Y/N would be seen to pick Sakura up at her house and drive together to the office. Coworkers, and even managers, are starting to get suspicious about their relationship. They knew that those two are quite close, but is what they thought really the way they are?

"Oh, what is this? Are you two dating?" A co-worker asked both of them.

"No, we aren't," Y/N stated, making everyone in the office a lot more suspicious about their relationship.

"So what are you guys?" The question had struck a sharp one through both of their hearts. Y/N coughed a little, clearing his throat before giving a reply.

"Can't we be close? We are just friends." He said it so eagerly yet those words he said only hurt themselves.

A couple of times, their co-workers were able to spot them going into dating spots like café, malls, and parks where many other couples are often to be seen. Whatever Y/N cleared out to them did not match their suspicions.

"Why do you think our friend thought we are dating?" Sakura asked while trying to make five perfect slices of her favourite red velvet cake Y/N ordered.

"I don't know..." Y/N answered before taking a couple of sips of his coffee. He stared through the glass pane beside them, watching the city slowly getting less and less busy as the sunsets. "I don't think there is anything more about us than just a 'regular'." His eyes turn cold, like his coffee.

Her heart sank as deep as it could. She felt something inside her shattering into pieces, making breathing way too difficult for their usual "date". Many words she could voice as his bright brown eyes turned bleak. But little did she know, those dark and grim eyes hold a secret a fragile heart couldn't dare to express emotions.

Somewhere around the corner...

"See! I told you they are dating!"

"Shh- Don't be so loud, they might hear you."

"But don't they look good together? A beautiful princess and a handsome knight... They're perfect."

"Sheesh... Are you the one falling for them now?"

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It has been over a year, and the two are still in their "regular" relationship. Things went on as usual. When either one of them needs to release some steam, they'd help to please each other.

However, time passes, and Sakura continues to fall for Y/N, sinking herself deeper into a depth outside their pact. His moves in bed, combined with his sincere and comfortable treatment, are the reasons she couldn't help but fall deeper.

Every time she sees him, she feels butterflies in her stomach.

After hours of work, the clock strikes 6:40, indicating that the work time is almost over. Sakura looked at Y/N beside her and knocked on his desk.

"Yes?" Y/N looks at her.

"Tonight my house?" Sakura teased.

"Sure," Y/N smirked and winked. His wink fluttered her heart. Sakura couldn't help but smile while doing the rest of her work.

When the time was over, Sakura and Y/N immediately headed to her house after buying a few snacks from the convenience store.

They drove to her apartment building and jog to her flat. As soon as they entered her apartment, Y/N pinned her to the door and kissed her passionately, causing her to drop the bag of snacks they bought. Just like him, she longed for this. She rests her arms around his neck while giving herself to him.

Y/N carried her into her room without breaking the kiss. They gently strip each other for the night, feeling each other's heat as the night falls colder...

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Next morning...

The two woke up, greeted by the warm sunlight over their cold bodies. Y/N fixed her bed hair while she was still resting her head on the pillow. He then heard her tummy rumbling.

"Should we have breakfast?" Y/N giggled.


This time, Y/N is preparing breakfast while Sakura prepares the table. He would occasionally steal a glance at the girl with an oversized tee, skipping multiple beats of his heart.

'Should I talk about it with her...?' He gripped the shirt piece on his chest.

After the food was done, Sakura helped Y/N prepare the dishes on the table. The two eat silently, without saying a single word despite the pleasant morning.

'Should I?' Y/N contemplated. 'Goddamn! Make up your mind, you indecisive boy.'

Y/N broke the silence with a question Sakura might have wanted to ask too.

"Sakura," He gulped "What is the nature of our relationship?"

Sakura froze on the spot, it was her turn to reflect on her future answer. Her heart is beating rapidly with no sign of slowing down. She exhaled a long one before putting down her cutlery.

"Y/N... This might sound a bit weird." She replied.

"What is it, Sakura?"

"This whole time I've been scared. Scared that you might not feel the same way I do."


"I-I'm in love with you," Sakura confessed. It was as if hundreds of cheese were slapped on his face. For him to be so dumb and naïve, rejecting her on that particular date downtown.

"I knew it wasn't something sudden, but there is no way I could suppress this feeling that grows, especially how we only come to get closer and closer every day."

His heart opened as he heard those words coming out of her mouth. A door he once shut, scared that she might not feel the same as he does. Now it's useless, the feelings are mutual.

"If only, I could ask it. I want us to be more than just 'regulars'. Something more than just friends sleeping over at each other's houses, spending the nights saying 'I love you' but we don't mean them."

"I-I..." Y/N stuttered a couple of times as he tried to make a reply. A let-down expression was plastered all over Sakura's face. She was ready to be rejected.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to ruin our-" As her tears fell, Y/N quickly shut her mouth and stole a kiss from it. His actions only caused her to cry more, but a satisfied smile was plastered on her face as she returned the kiss.

"That's my answer." Y/N broke the kiss. "I do feel the same."

"So, what do you say? Should we quit being friends with benefits and become real lovers?" Sakura asked and Y/N nodded in response.

"I love you," Sakura said in a soft tone.

"Did you say something?"

"I LOVE YOU!" Sakura shouted.

"Love you too~" Y/N teased and pinched her cheek.

They both chuckled before continuing their breakfast with lots of chit-chatting. To their luck, the fact that they already felt comfortable with each other, changing from a "friends with benefits" status to "dating" wasn't something difficult.

Days passed, and they finally announced to their co-workers that they are dating. They shared a bit of how they got into this mess and made their way up to now.

They finally let out the "steam" they are supposed to release off their chest.

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First one to return from the depths - with improvements.

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