
By Ikizuko

27.8K 789 61

MerDer. Meredith is appointed the new Chief of Surgery at Seattle Grace when her intern year should have been... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 5

1.8K 48 3
By Ikizuko

Meredith was late. She was late on her first freaking day. She had reached Roseridge later than planned because of the guy from the previous night and then Ellis had been difficult about taking her meds so she had had to stay longer.

She rushed through the hospital, drawing more attention than she did last time. She had to be there in time for the announcements or Alex would never let her live it down. She managed to find the auditorium by a stroke of luck and entered in the middle of Richard's speech.

Now standing in a room full of people she didn't know, her nerves finally had the time to act up. Most people who had turned to look at her had turned their attention back to Richard by now. Her eyes roamed the room and briefly paused on a group of what she assumed were interns who she had seen last night.

Just then, some rather obnoxious waving caught her eye and she turned to look in the direction it came from. She felt her face break out into a broad grin as she spotted the familiar figure of Mark Sloan in Seattle. Suddenly, everything that had scared her a minute before became a whole lot more funny.

Mark had always had that effect on her, he made her confident. Suddenly she was aware that she was Meredith freaking Grey and she was going to be the Chief of Surgery and kick ass! Before she even had time to ponder Mark's appearance, she heard her name basing announced and walked up the podium to Richard.

She smiled at Richard and turned to the rest of the room to give the speech apparently expected from her. Her confidence was clear as she looked at the faces turned towards her and began.

"Hello everyone. I'm Meredith Grey and I'm going to be your new Chief of surgery. Dr. Webber here has made Seattle Grace a leading hospital and I look forward to getting to know it better and improve it further."

She finished fast, knowing no surgeon had patience for a drawn out speech. She glanced again at Mark as Richard began telling everyone to go back to work and found herself staring at the guy from this morning.

"Crap" she muttered to herself as she suddenly realised he was one of the employees.


The moment Richard told everyone they were dismissed, Addison immediately turned toward Mark and gave him a whack on his head.

"You know Meredith Grey?" She rounded on him as he rubbed the sore spot on his head "how the hell have you kept it a secret that you know Meredith Grey?"

Bailey sat there looking between the attendings, her own curiosity piqued. Derek stared at Mark waiting for an answer.

"Oh I've known Mer for years." He answered airily as he got up to go and meet Meredith who was coming towards the group.

Addison and Derek followed him and she now turned on Derek to demand answers. "And you. Don't pretend you didn't know her. I saw your reaction when she came in." But thankfully before Derek could answer, they found themselves in front of Webber and Meredith.

Meredith quickly reached in to hug Mark and said "what're you doing in Seattle, Marky?"

Mark shot her a boyish grin and answered "A little birdy told me someone had been offered Chief of Surgery."

Meredith rolled her eyes and answered "Alex called you didn't he."

"We were just having a regular old conversation and imagine my surprise when he told me that you were leaving Boston for Seattle. I'm hurt you didn't tell me."

"Maybe it's because I knew you'd stalk me to the other side of the country." She retorted.

Mark barked out a laugh, but before he could respond, Webber interrupted. "You know Mark?" He asked, turning to Meredith.

"I met Meredith here three years ago and we seem to hit it off." Mark answered easily as Meredith rolled her eyes.

"No but really, Mark, what are you doing here?" Meredith asked curiously.

Richard answered Meredith's question. "I was going to introduce you to Dr. Sloan and Dr. Montgomery, they're going to be the new heads of Plastics and neonatal departments." He said gesturing to where Addison stood next to Derek. "And that's Dr. Shepherd, our head of neuro."

Meredith's attention was suddenly brought back to Derek and she felt the heat rise on her cheeks. She managed to stutter a suitable greeting to both Derek and Addie before she was led out by Richard, accompanied by Mark.


Derek and Addison were left behind in the room as Bailey exited behind the others. Finally Addie had the opportunity to question Derek in peace.

"Spill it Derek. How do you know her?" Addison demanded

"Wh-what I don't know her." Derek weakly stuttered back.

"Oh please Derek, How would you explain the fact you looked like a blushing bride while she looked like a deer caught in headlights?"

"Seriously Addie, I don't know her." Derek denied.

