Missing (On Hold)

By SamKayne

655 14 6

If you can not conquer the darkness, the only way you can survive is to become the darkness. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Missing- Chapter 1

296 4 3
By SamKayne

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  Every light, has its shadow...

“Hope! Hope!” I sat up, looking around in the dark room. The frantic banging on my door continued, my name being screamed. I shook the sleep from my head and hurried to the door.

“What is-“ I was cut short as I opened the door, “Mrs. Elaine? What has happened?” She grabbed my arm,  pulling me out of my house, her horrid sobbing never ceasing. She was covered in mud and had a few scratches on her legs and arms.

“Oh Hope,” she sobbed, “You have to find her. You must save my baby!” I froze, the lights of our small town, brightly shinning down on us, keeping the darkness out of the center of our town, our safe haven.

“Tell me what happened, where’s Addie?” I asked her, trying to calm her down. A loud sob erupted from her and she fell to the stone tiles beneath us.

“I don’t know where she is! Something took her! The darkness took her away from me!” I closed my eyes, taking a deep, calming breath. Another. Another loved soul, gone missing. Mrs. Elaine screamed, her head lowered, tears streaming down onto the ground.

“Where did you see her last? Mrs. Elaine, please tell me. I cannot help you if I have no clue where she was last. Please Mrs. calm down. I may be able to save her if we hurry."

I looked out at the dark forest, seeing shadows moving around. The darkness was never still to most, but not in my eyes. All shadows could become alive, become horrid creatures of the dark. I knew they were out there, in the forest filled with horrible evil, ready to take you away. If you were lucky, you’d only go missing. When you go missing, you at least have a chance. A very small, barely visible chance, but a chance none the less.

But more times than not, you’d simply be killed. Always in horrible, torturous ways. I stare out into the darkness filled with hatred. All the bodies we’d found that had become victims of the dark had been so horribly destroyed we never could tell for sure who they were.

All had been kept alive until the last possible moment. That’s what the evil darkness loved to do.

Torture you, push your body, your soul, to the last possible point before it breaks. Never was there a quick death. I was raised to fight back.

“It came into our house, came through her window.” She hiccupped, trying her best to stay calm enough to get the story out so I could save her little girl. “I woke up to her scream, ran to her room as fast as I could but when I got there, all I could see was darkness. Her room was completely full of it! Oh god it was horrible." She took a shaking breath before continuing. "It wasn't natural. It was thick and look like if I reached out it would be something touchable."

I put a hand on her shoulder, telling her to go on.

“I grabbed a lantern and shone it into Addeline’s room and, and…” She took a second to gather herself.

“There was this horrible creature standing over my baby! It looked at me with these blind  eyes, the rest of it cloaked in shadow, and it smiled at me. It smiled at me and then reached down where Addie was staring up at this creature. I can’t get the look of sheer horror on her face out of my head. She was so scared Hope!”

I clenched my jaw, fighting back the anger swelling up inside me. Letting it out now would not help anything. I swallowed the nasty words I wanted to say, pushing my anger down, locking it away until I found this thing that took little Addie.

“Then that nasty thing touched her. It put one long bony finger on her forehead and she fell back onto the bed. It looked as if she had simply fallen asleep. After that everything went dark, the light from the lantern only bright enough to light up myself. I looked around franticly but everything was so dark. I heard some whispering or something and then everything went back to normal, and Addeline was gone.”

I looked at her intently. I had heard many stories like this. The dark creatures were taking souls away from the bodies.

“After that I ran into the forest after them but they were just gone. I had to turn back because I could hear things coming after me.” She looked up at me, hope and desperation clear on her face. “Please find her before it’s too late. I’ve already lost my husband. I couldn’t live losing my little Addie as well.”

I smiled down at her, cupping her face with my hands. I willed her to be calm and soon felt that familiar warmth flow  down my arms into her.

She smiled up at me. “Thank  you Hope. Bring her back to me soon.”

“I will. Now go rest.” She nodded and slowly walked back to her house, a distant look in her eyes, and a small hopeful look on her face. I sighed, rubbing my temples. If this was like any other time, that thing was still out there, out in the dark forest with Addelines body, and her soul in a tiny cage. But I had to get to it before the sun rose. For when the sun rose, she would be gone forever.

My fists clenched and unclenched at my sides, as I stared out at the dark swirling shadows beyond.


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