A bit of fun. (bbxrae)

Por silvermoonskies

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Raven and Beastboy are more alike than they think when puzzle pieces keep appearing. Was a bit of fun all it... Más

A bit of fun
Chapter 2 - Cold
Chapter 3 - Deal
Chapter 4- Discovered
Chapter 5 - Best friend
Chapter 6 - Guilty Pleasure
Chapter 7- Wrong
Chapter 9 - Shock
Chapter 10 - Unpredictable
Chapter 11 - Forget
Chapter 12 - Let go

Chapter 8 - Date

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Por silvermoonskies

Beastboy was sat playing game station with Cyborg waiting for Raven. It had been almost 10 minutes and he was ready to leave. He decided to wear dark jeans, a plain white tee and leather jacket. Simple and complete change to what he wore a few years back.

“Where’s Raven?” Asked Cyborg. He was tapping rapidly at his controller, trying to stay ahead and focused.

“Dunno, should be here soon.” Beastboy shrugged.

“So, you two going on a date?” Beastboy froze, causing Cyborg to break out in a victorious cheer at the game.

“No. Cye. Dude, we are just going out as friends.” He said elaborating the word friends slowly.

“Whatever, I see-“

“Dude, stop with the: I see how you look at her.” He interrupted angrily. “We are not together. I’ll get myself a date for tomorrow night and prove it”

“Ha ha, sure…You do that.”

“I’m one of the hottest and best looking male teen superheros, of course I’ll get a date.” He growled.

“Gar, you ready to go?” Raven asked from the doorway. Beastboy and Cyborg stared at her with wide eyes. She was dressed in black high waisted jeans, a grey crop top, paired with a long amethyst pendant and black Dr. Martens. She looked ‘hot’ they thought, for a lack of a better word. It was rare that she wasn’t wearing her uniform, and although her attire was slightly gothic it looked good on her.

“First name basis huh?” Cyborg whispered suggestively at Beastboy. The green teen just growled in response and stormed towards the dark sorceress.

“Yeah Rae, I’m ready” he said and cast a glare towards the half robot. The two stepped into the elevator and began to go down.

“Nice pendant, makes your eyes standout” he complimented casually and began twirling a strand of her hair between his fingers. He really couldn’t help himself. Raven blushed.


“Turn your ring on, we’ll take my bike.” He said as they walked into the garage.


“Yup, got a motorbike remember!” he smirked and revealed a shiny black Honda motorbike. She was practically gawking at. She wasn’t one for motorbikes but honestly it didn’t look half bad.

“Are you sure you can ride it?” Raven mocked.

“Oh, shut up and put the damn helmet on.” He smirked and put his own on.


“What? Why?”

“I don’t trust your driving”

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. Plus you have your powers remember.” He assured her then placed the helmet on her head patting it. “Besides, I think you look cute. You’ll have to remind me next time to bring a camera” he teased.

“Like there will be a next time” she remarked sarcastically and sat behind him. He pressed the gas making the engine roar and bike rumble.

“You ready?” he asked looking over his shoulder. Raven just sat there not knowing what to do. Taking her arms he wrapped them around his waist. “Ready?” Before waiting for a response he sped off. She gripped his shirt tightly, probably digging her nails into his chest but the wind rushing over the two made it hard to tell.

“You’re crazy” she shouted, the noise and blur of the other cars and city made any focus disappear.

He laughed. “I like to live on the edge”

Raven could feel a smirk playing on her lips and let herself relax. Her head was resting on his shoulder and the sensation of the wind blowing past them was almost relaxing. The cool tickle of summer night air mixed with his body heat made her previous unease calm. The whole feeling was comforting and thrilling. She actually found she liked it.

He spared a quick glance at her and the sight made his insides tighten and flutter. He may have not been able to see her face but the way she cuddled up to him for safety and comfort made him feel dominant. He and his primal side certainly liked that feeling. The thought of someone hurting her made even the beast’s anger surge forth.

 The bike swerved to a halt and Beastboy turned the engine off.

Raven cautiously unwrapped her hands from him and climbed off. Her knees buckled from her instability causing him to laugh. His hands slid around her lower waist to hold her up.

“Always happens to first timers.” He laughed and took off her helmet placing it next to his. “I’ve never seen a girl’s hair look this good after a ride” he told her with a smile, brushing some stray stands of hair from her face. She blushed and pried his hands off her.

“So that’s why you have the bike. Using it as a girl magnet” she rolled her eyes. “Typical Beastboy”

His stomach churned at her comment. ‘Is that really what she thinks of me?’ “Only a few” he muttered and began walking towards a building.