"Really? You're going to do this? Fine, I'll figure it out myself." Said Addison humming to herself. "You obviously don't know her through Mark, which would have been the most obvious conclusion, because you were just as surprised by his behaviour."

"Yeah Mark.. I wonder how we never knew he knows Meredith Grey." Said Derek, trying to change the subject.

But Addison wasn't getting distracted. She knew Derek and knew there was a story there. "Derek, come on. Stop this nonsense."

"Ok fine. But you can't tell anyone." Addison nodded slowly and he continued. "We met last night at Joe's and she might have thrown me out this morning." He muttered so Addison just barely heard.

"You what?" Said Addison in an uncharacteristically loud voice before bursting into laughter. "Derek Shepherd finally had a one night stand... with Meredith Grey!"

"Shhh. Shut up." Hissed Derek dragging her away from the door. She allowed herself to be dragged, still laughing hard. "I didn't plan on it being a one night stand but I couldn't exactly stop it."

"Wait a minute, you're going to try to go out with her?" Addison stopped laughing and asked.

"No! I don't know! Yes! Have you looked at her" he answered defensively as his face turned red. Addison let out another laugh.

"There you guys are, I was searching for you." They whirled around as they heard Mark call out. "What are you still doing here anyways? Addie we need to get our scrubs and things." He said strolling up to them.

"How do you know Meredith Grey?" Derek butted in, curiosity getting the best of him.

"Yeah Mark, how do you know her?" Repeated Addison. "Because I've never heard you mention her and we spend every waking hour together."

Mark gave them a considering look, trying to find the best way to explain the situation. Then he just threw his hands up in mock surrender and started.

"So you know that trip I took to Prague for that medical conference?" He began.

Derek snorted and Addison said "Oh yes, when you disappeared without trace for two weeks, without even attending the conference."

"Yes, well, anyways. I was in Prague for the conference, but then I met Meredith and I sort of followed her around Europe." Derek and Addison exchange looks and Mark was quick to correct. "Not sleeping together, though we did sleep with a fair amount of people" He reminisced.

"At first, she was just a fun drinking buddy, who I could talk to. She drank me under the table every single night. Where she puts all that tequila is truly a mystery." He shook his head fondly. "I didn't even know she was Meredith Grey until my third and supposedly last day there, I thought she was just a regular College student.

Turned out, she had just finished her Residency and had already won a Harper Avery but still didn't know what she wanted to do. And she seemed fun. So I decided to follow her around on her backpacking trip and I convinced her to go be the freaking surgeon she is and we became friends"

"You're telling me she didn't want to be a surgeon even after winning a Harper Avery?" Addison raised her eyebrow skeptically.

"Mer is kinda crazy, and she has this thing about her mother, so yes, she wasn't sure she wanted to be a surgeon." replied Mark

"But how come you never told us you knew her? Even when she won her second Harper Avery?" Questioned Derek curiously "I'm sure we discussed it."

Mark just shrugged "I don't know, I never knew how I could randomly just bring it up. Besides she kept cancelling plans to visit me in New York, otherwise I would have introduced you."

"Let me get this straight, you didn't tell us you knew her, yet you moved to Seattle for her?" Addison said.

"Um yes, kind of. It just so happened that Derek took a job here and Alex told me she was considering a job here, and you seemed ready to go so the stars seemed to align or something." He said defensively.

Both Derek and Addison rolled their eyes now, used to Mark's rash decisions. "Who's Alex?" Derek finally asked the question that had been plaguing his head.

"Alex? That's Mer's best friend. I bet you anything he's going to be here in Seattle the moment he finishes his fellowship." Mark answered, slightly confused.

"Stupid crazy idiots" Muttered Addison from beside them and then said out loud "Now are we getting those scrubs or what?"

"Sure, Addie, let's go." Said Mark throwing an arm over her shoulders "Lead the way, Derek."

Derek grinned at his friends. He had missed them. But he couldn't stop thinking about her and he was fascinated.

A/N I know I know, I didn't give you the MerDer scene you deserve, but there are just so many interesting dynamics I want to explore. I promise this is the only day/incident that I'll write in such detail. It's just so fun getting all these perspectives and their reactions. The story will move faster after this, I just want to establish the base for the story right now. I still have to plan out the entire story so if you want any particular incident included, or something random included, you can write to me and I'll try to add it. There's probably going to be one more chapter before we move forward. Please Review!

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