“Where are we going?” she asked, following his lead.

“It’s 7pm and there’s a new lounge that opened. Thought you might like it.” He smiled.

“But that’s a club” she said, eyeing the building suspiciously.

“Yeah…there’s a club on one side and lounge on the other. Next time we’ll have to go to the club” he winked. She rolled her eyes and hugged herself from the light chill. “Com’on, we’ll be inside soon” he said and brought her inside.

As soon as they entered a bunch of girls eyed Beastboy. His hologram self-had bright green eyes and blonde hair in a slight quiff like usual. It was what he would have looked like without his powers. He wasn’t sure why but he didn’t want the attention, he wanted to be here, now, with Raven. But he had to get a date.

As they walked over to a table he studied each of the girls carefully. ‘Short pink dress, typical. Short skirt and knee high boots, nah, too slutty…’

“I don’t think they’re your type” Raven finally said. He looked over at her as she was sipping some…ice tea? ‘Huh, when did she get that?’

“And you know what my type is?” he teased, an eyebrow raised questioningly.

“Well…I don’t think you’re into the slutty type.” she paused and looked up at him. Her eyes pierced into him and he found he couldn’t shift his gaze. “I assume.”

“…huh? Oh yeah, no.” he was so entranced that he fumbled for his words or any form of focus. Shaking his head slightly a devious smirk played on his lips. Raven felt her eyes narrow. That smile only meant trouble. “Why don’t you pick me a date for tomorrow night? Cyborg said that…uh…he…that he was sure I couldn’t get one.” he had completely forgotten what Cye had said and now almost blurted it out to Raven. Raven looked up, only to find he wasn’t there. “I bet you’ll find me a perfect match” he whispered in her ear.

She blushed ‘Was he flirting?’ She debated whether she should flirt back. ‘It wouldn’t hurt, it’s only some playful banter. Plus he’s the one flirting’ He heart flipped at the thought. Shrugging she decided to take his advice and let loose a little.

“Well then I guess you’ll have to find me someone for tomorrow night as well. After all, you’re always telling me how I should let loose and have fun.” She said softly and took a sip of her drink.

His eyes widened. What had he done? The thought of her with someone else made goose bumps run all over his skin. But then he started it anyway. ‘Wait. Had she flirted back? That only meant… he flirted first.’ His eyes went wide once again. She took his advice, this was his fault. The again he was the one looking for a date to prove to Cyborg he didn’t have feelings for her. Didn’t he? He leaned close once again. “It’s on…Raven Roth” he breathed in her ear.

Of course they had to use either their real names or made up ones for their alternate identities. Beastboy went with his real one; Garfield Logan and Raven just added a made up last name; Roth. It was plain and simple, it was Raven.

He turned to a group of boys. They were all laughing loudly and flirting with the girls he first saw. He decided to look at the quitter parts of the lounge.

Raven however was looking for the complete opposite. Loud girly girls who always had smiles on their faces. She hated being able to feel what they did, it made her very uncomfortable. She studied one girl in particular. The young girl had long blonde hair with brown eyes, a natural beauty radiated from her. ‘Beastboy did once say he liked blondes’ she remembered. Raven felt her heart grow heavy. Pushing it aside she looked back towards Beastboy.

“Stay here” she told him and walked over to the girl. Putting a fake smile on, she walked over to the blonde. Beastboy watched her intently wanting to know what she was planning. Raven turned to him slightly with a sly teasing look meant only for him and carried on towards the girl.

The girl turned to ‘Raven Roth’ with a bright smile.

“Hello, can I help you?” she asked.

“Hey, and yeah I think you can.” Raven smiled. The girl looked at her slightly confused. “My friend over there” she pointed to ‘Garfield Logan’ who was sat at their table. “The one in the leather jacket with blonde hair has had an eye on you all night. Maybe you’d like to get to know one another” The girl looked over at him in thought.

“I dunno…” she replied hesitantly. “What’s he like?” Raven smiled and looked over at him. He watched her with confusion and interest.

“Well his name is Garfield and…he’s funny, strong, loves music and has a way with girls that makes them melt at his touch” The girl smiled at the thought and looked over at him with bright eyes. Beastboy’s eyebrows furrowed with confusion. What had she done?

“Sounds like me” she laughed. “Without the melting part” she added, then paused. “Well…I guess it would be nice to meet someone.”

“Great. How about a date tomorrow night? Does 7 sound ok?” Raven asked in the most girlish and friendliest voice she could muster.

“That sounds perfect. Do you have somewhere in mind?” the girl asked excited. Raven smirked and glanced over at ‘Garfield’. This girl was so similar to him that it almost made her laugh.

“How about the arcade” Raven suggested. The overwhelming wave of excitement from the girl made Raven nearly fall over. The blonde screeched with delight.

“I love the arcade and I haven’t been in ages.” She cried. “Oh by the way my name is Hannah, Hannah Benson and you are?”

Raven smiled. ‘Perfect’

“I’m Raven Roth, nice to meet you” she informed. The girl looked over at Garfield then jotted down something on a nearby napkin.

“Here’s my number” Hannah said and handed Raven the napkin. Raven smiled a thank you and walked back to her teammate.

Beastboy watched her walk right behind him. Before he could do anything else he felt her breathe by his ear. He shivered with anticipation. What was she doing to him?

“Got you a date and a number. Hope you’re happy…” she trailed off.

Her tone was soft and husky at the same time. It was the product of their flirt war. The one he had started. ‘Might as well win what I started’ he thought. She placed the napkin on his lap and turned away sitting back in her seat.

Taking a long sip of her drink she began. “It’s the blonde girl you saw me with. Her name is Hannah Benson and your meeting her at 7pm tomorrow night” she explained.

“Where?” he asked. She smirked.

“The arcade.”

“The arcade?” he asked confused. “What exactly did you tell her?” Raven shrugged.

“Nothing really.” She replied and took another long sip. Her eyes looked up from her drink indicating that she did in fact say something else. It really was nothing but if he wanted to think otherwise then that was his fault. ‘Now I know why he likes to play games, they can be fun.’ He narrowed his eyes then shrugged and looked away.

“Fine, I believe you” he lied nonchalantly then got up to leave. She stared with wide eyes.

“Where are you going?”

“Haven’t forgot about your date yet, have you?” he teased. She pinched the bridge of her noise in annoyance. What had she done?

Beastboy walked over to a rather good looking guy who was on his phone. The guy had black messy hair and wore a beanie. He looked rather gothic with his all black attire and combat boots but the phone in his hand and book nearby suggested he was smart. Beastboy smirked as he approached him. ‘Not good’ Raven thought ‘Definitely not good.’

“Hey dude, I’m Gar.” Beastboy introduced himself. The guy looked up at him with a blank expression.

“I’m Dan.” He said and turned to his friends. Gar decided to take a quick peek at Raven. The two others were talking about a hot, young Goth who was sitting alone and Dan found himself turning to look at her himself. He nudged Beastboy to get his attention. “Gar?”


“Do you know who that is?” he asked and looked over at Raven. Beastboy followed his gaze.

“Urgh Yeah.” He said and then instantly realised why he came to him in the first place. “Yeah…and I actually came talk to you about her” All three shot him confused expressions. Beastboy grinned ‘This will be fun.’ “Well you see... she is actually quite quiet and reserved at the start but can get extremely sarcastic and hot, if you know what I mean.” He winked. “Plus she’s really smart” The guys practically drooled which made him bite back an irritated groan. ‘Jesus. Why the hell did I say that? I just had to get a date. And now she’s going on one too’ he growled at himself internally.

“Does she have a boyfriend?” One asked. He had curly ginger hair and freckles. ‘Definitely not for Raven’


“Does she go on dates?” The other asked. He smelled of cheap dollar deodorant and Beastboy cringed as the scent invaded his senses. Sometimes it sucked to have enhanced senses even when they worked past the halo ring.

“Yeah, actually Dan what do you think?” Garfield asked. Dan looked up from his phone at him then Raven and shrugged.

“Sure. I can meet her at 6 at the Riverside Café” he said then turned back to his phone. “Oh and here’s my number” he added and gave Beastboy a crumpled leaf of paper. Beastboy muttered a thanks and turned to leave. He felt an incredible protective urge flow through him and spun back round.

“And don’t you DARE think about touching her or hurting her cause if you do, you’ll be sorry” he threatened. His frame was larger than theirs due to his athletic build and seemed rock-hard as it challenged Dan’s own. Beastboy turned around not waiting for a response.

His mood was severely dampened and his laughter and teasing was gone when he returned back to Raven. He handed her the number and told her the details. Raven, empath or not could see the anger clearly in his expression.

“I’m ready to go” she said in her monotone voice. As soon as Beastboy’s smile left, her own mood dulled. He nodded and the two headed home. As much as they both hated it, neither were gonna back down. After all the game was still on and they’ll soon find out if they chose the others perfect match.

 Rushed ending i know, i just cant wait to write what happens after the dates. I doubt i'll go into a lot of detail either, i purely want to focus on what Beastboy and Raven think.

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